Submissive Journey

“Hey bartender, can I get another drink?” Brian asked, over the noisy bar. The bartender, a petite brunette, walked over and cleared the empty, and replaced it with a fresh beer in one swift motion. “This is for you.” he said, as he laid a five dollar bill on the bar.

She took the bill, and stuffed it in the tip jar. Brian took a sip, and surveyed the room, but his attention always came back to the brunette behind the bar. He guessed she was about five feet, 6 inches, 100 to 120 lbs at the most, with hair that was down to the top of her buttocks whether it was a deep bronze, or a light brown, Brian was having trouble figuring that out. (He made a mental note about that) and a deep tanned skin that you only get at the beach.

“Excuse me,” he asked, unsure if she heard him. “What’s up?” she replied, with a weak smile. “I just wanted to say, your hair compliments your skin tone.” Her weak smile grow bigger.

“Thank you, and I wanna let you know something too….”

A frown started to form at the corner of his lips.

“You got some killer blue eyes, you know that?” Brian felt like he was gonna exploit, until his lopsided grin took over and he started to turn red.

“Awww, you’re blushin!” she said, and Brian got even redder.

“That’s too cute… gimme a sec ok?”

Brian nodded, and took a sip of his beer while rehashing the last several moments. Brian was about six foot even, topping out at about 175 pounds, with thick brown hair, and ice blue eyes. He was also sporting a neighborly trimmed goatee. He was wearing a red Polo shirt and a pair of white Docker slacks. His hair was neatly parted and combined to the right.

She came back and leaned against the bar. “So what’s your name?” she inquired. “Brian, and yours?”

“Erica… pleasure to meet you Brian…”

“The pleasure is all mine…” and he felt that family warmth spreading on his face.

“Your doing it again, you know that right?” she teased.

“Yea, I know, I’m kinda shy.” he said, quickly taking a sip of his beer.

“Hold on a sec, ok?” and hurried off to tend a customer at the other end of the bar.

She came back, and leaned against the bar again, her breasts threatening to rip her shirt.

” So, Brian, how ya doin tonight?” she asked, with a smile played across her lips.

“I’m doin’ fine, relaxing after work, ya know..” She nodded her head in agreement, then told “Those guys at the end of the bar are assholes tonight.”

“It wouldn’t be called a bar if there wasn’t.” he deadpanned, and Erica throw her head back with laughter, “I’ll tell ya what, if assholes could fly, this place would be an airport!” she quipped, and it was Brian’s turn to smile.

“So Erica, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” He paused, then said, “What’s the worst pickup line that’s been used on you?” She looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

“Probably……… I know milk does a body good, but damn girl, how much you were drinking?”

“That’s probably the worst I’ve heard..”

He smiled, and agreed, “Yea, that sounds pretty bad.” then he took a sip of his beer.

“Erica, do you have a boyfriend?” he asked, as he mentally prepared for the bad news.

“Well, no, I just broke up with mine, but, that doesn’t mean I may be or may not be lookin, it Just depends on how you approach me.” She said, as flirty smile flashed across her lips.

She grabbed a pen off the back shelf and scratched something on the inside of a matchbook.

“Hmmmm” Brian said, pondering what his next move is gonna be.

“Hey Erica, would you like to have dinner with me one night?”

“Well, I just don’t go out with anyone ya know.. ya gotta fill certain criteria……” and she let the thought trail off.

“What criteria is that?” he asked.

“Hmmmm.. well, actually, your starting to fill one of those right now, your actually talkin to me about serious stuff, not just interested in whether or not I’m gonna give it up after talkin’ to me for about 5 minutes”

“Really?? a look of shock crossed his face.

She placed her hands on the bar, leaned in closer, and whispered, “Hey, don’t be shocked, actually, that’s a good thing” and smiled.

“Well, the thought did occurred to hit on you, but that’s not me…” “and, I’m not what you expect” he added. She handed him a matchbook “I’ll tell ya what, here’s my telephone number, and I get off of work at around 5…….. if you call me, you might be able to take me out to dinner!” And with that, she hurried to the end of the bar. He flipped the cover of the match box, and on the inside was her number, written in black ink. With a smile across his lips, he pocketed the matchbook, and headed for the door, into the cool Afternoon air, heading home.

As he stepped onto the porch, he dug into his pockets searching for his keys. He reached up, and opened the door, stoppin to pick up the mail. He continued inside, and sat down on his couch, and glanced up at the clock. The clock read four-fifteen. He surprised. “One more hour.” He grabbed the remote from the arm of the couch, and turned the T.V. on. After about fifteen minutes of channel surfing, he turned it off. He got up, and started walking to his room.

He made a beeline towards his dresser, and opened it. Reaching in, he grabbed a pair of khaki slacks, and black polo shirt. He closed the drawer, and opened another. He then grabbed a pair of black boxer briefs, and a pair of black socks.

Walking down the hallway, he stopped and grabbed a towel, and throw it over his shoulder, while holding his clothes in the opposite hand. He opened the door and shut it behind him. He put his clothes on the counter, and throw the towel on top of it. Opening the sliding glass doors to his Shower, he reached in and turned the handle three quarters of the way. The water started flowing immediately, sounding like cold water being thrown on a hot griddle.

After letting the shower warm up for a couple of minutes, he stripped down, and stepped in. He was immediately assaulted by the warm water, he closed his eyes, and faced the shower head, looking up into it. The water felt good running through his hair, along his jaw line, then down his neck. He turned around and let the cascading water hit his back for several minutes, savoring the warmth, and comfort it brought.

He turned around once more, and turned the water up to the hottest temperature, and sat down. This had become like a ritual. He sat indian style, with his head propped up by his hands, and let the water run over his body. He closed his eyes, and started thinking about Erica. He was thinking about her on his way home, and even dared to have some fansies about her. Focusing on her skin, he made up in His mind what he would like to ultimately see her in. It was a black shiny vinyl outfit, with matching bra, and thigh high boots………She was standing, withher right foot on a chair, and a riding crop in her left hand, along her left tigh. She turned to look at him, and his heart melted. THIS WAS HER , HIS DREAM.

She pursued her lips, and spoke “Do not be afraid….. I’m not going to hurt you……” “YET” she added, a grin forming on her lips. Several moments went by. “Come here” and she pointed right in front of her. Normally, he would’ve been quick to come back with a smart alecky comment, but this time he did as he was told. For some reason, all he wanted was to do her bidding, knowing it made her happy. HER HAPPINESS, not mine, he reiterated. She spoke… “Brian, I want you to get down on your knees….. NOW”

“Yes madam” came the automatic reply. It was met with a sharp blow across his thigh. “YES MISTRESS” She said. “Yes Mistress” he into.

“Good” she paused, then continued. “You will address me as Mistress Noire…… and if you don’t, you will be punished” “Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress Noire” he replied, hoping he got it right.

“Now, I want you to kiss my thigh …… ” “NOW”

He did as instructed. “Good” she said, with a smile. She placed her finger tips on his chin, and motioned him to look up. He followed her movement. He was now looking into her eyes, lost in they’re mysteriousness.

“You can stand”

He then stood up.

She turned and walked away into another room, and his eyes followed her as she walked out. She came back several moments later, carrying what appeared to be a chatity belt, only it looked like it was fitted for a male. She then handed him the belt, and instructed him to put it on. He fumbled with it clumsily at first, not used to this new apparel she was making him wear, but eventually he figured it out and put it on. It looked just like a pair of boxer/briefs, but, it had a tube, made out of a pliable material, so it could move back and forth. It also had a little clasp at the end, and there was a ring on the inside of both the left and right thigh.

She showed him how to insert his penis into the tube. He noticed it had little rubber knobs, with sharpened tips. The theory behind it is that maintaining an erection is so painful, that he doesn’t, and he is only allowed to do so is when she allows it. She does this by releasing the clasp that attaches to either the left or right thigh, and sliding the tube off the penis.

“Now,” she into, “You completely belong to me, everything you do is not yours, but MINE, your erections, your orgasms, your body, your mind.. It belongs to ME, and ONLY me.. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress Noire”he replied. “Good, you may go to your room now, I’m done for now……….”

The shower turned from searing, to warm, awakening Brian from his reverie. Lost in thought, he looked down and seen that he was aroused. He ran his hands through his hair, squeezing out the excess water, which proved to be futile, considering he was underneath the shower head. He picked up the bar of soap, and started lathering himself down. When he got down to his crotch, he slowly ran his hand up and down his manhood, lightly struggling it. It seemed to jump out at his touch. He took it in his hand and lightly squeezed it, feeling its firmness, and sliding his left hand up and down easily, since it was already lubricated with the soap. A slight moan escaped his lips as he gradually started a slow rhythm.

As he imagined what it would feel like if Erica was doing this, he gradually thought about what she feels like with it inserted, and at this, he lightly squeezed it, so it felt tight and warm, like a virgin for the first time. He started to fasten his pace, moving his hand down, and then as he brought it up, lightly squeezed it, to simulate a vagina. He continued his up and down motion until his breath started to quicken, and his cock started to throb. With several more up and down motions, he started to lightly moan, “Ohhh mistress, can I cum?” he whispered as his orgasm started to catch up with him.

A drop of pre cum formed at the head but it was quickly devoured by his frantic up and down motion, now just a drop more of lubrication. A familiar feeling aroom in the pit of his stomach, an he started to hold his breath. He learned that by holding it in his gut, then pushing out as he orgasms, he could literally shoot cum. “Mmmmmm oh mistress, can I cum? Please, I’m going to…… AGGHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” he exhausted, as a thick line of cum shot from the head of his penis. He kept up his motion for several more seconds, each up motion shooting more and more of his seed, until his hand was covered in semen. His motions gradually got smaller and smaller until little rivulets ran down the back of his hand.

As if on cue, the water turned cold, and Brian jumped up to Turn it off before he frozen. He opened the sliding glass door, and reached for the towel. As he toweled himself dry, he checked his watch. It was going on five o’clock. He put on his boxer/briefs, and followed with his khaki slacks. He walked down the hallway half naked, without a shirt on, and went into his room. He sat down on his bed and looked for his pack of cigarettes. Finding it, he fished one out, stuck it between his lips, and lit up. He exhausted deeply as the smoke flowed into the air around him. Ten minutes later, he stood in front of the mirror, and put on his black polo shirt. This was followed by his necklace, which had a medallion of the zodiac sign Taurus on one side, and a picture of a bull stamped on the other side. He put on a pair of black socks, and headed towards the bathroom again. Reaching in to the medicine chest, he grabbed some hair styling gel, and put a quarter sized bowl on his palm, and massed it into his hair.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the matchbook, and glanced at the clock, which was now showing five twenty. Picking up the phone with one hand, he opened up the matchbook with the other, and dialed the telephone number…………..

The phone rang , and she ran out of the shower, towel still drew around her breasts.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Hi, Erica?” was the response.

She smiled inward. “Is this Brian?”

“Yea, how ya doin?”

“Fine.. just got out of the shower.. how about yourself?”

“Not too bad… I just called to see if you’d like to have dinner with me tonight”

“Hmm…” she said, unsure what to say

“If its too suddenly, it’s cool” he said

“Well…….. I was just getting ready to go into the city tonight.” she said, letting the rest hang in the air.

A moment of silence, then:

“Would you like to join me?”

Over the phone, he could tell she was smiling

“I’d love to” he said quickly.

“Great………Meet me at six-thirty at Gino’s”

“You know where that is right?” she said.

“Yea, over on fifty-seventh, right across from the fountain right?”

“You got it!” she said.

“Ok, I’ll see you there!” then he placed the phone on the receiver.

He glanced at his watch, which showed about five thirty. He had about ten minutes to catch the bus if he was gonna make the five-fifty train into Penn Station. Heading towards the door, he glanced in the hallway mirror giving his appearance a once-over, and satisfied with the results, he grabbed his jacket, and was out the door.

He whistled a tune that popped in his head as he approached the intersection. He looked left, then right, as the light changed from green to red. When the cross sign lit up, he headed across the street to the bus stop. He dug into his pants pocket, and fished out a dollar seventy-five, and cupped it in his hands. He was there for about ten minutes, when he heard the unmistakable thrumm-thrumm sound of the bus. It pulled up to the stop, opened the door, and he boarded. Dumping the change into the bin, he heard the familiar tone that told him he deposited the right amount of change. Upon hearing this, he scanned left to right searching for an empty bus seat.

Finding one, he sat down, and glanced at his watch, it was now five-thirty five. That was fine with him, being a little early, because he had one stop to make before his meeting.

The bus pulled up to the train station, and the doors hissed open. He made a bee line for the ticket booth, and pulled out a twenty dollar bill.

“Two way to Penn please?” he told the clerk.

She handed him his change, and the ticket.

“Track 2” she said, and closed the register.


With that, he turned and headed for the escalator.

Up on the platform, he reached for his cigarettes, got one out, and lit it. As he exhausted, the wind blew it behind him. He glanced down the tracks, and saw the headlight of the approaching train. It sounded its horn twice, signaling its approach.

As the train pulled up to the platform, he heard the announcement over the intercom, its voice robotic.



A pause.


A second pause…


The train hissed to a stop, and the familiar boarding ping sounded. The doors opened silently. He stepped in, and heading towards the opposite side of the car, while he leaned Against the paneling, he looked out the window at the town square below him, lost in thought.

The train pulled into Penn Station. When he got off, he headed for the stairs. Fifty-seventh street was about 8 blocks uptown. He glanced at his watch , it was going on twenty after six. He had ten minutes to walk to fifty seventh street. He started walking uptown, along the way, he stopped at a florist and bought a red rose for Erica.

He was lost in thought, so lost, he almost walked right by it, had he not bumped in to someone who was waiting for a cab.

“Hey buddy, watch it!” the guy said.

“Sorry, bro” Brian replied.

He continued his journey, holding the rose in one hand, and his other hand in his jacket pocket.

He glanced up, and saw the water fountain up ahead. He walked to the intersection, and pushed the button on the light pole. Five seconds later, the crosswalk indicator turned green, meaning, time for him to cross.

As he approached the restaurant, he looked in through the window, she was sitting at the bar by herself. He walked into the restaurant, and instantly, all eyes were on him. He coolly made his way to the bar, and took a seat next to Erica.

“You made it!” she said, smiling.

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss this for the world” he said.

“This is for you” he said, and handed her the rose.

“Awww… Oh my god” she said, and a big smile lit up her face.

She reached over and kissed him, and he started turning bright red.

“Relax, we’ll have a few beers, and grab dinner and we’ll see what happens.” she said, as she ordered another round.

By the timeThey left, they were arm in arm. They walked and talked, enjoying the sights and sounds of New York City during rush hour . Eventually, she felt comfortable with him. She showed this by wrapping her arm around his as they walked. They passed a Greek restaurant, and dipped inside. They stood at the counter and the waiter greeted them.

“Good evening, what can I get ya?” a guy named Ron asked.

“Lemme get a gyro, with onions, tomatoes, and lettuce…… and a side of that sauce…” Brian said, looking at Erick as he laid a twenty on the counter.

“Make that two!” Erica added.

“You guys want anything to drink with that?” Ron asked.

“I’ll take a Arizona iced tea” Brian said.

“I’ll have a large coke” Erica chimed in.

“K, it’ll be a couple of minutes, and here’s your change” Ron said, and handed him his change back.

“Thanks bro!” Brian said, and dropped two singles in the tip jar.

He joined Erica at the table.

“So what ya feel like doin tonight?” Brian asked.

“I dunno.. what about you?”

“There’s a new movie that just came out, wanna go catch it?” he said.

“Sounds good to me!” she said, as the bell rang out at the counter.

Brian walked to the counter to pick the food up.

He walked to the back where Erica sat, and sat down opposite of her.

As he handed her plate to her, he asked, “Ever eat a gyro before?”

“Yea, but I usually eat it dry, I’ve never had that sauce before.”

“Oh, the sauce is pretty good, think of it like a light yogurt, only thicker, like sour cream.”

“So, Brian, tell me ….. ” she said, and took a bite of her gyro.

Smirking, Brian said “Tell ya what? Or are ya still thinking about that?”

She nodded. Then swallowed, and replied “What possessed you to start flirting with me?”

Brian was stunned, so stunned, he needed a moment to compose himself.

He replied, “Well, I wasn’t trying to actually, just wanted to compliment you…. II wanted to see how you’d react to something like that…” and he took a bite of his gyro.

“Hmmmm” and she thought :“That’s one sign of a natural sub, humbleness”

“Yea, you seemed kinda shy, I thought it was cute though”

“You could say that, yea” he said, and took another bite of his gyro.

“OK, tell me this…do you prefer aggressive women? or passive?”


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