Submitting to a Dominant Dancer Pt. 02

This is part two of the three-part Dominant Dancer series. The story contains offensive slang, gay sex, slavery, bondage, physical and sexual abuse, and submission. If that bothers you, please stop reading here. All characters are aged eighteen or older and consent to all actions taken.


Submitting to a Dominant Dancer part 2

At the end of the drug fueled erotic night at a gay bar and afterparty, exploring my late submissive side, I was left gagged, hogtied, and placed in a locked crate as the domineering goth boy dancer Gage casually cleaned up and went to sleep in the large canopy bed just above me. “Good night boy, I will tell you all about your new future tomorrow.”

Despite my vulnerable position, my freshly shaven cock strained against the unfamiliar confines of the chatity cage under me, as drool seen out of my mouth around the gag. I understand and struggled fruitlessly in the locked crate, ultimately losting my battle against the expertly bound restrains. Unused to the late hour, exhaustion’s firm grip took control, and I finally slipped into an uneasy sleep filled with arousing twisted dreams of Gage’s body slamming into me as I tasted his cock.

I awoke from my uneasy slumber to the loud splashing of a thick stream of piss hitting the water in the toilet bowl. Looking up I could see Gage in profile through the open door to the small bathroom next to the bed. Even with my bleary morning eyes his lean hard pale skinned body radiated confident beauty. His large cock on full display and half hard in his hand as the piss erupted from him, he turned his head and smiled a vicious smile seeing me watching. “Maybe if you’re a good boy I will let you drink this someday.”

Gage made a show of slowly showing and putting on black designer pants, the expensive leather belt with the silver buckle and the fitted white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top showing off his firm defined dancers chest. “I am sure you have some pathetic life to return to and I have matters to attend to myself. Now when I release you are you going to behave?” Although everything I was still under his sensitive spell and nodded knowing it was true.

Once released, Gage commanded me to stand naked and at attention wearing only the chatity cage and gag in the middle of the room as he pulled on leather gloves and circled my body inspecting me. I felt vulnerable and exposed knowing that the lithe younger man was in absolute control. “Simon did an exceptional job. You’re properly groomed to your status and the new escape proof cage is fitted to you perfectly.” Gage took out a small metal tag and a pair of pliers, smiling as I obviously paled. Using the pliers he clipped the tag bearing an embossed ‘PG’ in a gothic font to hang off the Chastity cage.

“I have decided to claim you as mine, I need a project, and you will take a lot of work. That tag will let anyone who matters know you are the Proberty of Gage. I suspect this is not what you had in mind when you went out last night so you will get some time to consider it and one chance to back out. After I leave Simon will return with your things, once you settle the tab for this room, if you request it, he will remove the cage. But know if you do that you will be blacklisted in the gayborhood. No gym, bar, coffee shop or bookstore for a ten-block radius will admit you entry.”

Gage circled me like a predator, his gloved hand running along my muscled body as he talked. “But first, bend over that bench,” he commanded. Cowed and compliant I bent over the padded bench, ignoring the open restraints and holding on tight, my jaw aching from being gagged for so long. Gage’s gloved hand caresed my exposed ass cheeks propped up by the benchmark for a few moments. Out the corner of my eyes I could see the look of supreme joy he got by holding power over me and the idea of ​​handing over that power to him made me flush with excitementin anticipation of what was about to come.

Freshly groomed and in his expensive clothing he looked more like a fashion model for high end designer brands then the dominant dancer from last night but one expertly placed slap from his gloved hand onto my exposed ass eliminated any confusion as to his authority over me. “My rules are simple,” he said as he started to spank me with increased vigor. “First I contact you, you never contact me unless instructed to.” A rapid trio of hard slapses had my cheeks burning from the sting of his glove.

“Second you will answer my calls and Obey me at all times, there are no acceptable excuses.” Another round of hard slapses brought tears to my eyes; my knuckles white from holding onto the benchmark. “And lastly, I own your body for as long as I wish, you will Keep it shavled and groomed to my standards, this ends if and when I say. You don’t get a say after today.” The final round of spanking was so hard and fast that I swore he broke the skin butin the gag all I could do was moan in pain.

Peeling off his gloves and tossing them casually onto my back he finished, “Simon will be in soon, you may return to your mundane pathetic life until I call for you.” Confident that I would accept his terms, he left the room without looking back. I laid bent over the padded bench breathing hard through my nose, my ass cheeks burning with fire, my cock scanning in Its cage frustrated and unused, unsure what to do next. Simon, the blond twink who shave me the night before, freed me from my dilemma by coming in and issuing orders.

After treating my tender raw ass cheats with a cooling ointment from his ever-present black bag, Simon had attendees bring in my clothes that had been washed and folded. As I dressed and reviewed the enormous bill for the room, he never mentioned the tagged and locked cage on my cock and neither did I, we both knew I would not be requesting its removal.

Returning to my normal life after the unexpectedted weekend was surprisingly easier than I anticipated. I was sure people at work or on the street would notice the bulk of the cage hidden under my pants, but no one did. Even when my ex came by one night to pick up the last box of his stuff he did not notice. He did remark that I had a certain glow to me and my demeanor was lighter, that I looked more content then when we were together. With the exception of feeling horny all the time and being unable to bring myself any sexual relief in the chatity cage, the weeks were entirely mundane.

It felt weird being the boss at work while knowing Gage was claiming me as his property, but the locked chatity cage and tag hiding inside my pants were a constant reminder. Stepping out for lunch, at the end of the week, I was walking through the lobby when I got a text from a previously unused contact on my phone that was labeled ‘Your Owner.’ It was accompanied by a hastily taken selfie of Gage shirtless and coated in a sheen of sweat clearnedly taken in the bar the night we met. The text read, “Look to your left.” I could see Gage wearing soft leather designer pants and a short skintight Prada t-shirt that didn’t make it all the way to his pants leaving a thin strip of exposed skin on display.

Gage was standing along the wall half hidden behind the decorative lobby trees and plants, summoning me to him with a curl of his finger. Trying to casually look over my shoulder to make sure none of my staff could see me, I darted over to attend Gage. His casually sensitive commanding presence already made my body pump extra blood below the wait as I slide between the gap in the trees to stand before him.

“Hello boy, I sensed some hesitation in your looks, but you didn’t delay in obeying me and that is a good sign.” The heavy concrete boxes lining the walls of the lobby that the ornamental trees grow out of did not provide total privacy, anyone could walk between them like I did, but they did conceal us below the waitAssuming no one was looking too hard. Without warning or preamble Gage’s hand slide down the front of my business suit’s pants and he grabbed my engaged balls below the cage giving them a painful squeeze.

Our bodies were unlikely close in such a public setting and his hand maintained its grip as he spoke, “It’s nice to see my boy in the wild.” The hand in my pants slide around and he took a possessive squeeze of my ass before withdrawing his hand and pointing at the ground. I knew he wanted me to knee, but I froze, my status as his property clashing with my sense of self at work. “I don’t give second chances boy, down now!” He grewled in an ominous low tone that broke me out of my stalemate as I knelt, praying the plants and trees hidden me from the usual lobby traffic.

“I only came by to check that you were maintaining your grooming routine and to tell you that you will be hosting me as a guest at your gym tonight, but now I will require more. Grab the back of your beltwith both hands and don’t move them until I allow it.” The brief hesitation was gone, and I quickly grabbed the back of my belt, the sense memory of being handcuffed by Gage making my body flush and stiffen with excitement. Gage unbuttoned the thin leather of his designer pants below the t-shirt that cost more than my suit and pulled out his already hard twink meat.

I held my hands behind me gripping my belt tight as the smooth cockhead passed my lips and entered my mouth while Gage spoke in a casual tone, “I felt no stubble on your front or back, and that is the only reason you are not getting spanked in the middle of the lobby rite now,” he said as his hips started to thrust. My mind went blank of everything but Gage in that moment, I forget that I was in the lobby. That anyone who was curious what the pretty man was doing behind the trees could simply walk over and see if they were so inclined. I didn’t care about any of that, tasting and pleasure the cock in my mouth attached to the perfect angelic body hovering above me was my only focus.

Gage reminded me of my place below him, praising my attention and obedience while punishing my hesitation by using my mouth as his fuck hole, gagging me with his cock. My entire world had shrunk to exist of only Gage until I drank down his twink juices, and he wiped his dripping cock on my tie before buttoning up his pants. It was Only as he stood back and indicated I could move my hands and rise to my feet that I remembered where we were.

Dispite the risks and my worst fears, we both managed to extract ourselves without any incident. After Gage was chauffeured away in the back of a luxury town car, I managed to wash my face, buy a new tie, and grab a quick lunch with my remaining free time. That night after work as I walked up to my local gym, Gage was waiting outside as he promised he would be.

I held the door open for Gage showing him the proper deference of a superior before following himin. I could see the young trans girl Lily openly gawking at his beauty and then flirting with Gage as I signed him in as a guest. Gage was charming and playfully flirted back before we went to the locker room. As I undressed to change Gage tossed a pair of pink ladies panties and a pair of classic black dolphin shorts with white trim on the benchmark.

One of the reasons I liked my Country Club Style Gym vs the bigger and gayer places was that it was never crowded and most of the clients were older executives and retirees leaving me alone to focus on my work outs. The lack of bystanders helped me manage my embarrassment as I slid the pink panties over my shaken and caged cock and Gage stroked the fabric clearly enjoying the view before allowing me to pull on the feminine dolphin shorts.

With Gage’s radiant charm at my side no one noticed my new gym wear or the brief flashes of pink as we worked out together. For the first time since we met Gage affected a more casual tone on thegym floor. I knew he was still in absolute control, but he must not have felt a need to reform it with his words and deeds. As the night progressed, each of us took turns spotting the other as Gage opened up about his life and asked questions about mine. The ruthless domineering twink was always lurking in the background but kept restrained as he asked geneuine and insightful questions about my life.

I learned about how Gage was forgotten in tragedy losing his parents young and forced to grow up too soon raising his siblings while fending off the sharks that wanted to get a bite of his and his family’s inheritance. He had lived and fought more before he was eighteen then many people do in their whole lives. When he came of age and managed to wrestle full control of his trust fund away from lawsers and accounts who tried to manage him, he also started to discover who he really was and what he liked.

Despite my normally impressive fitness, my body was sore after nearly twohours on the work out floor, while Gage seemed to have unstoppable stamina. Regardless, I knew he would not accept me stopping before him and I muscled through. As we finished on the nearly empty gym floor and headed back into the locker room I could see the shift in his eyes. Whatever brief sanctuary I had enjoyed from his domineering control on the gym floor ended as we entered the locker room.

“Slowly,” he instructed as he gage for me to undress. “Entertain me,” he added as he sat on the benchmark making it looks more like a throne under his regular posture. There was no on else in our part of the locker room at that late hour, but the gym was still open, and anyone could come by as I started to slowly undress. I turned my back to Gage and gyrated my hips while slipping a finger into the wait band of the girl shorts, running it back and forth before slowly pushing them down.

Bent over and looking between my legs I could see Gage was smiling at my display and I continued my attempt at an erotic dance for him by peeling off my wet t-shirt and swwaying for him in nothing but my new pink panties. When he patted his knee, I backed up and gave my best impression of a lap dance as his hands stroked and pinched my body, his arousal clearly evident in his shorts. My own cock was pressing on the cage and pushing out from the panties as my almost bare ass rubbed on his steel hard cock outlined in his elastic workout shorts.

The scene was interrupted when one of the older gym members returned to the locker room to get a forgotten item in their locker. He clearly saw the display but did not stop to gawk, instead he only snickered to himself as he passed by. “You see,” Gage said as he pulled my hips down so I was sitting on his firm rod, “Even the old guy can see you are just a caged pussy boy looking to be used by a real man like me, he didn’t even blink.”

Feeling emboldened, Gage stood and pushed me into the lockers, my sweaty muscle chest making the unlatched lockers rattle as I slapped into them. My hands were spread wide in front of me, my panties slid down to my knees as he pushed me from behind into the lockers. I bit my lip knowing I was close to learning what it was like to be the bottom to another, but Gage was not quite done teasing me.

“Don’t move,” he commanded as he stepped back to admit the view of his property. I wanted to turn my head to see his face and body, but I didn’t dare. I stared forward at the locker in front of me as I heard the zipper of his gym bag open and soon felt the silver ropes bind my wrists to the empty lockers on either side of me, pulled wide in a tight standing T pose. Once my arms were secured, he stood behind me again spreading my legs with a kick of his feet making me feel more vulnerable and exposed then any prior time in my life.

“I wonder if the old pervert will come back to watch,” he teased as he pulled back and spanked my exposed ass. I bit my lip as he worked over my ass with a series of quick hard slaps turning it beet red. “I can see you wanting to cry out or beg me to stop, let me help you.” The spanking paused long enough for him to slip the sweat-soaked panties all the way off and shove them into my mouth. “There that will give you something to chew on fag.”

Tears ran down my face before he finally stopped the spanking and rubbed my sore ass cheeses while running his wet finger up and down my shaken ass crack. His voice was a growl as he spoke, “You are mine; I know you know it, but I love making you remember it.” As he finished his sentence, he pushed the first digit into me breaching my virgin hole. I chewed down on the wet silken panties in my mouth as he expertly opened me up with slow deliberate pushes adding a second finger.

“Are you ready for my cock boy? is your faggot ass begging to be used by me?” he grew as his fingers continued to work my hole. Unable to speak I nodded knowing it was true; I wanted nothing more then for him to fuck me immediately. The moment was interrupted again when Lilly the flirty young trans girl from the front desk walked into the locker room. “The place is all locked up you are the last two here, are you ready?”

My wet back went cold as Gage stand back, his bodies warmth separating from me as he reached up and turned my face to see him. He had one arm around Lilly’s shoulders as he spoke, “Yea lets go, this cock hungry fag hole will wait until morning for a proper stuffing.” Grabbing his bag the two left together as the lights went out in the locker room leaving me bound to the lockers. My cock straining and leaking in its cage, my ass gaping and left wanting more, but denied for now.

The end of part 2


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