Submissive Valet Service

Another year gone by and it was time for Masters favorite event. Once a year they held the Annual Masters’ Auction. It was a very closely guarded secret event and very exclusive. The wealthy Master’s would bring their subs with them, only to parade them out of the car. Once at the valet desk, subs would be turned over to a staff of obedient servants and safely “parked” elsewhere on the spraying estate. Only Dominants were aloud in the grand ball room where the auction was held. Since I have no idea what the auction was like, let me tell you what it was like being parked.

Being “parked” basically means to be secured and locked down so you would be fresh and unused when your very aroused Master was ready to work you after the auction with whatever they may have acquired there. This, however, wasn’t Just simple locks and keys as you will see.

Master had me put on my fancy collar and high heels that matched. Nothing else was aloud.

On my knees by the front door he approached. Taking my jeweled leash, he latched it to my collar. Two tugs being my command to rise meant it was time to go. I rose letting Master move a few steps ahead I then followed, eyes down, obediently. Approaching Masters limo he handed my leash off to the driver who then walked me around the back of the car and opened the door. Once inside, he secured my seat belt and returned to Master, opening His door for Him.

The drive seemed eternal but finally we slowed down and turned into the driveway and through the gate. Past the guards we drove for another half mile or so to the main house.

Pulling under the breezeway, the driver walked around and opened Masters door. When Master was out the driver then fetched me. Passing my lean back to Master, he climbed back into the car and drove away. As Master walked me to the valet desk my heart sank knowing I wouldn’t see Him for hours.

Three quick tugs and I knelt behind Master. Reaching in His pocket, He pulled out the keyto my collar. Exchange it and my leaning for a golden metal tag He turned to me.

“Be obedient. I don’t want any bad reports from the staff.” I nodded in compliance as a tear ran down my cheek. Wiping it away he leaned down and kissed my damp chef. I shuddered feeling loved and relieved.

As Master walked away I felt the two tugs and was off to be parked.

Eyes down a few feet behind the valet we walked through a wooden gate. The path followed a hedge a short distance from the house. A light breeze swept over my nakedness chilling me a little. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the windows of what must be the ballroom. All light with lace curtains. Apparently I had started to fall behind. Feeling a sharp tug on my lean I was brought back in step and had to leave my drifting thoughts behind.

Approaching what looked like a barn we stopped at a door. The valet knocked twice and the door swung open. Leading me past several stalls he brought me to mine and ledme in. Turning me around he had me knee on a raised padded square. It had wheels under it but they were locked in place for now.

Looking up I saw an older woman walk in, whom I had met last year. Seeing me she smiled, “Well hello dear. I’m so glad you’ve come to visit again.”

She had to be in her seventy’s, but she didn’t act like it.

Walking towards me she placed a hand on my back and motioned the valet to bring in her cart. On the cart were all of the items Master had supplied for my care.

I was glad she was there but I knew that there could be disappoint to come. She told me to lower to all fours and raise my bottom. Taking a liquid syringe full of lube from her cart, my caretaker placed the tip just inside my ass. A push of the plunger and she flooded my bottom with the slippery liquid. Taking it out, she placed it back on the cart and picked up a curved device I had never seen before. At one end it had a three inch post and at the other, silicane covered bars that ran along the plate. Placing a hand at the small of my back, she pushed the post into my ass. The bars then lay directly on either side of my inner labia. I also noticed a small nub push just far enough into my pussy to close it off. Pushing it firmly into me she took her free hand and pressed a button on the center of the device. As soon as she did this, I felt the post in my ass separate into multiple flair’s locking it tightly in place. The silicane covered rods closed on my labia forcing my cliporis out just far far enough to press it into the curved plate. Fully locked up, I now understand why Master decided to have me measured a few months before. The fit was perfect. Strict but not overly invasive, for us.

With the command to position 1, I raised back up, resting my ass on my heels, hands turned palm up on top of my legs, knees spread ten inches apart.

At almost a whisper my caretaker told me to raise my eyes. In her hands was a three inch wide collar with thickrings on three sides. She explained that Master wished for me to wear it the rest of the evening. With a nod, I again lowered my eyes. Taking the key for my collar from the valet, she unlocked the brass padlock keeping it in place and removed it. Placing it carefully in a wooden box, she locked it up safely with my brass padlock. Laying the key on top of the box in a velvet lined depression, she placed the box at my knees.

Feeling the valet lift my hair, my caretaker placed the thick leather collar around my neck. Feeling the heavy buckle latch into place she took a very heavy duty looking lock from the cart. With a very assertive click the lock closed ensuring I would wear this collar until Master was content with our play.

Next came thigh restraints. They were made of the same thick heavy leather and there were wrist Restraints sewn directly to them. One at a time the caretaker wrapped my thighs in the thick leather and placed another large padlock through the buckle locking them in place. Then taking my arms one at a time she locked my wrists to the thigh cuffs palms up forcing proper form.

Last, she took a length of heavy chain, locking one end to my collar and the other to a loop in the floor of the platform I was on.

Firmly locked in place she inspected all that had been done to ensure it was proper and in place.

Slowly a gold plated cage was lowered over me. Fit to the platform, it was locked in place. A golden tag matching the one given to Master was hung from a hook on the cage. The valet noted the room number on the tag and then a black cloth cover was drawn over the cage hiding me from any inquisitive eyes.

Feeling the wheels unlock I was rolled out of the building and off to wherever I would find myself next.


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