It was through Denise that I learned what a true sexually submissive person would do. You hear rumours, of course, but unless you’re actually a dom or a sub you don’t really know.
The night it happened I was at a neighborhood barbecue. I didn’t really know the couple all that well, as they were new to the area. The barbecue was their way of getting acquainted with their closest neighbors.
Jordan seemed OK to me, but a bit pushy. I’m an introvert, and I find extroverts can be a bit wearing. Denise on the other hand gave me the irrits. It seemed to me that Jordan was probably learning to be push simply by having to stand up to Denise each day. It wasn’t just that she was also an extrovert, but she was pushy as shit, always telling everyone what to do.
I Found, an hour after the barbecue had started, I’d had enough. I was heading home. Being a hot afternoon I thought a drink of water before I slipped out wouldn’t be too much to ask, but wouldn’t you know it, they did’t have any on the tables. Beer, wine and soft-drink, but no water.
I shrugged, nipped into the kitchen and ran myself a glass. I was standing there drinking it when Denise came in and started yelling at me. I’m like, jeez, woman, I just wanted a glass of water, but she was ranting at me and carrying on. I strongly suspected that the whole barbecue think had definitely not been her idea.
So There we were, me drinking my glass of water and her berating me as though I’d stuffed the family jewels into a sack and she’d caught me climbing out the window. Was it my fault they had forgotten to provide water for their guests?
When I made the mistake of pointing that out to her, her ire rose a notch. I can tell you right now, I was getting seriously pissed off. Introverts like the quiet life, and Denise was by no means quiet. Finally I’d had as much as I could take.
With me, unfortunately, I sometimes descend to crudities when I really want to offend someone. And I foundI really wanted to offend Denise. The result wasn’t pretty.
“For christ’s sake, woman,” I snarled at her. “If you’ve got to use your tongue on me at least use it doing something useful. Get on your knees and suck me off. It’ll quietly you down.”
That’s when I found out Denise was a true sub. Her mouth snapped closed, she blushed and then, while I’m watching in a state of shock, she knees in front of me, unzips my fly, pulls my cock free and bends her head over it.
It took somewhat less than a second for me to go from flaccid to fully erect. The blood drained from my head and into my cock so fast it’s a wonder I didn’t pass out. I looked down, trying to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, but there she was, head bobbing up and down as she worked over my cock.
I could feel her teeth grating lightly across the head, causing little shirts to run through me, while her tongue tantalised and teased, all the time gently producing a light suction. I’ll swear my cock had never swelled so large so fast.
You will have already guessed that I didn’t think for one moment that my invitation had been so nicely delivered that she couldn’t help herself. I made the spot-on guess that she was naturally sexually submissive, and it had been the command in my voice combined with the sexual nature of the order that had triggered her automatic responses. Whatever, I couldn’t really let it continue.
“Enough,” I snapped. “Stand up.”
She did, and I immediately found myself wishing I hadn’t stopped her. Firstly, because that woman had been delivering a really good blowjob, and secondly, because she promptly started in on me again. How dare I make her do something like that? I should be ashamed.
Hey, it wasn’t my fault. She should be able to control her lustful impulses. She didn’t appreciate my saying so however, and her voice started to rise again. This time my pissed off level was reached a lot faster.
“Shut up and take your panties off, you silly bitch,” I snapped, and waited, trying to look as though I knew she wouldn’t fail to obey me.
This time she tried to fight it. For about five seconds. Then still glaring at me she reached up and pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. This time I didn’t give her a chance to recover her initiative.
“Lift your dress,” I told her, and she seemed to swallow what she was about to say and did so.
“You have been rude to an invited guest,” I told her. “You really need to be punished, don’t you?”
Denise flushed and nodded.
“What are you going to do?” she asked.
“Well, it seems to me I can ask Jordan to come in and deal with you or I can spank you myself. Now I’m going to let you choose. Do I leave you standing here like This while I get Jordan or do I spank you for your rudeness to me?”
I could see she was fighting it, but it seemed obedience in sexual matters was too strongly built into her. She almost choked on it, but admitted she didn’tWant her husband coming in. It made me wonder just what sort of punishments he dealt out.
“Alright, take me to a more private room where we won’t be interrupted while I attended to you. And keep your dress lifted. I want to see your bottom roll as you walk.”
Obediently she turned and started further into the house. I gave her bottom a flick.
“If you place one foot directly in front of the other as you walk, you’ll find it gives a proper roll to your bottom,” I said. “Do it.”
I won’t repeat what I thought she said, but she obeyed. She had a nice bottom, and it was doing some interesting things as she did her little strutting walk down the hall and turned into one of the rooms.
The room she had chosen was what I assumed was a spare bedroom. Once in there I closed the door and ordered her to finish undressing.
“Why?” she demanded to know. “You don’t need me to undress fully to spank me.”
Even while protesting, she was doing it. It was fascinating. She just couldn’t seem to help yourself.
“It’s not for you to ask why,” I pointed out. “You just have to do as you’re told. But seeing you’ve asked, I’d like to point out that you have really annoyed me, so after I spank you for your bad manners, I’m going to fuck you for annoying me. Do you have any objects?”
I could see her trying to get her nervous together and bolt or scream or something, so I spoke up again.
“If you want me to fuck you before I spank you, that can be arranged. For a fuck to start, bend over the bed. For a spanking to start, bend over and touch your toes. And do it now.”
A spanking it was, apparently, as Denise hastily bent over hands brushing her toes. I didn’t hesitate. A full arm’s length swat finished with my hand solidly impacting her bottom. She gave a squeak, but didn’t try to do anything to stop me.
“When you think you’ve been sufficiently spanked,” I told her, “turn round and bend over the bed. Understand?”
Denise gave alittle nod, followed by a little yip as my hand connected with her bottom again. I proceeded to deliver a nice little spanking to her.
Please don’t think that I just stood there, swatting at her very attractive little bottom. I move around a bit, made sure that I attended to both cheeses. Some swats were hard, some were soft. A couple of times I just popped her with a cupped hand; a lot of noise but hardly any contact. I also started landing some soft slapses along her pussy, just getting her used to the idea that it still had its part to play.
Denise was making hardly any sound, gasping a bit and wriggling a little, but making no move to try to stop me. It was when I popped her pussy, with a finger somehow or other slipping between her lips, that she captured.
All of a sudden she gave a frantic little squeak and twisted to face the bed, bending over it, legs spread wide and a desperate look on her face as she looked back at me.
Never let it be said I failed inmy duty. My cock had been as hard and rigid as a crowdbar ever since she pulled that little stunt with her mouth, and with a single step towards her I was aligned and in and driving full length into her in one motion.
Would you believe that was all it took for her to climax? She squealed and shuddered, and I could feel her clamping down on my cock as her convulsions ripped through her. All I could do was wait her out, which was what I did.
As soon as she started to come down from her high I started working towards mine. I drove into her hard and fast, pulling out and ramming home, feeling her thrusting her pussy back against me, eager to have her punishment continue.
Reaching around her I grazed her breasts, roughly working them while I continued to hammer her pussy, driving her back to the climax she has just left. A remarkably responsive woman, Denise. She came a second time before I was ready for my climax, messing up the smooth rhythm I had established, but I quickly picked it up again.
I kept on driving into her, finally feeling my own climax coming along. Spurting deep into Denise, she squealed and climaxed a third time, this time clamping onto my cock and milking me for all she could get.
Finally pulling back from her, I told her to go and have a shower and then to return to her guests. And to remember to be polite to them. Then I slipped out the door and headed home.
I discussed her behavior with a psychiatrist friend of mine without mentioning any names. Just the behavior pattern. He reckons she’s a natural submissive who’s been under the thumb of a dom for so long that, where sex is concerned, she’ll obey anyone who speaks firmly to her.
He reckons it doesn’t really matter. After all, how many men are likely to march up to a strange woman and demand she perform sexual acts?
I have to admit, I’m wondering what would happen if I rang her up and ordered her to take off her pants and come to my place so I couldfuck her again?
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