I get home from another stressful day at work, looking forward to a nice long weekend. I walk through the door and immediately begin to strip off my clothes. This has become so routine that I don’t even think about it anymore. I hear the show running and know that he’s getting cleaned up for tonight. He already told me Daddy has something in store for us tonight. Once naked, I join him in the bathroom and ask him if he’d like me to wash his back. He says yes and I do so and he groans a bit while I mass his back. He tells me to wait until he’s done and he’ll draw my bath, but while I wait to remove the butt plug that he inserted this morning. This too has become routine and expected. As he towels off, he tells me that tonight I will have the ability to do as I wish until 11pm, with the stipulation that anything I do is while remaining naked with whatever he has chosen to be inserted inside of my asshole. He tells me he has plans tonight with friends online, so I may find somethinging to entertain myself. This is new and nice to have the choice on what to do tonight. I think I might catch up on my reading or maybe a movie. He starts my bath and goes to the bedroom to sort through his toys. I think I can guess what he wants to use…. The black, vibrating, pump butt plug. He loves it because he has total control of size, motion and stretch. And he knows that I absolutely hate it. To My surprise he has several butt plugs and toys in his hand when he returns with that evil grin. He tells me that after my bath, he will come in and insert the black vibrating pump plug into my ass as well as some Benwa balls into my pussy for training. At any time, however, he may change his mind and I must be ready to receive his new choice without comment or complaint. His second requirement is that I remained seated during my choice of activity, unless to get a drink or to obey a request from him. Sounds like quite a challenge.
My bath is ready and I sit and relax. The stress from my day just melts away. I’m starting to get sleepy and dreamy when he comes in and tells me its time to get out. He opens a towel for me and wraps me up as I step out. As he rubs me down I think how lucky I am to have such a caring, gentle Dom in my life. He stops for a second and kisses me, gently but firmly. Then in a gruff tone he tells me to bend over the side of the tub. As I go to my knees, I hear the snap of the lube bottle lid. I feel him spread my ass cheats apart and the lube is very cold. He tells me to relax and starts to force the black plug into me, slowly. It only takes a minute to find its place, since I’ve been wearing my regular butt plug all day. He seems pleased and tells me he has one more item. I hear him spread lube on the balls and he spreads my lips. He inserts the balls into my pussy and once in place, slapse his hand against my clip. I flinch with his movement when he tells me to get up and turn around. I do to find him smiling at me. He tells me I look sosexy and guides me to the bedroom, where he has lit candles and has the television on to my favorite station. He tells me to get onto the bed and proceeds to prop up the pillows so I can recline while still remaining seated. He tells me to enjoy, kisses me, and just before he leaves, give the inflatable butt plug one pump of air. I feel it immediately fill and expand my asshole. Oh, that was unexpected. He looks at me with that evil grin and chuckles a bit. As he leaves the room, he tells me that’s only the beginning.
I start to really get into the movie on television and have lost track of time. The burning in my ass has subsided and I’m more comfortable and relaxed. I hear him open the fridge and peer into the bedroom. He places his drink down and tells me he thinks I’m long over due for more. He picks up the controls of the butt plug and turn on the victory at the same time as giving the plug not one but two more pumps. My head reels and I feel like I’m going to explode from the feeling of fullness in my ass. He tells me that I am not allowed to touch myself, remove anything, or cum. If I do, things will get much worse. I agree and he kisses me on the forehead as he leaves. Oh god, this is just plain torture. He has left the victory on and its driving me nuts. I can no longer concentrate on the movie and I’m having a hard time accommodating the size of the butt plug comfortable. I would give anything to be able to reach for and remove it, but I know if I do, only more pain will follow. I decide I can handle it and try to return to the story line of the movie, breathing deeply. Just then, it goes to commercial. Damn it, why can’t anything work in my favorite when I need it! I chuckle to myself as I realize I am enjoying this as much as I am trying to fight it. He Always does this to me. What seems like hours later, he returns to check on me. He asks me how I am doing and when I say I’m having a hard time, he says good, time to move on. I cringe. He just smiles and grabs the controls again. This time the victory speed increases to almost an intolerable level. I nearly squeal, but think better of it. He is watching me intently, observing what his actions are doing to me. He then gives the plug one more pump and I think I’m going to die. It’s so tight and full! I don’t think he’s ever had it this big before. He sees me struggle and tells me I’ve done well, but it’s not over yet.
He deflates the plug and tells me to get on all fours. I do eagerly, as I know this torturous butt plug is coming out. He removes the plug with ease and I hear the sound of the lube again. He tells me not to look at him and to bury my face in a pillow. Oh no! That can only mean one thing… the big one. There are two butt plugs that I have a hard time with, one with a Very wide base and the other that is just plain huge. I feel the cold of the lube at the entrance of my ass and immediately feel the pressure. To my surprise I feel bumps and realize it’s notthe one I thought it was. It’s the wide base one with balls at the top. He starts to work the plug in and out slowly, trying to ease it in. He gets it in and tells me to hold it there. He leaves and returns from the kitchen with a wooden chair. He tells me I may continue my movie, but this time I must do it sitting on the plug on this hard chair. The butt plug has such a wide base that I must remain seated to keep it in firmly. My ass is burning right now from the stretch and he can see it in my face. He smiles smugly and turns to leave. Mmmmm is all I hear from him as he walks away. I concentrate on the movie and hope the burning subsides. He comes to check on me about a half hour later, has me stand, then bounce up and down on the butt plug several times quickly. All I feel are sharp pangs of pain as the wide base is rammed in and out of my sore asshole. He tells me to stop when he thinks I’ve had enough and leave once more. A little while later, he returns and tells me to get up,it’s time for a new challenge as this has become too easy for me.
He reaches down to the laid out toys and reaches for the largest butt plug we have. It’s a beast and I have yet to accommodate the entire plug, which I know that is the goal. He tells me he wants it all the way in tonight. He knows I don’t have to work in the morning and he said I will be up all night if it takes that long, but it will be done and left in. My heart jumps and I start to panic. He senses my fear and tells me to relax, breathe and take it one step at a time. We have all night, he says, and this is for my benefit.
He places the massive butt plug on the chair and I sit back onto it and feel it starting to stretching my asshole wide. I feel the intensity burning that happens only when I start to stretch beyond what is comfortable. He kisses me again and returns to his entertainment. I try not to concentrate on my prediction, but its hard not to. I try again to get involved in the movie to help takemy mind off the sequencing pain, but it doesn’t really help much. I breathe deep breaths in and out and try to relax every muscle in my body. As I do, I feel my anal opening spread a bit more. Ok, this is working. I continue with my relaxation and breathing until I am very close to having this huge butt plug in my ass. Just then, his voice breaks my concentration. He asks how it’s coming, and I tell him I’m doing well. He seems pleased, but doesn’t take my word for it. He puts his hands between my legs and feels the plug with his fingers. Yes, things are looking good he tells me. Keep it up my good anal slut. His praise makes me smile and want to try that much harder. He tells me it’s almost there and even though the plug must remain in once I get it there, I will be rewarded. I can’t wait! He rubs my clip before leaving and whispers he loves to see me uncomfortable for his enjoyment. That sends butterflies through my stomach. I return to breathing and relaxing my muscles, feeling a slight stretch each time. I think I might actually do this! After what seems like an eternity, I feel my stretched anal ring start to give a little tiny bit more and whoosh, it went into my ass. A wave of intense pain rushes through me, followed by complete relief and a sense of accomplishment. Now I am so full I think I will explode. I have never had anything this large inside of my ass! I yell to him that I’ve done it. He rushes in and tells me to stand and turn around. He checks and is very pleased. He tells me that it will remain and to relax now until he is ready for me. I’m not sure how relaxed I can be with something this size deep inside of my ass, but it sure feels better than before. I stretch out on the bed and try to finish the movie. My body is pulsing from head to toe from the recent activities and I’m filled with a mixture of pain and euphoria.
After the local news is over I hear him approaching. He tells me to remain lying but to turn over onto my stomach. I do and immediately I feel the sharp sting of the small whip on my ass cheek. I yelp with pain and he lets out a satisfied moan. I’m flooded with confusion, as I thought I would be rewarded, not paid for my accomplishment. He continues to strike me, first one ass cheek then the next, until I can’t take anymore. He sees my limit and bends to my ear. He whispers to me how proud he is of his slut and what a good girl I am. I ask him if I’ve been good why did he punish me? He said he did it so that I wouldn’t become complicated and take his generation for granted. He tells me to get up on my hands and knees and I feel him reaching into my pussy for the benwa balls. He pulls them out and sets them aside. I’m hopeful he will do the same with the monster plug, but there is no sign of that. Instead he begins to lick and suck my pussy. I immediately feel waves of pleasure and moan slightly. Then as quickly as it started it stops. I let out a cry of displeasure and he only laughs. Patience he tells me.He reaches down and pulls out a blindfold. Oh no. He places the blindfold over my eyes and I let out a small sight of contentment. He tells me to lace my fingers together over my head and he ties them to each other and then ties them to the bed. He then tells me to put my ankles together. He has positioned me immobile on all fours. He is really enjoying this.
He starts to lick my pussy from behind again and my mind starts swimming. My lower body is a mixture of pain and pleasure and I am having a hard time distinguishing them. He reaches up and runs his fingernails down my back and stops at my bottom, where he lands several firm smacks with his open palm. Everything is seizing with heat now and I can’t think anymore. He tells me he is now ready to give me his reward and explains that my reward is to get to Make him cum. He enters my wet pussy from behind and starts to gently take cunt with his rock hard dick, in and out with slow long strokes. He takes a free hand and starts to spin the butt plug that has been my torture for most of the evening. It is so tightly in place he has a hard time getting it to budget, but he does after some twisting. I feel like I am being ripped apart, but as I think I can’t take anymore; he reaches his hand around me and rubs my clip. I am being assaulted from every angle and I again can’t distinguish between pleasure and pain. He says it won’t take him long because everything is so tight and ready for him. He’s pleased that my pussy is so soaked and before long he is ready to cum. He pulls out of my pussy and lets his load spray all over my ass cheeses. With several more groans, he sits back and inspects his work. Very nice, he says to me, and gets up to clean off. He wipes me down, unties me, and tells me to lay back.
He pulls me up on His chest as he lays next to me and starts to run his fingers through my hair. He tells me over and over how great that was, what a good slut I’ve been and how happy he is. He also tells me that my additional reward is to get to keep the huge plug in all night, so as to stretch me further for him and thus make us both happy. I saw and would have agreed to anything he said at that moment. I am completely and utterly content and if it weren’t for the uncomfortable pulsing in my ass I would have fallen wait then and there. As it turns out, it was a long night of tossing and turning, trying desperately to get comfortable, but realizing it was fruitless but worth every second.
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