It was a Friday like any other Friday. I was eager for my workday to end and drive up to meet Master. We had planned a nice weekend in Lake George and I knew it would be another adventure that would be added to the many that Master has given me. But a phone call came and Master totally surprised me.
His words were ones I had been waiting to hear for the years I had served him. One of his Very prominent clients called. He invited Master and his business partners to a very formal cocktail party.
Master instructed me to pack a bag including an evening gown and to meet him at the Majestic, a five star hotel in downtown Albany.
“Our room is on the 12th floor princess, room #1204. Pick up the key to the room at the front desk and drop off your bag. Meet me in the cocktail locke at 7:00pm sharp” he stated.
My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t breath. Finally, I was being brought into Master’s world. I was going to meet HIS business partners after 2 years.
I realized from day one that Master is a very private person but never did I think that it would be this long before I met his friends and/or family. I wanted so much to rid of the feelings of being hidden and now it was official.
Looking at the clock, I decided to leave work early to pack and prepare for Master. Fortunately I had two gowns dry cleaned in my closet so I brought them out and tried both on to see which looked better in. I chose my black one. I had forgotten it to a Christmas party last year and Master raved about how nice it looked.
It was simple, full length and flowing, but low cut to show my full breasts. THAT was the selling point.
I packed my bag quickly and grabbed my collar and hoped in my car and drive.
The ride seemed like days instead of hours. Anxiety was getting the best of me. I wanted so much to make Master proud. I smiled and felt a tear trickle down my face as I wished I were thinner. I wanted to be a tiny little girl again rather then a middle aged pudgy woman.
As I wiped my tears away, I reminded myself as Master has done so many times, that the beauty of my slavery to him was enough, but that he enjoys my body as it is too.
Finally the signs for the hotel appeared and I took a deep breath as I pulled up to the valet. Walking into the lobby took my breath away. It wasn’t as nice as the MGM in Vegas but it was stunning.
Thanking the desk clerk for the key, he stated to take elevator number 4 to the 4th floor. That would take me to the top of the stairs that led down to the private cocktail locke.
The room was beautiful. Master had a bottle of champione chilling and his toys displayed across the foot of the bed. Restraints, flogger, nipple clamps, and my favorite vibrator.
I set out my clothes and took a hot shower, thinking about just how he would use me later that evening. Drying my hair I examined my pussy closely to assure I was sad nicely.
Master always examines to assureI do a good job, I did not want to disappoint him. I decided to draw my hair up in a twist and allow just a few soft curls to outline my face.
Carefully I slipped on my thigh high stockings and stepped into my gown. No panties per Master and because the dress was so low cut, no bra either.
I looked at my nipples peeking slightly through the black silk and knew that Master would be thrilled. My black spikes heels accented the dress perfectly and I could hardly wait to see Master so I headed to the mirror for makeup and a last glance for perfection.
“Deep breath” I was saying to myself. I was so nervous about making a good first appearance that I was trembling. I tightened the silk shawl I had drawn across my shoulders and pushed the elevator button, floor 4.
I was Shocked when the door opened. In front of me was a huge staircase leading down to a huge ballroom style locke. A beautiful chandler was reflecting the tiny lights throughout the room.
A band was playing and a woman was singing some sexy sultry music. I spotted Master across the room, chatting with a handsome young man with his very young lady clinging to his arm.
“Cinderella at the ball” I laughed to myself. I noticed I had gotten the attention of several men so I began to descend.. slowly, sexy-like, being sure that each step the slit in my dress fell just right exposing my leg. Master met me at the bottom of the stairs.
“princess, you are breathtaking” Master said as he kissed my hand.
“Thank you Master” I whispered being careful as to not announce to others of our lifestyle.
Walking around the room on his arm was one of the most exciting and pleasure moments of my relationship with him. It was ME that filled with pride and my mind raced with ideas of ways to please Master even more.
I met all his partners and danced with Master for several songs. We had the most incredible meal, lobster, prime rib, and all the trimmings. Everyone seemed so nice and I was thrilled to have met them all.
Master’s friend Robert came over to the table and whispered into his ear. Master nodded and said “Robert and I are going to the study. It is the second door on the right. Come to me in 5 minutes. Understood?” I smiled up at Robert and took Master’s hand.
“As you wish Sir” I replied and watched them walk across the dance floor. I excused myself from the table and went to the ladies room to freshen up. Slowly I walked to the second door on the right and knocked gently.
As I entered the room I found Master sitting in a high backed leather chair and Robert was seated across from him. I smiled and started walking towards them when Master raised his hand.
“Lock the door please”. I did as told and as I did Master began to speak “princess, we are now in the privacy of this room. Robert and I have spoken quite openly. Show him who you are to me.”
I knew exactly what he was saying and I kneeed down and raised my dress soI kissed Master’s feet and felt him stroke my hair.
“She is my treasure, Robert. She will do anything I ask and in return, I will care for her, protect her, and cherish her.”
I could feel the heat in my face as I brushed against his thigh like a kitten waiting to be pet.
“I love you Master,” I said. “And I wish to bring you nothing but pleasure. Please?”
Master laughed as he reached down and lifted my chin up “I don’t want you sucking Robert’s cock here in the midst of our dinner party. Although, I’m sure he would enjoy it. Perhaps another time. But in the meantime, look over at him and show him your pretty eyes baby”.
As I turned to face Robert he smiled and adjusted himself. “She is a wonder, Al. You’re a lucky man!”
Those were the words I so enjoyed in hearing, for I knew then, that I had accomplished exactly what I wanted to. And that was to fill Master with pride. I will never forget the words that Master spoke in response to his partner.
“She is a submissive with the elegance like that of a tamed liness. But when she is allowed, she is like that of a wild tiger, clawing and crying to fulfill her needs to serve. This is what she is and always will be and for this she will remain mine.”
“Now go princess, up to the room and prepare for me. Be sure your pussy is wet and clean-shaven. And your mouth is ready for your feeding. You have earned a special dessert!” I giggled as I kissed Master’s fingertips and bowed to his friend Robert.
“I’ll be ready, Master”. And I adjusted my gown and hair and exited the room.
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