Submissive Signs a Contract

Madeline paid her driver with the last few bills she had and walked up to the wrong iron gate. “S. D.” was spelled out in iron bars. Madeline read it a few times while she waited for the owner to respond to the buzzer.

“Hello, who is it?” a sultry female voice said over the speaker.

“Uh, it’s Madeline, from the application? Can I come in?”

“Yes dear, you may. Unfortunately, Though, my automatic gate is being repaired at the moment. Would you care to climb over?”

“Um… No problem, I can do that.” Madeline put the duffel bag with her belongings over her shoulder and hurled as high as she could. The bottom of the bag caught on the top spike of the gate, tearing the fabric as it fell. Her clothes and toiletries were scattered all over the wet pathway on the other side. Madeline, dressed at the time in black jeans and flannel, whimpered a little when she saw her favorite pink dress in a mud puddle.

That only left her to get over the gate. Madeline plantedher well-worn boots on a horizontal bar and hoisted herself halfway up, then the next half, nearly slipping on the damp metal. She gently swung a leg over the sharp spikes and carefully planted it on the other side, then did the same with her other. Right before both feet could support her weight, she slipped off and fell to the ground, a spike missing her butt by an inch.

Bruised and muddied, but not bleeding, Madeline brushed herself off as best she could, gathered her torn bag and items, and trusted towards the mansion. Arms full, she knocked on the door by swiveling her hips. The same voice from before called, “Come in!”

Madeline stepped into the nicest home she’d ever been in. Gorgeous wood paneling and paintings decorated the wall. A chandelier with a naked female ornament hung above. And, sitting in an armchair with a red dress and her bare feet crossed, sat the woman Madeline was here to meet.

“Hello,” purred the woman from the speaker, “I take it your Madeline?”

“Yes. Nice to meet you, finally. Is there somewhere you want me to put these?” Madeline asked, gesturing with her clothes.

“Yes. They’re rather muddy, aren’t they? Either you had a difficult time getting in, or it’s been a while since you’ve been to a laundromat.”

The woman chuckled at her own joke. Madeline politely laughed.

“Well, we can’t have those in here, can we? Set them on the porch, if you will.”

Madeline reluctantly tossed her things outside, then stepped back in. The woman didn’t like this. “No, no, no! No shoes inside this house! Especially those. Have them join the others outside.”

Madeline, embarrassed, removed her boots to reveal she was not wearing socks. A few inches shorter, she closed the door on her items and was alone with the woman.

“May I ask your ethnicity? I’m awfully curious.”

“I’m half Asian. Japanese.”

“Oh. I thought an Asian would have the inclination to remove her shoes in somebody else’s home.”

Madeline blushed.

“Very well. I assume you are going through with this arrangement we’ve made. Will you sign a formal contract at this time?”

“Yes.” Madeline was handed a pen and a stapled set of rules. She began reading the first page.

“What are you doing? I thought you wanted to be here. Why are you reading? Tell me.”

“I… I don’t Know.”

“Then sign it already.” The woman was breathing down Madeline’s neck, standing at 5’8″ compared to Madeline’s 5’2″. Madeline nodded and signed her name on the back page.

“Good girl. Now go to the bathroom and wash up. I’ll take care of your stuff. When you’re done, check the fridge for your assignments. From now on, you call me Mistress.”

Madeline had just agreed to be a sex service to Mistress S. D., the most popular BDSM creator online.

She became a fan of S. D.’s work a few years past, just when she discovered her attention to women. Madeline became obsessed with the idea of ​​herself as a sub, bottom, and even slave. When her home situation demanded it, Madeline applied to be S. D.’s sex service. She was selected, and in exchange for room and board, Madeline would do whatever her Mistress told her.

Without her toiletries, Madeline could not take a shower, and was unsure if she was even allowed to, so she scrubbed the dirt off her arms in the sink and dried herself off as best she could. The bathroom floor felt almost intentionally cold, and was harsh on Madeline’s bare feet. She noticed a pair of slippers in the corner. She put them on and walked back to the kitchen, where she read the note on the fridge.

Madeline: Have dinner prepared for me by 7:15. I’m doing an online show until then and would really love some good service when I get done. Mistress.

Madeline spun around to check the clock. It was 7:10. Did I spend too long in the bathroom? she panicked. She flung the fridge door open and found no solutions. Everything in the freezer would require a thaw longer than 3 minutes. Hopeless, she stood next to the fridge until Mistress came downstairs.

“Alright, my new girl. What have you prepared me?”

“Mistress, can I please have more time? I spent too long in the bathroom and I need more time to make you something?”

“Spent too long in the bathroom? You don’t even look like you showed! What good is a slave who can’t even do what I ask? Oh my god. Are those my slippers? You put your dirty feet in my slippers and don’t even think about asking me? Or cooking me dinner?”

“I… I’m sorry, Mistress.” Madeline was close to crying.

“You should be. And another thing. I saw you driver’s license. You turned 18… today. All that time we were communicating… what? Were you trying to get me in trouble?”

“No, Mistress. It’s just that I was in a tough situation,” Madeline said, choking through tears.

“Don’t worry. Mommy Mistress is here to make something of you. But I have to punish you for your failures. Please,Come upstairs with me.”

Madeline followed until Mistress turned around and screamed, “Take my slippers off!” Madeline cried and obliged.

The two walked into an expandive bathroom. Mistress walked Madeline in then spun her around.

“Undress.” With only a moment of hesitation, Madeline obeyed. She pulled her jeans off her hips then stepped out of them, and humiliatingly did the same to her panties. She unbuttoned her shirt, but Mistress, unsatisfied with her pace, grabbed Madeline by the breasts and ripped the shirt off, sending the buttons across the room. Madeline had A cups compared to Mistress’ C or D cups, and hidden her nipples with tape. Mistress took joy in ripping that off. Finally, Madeline was naked in front of her Mistress.

“Oh my god. I think I’m going to puke. You don’t shake? Not even your legs? Well, that changes today. Step into the shower.”

Madeline stepped meekly into the stall. Mistress turned the shower on, spraying ice cold water on Madeline. Next, Mistress grabbed a razor and a can of shaving cream, and got to work on Madeline’s shifting body.

“Now you’re a fine young specimen… No no no. Don’t get out of the shower. You’re not done being shavled.”

“What more is left?”

“Your head.”

Madeline had a panic response. For years, she had been complimented for her beautiful hair. Mistress wanted to send it down the drain.

“Mistress, please let me keep my hair!”

“You need to be taught a lesson. You’re not in control anymore.”

Mistress whacked away with scissors on Madeline’s long locks, then eradicated the roots with the razor. Madeline didn’t recognize herself in the mirror anymore. She had never felt a higher level of humiliation.

Madeline was allowed out of the shower, but not a towel to remove the cold water. “Pretty yourself up,” Mistress commanded, pointing to a line of beauty product she laid out. Madeline obeyed, applying nail poison and makeup as best she could on her wet, smooth skin.

“Now,” Mistress cooed, “Take a ride on this.” She revealed a very long dildo she had been hiding behind her back.

“Mistress, I’m a lesbian! I don’t want to do anything with that!”

“You signed up for it. You have to do it.”

“I don’t remember signing up for that!”

“You did, not even an hour ago! Shove it inside you already!”

Madeline begged through sobs, “Mistress… if you don’t start treating me better… I’ll take my stuff and leave!”

“You can’t do that. You’d be in violation of the contract, and that would get you in big time trouble, plus a boatload of public humiliation. Even if you do walk out of here, I throw all your stuff away in a dumpster, then I watched the garbage truck take it away. It’s all gone.”

Crying, Madeline disobeyed orders and put her dirty clothes back on. Only by looking in the mirror did she see the problem: holes cut out on her breasts, vagina, and butt.

“Didn’t notice me cutting those holes, huh? You know you can’t go anywhere looking like that. Take those off and come into the bedroom. I want to have a little fun.” She left the dildo on the floor.

Distraught, Madeline followed orders. Mistress was sitting open legged on the duvet, revealing she was not wearing panties.

“Have you ever been with a girl before?” Mistress asked.

“I did once,” Madeline lied, ashamed of her inexperience.

“I don’t believe you. Luckily, you’ve seen enough of my videos to know how to use your tongue. So, get started,” Mistress said, lifting up her dress to reveal a bush of her own. Madeline kneeled down on the floor in front of the bed and slide her tongue across Mistress’ pussy, taking its time in finding the cliporis. Madeline tried her best.

Mistress slapped Madeline’s face. “Do better, slave! I’m not feeling anything!” She slapped her again, and again. Finally, Madeline tried something Mistress enjoyed. After many minutes of hard work, Mistress was getting close.

“Uh, yeah! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Mistress yelled, releasing a hot flow of fluids into Madeline’s mouth. Madeline didn’t know what to do with the repulsive liquid in her mouth, and eyed the bathroom sink. “No, you bitch! Swallow, now!” Mistress commanded. Madeline grimaced and gulped.

“Good girl. Now it’s time for Mommy to give you a good time. You don’t seem to know how the female genitalia works. Have you ever even had an orgasm?”

Tears painted mascara down Madeline’s face. “No.”

“Give yourself one, like this,” Mistress said, “except do it on you hands and knees. I want to see your butt pointing at me.” Madeline got in position and pleasured herself. It was unlike anything she had ever felt, in a good way. Then, a flail made of rope and metal shards whipped Madeline’s butt. She howled in pain and reached her hand back, surprised to feel no blood.

“Keep masturbating, slave! I’ll help,” Mistress said, striking Madeline’s supple butt from the other direction. This tim she only whimpered. Then, Mistress used the tool underhand, brutally whipping Madeline’s hand and pussy. She screamed and compromised in pain.

“Don’t stop till you come!” Mistress ordered, unrelenting in her physical abuse. Madeline got back to task, and after a few minutes, the pleasure built up like a bursting dam– and burst she did. Her mind was blown with pleasure, her left arm quivered, and her toes curled up. She sprayed her fluid all over Mistress’ rug.

“Lick that up at once.” Madeline obeyed. “Did that feel good, slave?” Mistress asked as Madeline came to her feet.

“Yes.” Mistress kicked Madeline in the pussy, her big toe briefly penetrating her. Madeline doubled over in ago. “Do not forget to refer to me as mistress, bitch.” Madeline nodded. “All right. It’s about time I show you my favorite room in the house.

The two walked into the basement. “This is where you’ll be staying!” Mistress said, flicking on the lights. It was the most comprehensive sex dungeon ever built by man. Mistress had every tool, toy, and aid on the market. She directed her slave over to a set of chains that ran from the floor to the ceiling. Mistress shackled Madeline’s wrists to chains on the ceiling and grabbed one of her toys off the wall.

“This is what I like to call the orgasm machine. It gives the best orgasms in the world. And you’re about to receive one.” Mistress put the appliance up to Madeline’s tingling pussy and turned it on. Almost immediately, Madeline moaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

“Tell me when you’re close so I can crrank the machine up!” Mistress said.

Madeline, practically begging, said, “I’m close! I’m close!”

Right before Madeline’s body could explode with pleasure, Mistress turned the machine off. Only, Madeline was past the point of no return. No new stimuli was coming in, so she tried to reach her hands down to finish it, but the chains prevented her. So frustrated she could cry, Madeline letout a groan as the pleasure turned to an uncomfortable cramp and pathetic spurt of fluid. Mistress laughed cruelly at her age. “That’s what you call a ruined orgasm. So humiliating, isn’t it?”

Finally, Mistress released Madeline from her ceilinging restrains only to slap handscuffs onto her, pinning Madeline’s hands behind her. She attached the ceiling chains to clamps, which Mistress very tightly attached to Madeline’s nipples. She yelped in pain.

“Here’s the deal. If you want to come upstairs and sleep in a bed, with me, you walk until you’re free from the clamps. They’ll hurt like hell coming off, but you’ll be free to join me tonight in a warm bed. I might even release the handscuffs and give you pajamas. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck down here all night in this cold basement, with your little tits and feet freezing right off. You will not be allowed out of here past midnight. Good luck.”

Mistress walked away, ignoring Madeline’s begs. She was chained too high for herto do anything but stand, and she dreading doing that for a whole night. But, she couldn’t get over the mental obstacle that was hurting her nipple so much. She freed herself from one clamp just before midnight, and finally, painfully, pulled back from the last one just five minutes too late. She finally got to sleep after hours of crying at the door, her cuffed hands preventing her from warming up, as Mistress predicted, her boobs and feet. Mistress smiles from the other side of the door.

That was Madeline’s first day with Mistress, one that S. D. thought of as a success. She was well aware of Madeline’s situation, having been kicked out by her conservative family after she came out to them as gay. Mistress even knew that Madeline was poor and soon to be homeless. She was the perfect candidate to accept for application, but still required some testing to see just how submissive Madeline could be. So, she made her scale the gate (which wasn’t even locked), made her keep her things outside, forced her to go barefoot, bullied her into signing the contract without reading it, held her hairless, and had her wait all night in a cold basement on the other side of an unlocked door. Madeline was the most submissive girl S. D. had ever had the pleasure of owning. And the pleasure was just beginning.


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