Submissive to Dominant, Pt. 01

Standing naked in front of her full-length mirror, Jocelyn Reynolds stepped into her new pink thong underwear that contained a remote-controlled vibrator. A present from Robert, her boyfriend of three months, who knew that his girlfriend adored sex toys.

She fastened her half bar that forced her 44C breasts together and upwards but didn’t cover her nipples. Then she attached the new sterling silver necklace around her neck. Another Robert gift.

It’s onyx pendant hung in her clavage. Linked to the pendant were two chains with round nipple clamps at their ends. She inserted her right nipple into the loop with its alligator teeth and adjusted the retainer cinch so that the clamp was secure. She did the same to her left title. Her nipples stood proud and erect.

Then she squeezed the sides of the pendant and the alligator teeth tightened.

“OOOH,” she whimpered.

When she released the pressure on the pendant the teeth contracted.

Whe did Robert find thats unique piece of jewelry?

She applied greater pressure further tightening the teeth.

“AAAAAH,” she moaned in masochistic delight.

She let go of the pendant. It hung between her breasts. The tension on her nipples subsided.

She’d never experienced anything like this before. How much arousal she could endure?

She squeezed the pendant and the teeth bit harder.


She applied more pressure and it felt like the teeth were piercing her sensitive nipples.

“OH … MY … GOD.”

She continued to squeeze. A mind-blowing sensing of pleasurable pain.


She was panting. Her nipples were on fire. She’d never been aroused like that before. Could it lead to an orgasm?

Before she could find out the alarm on her phone beeped.

Bummer. She had to leave now, or she’d be late for the symphony.

She released the pressure on the pendant and the alligator teeth returned to their default poscenes of snug with a milk level of pain. When would continue discomfort become unbearable age? She’d consider it a success if she could wear the nipple clamps until intervention at the concert.

She slipped on her cream-coloured silk blouse leaving the top three button undone to show off her cleavage, the necklace, and the pendant. Then she eased into her maxi bodycon royal blue skirt with its slit to her left hip. She brushed her shoulder-length brown hair, applied lipstick, stepped into her Christian Louboutin red silettos, picked up her clutch, and was out the door.

Forty minutes later she exited the cab and greeted Robert with a kiss at the front door of Symphony Hall. In a tailored tuxedo he looked like James Bond.

“You look gorgeous,” he said. “Good enough to eat.”

“Maybe later,” she said with a smile.

“We’re the guests of Miriam and Alexander Massey whom I’ve only just got to know.” He linked his arm through hers. “Come along. We don’t want tobe late.”

They entered the Maestro’s Lounge where most of the men were in black tie and the women in formal gowns. Patrons turned their heads to eye the stunningly gorgeous woman and her handsome escort. They were the youngest couple in the room. Jocelyn was 25. Robert two years older.

“Those are the Massey’s,” he said as they strolled through the crowd.

They appeared to be in their mid-fifties. Alexander looked like a successful banker in an Armani dinner jacket. Miriam wore a designer emergency chiffon gown with a plunging neckline together and a triple-strand pearl necklace with matching pearl earrings.

“Robert, darling, so good of you to join us. And this must be Jocelyn. You’ve even prettier than he said. You could be a fashion model. How are you my dear?”

Miriam leaned forward and kissed Jocelyn on both chefs. Her perfume was subtle and expensive.

Robert made the introductions while a waiter in white shirt and black trousers handed each of thema flute of champion.

“I think you’ll find the concert stimulating,” Miriam said to Jocelyn. “Afterwards we’ll explore our common interests.”

Joycelyn was a highly successful software programmer. Was this a business meeting?

“What a lovely necklace,” Miriam said. “I had one just like it. May I?”

She reached forward with her right hand and fingered the pendant. Then she squeezed its sides.

Joycelyn gasped and almost dropped her champione flute. The alligator clamps bit into her nipples with all the force of a savage animal eating its prey. The pain was excruciating. She held her breath afraid that any movement would increase her anguish. After mere seconds, but what seemed like antinizing minutes to Jocelyn, Miriam let go of the pendant.

She was speechless. Tears welled up in her eyes. The pressure on her nipples subsided but the pain remained.

What the fuck? Was that an accident?

A bell chimed three times and the lights dimmed twice.

“Time to take our seats,” Miriam said.

Their private box had four well padded armrest chairs, arranged in a row facing the right side of the orchestra. Placing her clutch underneath her chair she took her seat between Robert and Miriam. Alexander sat on the other side of his wife.

From her perch Jocelyn had a magnificent view of the entire theatre with the stage and orchestra seats below and four tiers of seats above. Each box was separated by a small wall about a meter high. To Robert’s right, in the next box, was a gorgeous raven-haired beauty. On Alexander’s left was a grey-haired gentleman. Jocelyn couldn’t see the other patrons in the adjacent boxes.

Because of the slit in the dress, her shaped left leg, bare thigh, and round hip were exposed for all to see and admire. She felt beautiful and regular. A gorgeous woman in designer clothes lounging in an exclusive box in Symphony Hall.

She also feel sexy and naughty. The alligator clamps were still squeezedher sore nipples from Miriam’s faux pas with the pendant. How long could she endure their unceasing pressure? Until intervention when she’d be able to remove them in the privacy of the washroom?

What about the remote-controlled vibrator? How many times would Robert quietly pleasure her during the performance? Five … six … seven times over the next two and half hours? She was wet at the prospect knowing that Afterwards she’d fuck his brains out in his condo.

The lights dimed. The patrons settled back in their seats. The conductor marched onto the stage accompanied by applause. He shook the hand of the concertmaster and then mounted the podium. As the orchestra began to play Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture the vibrator in her thong came alive. It was totally silent. Not even a humming sound.

She glanced at Robert who returned her smile.

Let the fun begin, she thought. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the melodic sounds of the symphony orchestra, the pain of the nipple clamps, and the stimulation in her pussy.

He adjusted the vibrator’s intensity to match the tempo of the music. As the pace of the overture increased so too did the activity on her clip.

The first two minutes were a gentle tease. Then he raised the stimulation of the sex toy as the musicians played with greater vigor and gusto. She opened her eyes. It must be at its highest level she thought.

This was no longer playful. It was extreme. If he didn’t dial it back, she’d come while dressed to the nines in a box in Symphony Hall. What would the patrons of the symphony think if she shrieked in sexual pleasure in the middle of the performance?

She glanced to her right. Robert, the scumbag, was concentrating on the orchestra and ignoring her.

She fidgeted. How much more provocation could she sustain?

The stimulus on her cliporis increased dramatically as the orchestra played the French national anthem.

She tried to sit still. Focus. Focus. It’s a question of will power. I will not come. I will not come. I will not come.

She was in control until the cannons roared and the bells chimed. The vibrator went crazy sending repeated jolts of high intensity to her clip. She squeezed her knees together. No good. She experienced a cataclysmic orgasm. With her teeth clamped shut the only sounds that emanated from her were muffled moans of ecstasy.

After two minutes of continuous sexual gratification the vibrator shut off as the Russian overture concluded.

Jocelyn was panting. What a bastard. Instead of a gentle erotic tea, Robert let her have a full-blown orgasm that she couldn’t completely enjoy because of where she was, and the company she was with. Son of a bitch.

“Wasn’t that pleasure?” Miriam asked.

“Quite a climax,” Jocelyn said between bated breaths.

The applause died down. Next on the program was Saint-Saens’ third symphony. Jocelyn didn’t know the work, so she didn’t know what to experimentct.

The music began slowly. Thankfully Robert had the vibrator at its lowest level.

Then the pace of the composition picked up as did the intensity of the vibrator.

She leaned over to tell him to turn it off, but Robert’s hands were on the chair’s armsrests. She looked at the Massey’s. Their hands were visible too.

Who was controlling the vibrator when there was no one else in their box?

The pace of the music increased. So also did the force of the sex toy.

OMG. Her eyes opened wide when she realized that somehow the vibrator was linked to the music.

Holy fuck. The orchestra’s controlling my pussy.

She had to get her panties off before a fortuneissimo brought her to an orgasmic shriek of ecstasy.

She slipped her left thumb into the strap of the thong and began to pull her underwear down.

Miriam put a hand on Jocelyn’s wrist and shook her head.

It was as though time stood still. The realization flooded over her like a tsunami.

Holy fuck, it’s Miriam who’s in charge. She knew about the pendant and the nipple clamps. She knows about the vibrator in my thong. She’s manipulating all this.

Jocelyn considered fleeing, but then she thought again.

If Miriam and the others knew, then they couldn’t be embarrassed if she came.

She smiled because she was now in charge. She’d be able to luxury in the pleasure of the nipple clamps and the vibrator as long as she didn’t scream too loudly in erotic delight.

What fun. Knowing that you’re going to be aroused but not knowing when.

She stretched out her legs, leaned back into her chair, and closed her eyes. What could be better than the enjoyable pain of the nipple clamps combined with the perfectly aligned sensing of the vibrator with the pace of Sans-Saen’s symphony?

The melody rose and fall, the tempo ebbed and flowed. So too did the stimulation in her lower region. Twenty minutes of erotic joy. Heavenly.

She was all right until the organ began. Its timbre and sheer volume shot the vibrator into overdrive. She orgasmed nonstop as the music reached its crescendo. Her climax only ended with the last chords of the symphony. It was a fantastic sexual experience.

“Did you enjoy the piece?” Miriam asked.

“It gave me a rush,” Jocelyn said.

The house lights rose. Intermission.

“Join us for refreshments in the locke,” said Mariam as she and Alexander exited the box.

As soon as they were alone, she garbed Robert by his laptops.

“What the fuck is this all about?”

“It’s Miriam,” he said. “She and Alexander are into kinky sex.”

“The nipple chain and vibrator that you gave me?”

“Those are hers.”

“This whole Evening?”

“Her idea.”

They stood in silence looking at one another.

“She wanted to meet you after I told her that you’re sexually adventurous.”

She slapped his cheek. She didn’t care if anyone saw her.

“How dare you talk about my sexual proclivities with other people.”

“Her tendencies are the same of yours,” he said in defense. “You’re both into BDSM.”

She’d always thought that about herself but never had the nerve to admit it out loud.

“Is she a dominatrix?”


“What’s your relationship with them?”

“I need a partner to join their sex club.”

“This is an initiative? To determine if I’m sexually capable of meeting the entrance requirements?”


They silently overlooked the vacant orchestra pit.

“This is all about you,” she said. “If I don’t pass mustard, then you’ll have to find a new woman who will accede to their sexual predicates for you to join their club?”


He held her head in his two hands. He looked into her eyes.

“You are most sexually energetic person I’ve ever met. I think we have a great thing going and joining this group will expand our sexual experiences. Its about us. It’ll be awesome.”

She hadthe option to walk away. Pull off the clamps on her tits, throw away the vibrator in her thong, and exit Symphony Hall.

On the other hand, the clamps were still arousing her nipples and the vibrator had brought her to two incredible orgasms during the first part of the concert. If she stayed what future erotic adventures were in store for her?

How daring was she?

Was she prepared to be sexually dominated by a middle-aged female sadist?


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