Her hands rested on his shoulders and her breasts rubbed against his back through the corset she was wearing. “You’re weak, that’s why you’re my slave.” she hissed in his ear. He could feel her hot breath in his ear as she spoke. She had to crane up on her tiptoes to reach his ear but that didn’t diminish the contempt in her voice, “There’s a reason you were captured. A reason you’re chained here at my will and a reason you’re hard but haven’t come in.. what is it 2.. 3 weeks.. a month? What has it been?”
“Answer me when I ask you a question!” she spat viciously twisting his nipple.
“I.. I.. don’t know mistress.” he stammered. He truly couldn’t remember. His mind was in a fog. He despised her, but the cattle prod hanging on the wall kept him from disobeying. The mere thought of coming made him harder.
“Look at you, you randy little slut,” she commented as she reached around to stroke the base of his cock. Her breasts again pressing against him and her breath was inhis ear. “My my, aren’t we hard.” The weights hanging from his balls had ceased to be a distraction. His body twitched with the need to come. A white hot password seared through his loins. As she removed her hand, he bit his lip and let out a moan. “Ooo, we are horny, aren’t we?” she cooed.
“What is it you like so much, my hand on your cock.. Lisa licking your tights.. or your beautiful mistress rubbing against you?” she said, reaching around and giving the base of his cock one small firm stroke. This time she rubbed up against him with what felt to him like naked breasts. The feeling of her breasts and the fact he could only imagine them not see them heightened his degree of frustration. He had almost forgotten about the ministries of the naked slave on all fours in front of him. Her purpose was to titillate not to fulfill, and he knew that. He tried to avoid looking down at the sweet curves of her ample hips. Doing so only made him think of stepping behind her and ramming his cock into her.
She moved in front of him and kicked the slave at his feet away, then she reached up and with one finger pulled his chin down so he looked into her eyes. His gaze quickly surveyed her breasts but they were now back within the confines of the low cut body. He could however see the soft curves of her flesh as he stared down at her cleavage. “Look me in the eye you slut!” she commanded swatting his dick with her hand for emphasis.
“You’re weak. I control you. But you refuse to beg for the collar! Obviously you need to be taught your place. You still don’t understand.” she said half as though she were thinking out loud. “Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. A little contest. You win and you’re free. You lose and you’re mine and you wear my collar.” Her voice was quickening with each word, he could hear her getting excited.
“Hmm, what do you think?” she queried reaching down to slowly stroke his cock.
“I.. I.. ahhh,” he stammered only half comprehensiding what she said. His mind was consumed by the hand on his cock. Lust welled inside him, his body shivered in anticipation, his breath quickly.
“Ok here it is..” she began, immediately removing her hand from his cock and tugged on the weights hanging from his balls sending a jolt of pain through his scrotum. The fire left him as quick as it had come. He gasped in frustration. He slumped against the chains holding his hands above him. Were it not for his bindings he would’ve collapsed on the floor. Slowly his breathing slowed and what little composition he had returned.
“Unless of course.. you’d like to beg for your collar now? Hmm would you? Good slaves do get to cum.. would you like to cum?”
“N.. No ..” he managed, trying to gain some composition.
“You don’t want to cum? What a pity. You look so horny,” she said running her hand lightly over the length of his cock.
“N.. No.. No.. No collar.. ” His mind was racing. He wanted, needed more than anything tocum. He gazed down into the chasm of her breasts wanting to bury his face in them while she stroked his dick. But chained as he was he was helpless. No matter how much he needed to cum, no matter how great the pain his pride keep him from begging for the collar. He looked down at her milky white thighs framing the ‘V’ of her bodice as it went into that delicious area between her thighs. He couldn’t stop staring at that tantalizing gap between the tops of her stockings and the bodice.
“Look at this pathetic creativity” she mused to herself, watching his eyes. She could easily get him to beg for the collar using the prod. But it just wasn’t fun that way, and it missed the point. Slaves must have no pride. There is no place for pride in a slave. Theirs is to do and be, as mistress wishes, unconditionally. All the better for a slave to eliminate pride on their own. Then they have truly given themselves and they are slaves to the core.
Lust was OK. Lust made a slave all the moreInteresting, at least as far as she was concerned. Lust could enslave but only in the absence of pride. That she knew and understand well. “Ok here it is,” she began again, “When next we meet, a little contest. If at the end you’re wearing my collar then you’re mine. If not, you’re free.” With one last stern look in his eyes she turned to leave. “Lisa! Come.”
He gazed at the two women walking from the room. One head high and an air of haughtiness the other hands clenched behind her back following her mistress. On both he could see the soft curves where their buttocks met their thighs. Oh he needed to jack off so desperately. He scrunched his eyes closed and squeezed his thighs together to provide some relief, but there was none.
“Back to the pens, hands condensed,” he heard as the door slammed behind them with a thud. The slave stood in the center of the room with her hands claped behind her head, legs spread and breasts jutting out as her mistress circled around her. Theslave trembled with desire as she caught the cent of her mistress passing in front of her. It had been over a week since she had been allowed to cum, an unusually long time for her but not for many of her owners’ slaves. She was a slave, her owner’s property and she would cum only when allowed to. She would endure anything asked of her. She existed for her mistress’s pleasure and long to fulfill that role. Seeking pleasure in the pleasure of her mistress was all she knew.
The deft stroke of her mistress’s hand on her buttock sent a shiver of password through her. Her owner’s hand ran down under her buttock under the short skirt barely over her hips and slowly rose to her breasts encased in a see through mesh top. She arched her back longing to give her mistress the pleasure of her breast if that is what she desired. Her nipples rubbed Against the sheer mesh, and she gave a little moan. She felt her mistress run a finger up her spread thighs, and play with her pussy lips, pushing them back. She shivered slightly as the moisture started to run down down the insides of her thighs.
“Hmm.. Lisa you delicious little tart,” her mistress declared, holding up her wet fingers for Lisa to lick off eagerly, “Listen closely. If you do a good job and I mean good! I’ll give you Ray and Jake to use for an evening.” The extra incentive wasn’t needed as she longed to knee and Please but the thought of the two massive slaves at her feet sent a delicious twinge through her loins. She had never had such an opportunity before. The thought had never.. “Listen!” her mistress’s sharp command broke her thoughts. “Do as I say and you’ll be rewarded more. Come!” and with that her owner turned and briskly moved towards the door. Putting her hands behind her back she scampered on the balls of her feet to catch up.
He lay there chained to the table. Hands chained to the top of the bench and his legs spread and chained to each bottom corner. There was a thick strap across his hips. Beneath his neck lay an open iron collar, the joint in the back painfully biting into his neck in spine of the given of the padded surface of the table. The two halves of the collar stuck into the air on each side of his neck separated by several inches. When he gazed down at his toes he could see their blurred outlines.
Dispite himself he found himself getting hard. His body twinged in anticipation despite his mind’s reservations. He had forgotten the last time he had cum. He wasn’t even able to imagine what it was like any. However, his body long for release. Even though he hadn’t cum he hadn’t been without pleasure. His mistress saw to that. The titillation was almost constant either visual or physical. He hadn’t seen her since the encounter where she had announced her ‘contest’ and he knew their next meeting would be pivotal. He didn’t for a moment believe he would be freed as she said but he knew if his resolve failed the result would be disastrous.
The collar was new. Never before had it touched his neck. The metal’s constant cold reminding him of its presence. The joint pressing into the bones in his neck dampened his arousal allowing him to further his resolution.
He had lost track of time laying there with the twin sensings of his erect cock twinching in the air and the joint of the opened collar biting into his neck. Suddenly with a soft thumb the heavy wooden door opened and his mistress briskly walked in with a slave scampering behind on the balls of her feet. His mistress had on a satin chemise cut low with only the slightest of straps on her shoulders. The chemise hugged her left thigh and cut diagnostically across to her opposite thigh inviting him to try to peer in the shadows between her legs. The slave had on the same brief skirt and mesh top that again seemed to accentuate rather than conceal her body. The slave stole a glance his way and their eyes met. At once the slave’s eyes were abused to the floor. “That’s a willing slave,” he thought, “Not me though, never!”.
“Why look at you!” his mistress exclaimed, motioning for the slave to knee and approaching the benchmark. “Did you miss me?” she pursued in mock playfulness. “It sure looks like you did,” she continued while reaching down to stroke his cock.
His breath immediately started to quicken and his loins started to tighten. “Oh my, aren’t we frisky Today,” she said withdrawing her hand leaving his cock twitching in the air. She bent over and rested her chin on his shoulders. He tried to keep his eyes facing upward but despite himself he found himself averting his eyes to look at her. His eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of her breasts hanging loosely in the chemise. He could almost make out the faith beginning of her nipples.
She hovered there for a moment allowing him a good eyeful. “Like the view? You’re so predictable. Can’t resist.. can you?” she said disdainfully. “Hey guess what?” she continued, standing up and idly running her hand over his smooth chest. “It’s time for our little contest! But I’m sure you remembered.. didn’t you? Maybe that’s why you’re so excited,” she said motioning towards his cock.
“Oh look I see you have your collar ready! Shall we close it up now? If we do you can have your way with Lisa?” With that his imagination ran wild with the thoughts of a female body to use. He glanced towards the kneeing slave unable to see anything other than a shoulder and a hip behind his mistress. “Hmm, what do you think?”
“No..” was all he could mutter grimly.
“Pity, but it will be more fun this way,” she stated confidently. “Lisa, come!” she barked while walking around behind his head. Lisa trotted over, hands behind her back, breasts bouncing underneath her top. Her nipples now pushing out against the fine mesh but too large to slip through.
“What do you think of him Lisa? Looks like he will make a fine slave no? Go ahead look him over. But don’t touch yet.”
“Yes Mistress,” came the slave’s reply. Her eyes hungrily devoured his body coming to rest on his thick hard cock. Lisa pursued her lips and hungrily licked them, her breath quickening.
“Lisa turn around and bend over. Show him what you have to offer.”
Lisa turned and bent at the waist. Her skirt rode up on her ass, all her charms on display. The sweet curves of her ample hips framed the lines of her sex meshed in between sinewy muscle thighs. “What a nice pussy. Wouldn’t you agree?” His gaze was transfixed at her rotund bottom. His breath was quickening and his tongue licked his lips. Would he be allowed this woman? As he wished? He had given up hope. He had put such thoughts from his mind, but his mistress had planted the seed in his imagination and his mind ran wild with it.
“I think he likes you Lisa! Stand up turn around and show him how yummy your boobs are,” mistress coated. Lisa stood, turned around and gathered her breasts together in her hands. Pursing her lips inpleasure, her hands kneaded and massed her breasts pressing them up and together.
“Take off your top and play with your nipples,” mistress continued. Lisa compiled and soon was rolling her nipples between the fingers of her hands. He stared up at her transfixed, longing to bring his mouth to one of the slave’s nipples. “Lisa, is your pussy getting wet?” mistress asked.
“Yes mistress!” Lisa replied as she kept tweaking her nipples.
“Mmm let’s see then.. put your fingers in your cunt and see if they come out wet.” Lisa reached to her crotch and massed her slit, then slowly inserted a finger in her cunt. Her hips moved forward to embrace the advances of her hand. Her eyes closed and her lips parted as she gave herself up to her fingers.
“Tut tut now, that’s enough,” scolded the mistress “I give you an inch and you snatch a mile!” With a sight Lisa removed her fingers from her slit and took a moment to catch her breath. “Ooo look at that, you are wet aren’t you.. what a good little slut,” mistress chimed in, “Wipe your hand off on your title.”
“Yes mistress,” Lisa responded, doing as she was told. Her fingers lingered around the nipple, rolling around the areola and covering them with the sticky sweet wetness of her sex.
“Would you like a taste of ‘pussy nipple’?” the mistress bent and whispered in his ear loud enough for Lisa to hear. All he could do was emit a low guttural moan. He was staring hypnotized by Lisa’s breasts.
“Lisa!” the command was simple but Lisa knew what was expected of her. Lisa bent to offer him her breast smeared with the juices from her cunt. When her breast was barely inches from his face she stopped.
He tried to crane his head to reach Lisa’s breast but his mistress had a hold of the hair on his head immobilizing him. He whimpered in frustration. “Not just yet,” she said reaching up to fondle Lisa’s breast just above his face. “Would you like a little lick?” she purred in his ear.
His breakfastth had quickened and his lips were parted in password. His head strained trying to reach the breast, but she held it immobile. “Stop. Be a good boy and wait till you’re told to lick.”
He sank back and waited. Hoping he would be allowed to. “Now let’s see your tongue, stick it out.” the voice breathed in his ear. The voice was all consuming. His world consistent of the breast looming in front him and a voice echoing in his head. “There we go, stretch out your tongue. Show me how you would lick that nipple. Good, now put it back.”
He compiled, licking his lips and staring at the breast. “Now when I say so take one little lick, understand?”
“Yes,” he mouthed.
“Okay, now.. a.. little.. taste,” she said drawing out each word. Her free hand now brought Lisa’s breast close enough for his outstretched tongue to lick. His tongue met her nipple and he hungrily tried to suck in her breast.
“Stop!” she commanded, pulling his head back and pushing Lisa just inches away.Again he whimpered with desire. “I said one lick. Now let’s try again. Be a good slave and do as your told,” she said sternly. As Lisa was lowered toward him mistress coached, “Now be a good boy, just one lick. Do as your mistress bids. Just one..”
The voice in his ear consumed his thoughts. “One lick.. just one..” echoed over and over in his mind. When the breast was close enough he brought out his tongue and slowly, lovingly ran it from just below the areola up over the nipple trying to savor every second of the chance to lick. His nostrils drank in the scent of Lisa’s sex smelled on her breast. As his tongue returned to his mouth he could taste her. The smell and taste of Lisa was now intoxicating him.
“Mmm that’s a good boy,” the voice in his head pursued, emphasizing ‘boy’. The praise warmed him and calmed him somewhat. He felt proud of doing as he was bid and not losing control. “Would you like to suck on my slave’s nipple?” the voice continued.
As before he could only mouth “Yes,” transferred as he was on the breast.
“She’s my slave you know. I own her. She does what I want, when I want, with who I want. This breast in front of you is mine. Her cunt is mine. She sucks what I want and fucks what I want. She would even fuck you if I told her to. Would you like her to fuck you?” The thought of fucking Lisa sent a shiver of pleasure through him.
“Now be a good slave and give Lisa’s nipple one little suck. You can do that, can’t you? You can be a good slave. Obey your mistress. Your mouth is mine. Lisa’s nipple is mine they both must do what I say. Just one little suck. You can do that can’t you slave?” There was nothing in the world but the voice and the breast to him. He resolved to do it perfectly. As he was bid. Maybe he would be rewarded for a good performance. He opened his mouth in anticipation.
Lisa lowered her breast and his mouth strained to meet it. He breathed deeply through his nose to take in the aroma of her sex still wafting below her breast. He opened his mouth to envel her areola and ran his lips slowly towards her nipple, all the while moving his tongue over and around her nipple. As his lips closed around her nipple he slowly sucked in and drew his head back till her nipple popped out. Dropping his head back he savored the taste and smell of Lisa.
“Very good slave. You really are trying to please!” He basked in the glow of the prayer and readied himself for his next task.
“That’s enough!” mistress exclaimed, pushing Lisa away and raising her head from his ear thus breaking the spell. Seeing Lisa move away he struggle against his bonds to follow but they didn’t give. “Ooo.. liked that did you?” mistress commented watching him wrong on the table. “Up with you Lisa, down between his legs,” mistress commanded After watching him suffer in frustration for a minute.
“Just be careful of his cock. He could explode at any moment, from the looks of him.” Lisa did as she was bid, kneeling up between his legs. “Lisa why don’t you lick his balls for me,” suggested the mistress.
Lisa lowered he head and gently nuzzled his balls, causing him to gasp in pleasure. Looking down at his feet he could see the outline of Lisa’s curvy hips, swinging slowly in the air. Lisa slowly circled her tongue around one ball then the other. She then put her tongue at the base of his scrotum and licked up Between his balls. Her tongue slowly traced a slick path all the way down to his asshole, where it rimmed around and made him jump, started. Lisa pressed her lips against his ring, and slowly probed with her tongue. His cock throbbed with a life of its own, coming down against her forehead as she tried to cram as much of her tongue up his ass as she could. He was getting fucked by her tongue and his hips were bucking up against the table, if only he could get some friction against the head of his cock he would shoot off straight to the bare lightbulb over them! Abruptly she pulled out and came back higher, and gently sucked one ball in her mouth, then the other. Starting her tongue at the base of his dick she licked all the way around his ball sack. Then she began the routine again, all the while purring in pleasure. He could see out of the side of his eye mistress’s hand cupping her pussy and rubbing it with one hand, while her other was between Lisa’s thighs.
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