Submitted for Your Approval Ch. 1

She twisted her finger nervously around a few loose strands of hair while speaking softly into the receiver. “Mr. Gamble, I must admit, I’m honoured that you are allowing me to do this story. Rumour has it you’ve turned down many a reporter.”

“Do not feel that you are any better then anyone else, Cassie,” he shot back cruelly, “Conceit is not a becoming feature in a woman” Feeling quite offended, Cassie decided against risking the story by commenting on his rudeness.

“Now,” He said in a friendlier manner while still maintaining his serious demure, “you do understand, of course, that I have some conditions that must be met. If these rules are not followed, I will stop the interview immediately and you will not be permitted to return to the club. It is very important to me that you understand this. Do you understand this Cassie?”

“Yes Mr. Gamble; Of course. Anything.”

“Excellent.” he replied. She could almost sense his pleasure in her response.

Erik’s S&Mclub had been the talk of the town since its grand opening just two months ago. Many local church groups were not impressed with the idea of ​​a hangout that “promoted physical and sexual abuse.” It didn’t take long before the angle protectors started trying to block the entrances and began harassing his patrons. Erik eventually had to beef up security, but was pleased with all the free publicity. The line-up to catch even a small glimpse inside soon stretched for blocks.

That night was a sleepless one. Cassie tossed and turned madly in both anticipation and fear of the evening to follow. Her first meeting with Mr. Erik A. Gamble; the most sought after, controversial man she had ever had the good fortune of interviewing. She was NOT going to blow this opportunity.

The shower was most refreshing after so little sleep. The trickling water teasingly licked at Cassie’s swollen pink buds, gradually reducing them into helpless little pebbles. Recalling her phone conversation fromthe previous evening, she felt a sudden rush of excitement surge through her body. Closing her eyes, her middle and index finger began to trail down slowly between her cleavage and continue their path over her belly. A slight moan escaped her as the two fingers grazed her smooth sad pussy lips, then gently stroked at the sensitive cliporis. Returning to her senses, she halted the playful touch and quickly shut off the water concerned that she might be late if she yielded to her desires.

Her clothes was to be chosen with great care today, as she did not want to disappoint Mr. Gamble. His stern, insistent voice still echoed in her head “If you are to step foot in my club, you must dress appropriately. You are to wear your shortest skirt. If you have not a skirt that reveals your legs to at least midway above your knees, you are to buy one.Your shirt should be something dressy. A body-hugging blouse of thin material would be to my preference, but I will be flexible on that for now. You are to wear no bra. Your panties are to be white and bikini cut. To complete the look, I would be very pleased with the cliché knee-high stockings, garter, and siletto heels. Call me old fashioned.” And then he snickered at his own little joke. It was the first time in the whole conversation she had heard him laugh.

After much contemplation, Cassie decided on a short, pleated skirt and a form fitting white silk blouse. She undid the top three buttons then tucked it in to further enhance the ever-popular “schoolgirl” look. As she rummaged through her closet she thought to herself, “The canvas shoes will have to do.” Grabbing her notepad and purse, she rushed out the door.

Once outside the club, Cassie introduced herself to a couple suited up gentlemen she assumed were the bouncers. The man who took her ID gave instructions to the other fellow to stay with her while he announced her arrival. Several minutes later, a tall, broad man with dark hair and strong jaw-lineopened the door and motioned for Cassie to come inside.

“Its nice to meet you, Cassie.” the attractive man said while extending his hand, “I’m Erik Gamble.” As they shook hands, Cassie felt his gaze soaking her in from head to toe. He knew someone as lovely as she must be used to men gawking at her beauty. Sensing this, he did not give her the satisfaction of feeling she was anything more then adequate in his eyes. After a few seconds of looking her up and down his only response was “canvas shoes.” Then he chuckled slightly with a noticeable hint of disapproval and offence in his tone. There was a long, awkward silence before he finally clapped his hands together and said, “Well then, shall we get started?”

As Erik lead her through the club, Cassie scanned the room. Tables and booths were scattered about the same as in any other club, but what really caught her attention was the crowd. Her jaw dropped in disbelief as she gazed upon all the daring and outtrageous outfits wrongby the majority of the client. For the first time that night she felt overdressed. Her eyes then wandered to a corner booth where a topless female was sitting, spread eagle, on the lap of another female. She paused momentarily and watched in awe as the girl on the bottom sucked ferociously on the others nipples. Just as that same girl’s fingers were finding their way beneath the topless girls skirt, Erik took notice. “It’s Not polite to stare, Cassie!” Struggling to hide a small hint of a grin forming on the corner of his lips, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her onward.

“We can begin the interview in here. Then there aren’t so many distractions,” Erik explained. Feeling a tad disappointed about leaving her newfound surroundings, Cassie nodded and followed him into a small back room. “Have a seat, Cassie,” he said as he pulled a chair over to her.

Within the first few minutes of the interview, Cassie couldn’t help but notice that Erik was some distracted with his thoughts. Finally, after having to repeat her questions so many times, she lost her patience. “Mr. Gamble, am I boring you?” She asked angrily.

“Huh?” He responded, shocked.

“I apologize for my rudeness,” she said regretting immediately that she had spoken up, “but you seem a bit unfocused on the interview.”

“Cassie,” he said- and then there was a long pause.

She narrowed her eyes curiously.

“Cassie, when we spoke last night did I not specifically inform you of our dress code here?”

For a second she wondered what he was getting at, but then her eyes caught him peering down at her shoes.

“Yes,” she replied nervously, “You did”

“Then why on earth would you show up wearing scuffed up, old canvas shoes?” he asked in rather apparent announcement. “Were you trying to test me to see what would happen if you were defiant?”

“No Mr. Gamble. I swear I didn’t mean to insult you,” Cassie felt her face turn flush as she explained, “Times are toughfor me right now. I haven’t had a lot of work come my way lately, and can barely make ends meet. Please understand that if I could have afforded the shoes you wanted me to wear, I would have never shown up in these.”

He watched her eyes began to tear up.

“Under normal circumstances, Cassie, I would call off the interview and you would be removed from the premises. I made it very clear to you on the phone that you were expected to abide by my dress code. If there was a problem, you should have spoken up then.” He paused briefly and looked up in a thoughtful manner before continuing his lesson “However, I could see where you would feel awkward in explaining your situation to me, so I will overlook this one incident. In the future, though, do not expect me to be so understanding.”

“Thank you for understanding” Cassie replied gratefully. Then she continued on with the interview. This time she had his full, undivided attention.

As part one of the interview came toan end, Erik began to describe what her wardrobe for the following day was to consist of. ” Aside from the shoes, Cassie, I was impressed with the selection of your outfit today. The next time we meet, I will be expecting to see a little more skin. Will you be able to do that for me?” Cassie nodded. His gaze suddenly moved downwards and landed on her chest. It was then she realized the thin material of her white blouse left not much to the imagination.

She turned a bright shade of crisis as Erik took notice of her nipples hardening at his mere glance. Without warning, his hand began to reach slowly across to her. Her reflexes caused her to let out a loud gasp and flinch back in her chair as he drew nearer. His eyes instantly shot back up to meet hers, while his hand halted for a moment, remaining in mid-air between them. She could not read his expression, but was hypnotized by his penetrating blue star. Once he saw she was more relaxed, his hand continued on its journey makingIt stop just above her cleavage.

Cassie felt a shiver run down her spine as he lightly ran his middle finger down where the buttons in her shirt met. He then, ever so gently, undid the button allowing the tips of his fingers graze her flesh. Cassie witnessed a breath of both relief and frustration as she felt his hand draw back away. Her luscious flesh shafts remained safely covered beneath the shirts soft material. “You have wonderful breasts, Cassie,” he said finally “you should not be so shy about them. It would please me greatly if you left the bra at home once again.”

That night, while shuffling through the fridge in search of something to call dinner, Cassie was surprised by the chime of the doorbell. Through the tiny peephole stood a scrapny woman holding what appeared to be a big white box. Curiosity finally got the best of Cassie and she opened the door a crack.

“Special Delivery for Cassie Greenlaw.” The woman announced as she held out the box.

“Could you please just leave it on the porch?” Cassie replied.

“Allllrighty then.” Said the woman. She placed the mysterious package on the ground and made her way back to the car.

Cassie hesitated a moment before opening the door the rest of the way. After staring at the strange object for some time, she picked it up and brought it inside.


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