Submissive's Journey 02

Okay, so maybe I went too far.

I was so excited by experimenting with my new shadowles, that I kept making it more and more difficult for me to free myself. I set up an area in the basement for this purpose. It looked innocent enough – merely a small but strong hook in the wall that was hardly noticeable, and a stack of books on the floor. When I was home alone, I would sneak down to the basement. There I would undress (down to my underwear at first, but as I got bolder, completely naked) and shade my wrists. Climbing up onto the books and stretching my arms up high, I would loop the chain between the shadele cuffs up over the hook on the wall.

By varying the number of books under my feet, I could stretch my arms farther and farther upwards. This of course enhanced the feeling of being a prisoner. Sometimes I would stand with my face towards the wall, imagining horrible things being done to me, such as being whipped. At other times I would face away from the wall, and imagazine being interrogated by my captors. I left the key in the shadowle lock, to make it easier to undo them.

Then I got the bright idea of ​​hammering a nail into the wall, and hanging the key to the shadowles on that nail. This was off to the side from the hook, so I would have to slide my tower of books sideways with my feet and then climb up to retrieve the key. The amount of freedom that I was given due to the chain between the shadowle cuffs let me reach this far while still being secured to the hook.

My arms became more and more accustomed to being stretched upwards and bearing my weight. Finally, I was able to stand on the floor itself with my arms stretched up high above me, almost dangling helplessly from the hook. The excitement was amazing! The feeling of being naked and helpless was almost like a drug, and I needed more each week. My erotic fansies, driven by my self bondage, grow in leaps and bounds.

Thank goodness it was a strong hook. My muscles strainedmightily, tugging at it and pulling at it. At times I would shout defiance at my imagination captors. Or I might whimper and plead for them to stop what they were doing and free me. Verbalizations added to my thrill, as well as physically struggle. My body often glistened with a sheen of sweat after my exercises. And, my thighs often glistened with the sheen of their own – the excitement generated by my imagination made me lubricate often and copiously. I thrilled to the feeling of my pussy juices trickling down my thighs as I struggled. I built quite a satisfying fantasy world in that basement as time went on. And all went well. Until that fateful day!

I was not expecting my housemate, Susan, to come home for hours. Normally, when she went to the mall, she spent the entire afternoon there. So I thought I had plenty of time for another session of my ‘game’, my body tingling with anticipation. Racing down into the basement, I removed and tossed my clothes aside, locked on my wristShackles, placed the key on the nail and looped my chains over the hook, so I faced away from the wall. I don’t really know how much time passed as I indulged my current fantasy, but I know it could not have been hours. Suddenly I heard Susan’s car in the driveway!

I panicked! Scrambling up the stack of books to reach the key, my feet slipped! Books scattered! Franticly I reached out with my toes to try to drag the books together, trying to pull them on top of each other with my feet. I had to reach that key! Now my struggles were real! I heard the door open upstairs. I heard my Susan call my name, saying she was home, but I dared not answer her as I usually do. I heard her footsteps walking around upstairs, probably looking for me. So far, I had managed to get three books on top of each other. Still not enough to reach the key, and I was frantically scrambling for more. Perhaps the scraping of the books on the floor alerted her. Some strange sound from the basement! My heartAlmost stopped as I heard the basement door open and her voice saying, “Who’s there?”

I didn’t know whether to answer or not. I frozen motionless – naked, chained, back against the wall, staring at the basement steps, praying she would lose interest and go away. But then I heard a stair creak – she was coming down! Step by cautious step she descended still asking, “Who is there? What is going on?” Her feet came into view, then her legs. I think I stopped breathing at that moment, almost ready to fail. And then she leaned over and peeked down, and our eyes locked! I saw her eyes widen with surprise and heard her gasp! And I experienced such a sensing of humiliation as I have never felt in my entire life! I felt a blush start on my face and cheeses and spread down my neck, erupting with heat.

I had climbed down off my practically small stack of books to turn to face the steps. My arms were fully stretched above my head. My uncovered tits were jutting out, pointing in her direction. I wanted to cross my legs to at least cover my exposed sex, but in my fully stretched condition, the best I could do was press my thighs together. Since I was staring at Susan’s eyes, I became aware of the moment that her initial shock had passed – because her eyes then began slowly descending, apparently taking a good look at all that I was revealing! And I could not tell for sure, but judging by the wave of heat, I think my flush must have descended my body, following the line of her descending gaze! I swear that even my toes must have flushed!

I heard her clear her throat. Then she stammered, “Who… Who did this to you? Are they still in the house!?”

I hung there in my chains, not knowing how to answer. The silence stretched on second after second, and still I did not answer. I saw her look of concern turned to a look of confusion, and then – comprehension! I knew that she’d figured it out, and my shame deepened. I finally had to admit, “No one did this.” My voicecaught as I ended with, “I did it to myself.”

Her next question was obvious, “Why?” How could I answer such a question? Tell her about my driving needs? Tell her about the excitement brought to me? Tell her about my fansies?

My answer was pretty lame. “It’s hard to explain. But I can’t reach my key. It’s up there on that nail. Will you get it for me please?”

“Oh! Of course I will!” Her expression returned to one of concern. And she came forward, gathered some of the books into a stack, and started to reach for it. But then she stopped, and lowered her arm. She stopped looking at the key on the hook, turning her head to look again at me. And again I saw her expression change, this time to one I had never seen before! But a tingle ran up and down my body as I saw her gaze rake over my naked flesh. I think my thighs quivered as I saw her scanning me. The intensity of her look made me feel more naked than I’ve ever felt in my life before! And she came even closer to me– my exposed skin could feel her body heat – and stopped, staring at me. Slowly she said, “I get the feeling that you do this for excitement. Is this true? Are you excited right now?”

My heart raced in my chest, my mouth went dry. But before I could answer, probably with a lie, my traitorous body betrayed me! I felt a tiny trickle of fluid escape from my cunt, and slowly creep down my thigh. And I also became aware that my entire body was giving off the cent of arousal, filling my area of ​​the basement. And Susan was standing so close. There was no way she could not become aware of it. So, I merely nodded, mutely. But I was not prepared for what happened next.

Susan asked, “And what happens if I do this?” And she reached out slowly, deliberately running a fingerprintip around the edge of my left areola! Her touch was electric! My body jerked in the chains, slamming my back against the wall. I barely stifled a scream, but I’m sure that my heart pumping was audible to us both. She nodded her head, grinning – no further confirmation was needed… (continued in part 3)


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