Submission: Dave's Journey

November 3rd — Present Year

The room Dave found himself in was cold, dark, and dank…

He was naked, except for the stainless-steel cage fully encasing his cock and clamped tightly around his balls. His body was damp and sore. He couldn’t remember how he came to be here, or what had happened to him before awakening in this room. How long had he have been here: Hours? Days? Or longer? Who could say? As he became more aware of his surroundings, he realized that he was standing in the middle of a large stone-walled room. His ankles were chained to a metal ring sunk into the cold stone floor. His wrist was chained together and attached to a cable that ran from a winch mounted to the wall behind him, through a pulling far overhead in the darkened room. The descending cable was just taut enough to lift and to keep him upright.

The floor felt cold and damp on his bare feet, and there was a slightly musty smell in the air. The only light seemed to be coming from a dozen candles that were burning in iron-work wall scenarios; their combined feeble light, barely able to beat back the blackness of the room, only added to the uneasy feeling that was building deep in his gut.

Dave tried to speak — but he couldn’t. Even though his mouth was unfettered, he couldn’t utter a single word. The best he could muster up was a couple of faith grunts and groans, but forming words was completely beyond his capabilities. It was as if someone had removed his larynx.

His hearing on the other hand was excellent. From somewhere in the darkness, he heard a disappoint click, and then the unmistakable squeaking of a door being opened. Shortly thereafter he heard the solid footfalls of high heeled shoes as they click-clacked along the stone floor.

Slowly a beautiful woman appeared from out of the darkness of the room. As she approached him somewhere high overhead a spotlight was turned on, and a tight beam of white light was focusedd on her.

She stood five feet eight inches tall and weighed 120 pounds. Her should length blond hair bounced around her slender face with each step she took. She wore no makeup except for the subtle shade of red lip gloss on her full and slightly puffy lips. Across her cheeks and nose was a slight spray of freckles; so weak and delicate that they seemed to appear and disappear with each movement of her head.

She wore a black bustier corset that pushed up her already ample breast, and at the same time slightly separated them. She also wore a matching floor-length leather skirt that hugged her hips. With each step, a bare leg was briefly visible through the slit in the skirt that ran from her waist, all the way down its length. Her feet were adorned with four-and-a-half-inch high siletto pumps. They were secured to her feet by a stick that ran across the tops of her toes, and another that strapped around her leg, just above the ankle.

Dave tried to shout out, “Wheream I? Who are you? Why am I here?” but the only sounds that came out of his mouth were unintelligible faith grunts and groans.

With a soulful yet determined look upon her face she slowly looked over Dave’s naked and restrained body. Then she said, “Are you ready? Do you understand that once it is done, there is no going back — ever? That once it is done, you will belong to me, to do with as I see fit?”

He tried to speak, but couldn’t…

Five months earlier…

Dave and his beautiful wife of 43 years, Diana, were lounging in their pool on inflatable floats. Except for the glistening stainless steel cage that was snugly and securely attached to Dave’s cock they were nude. Their casual pool talk was the usual mundane day-to-day conversations that ran its course from the weather, politics, kids (grown though they were), to what Diana wanted Dave to prepare for dinner that evening. After a couple of hours of sun, water, and conversation, Diana decided that they should retreat to the cool shade of the deck.

As she climbed the ladder to exit the pool, the bright sunshine and water cascading off her trim and curvy body combined to produce an image that Dave hoped would never fade. She looked as beautiful today as she had all those years ago. As she always would, at least in his mind’s eye.

She stood, somewhat impatiently, waiting as Dave followed her up the ladder. He quickly grabbed a towel from the storage locker and gently dried her body. He then dabbed himself with the same towel as he followed her to the cool shade and comfort of the padded deck chairs and table where she sat down.

“Go in and make me a Margarita,” Diana said. It wasn’t so much a request as it was a command.

“Yes Princess,” Dave replied as he got to his feet and started towards the door.

“And no salt on the rim,” she called after him.

“Yes Princess,” he replied.

He loved it when she told him to do something, instead of merely requesting it. As he was walking towards the door, he felt a familiar tingle deep within his soul, and it was accompanied by a tightness of his cage that wasn’t there a moment ago.

As he entered the house and made his way to the bar to prepare Diana’s cocktail, he began reminiscing:

He had always known that he was submissive; that he had an innate desire to serve and be dominated by a strong, and demanding woman.

Then he met her, and they had fallen in love. They first met in July of 1979 and were married in November of the same year. Their relationship for the first thirty-six years of their marriage was conventional in every sense of the word. He had assumed the traditional role of being the man-of-the-house and all that it entailed. Diana, likewise, settled into the traditional role of being a wife and working mother. Together, they started a family, and suffered through the trials and tribulations of any young couple. They set about raising kids, buying a home and cars, careers, and countless other demands that were made upon them. Yet, through all of it, their love held them together and their relationship not only grew, but it also flourished. But as good as it was, there was a desire, nay, a need, that Dave had, that was mostly ignored. A basic need of his that was still unfulfilled.

It wasn’t until seven years ago that Dave summoned his courage and confessed his needs and desires to her. After the shock of his revelation, Diana, reluctantly at first, did her best to indulge him and fulfill his needs. Sometimes into the first or second year of their new relationship, Dave introduced her to the idea of ​​enforced chattity and orgasm denial. While she did not fully understand why he wanted this, she agreed to try it. Though it was hard for her at first, she quickly grew into the role and fully embedded it.

She discovered that when Dave was locked in a chatity device, he behaved far differently than when he was not. She soon found out that orgasm denial produced a profound hormone change in him. In this state, he became far more attentive to her needs, more in touch with his own feelings, and eager to please to almost a subservient degree.

She discovered that she could keep him locked up and enjoy the attentive quality oral sex she always dreamed of but rarely experienced. That he would be more than happy to serve her orally as often and for as long as she wished.

For the first time in her life, she felt powerful, confident, and fully in charge. The fact that she now had a man who was at her constant beck and call, a man who would do, with few exceptions, anything she demanded, only reenforced her confidence and strengthened her resolve to dominate him. He belonged to her, body, and soul. He knew it. But more importantly, she knew it too.

For his part, Dave learned that giving her pleasure, and being denied his own could be intoxicating. It greatly increased the length of their play time, giving them a fun little game to engage in. To him, there was nothing quite like the feeling he had, after feasting upon her pussy for an hour or more, and then feeling her have an explosive orgasm. He would lay between her thighs exhausted, his face thick with her juices, while his own secretions were leaking from his caged and tormented cock and slowly adding to the wet spot on the sheets. He was in a state of bliss. He had had, What they had come to call, a virtual orgasm. He also discovered that when Diana finally allowed him to have a real one, the feeling was incredibly intense, producing a wave of dopamine that flooded his system and lifted him to a new sexual high.

They had lived in this new lifestyle, a female led relationship, for the last seven years now; a relationship in which she made ninety-nine percent of the decisions concerning them. They experimental, and tried various aspects of their new lifestyle, but there was still something missing. Even though they lovedEach other deeply, and both put all their effort into making their new relationship work, things had become stale and predictable.

“Hey, where the hell is my drink,” Diana called out.

The sound of her slightly annoyed voice snapped him from his reverie. “Coming my princess,” he said.

He hurriedly finished her Perfect Patrón Margarita. He placed a napkin on a small serving tray, and carefully set the drink on it, as he added a Lime wheel for garnish. Diana, sitting in the shade on the deck was browsing something on her table as Dave opened the door and started towards her.

“Well, it’s about time. I was beginning to think something was wrong,” she said

“Sorry princess, I guess I was some distracted,” he explained, as he set her drink on the table.

As he stood Next to her, Diana laid her tablet on the table and took a sip of her margarita. While she savored the tart cooling of the drink, his eyes wandered to the document that was displayed upon the tablet’s screen.

As he was trying to steal a glimpse of the document, she picked up the tablet and handed it to him and said, “I’ve been thinking about our relationship, and I believe it’s about time to formalize it. This is a list of rules that I’ve been working on, it’s not quite complete just yet, but it gives you an idea of ​​what direction I want our relationship to go in. I’ve decided that since this is the lifestyle that you want, then from this point on there will be no more half-asseded playing around. If this is really what you want, then it’s all or nothing. Are you sure this is what you want? Because, if you say yes, there will be no going back.”

Dave stood there, some dumbfounded. Was this really happening, he wondered. It was almost too good to be true. Could his fansies and deep-seated desires to be dominated be coming true?

Seven years ago, Diana had agreed to try the new relationship with him. Now she was ready to take total control of both his body and mind.

The document he was looking at on her tablet appeared to be an extensive list of rules that she was developing for him.

Dave’s Slave Training and Chastity Rules

  1. You must always obey me.
  2. You must never question, or refuse any of my orders, commands, or requests under any circumstances.
  3. You only focus should be on my happiness and contentment.
  4. You must accept that I know your potential and know what is best for you.
  5. You must always trust me. I know what is best for you, your limits and strengths, your potential and weaknesses and that I always have your well-being at heart.
  6. You must accept that you are nothing more than an object for my pleasure.
  7. You must never hesitate when responding to any order or command I give you
  8. You must thank me for any punishment or discipline youeceive.
  9. You have no will of your own. If you require something, then you must seek my permission prior and accept my decision even if it is not the answer you wanted.
  10. You must always be in submission to me, whether in my presence or not.
  11. You must always be ready to defend me and to defend our relationship, my reputation, and our lifestyle.
  12. If you must make a choice and cannot ask me, you must always make your decision based on what, to the best of your ability, you think I would decide for you.
  13. You must accept that no whip, cane, or belt can inflict more pain on you than knowing you have displeased me.
  14. You must never hesitate in your desire to show obedience to me.
  15. Any opportunity to please me should be taken, even if This is of great cost to you.
  16. You must never ever achieve orgasm without my permission.
  17. You must always end whatever punishment or discipline I useon you as a guide to being a better submissive.
  18. You must not think of yourself as weak. It takes a strong male to accept total submission to a female.
  19. You must know that you are only truly free when you are completely owned and controlled by me.
  20. You must never show any signs of disrespect to me, even when not in my presence.
  21. You must allow yourself to cry, especially When being distributed. It allows the bond between us to grow and shows you are not afraid to demonstrate your password.
  22. You must give yourself up to complete submission so that you may demonstrate the love you have for me.
  23. My needs will always come before your own and you must never hesitate to put this into practice when the time arrives.
  24. You must wear any marks from whips or canes proudly and accept them as marks that show you have learned and are striving to do better.
  25. You must always be sure to listen when I am speaking during your training or discipline.I will only be saying things to aid you in being a better husband, a better slave, and anything I say should be taken to heart.
  26. You are responsible for all domestic duties, including cooking, cleaning, ironing, vacuuming, or whatever else I decide.
  27. You are responsible for all domestic duties, including cooking, cleaning, ironing, vacuuming, or whatever else I decide.
  28. You first thought upon waking and your last before falling wait should always be that of me.
  29. You must always give 100% effort when serving me. Always be enthusiastic and vigorous.
  30. You must realize that I am your owner and as such I own every part of you and your body. In return you must love and obey me.
  31. You must realize that I am entitled to decide which parts of your body are used. I will decide how and when they are used as well as whom They are used by.
  32. I have every right to secure your cock in a chatity device of my choosing.
  33. You must realize that I do not need to provide you with any justification or reason to secure you in a chastity device. Your only concern is that I want to, and that by itself is reason enough.
  34. You must realize that under no circumstances are you allowed to attempt to remove, alter, or bypass the chatity device with which you have been secured. You must draw my attention to any fault in the device which may have an impact on its functionality so that I can ensure that the device performs as it is intended to.
  35. You must remember that it is your responsibility and duty to keep yourself clean and to care for your cock so that the wearing of the device is not impeded through health concerns.
  36. You must remember that I have locked up your cock for the precision reason that you can no longer achieve an erection or orgasm without my permission. Your cock is no longer there for your pleasure, but for mine. Your sole duty is to carry it around for me.
  37. You must remember that it is your duty and obligation to inform me of your experiences while wearing the device.
  38. You must accept that I have taken away from you the ability to obtain an erection or get any form of sexual release.
  39. You should always be thankful for having me secure you in a chatity device. It is your duty to take pleasure in the idea that I control the use of my property and that gives me amusement. You should always let me know how thankful you are for that.

Dave slowly and carefully read the document and as he reached the end of it, He knew he would submit to her; there wasn’t a single doubt of this in his mind. He knew that after a lifetime of fantasizing and roleplaying exactly what he would do. This was the real deal and his life as he had known it would be over, and a new one like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, would take its place. A life of submission, chatity, and denial. A life of service, devotion, and worship. A life that he had long for, a life that had eluded him for so long.

As he stood next to her, he felt a tightnessin his cage and a dampness coming from it and beginning to trickle down his right leg.

Diana, taking another sip of her drink, eyed him up and down. “Keep in mind that this list is in no way complete, it can, and probably will have items added to or removed from it,” she said with a slight smile and a gleam in her eye. “If you are ready to submit to me, then this will be your last day as a free man. Do you understand?” she said.

“I do, my princess,” he said.

“Then do you consent to what we have been discussing, and to the list of rules you’ll be expected to learn and follow?” she asked.

“Yes, my princess. I am willing to submit myself to you and your desires,” he said.

“Then tomorrow, we’ll begin,” she said. “And in five months’ time we will complete Your training, and have some kind of a formal ceremony,” she continued as she set back in her chair and spread her legs wide apart. “But, right now, you may begin by worshiping my pussy.”

Dave kneeed bEfor her and planted his face deeply and firmly between her legs. As he got close to her, he smelled the slight musky smell he loved so much. As he got his mouth even closer, he flicked out his tongue, and felt her dampness, and tasted her sweet negative. He slowly at first, feasted upon her. He could feel her body beginning to relax, only to be replaced by a new, and building tension deep within her. One that continued to build, until she could no longer contain it. Grabbing Dave by the hair, she pulled him even closer, and ground her pussy into his eager face. Gasping for air, he continued savoring her, as he smoothed her pussy with his lips and tongue… Then her orgasm tore through her body and shook her to her core. Once she stopped convulsing from the extreme pleasure she had just enjoyed, she fell back against her chair, totally relaxed, and spent. Dave, in a state of total bliss from his virtual orgasm, rested his weary head upon her thigh.

To be continued…


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