Submissive Adventure

Chapter 1

She walked up to the trailhead that would take her on her next journey. She had no idea of ​​what was in store, so she prepared as much as possible in her backpack. With her backpack secured, boots lacened up, thigh-high socks and garter fastened over a wicking pair of shorts, tank top with baby girl written across her chest, and jacket slightly unzipped. She tucks her pink beanie in the side pocket of her backpack to begin her journey. The old sage that told her about this trail said it was worth the hike. Unsure of what they mean by that, she knew something about how she said it made it worth trying.

“Ok trail, let’s do this.” She started to take a step but remembered her stuffie George in the car. She ran back to the car, unlocked the doors, and quickly grabbed George, her stuffed hippo. She kissed him and opened her pack. “You are not gonna wanna miss this George,” she said as she put most of his body in the bag allowing for his arms and head to stick out to watch her back. Skipping back to the entrance of the trail and clicking the lock button on her car and hearing the chirp chirp of her car saying it was locked. She pats George’s head and walks forward.

The trail was set in a forest that she had never seen before. Full of huge trees with large trunks. The canopy was full of tree branches but the branches never covered the path. Curious, she thought to herself.

She took out her phone and took some photos of some amaryllis that were all along the path. They are her favorite flowers so she was able to spot them right away. She dug into the ground to see if she could find any bulbs and to her lucky, she was able to locate 5. With joy, she took one stick of her backpack off and in the mesh pocket in front put the bulbs. Putting the strap back she continued. The flowers were so beautiful along the trail it was as if they were planted just for her.

She came to a river and rinsed her hands in the cool water. She heard a splash acouple of yards away and quickly reached for her concealed knife strapped under her left thigh high. She tilted her head slightly to not alarm the thing that made the noise that she had heard in case it was something not safe.

As her eyes lifted she saw a beautiful purple fox playing at the water’s edge.

How is that even possible she thought as she stared at the fox’s two-tone tail.

The fox lifted its head towards her and gave her a head nod acknowledging her presence. She looked at the fox for a little while longer until she noticed the large Grey wolf behind it.

“How did I not notice you?” She must have said aloud because instantly the wolf took a protective moment between her and the fox. She looked between the two and saw the fox hiding within the wolf’s shadow. “I’m sorry to disturb you. I mean neither of you any harm.” She said sweetly. The wolf nodded its head and urged the fox to get out of its shadow. With a couple of licks and fox was back at the waterr’s edge playing in the cool river water looking back at the wolf and giving playful splashes of water. This warmed her heart to see such an unlikely pair together.

With that, she is from her crouched position and the wolf’s head darted towards her. “I am leaving now. Sorry to disturb you, have fun.” She said and gave a wave. The fox gave a yip in response and the wolf just nodded its head.

As she Continued thinking about the purple fox… a purple fox. The color of the fox’s fur reminded her of her hair. Hmm. Interesting she thought.

Lost in thought she took a step and didn’t notice the unsteady ground. Her right ankle rolled and she landed hard on her knee. She screamed out in pain. The knee brace cushioned some of the impacts to her knee but her concern was her ankle. She rolled so she was sitting resting her back against a fallen tree that had to cause her to fall. “Stupid tree,” she said aloud.

She looked down and noticed her ankle was starting to swell and so was her knee. She started to pull up the leg of her shorts to undo the garter that is holding up the thigh high when there was a snap. She froze, sliding her hand to the knife.

A soothing voice came next. “Please don’t be alarmed, I heard a scream and came over to check.” Said a tall man, with dark hair and gray hairs showing, button down plaid in a beautiful deep blue and green, gray khakis and dark gray boots. He must have said something else besides what he first spoke because he looked at her like he was waiting for a reply.

“OH, I’m sorry I fell and hurt my knee and ankle.” Thinking that was what the man asked. “I gathered that from what looks like a swollen ankle and knee. What I asked was your name? Mine’s William Ulf.” He said.

She giggled “I like your name Ulf, it sounds like, wolf.” Ending in a smile.

He waited a moment longer looking at her waiting for her to answer his question. “Actually it means wolf so yeah it is pretty easy to remember.” Hepaused, “And your name?” He asked again with a little more dominance.

She cleared her throat. “My apologies, my name is Jessica Vixen. I know it sounds like a made up name but honestly it’s my name.” Then gave a proud smile.

The smile melted his heart and made him chuckle. “As I said earlier, could I take a look at your ankle and now knee for you? I am an army medic.” He stated. He gave an earnest look and something told me to trust him so I nodded and whispered “yes.”

He approached with a strong walk with both hands exposed, so she felt safe. He knelt down next to her and looked her in the eyes. He had the greenest eyes she had ever seen. She noticed his lips were moving and said suddenly due to embarrassment “I’m sorry,” she shook her head, “what did you say?” He shook his head and said “I asked if I could touch your leg to check the ankle and knee.” She blushed at the thought of this man touching her. “Well, I think you might be more qualified than my Google searchh. Unless you have elsewhere to be then I am sure I can figure it out.” He smiled at her comment. “I have nowhere to be but right here.” He proceeded to touch and feel around her ankle over the sock. His warm hands wrapped around the tender ankle she winced in pain, but didn’t let the moan escape her lips.

He slide his hands up her leg to her knee and continued with the same attention. He looked up and saw how red she was and smiled. He asked “Are you wearing a knee brace?” “Yes” she moaned out then quickly covered her mouth with eyes wide. He gave another chuckle and asked to pull the sock down. She quickly removed her hands from her mouth and lifted her shorts pant leg accidentally flashing her white panties, blushing she undid the garter holding the thigh socks in place in the front and with skill she was able to unhook the back and likely flashed her cheek to him.

His eyes widened and he cought to refocus, grabbing the sides of the sock and rolling it down her leg. Hisrough hands sliding down her skin sending shivers and goosebumps across her entire body. She was lost in the simple pleasure of his touch when his hand makes contact with her chin. She refocused on his face and he says again “Ok, bad news first. You sprained your ankle pretty bad and probably strained your knee. If you weren’t wearing the brace it would be sprained as well.”

“OK, Thank you for your help” she says as she starts to get up. Wincing in pain as she moves the foot to try to stand. She was suddenly scooped up in his arms. “I wasn’t finished, Jessica.” He said in a stern voice. “The good news is my cabin is about a quarter of a mile away and I can get you banded up, if that’s ok?” He asks.

She said, “Yeah, I guess that is a way better plan than mine.” Feeling unsure because of her size. She added, “If I am too much weight I understand. You can put me down, I really don’t want to hurt you.”

“OH, little fox, you are light compared to the grown men I have hadto carry around. It would be my honor to carry such a beautiful lady, such as yourself.” He says looking deep into her hazel eyes and she melts. “Oh… ok… promise.” She shyly replies. He gives a little chuckle then says “Is that a purple hippo I see in your backpack?” She proudly replies “Yes, his name is George and he is the best stuffie in the whole world.” She reaches for him, but needs better leverage so she places her right arm on his shoulder, and pulls George from her backpack. She presents George to him and say “He smells like lavender!”, with a wide smile. Smiling in return he replied “Well now I know why you smell like lavender.” He then proceeded forward with walking to his cabin. She tightens her arm around the back of his neck for support and snuggles into the crook of his neck. “Thank you” she says with a whisper. “You’re most welcome. Now rest, I’ve got you.” She closed her eyes, feeling his warmth.


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