Allison was getting a bit anxious waiting for her plane to board. She was uncomfortable sitting in the airport without her Master by her side. Allison compiled with all of her instructions, including lifting her skirt and sitting on a handkerchief in public settings. She became self-conscious as soon as she placed the handkerchief on the seat. As she lifted the back of her skirt, she became aware of the passenger sitting behind her who lowered his glasses as her bare ass sat down. Unless instructed otherwise, Allison was never allowed to wear panties.
Sitting there with her legs crossed she became aware that she was breaking a rule and quickly uncrossed them. Her knees were now almost touching, keeping her unexposed, but her comfortability levels were dropping. She looked to the side of her skirt and could see the bare flesh of her thighs all the way up to her hips. She thought to herself, “I know someone can see my ass” and started to blush. It was bad enough when she was with her Master, but this was her first trip alone as a submissive.
Finally her plane started to board. Allison stood up and put the handkerchief in her purse. She knew she would need it again as soon as she got to her seat on the plane. Once she picked up her other belongings, she got in line with all of the other passengers.
Allison kept wondering if she was talking out loud or if she was keeping her thoughts to herself. “at least he didn’t pick out my ultra-mini skirt for me.” Her traveling skirt was made of a soft, rayon material, coming down to the middle of her thighs. It was rather loose fitting and she wore it well. Her outfit also consistent of open-toe heels and a cropped sleepless sweater. She was sent out of the house sans a bra and a panties. The fresh manicure and pedicure were in light pink. Allison’s Master wanted her to look extra cute and innocent for the plane trip, but he did add one surprise.
Before leaving the house she went over her instructions with her Master. Even though she was headed out for a business seminar, she would still be representing him and wanted to fulfill all of her duties. She went over her list with her Master. Her purse was packed with her travel handkerchiefs and a small butt plug to be killed every night while she slept. She commented to her Master that he had given her a light assignment list.
“All you want me to do is flirt with whoever talks to me and wear my plug at night?” she asked him.
“NO!” her Master shot back. “I do not want you to forget to use the handkerchiefs as you are prone to do. They are to be used in taxis, while waiting for your plane, on the airport, in any restaurant, and at the seminar” he commanded her.
“Yes Sir”, Allison replied. “I will not forget.”
As she boarded the plane, Allison noticed that her seat was in between 2 other passengers who were already on the plane. Her first reaction was of fear, but as she pictured her Master picking out her seat assignment weeks in advance, she smiled to herself. Unfortunately, that did not ease her rapid pulse as she pardoned herself while maneuvering to her seat. She pulled a handkerchief out of her pursuit and placed it on the seat. Both of the male passengers looked up with a sense of surprise. Allison closed her eyes as she turned, lifted the back of her skirt and sat bare-asseted on the seat. She was positive that the men got a good look at her naked ass.
“well”, Allison thought, “I know both of them are going to talk to me, and all I have to do is flirt with them, take a deep breathe”, and she let out a sight.
It didn’t take long for both gentleman to strike up a conversation with her, but their tone and demeanor were not pleasant. Each of them quickly made reference to her not wearing panties. This made Allison quite uncomfortable and she started fidgeting in her seat.
After the plane took off, the flight attendants walked down the aisles with the beverage service. As Allison turned to lean towards the attendant and ask for water, the gentleman in the window seat placed his hand under her hip, touching her bare skin. This made her jump, but she did not say anything. The attendant gave her the water and left. When Allison straightened herself out, the hand was now moving towards her ass. She grabbed him by the wrist and removed it from her body.
“Do not touch me”, she said to him. This is not What her Master means when she was instructed to flirt. She knew that if he wanted her to make physical contact with a stranger he would have stated so in her instructions.
The gentlemen recoiled his hand, and made some offensive remark to her. Allison was now pissed off that she could enjoy her trip in her submissive role. She thought for a second and decided to see what she could arrange with the flight attendant.
Allison climbed out of her seat and walked to the back galley of the plane. The attendant that had served her the drink was standing therealone. Allison explained that the gentlemen sated on either side of her were making her uncomfortable, and wanted to know if there were any empty seats in a different section of the plane. The attendant was quite compassionate and asked Allison if she wanted the gentleman reported.
“No, that’s not necessary”, Allison said. “I just don’t want to be bothered by another guy on this flight”.
The attendant pointed out an empty row at the back where they were standing.
“you can have all 3 seats to yourself, if you’d like”, she told her.
“Thank you very much”, Allison replied. “Let me go get my things and I’ll be right back.”
Allison walked to up the aisle, stepped on the first gentleman’s toes and she reached in to grab the bag she had placed under the seat. She started to walk away When she realized she almost forgot her handkerchief. Another blush came to her cheeses as she leaned over and snatched if from her seat.
When she got to the back row, the attendant offered to help her with her bags.
“Let me hold this while you get yourself comfortable”, she told Allison.
Allison thanked her and leaned over the seats to place her handkerchief on the middle one. She knew that the further she leaned, the further her skirt rode up the back of her ass. Allison glanced over her shoulder and noticed the attendant staring at her naked skin. It was the attendant that now started to blush. Allison smiled and reached out for her bags. As the attendant handed them to her, she pointed down towards Allison’s legs and asked:
“um, I have to ask, what was that, in, your, um….”
Allison leaned towards the attendant and whispered to her “Oh”, She said, “those are anal beads that I’m wearing.”
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