Julia’s stomach fluttered as she laid the implements out on the bed. There was a method to Geoff’s madness, making her lay out her own punishment implements. He knew it would focus all of her attention on the spanking to come. Wondering which he would use, if he would use them all. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last that all the implements would be used. He was unpredictable that way. He had his favorites, and more often than not she got entire punishment spankings with the hairbrush only, but there were times when he decided that the lesson would sink in better if the punishment was layered, cane over belt over hairbrush, each implement leaving its mark on her bare ass and its impression on her mind.
It hadn’t always been this way of course. She vaguely remembered “before”. Before he had come into her life, before he had decided that she needed rules, before he had become her Dom. She had railed against the need for rules at first, hating theConstrained placed on her, testing his authority. She wanted him to be in charge, at least in some dark, rarely visited corner of her soul, but she always felt the need to test him. To make sure that he’d STAY in charge.
She was shaken out of her reverie by the tinny bleeting of the phone. She grabbed it, knowing who it was.
“Are you being a good girl and getting everything ready for when I return home,” Geoff’s deep voice asked in her ear.
“Yes Sir,” she said, confidently. She WAS being a good girl, which wasn’t always the case, and she felt a certain amount of pride in herself.
“Good. Now, you know where I expect to find you when I come home, right,” he asked rhetorically,” and after you hang up the phone I want you to strip.”
“Yes Sir, I will,” she exhausted. His voice always had that effect on her when he was in command of a situation. It left her slightly breathless, and made her body tingle in anticipation. She dreaded punishment, but part of her thrilled at his power, his ability to lead her where he wanted her to go.
“Hang up now, and finish getting everything ready. I’ll be home soon, and then I’ll deal with your disobedience from this morning,” he said ominously.
“I will,” she said as a shiver shot through her at the word “disobedience. Almost too late she added, “Sir”. She hoped it wouldn’t be added to the punishment. Even Though it had been her choice to call him that, it was still difficult to remember at times to show the respect she felt for him. She hadn’t been his submissive for all that long, and this was her first foray into the Dominant/submissive world, so there were times when she forgot things like saying Sir. He was only “Sir” when she was being punished, not during fun spankings or during everyday things. There was something that changed in her when she was in trouble that made her call him Sir, as if she were a disobedient little girl. HIS disobedient little girl.
When all the implements were laid out, Julia undressed. Her feelings of vulnerability grow as each layer was removed. The room had been warmed by the afternoon sun, but her unclothed state chilled her slightly. She walked slowly to the corner to await his arrival.
*************************************** She was starting to feel as if she’d been in the corner all day when she finally heard the key in the front door. She longed to run to him and Fall into his arms, but she know that would only get her into more trouble. His footsteps on the stairs leading to their bedroom seemed to match her heartbeat, each growing louder as he came closer. She heard him make a sound of approval at seeing her standing naked in the corner as she was told, and then feel his warm breath on her bare back as he walked over and stood close behind her.
“You know you’ve earned yourself quite a spanking,” he grew low in her ear,” and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.”
She shivered from lust mixed with a little fear as he spoke. Shehated punishments but loved how his power over her made her wet. She stood silently, knowing that he didn’t expect her to answer. Corner time was meant for quiet reflection of misbehavior, not for talking.
Geoff’s hands on Julia’s shoulders marked the end of her solidary vigil. She turned around, not looking at anything higher than his bottom shirt button. She couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze. She had disappointed him yet again, she just knew it, and didn’t want to see that awful look in his eyes, sadness that she hadn’t lived up the her part of their bargain.
“I want you to look at me, Julia,” Geoff said, much gentler than she’d expected. His hand lifted her chin so that she had no choice but to look straight into his eyes. She didn’t see the disappointment and sadness she had expected. Instead, she saw a mixture of compassion, love, and lust, and it surprised her.
“I thought you’d be disappointed in me,” she said quietly, as if saying it would make it so.
“I don’t like the fact that you disobeyed me, but I’m not disappointed in you. Nobody is perfect, not even me,” he said with a quick grin,” but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to be let off easily. You did disobey me, and you know that you need to be punished so that you will learn your lesson. If we’re going to do this at all, we’re going to do it right.”
Julia studied his face for a moment before answering. “You’re right. I screwed up and I need to pay for it. I’ve been feeling guilty all day, and I hate feeling like that. Not too hard though,” she asked hopefully.
“What do you think,” he answered, his voice deepening menacingly.
“Um, I think I’m in big trouble,” she squeaked as he pulled her over to the bed.
Geoff sat on the edge of the bed, and rarely punked her across his lap. He started right in, spanking her hard with his hand, making her twist and groan. His hand felt as hard as a paddle to her. She wondered, briefly, how he managed that, but her thought was cut short by the absolute roaring sing building in her bare ass.
She tried kicking her legs, which didn’t help the pain at all, and only made Geoff bring his right leg over hers to trap her completely. She panicked at the new state of affairs, knowing that she no longer had a way to defend herself against the searing spanks. She tried, in vain, to wiggle out of his graps, but that only made him spank her harder and hold on tighter to her nude flailing form.
“You’re not making this any easier on yourself, you know,” he said forcefully, accentuating each word with an accompanying smack. “The more you fight against it, the longer and harder it’s going be!”
After what seemed an eternity, Geoff stopped spanking her. Julia thought it rather odd that he’d stopped while she was still obviously not repentant. She hadn’t struggled as much near the end, but she knew that she hadn’t been even close to giving in. She knew then that this punishment was just geting started, and she wondered what else he had in store for her. Whatever it was, it did not bode well for her bare bottom, already red and singing.
“Alright, up you go, and back into the corner,” Geoff said as he led Julia to face the walls again. “I think you need time to think about how much trouble you’re in, and what you’re going to do to behave during your next spanking. Hands on your head. I don’t want you tempted to rub your bottom.”
Julia placed her hands on top of her head, and stared at the place where the two walls met. She couldn’t bring herself to think about what could be coming next. Geoff was fond of his “toys”, because he knew how well they worked on her. Use of any of the implements, or a combination of several, would have her bawling like a baby and promising to be a good girl forever. Not that it ever stuck, but for that time while she was trying to cope with a throbbing bright red butt, she means every word. She always intended to keep her promiseto be a good girl, but situations seemed to get out of control without her even trying, and then there she’d be, in trouble again. That morning hadn’t been any different.
She’d tried to get off the computer before Geoff woke up, having just gone online for a quick email check, but then a friend had come online and they’d started Instant Messaging. She’d lost complete track of the time, and before she’d known it, Geoff had been standing in the doorway, glaring at her. She’d known not to go online. Geoff thought that she spent entirely too much time on the computer instead of doing what she needed to do, and had curtailed her online time. She had thought that it wouldn’t hurt just once, as long as Geoff didn’t find out. She’d been seriously wrong though, and he’d promised her that she’d be seriously spanked when he got home that night.
So here she was, red sore butt on display, and about to get even more punishment.
She didn’t know how long she’d been standing there, but the ache in her arms, and the lessening of the ache in her sore bottom told her that it had been quite a while. She didn’t dare turn her head to check the room for Geoff’s presence, so she wasn’t even sure that he was still in the room. She knew one sure way to find out, but she feared for her bottom if she put her arms down. So she stood there, praying he would end this awful corner time, and praying that he wouldn’t, all at the same time.
Finally she heard movement and felt Geoff come up close behind her once again. He silently reached up and brought her arms down to her sides. The strain in her shoulders made her moan just slightly. She wasn’t cut out to be a status, she knew that much.
“Bend over, spread your legs, and touch the floor,” Geoff ordered.
Julia groaned, but did as he said. She had difficulty holding this position at times. It was precarious in the best situations, but having to stay on her feet while the rest of her was essentially bent double and getter spanked hard at the same time, was sometimes next to impossible.
Julia had barely bent over before Geoff started paddling her. The thin paddle stung and burned her already sore bottom. Her first instinct was to move forward, away from that awful paddle, but she restrained herself. Geoff didn’t demand that she stay completely still while being spanked, as long as she didn’t try to get away. She struggled to stay upright against the hard smacks of the paddle, and wished that she could just stand up. Geoff was showing no signs of letting up on her though, and she had no idea how many swats she’d received, or how many she had yet to endure. Geoff never counted either, he always said he just knew when to stop.
Geoff started talking then. “Now, let’s discuss your time online. Do you think you can control yourself and stick to your schedule?”
“Yes Sir,” Julia gasped between smacks.
“Are you going to behave yourself from now on,” he asked between spanks.
“Yes Sir, I promise,” she yelped after a very hard spank.
“Good,” Geoff said, ‘I hope you mean that!”
Julia was approaching the point where she wanted to tell Geoff to stop, but that was something she would never do. Geoff was in charge of when spankings ended, especially when it came to punishment spankings, and Julia refused to interfere. She knew she deserved it when she earned a Punishment, and she was determined to take what Geoff gave her. She’d never used her safeword. Even though she had one, they had agreed that it would only be used in a real emergency, not to stop a spanking because her bottom hurt.
Finally Julia broke. She sobbed out her pain and guilt, with great heaving breaths. Geoff gave her a few more hard spanks. She knew that he wouldn’t let her tears deter him, but then the paddling stopped and he helped her up.
Julia fell exhausted against Geoff’s chest, and she felt his arms close around her.
“Okay, it’s all over,” Geoff crooned quietlyas he held her.
Julia calmed down after a few minutes, her sobs quieting to sniffles and the occasional hitched breath. Being in Geoff’s arms always helped so much after she was punished, and she snuggled into his chest a bit more. She could hear his heart beat fast against her ear, belying the calm he was showing. She longed to stay right where she was, but all too soon Geoff detached her from the warmth and safety of his arms. She allowed him to lead her over to the bed, where he laid her down gently on the bed. Her bottom screamed pain at her, but she ignored it, winning only a little as the punished flesh made contact with the mattress.
Now that the spanking was over, Julia could feel how wet the whole experience had made her. She was always amazing at her body’s automatic response to being spanked, even for punishment. As her legs came together, she felt her inner tights slide against each other. Her cunt was drenched to overflowing, and even the pain in her bare ass couldn’t stop her from wanting Geoff’s cock inside her, slamming her into the bed beneath her.
Geoff, now as naked as Julia, all but jumped onto the bed in his haste to get to her. She could see his cock, rigid and red against his much paler belly, pulse with need. They kissed hard, almost savagely, Julia’s jaw hurting from the intensity of it. This was raw lust, both driven by the heat of what had happened. Their need was palpable, growing as their bodies fused together. When Geoff’s cock finally entered her, she almost roared, a low guttural animal noise rising from her throat. Her body rose with each thrust, and she no longer noticed the throbbing of her sore and punished skin, even when Geoff reached under her during an upward thrust to grab her ass. The orgasm that tore through her, reached inside her and grabbed the primary shout, bringing it clear out of her mouth. Her body spasmed and shook, rocking Geoff’s body above her, bringing him to his own violent climax. He collapsed on top of her, and they lay sweaty and panting in each other’s arms. They had no breath left for words, only silent exhausted kisses. It was still early, but they fell asleep in each other’s arms, not caring that the sun still shone outside.
They awoke a few hours later, both ravenous, so Julia went down to the kitchen for food and brought back a midnight picnic which they ate while sitting naked on the bed. They fed each other at times. Each sucking on the other’s fingers as they did. Julia could feel her password rising again, though not as desperately as it had after her spanking. The eating led to lovemaking, slower this time, not frantic. Geoff took his time, covering Julia’s entire body with kisses and flicks of his tongue. It was sweet torture for her, this drawn out attention to her every crevice. He spent long slow minutes playing his tongue over her cunt and clip. She squealed and moaned, pushed just to the edge of release time and time again, only to have him moveto her inner thighs until the pre-orgasmic tension left her. Then he returned to tease and torque her again, moving her clip out from its hiding place with gentle nips of his teeth, rolling his tongue over it slowly. She could barely stand the waiting, knowing that he was just biding his time before pushing her completely over the edge into bliss.
When the moment finally came, so did she, in one giant thrust of her hips, raising her midsection completely off the bed. She sank back into the mattress slowly, her legs feeling as if she wouldn’t be able to move them for days. Instead of feeling sleepy though, after a few minutes she was energized again and met Geoff’s kisses with renewed vigor. This time when cock met cunt, it was a much slower and longer meeting. Their initial firey lust had been dulled to deep password, the urgency giving way to lingering pleasure. Geoff’s thrusts were slow and deep, and Julia could almost feel him reach her ultimate depths. Every stroke of his cock was like his heart beating in her cunt. Her orgasm followed his so closely that she was sure that they had come together in that one perfect moment only told of in books. They fell asleep once again entwined around each other’s bodies.
Julia awoke the next morning to the blaring of the sun in her eyes. They hadn’t thought to close the curtains completely the night before, and the small slider of light blasting through the crack was a harsh wake up call.
She rolled over, and the memory of the previous night’s punishment came flooding back to her. She was barely able to suppress a loud yelp of pain as her bare bottom touched the sheets. She didn’t want to wake Geoff, so she slide carefully out of bed and headed to the bathroom to check the damage. She turned her back to the mirror and craned her neck to see her bottom. She noted the marks that ran up and down her bottom, telling of the paddling she’d received, and the dark red splotches here and there. Not too bad actually, she thought to herself. She’d thought that it would be much worse, considering how long Geoff had spanked her.
She walked back to the bedroom and slide into bed again, snuggling up against Geoff’s sleep-warmed body. She didn’t go back to sleep, but lay there thinking instead. She always hated being punished because she had disobeyed. If anything, she wanted to be punished because Geoff wanted to do it, because it turned him on. She loved good girl spankings, and improve pre-sex lust filled sessions over Geoff’s lap.
The thought of him punishing her just because he could, made her wet. Punishments for disobedience included his disappointment and she couldn’t stand that part of it. She wanted to be a good girl, his submissive who did what she was supposed to do. She didn’t want him to doubt that she truly wanted to be his sub. He was a very fair Dom, never making outrageous demands, never changing the rules on a whim. She appreciated that so much, and she decided that sheneeded to tell him. She needed to tell him so many things, and as she watched him sleep, she resolved to do just that. There was planning to be done, because she wanted to do it in a special way.
A few days later, after her bottom had recovered from the punishment spankings, Julia prepared for the big night. She hadn’t said much to Geoff about it, Only that he should be home on time and not to plan anything for after work. She got everything ready, the implementations laid out, and then she took a long bubble bath. She thought about what she was about to do as she soaked under the mounds of bubbles. This was important, something she felt she needed to do, to show Geoff that she was serious about being his sub.
After her bath, Julia dried herself off, but didn’t get dressed. She wanted to present herself to Geoff in a humble and vulnerable state, as a sign that she was willing to give herself over to him completely.
When Julia heard thekey in the door, she sat on the bed next to the implements. She had expected to be nervous, but she knew that she was doing the right thing, and that kept away any nerves she might have had. She looked up when he walked into the room, and smiled at him.
Geoff took in the scene before him. “Have you been a bad girl?”
Julia’s stomach fluttered at those words. It was an automatic reaction. “No Sir, I haven’t been a bad girl,” she replied.
“Then I don’t understand. What’s all this for if you’ve been behaving,” Geoff asked.
Julia stood up and crossed over to him, taking his hand. “Sit down on the bed, and I’ll explain, okay?”
Geoff sat down where Julia had been sitting, and she knelt in front of him. “After you punished me the other day, I started thinking about things. I decided that I needed to reaffirm my submission to you. I accept the rules, and there won’t be any more testing of the limits. I know that the rules are there for my benefit and that you onlymake them because you care about me. You don’t make rules to be mean, and I appreciate that. I’ll follow them the best that I can, and I’ll accept the punishments willingly if I don’t follow them. I want to be what I promised I’d be, which is your submissive, and I need you to be my Dom. The implementations are out because I need you to punish me. Not because I’ve been bad, but because I want to start with a clean slate. I want to start out all new because I know I wasn’t a very good submissive before. You’re my Dom and you don’t really need a reason to punish me.”
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