Submissive Training Ch. 02: The First Binding

Dear readers, this is the first component of the second assignment for an aspiring submissive. As such, it is an erotic induction, but this is NOT fast-action gratification.

Original crafted for a specific woman, some details of the event have been removed for obvious reasons. With the adventure of bondage and Dominant/submissive relationships as edgy public conversations, I have found that many aspiring Submissives have played with the toys without gripping the core dynamic that drives the sexual energy. *Smile*

We will eventually get to the juicy bits of bondage, impact and more, but you will have to be patient. The arousal is in the ride; well done, the arousal IS the ride.

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Good evening Dear, please set aside the package that you received for later, first your instructions.

As always, once you fully understand the lesson, you are free to choose to submit and obey, or remain as you are. Make no mistake, I am working my art, I am crafting you into a finely tuned submissive, skilled in serving; especially me. If you accept the training, you accept my hold on you, you accept the changes that I work in you. I know of your trust in me, otherwise I would not offer you the choice to submit. Still, you must consider carefully and choose only after you weight the alternatives.

We have discussed what you know of your nature, the choices that you regret, and what you desire in a Dominant to master you. You have acknowledged both your struggles and what you crave. We both have concluded you need a Dominant to be complete, to provide you the focus you need to Both transform and heal. You need that strong will, that fierce nature to press in upon you and take your breath away with it’s intensity.

This is the lesson of First Binding. I hear the sharp intake of breath, we both know how you love loosing yourself in the bonds. This lesson will prove to be far more erotic as almost all of it will occur in public. I smile because I know that flashed through you like a lightning strike; as oft the case with me, that is both true, and a lingering tease that has you wet and tingling with pert nipples.

I caution you that if you are successful in this lesson, it will move you deeply, and will change your perspective of yourself, making you far more selective in your entertainments. Admittedly positive, it is an edge that cuts both ways, you will find inferior choices hollow and dissatisfying.

I will say no more to titillate you, and will only remind you that I am resolute in seeking your best. You will have to trust my judgment and my art, because once we start your only path is to complete this assignment. There will be no “safe word” and nothing less than your absolute immersion is acceptable. There is no extreme danger to you, but there are no netsThis time out – choose wisely.

The details of the assignment are in the envelope attached to the top of the package.


I am pleased that you took the deep breath and dove in, Good Girl.

You know that I am watching you discretely, I saw the small smile when you read the above. I also know how my words warm your heart … and those moist lips. Take another deep breath and read on. You will be increasingly warmed as the day goes on.

First things first, now that we have begun, you are excused to go to the washroom and remove your panties. I specifically instructed you to wear them so that this will be your first act of obedience. You know how I can’t be bothered with panties, and the cool breeze on your moist lips will be an ongoing tease. As always, Your body is now mine for the duration. You do not have permission to touch yourself or cum until I order you. You do have permission to run your nails up the insides of your thighs, raising the level of your need – if you feel especially daring. Begin the next page when you return.

You should have that small smile ghosting your lips now, with your other lips tingling.

This is the quandary of a submissive – how to determine the suitability of a Dominant before giving yourself fully into his power? As you have observed, the most obvious trait is a man who does not need you. That might seems counter-intuitive to the outsider, but a man who needs a woman can never be truly dominant. Truth be told, I very much appreciate women and sex, but have lived the life of a stoic for extended periods when it was necessary. My life would be a more hollow existence without women, but I refuse for any of them, or the general need of a woman rule my life.

Thus the attention of the hunt. Just as I prowl Around the edges of your mind, I prowl around your flesh today. It is crowded here, and yet you feel my eyes, my intent, my focus. You stand at the edge of the jungle, and ponder the risk of entering as willing prey. At the same time, you control whether you walk away or dive in. You know well that you will not come to harm from me, but the act of binding is that deliciously slow transfer of power into my hands. Yes, I know the thought of my hands entities you, as it should.

Open the light green fabric pouch. The decoratively worked loop is a variation of a rolling hit – the name alone is a wonderful playground. Often used by sailors as a stopper, or friction hit, in this ornamental usage it displays a continuous progression around the loop. Run your fingers lightly over it, feel the regular bumps, the unending nature of it. It is unassemed in its presentation, and yet phenomenonally effective once closed on a limb; in a word – inescapable.

Slip off your right heeled boot, and slide this over the mouth of your boot until it rides across the ankle, then slip the boot back on. You’ll note the small tassel knot that you draw the loop closed with – that is my signature knot, and to the discerning eye, marks you as mine. Subtle, but you feel the tug on your right ankle now, it is as if you feel my hand closing around the ankle, holding you fast, beginning the binding. You will feel that slight tug now, the call of my hand on your ankle, even as the hunt continues. You are marked and claimed, long before you feel the last knot immobilize you. The Desire to surrender, to be taken builds.

Knowing what is coming is not unlike the tide rolling in, slowly climbing up your body. Touching, caressing, splashing, stroking, pressing, you begin to feel each receiving wave drawing you down, pulling you deeper into the rising tide. The tide will eventually draw you in, wash over you, wholly consume you, but the slow, chaos, tantalizing nature of it takes you to another place.

Your next stop is a neary restaurant – you are expected. Stop bouncing that right leg, I know what you are up to – but you have my permission to sway and wiggle along the way to tease men. “To eat or be eaten” … you will be even more hungry soon!


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