Submission of a Wife (Pt. 01)

(Author’s note: This is my first time submitting a story publicly, so I really appreciate all the feedback I can get. This story is the first part of a series that I have been thinking about a lot. I know more or less how it will go, but I would love to hear suggestions on where you want our narrower to end up.)


I opened my apartment door after a long day at the office. It was around 7 pm and I was exhausted and starving. I hoped my husband had cooked. He mentioned that he has something special prepared for me this weekend, but I had no clue what it is. We had a long weekend off, and I was excited for this short break. When I stepped through the door, I looked at the hallway table and I noticed that my husband’s keys were not hanging on the wooden key hanger. It was thrown in the bowl below it, and I realize the kind of special that he had in mind.

I married this man 3 years ago. We had great sex, and we both realized quite early that neither of us is vanilla. Our sex life has always incorporated different elements of BDSM, and he was the boss of me in bed. One year ago, I was extremely stressed from work, and I wanted to escape my mind. Nothing calmed down my anxiety disorder like when my husband bossed me around in bed, but I didn’t feel like having sex. I only needed his orders. After a long, difficult talk with my husband, we negotiate an agreement that we were both happy with. He became my master and I became his slave. One of our rules is that if his keys were not hung, I was to strip completely and crawl to where he was sitting.

I took off my work bag and carefully placed it on the floor. Then I quickly took off my clothes and throw them in the laundry bag. I fell to my knees and crawled to find my husband sitting by the kitchen table. He was working on his laptop, and he didn’t even glimpse in my direction. When I reached the side of his chair, I kneeled so that my head touched the ground. I raised my ass up like he has trainedme, and I waited.

I love this position. Kneeling to my master always makes me feel like I am nothing but his slave. I don’t need to think about anything else than worshipping him and following his orders. Today, my mind was spiraling. He usually smiles my way, pats my head, and greets me. Today, he was completely ignoring me. I was not allowed to look up or speak until he allowed me to, and he didn’t. Was he mad at me? What did I do wrong? Did I forget something? Was I being punished? I obediently knelt there for what felt like more than 30 minutes.

“Get under the table, turn around, and put your ass up like a good slave,” he used his commanding voice. It felt even lower and scarier than usual.

I realized that I have let my ass fall and that I wasn’t keeping my position. I quickly crawled under the table and followed his orders. My ass was now facing him, and I was making sure it is as high as I can raise it.

“My slave is worn,” he stated while touchingmy asshole.

My pussy immediately responded to his touch and I felt myself getting wet. I pushed my ass up more, yearning for him to touch me in other places as well.

“Good. We have no time to waste.” He removed his hand away from me and I felt instant disappointment.

What are we going to do? Do we have somewhere to be? What does he have planned?

“We are going away for the weekend. I have everything packed and ready.”

“Wait, then I should pack my clothes. Where are we going?” I blurted out.

“You will do nothing but obey me for the next 3 days. Am I clear?”

Up until this point, our scenes have lasted a maximum of 6 hours. I had some rules to follow in my daily life: I have to bring him all his drinks. I have to drive him everywhere When I’m not working. I have to touch myself for 5 minutes every morning. I do not touch myself without his permission. I do not cum without his permission. My body is free use at all times. Rules that reminded me thathe owned me, but didn’t interfere with our daily lives. This was new territory. Three days of obedience was something I have only read about in erotic novels.

“Yes, my master,” I answered, without trying to hide the hint of excitement in my voice.

He smiled. “Save your excitement for when you know what you’re getting into.”

What did he mean?

“Come,” he said while standing up and walking into our bedroom. I followed on the floor. “Wear this,” he said while handing me a dress. It was pink, with thin, cheap stretchy fabric. When I looked at it more closely, I realized that it was very short and very small. I am a big girl, and this dress was a size XS. I knew that there was no way for me to negotiate out of wearing that dress.

My eyes searched the room. “Are we going out? I need a bra.”

“No bra. No underwear. Wear it now.”

I put on this dress and I couldn’t believe that he wanted me to go out like that. I looked down and my DD boobs were hangingdown, stretching the dress. The dress was barely covering my ass. When I try to move, the dress slides up. There was no way I can wear this in public.

“Come,” he took me by my hand and walked me to our full-size mirror. “Look at yourself. Look at your body. Look at what you are.”

I looked up and I realized I was much more exposed than I thought I was. I can see my nipples and areolas. I can see my hip dips. I can see every detail of my stomach. I can see my crotch. The dress was extremely tight.

“You are a whore. You should look like one,” I couldn’t believe that he is speaking to me like that. Even in our scenes, he used ‘whore’ as a term of endearment. This time he was not.

I blushed and looked down. I felt a knot in my stomach and I Felt my wetness between my folds.

He pushed my chin up again, forcing me to see myself in the mirror. “I know that you are wet. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is who you are, and for the next 3 days, I will help youRealize that,” he said while handing me the car keys. Then he opened my bag, took my phone and wallet, and put them in his pocket. He raised the handle of a carry-on bag that was by the door but I somehow missed. “Let’s go,” he said while opening the door, “and no, don’t wear shoes.”

I followed him in my dress outside our house. I tried to hide my boobs with my arms, but I knew that there was only so much I can hide. Anyone who sees me like this will not see me, a successful woman who leads a normal life. No, they will see a whore, following a man, barefoot and almost naked. When I was inside the car. I relaxed a bit. I didn’t realize that I was cold. After all, it was October and it felt more like winter and less like fall.

“How was your day?” He asked while holding my hand kissing the inside of my palm. As usual, he was breaking the scene when it was time for me to drive.

I smiled and caressed his face. “Long and stressful. The deal that I was telling you about isAlmost closed.”

“You worked so hard for this. You just need to get it to the finish line. You deserve all the success,” he said in a serious tone. “And every penny,” he continued, with a wink.

I wondered how he was able to switch from master to husband in such a short instance. “And I can’t wait for those pennies! Where are we heading?”

He added an unfamiliar address on the car navigation system. It was 49 minutes away. I turned on the car and started driving.

The drive felt normal, like any other drive we’ve been on. He put on music, and I sang along. We were like any other couple, except that I dressed like a whore and had no idea what was going to happen to me for the next 3 days.

Ten minutes before arrival at our destination, I turned into a small road that was covered in yellow and orange leaves. It looked like no one has been there for weeks. With long trees from both sides, the road felt endless, and I couldn’t stop my mind from wondering about wherere we are going. Somewhere I don’t know. Somewhere isolated. At the end of that road, a small cabin appeared.

“Park here,” he pointed at a space in front of the cabin. I obeyed.

The cabin looked well taken care of, which felt out of context considering its surroundings. I looked at the map on the screen, and it was the only cabin on the map in at least a 7 miles radius. I am sure that my husband noticed me staring, because he jumped in my direction, turned off the car, and took the key, which turned off the screen. He looked at me, placed his hand on my neck, and went in for a kiss. But it was not the kiss of a loving husband. It was a kiss of a master taking what is his. We were back in the scene. He lowered his hand slowly. I thought it was going for my boobs, but instead, he caught the neckline of my dress and Pulled it down until my boobs jerked out of it. He opened his door and got out of the car. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, so I stayed still. He went aroundnd the car until he reaches my door and opened it.

“On the floor.”

I knew what he means. I got out of my seat and immediately got down on my hands and knees. I remembered that I was barefoot, but it didn’t matter. I was not going to walk on my feet. The floor was hard concrete, but it was clean.

The ground felt cold under my hands and knees. My boobs were hanging abruptly from above the neckline of my dress. I looked up and saw him looking at me with an evil smile on his face. He slammed the car door shut, took the carry-on from the trunk, and walked towards the cabin.

One second later, I started crawling behind him. When we reached the cabin door, he went in, took off his shoes, and gestured for me to come after him.

The furniture inside was simple yet chic. All the wood was dark and all the fabric was beige. It consistent of a large open space that included the kitchen and the living room with a sofa and an armchair, and there were 3 closed doors on the right.

I looked around for clues of what will be happening but I found nothing. He put the carry-on on a table and opened it. I couldn’t see what’s inside it. A moment later, he took something and walked towards the armchair, sat down, and tapped on his leg.

I took this as a gesture for me to go to him, so I crawled while still looking around. When I reached his feet, I realized that what he took from the bag was a leash. A new leash that I have never seen before. It was at least 4 inches high.

“Hold your hair up.”

I obeyed.

He wrapped the leash around my neck and tightened it more than I wanted him to. Then he took a lock out of his pocket and fixed it on the clap on the leash. “Are you uncomfortable?”


“Good,” he said while observing me. His face didn’t show any emotions. My master was always dominant, but he wasn’t always scary. Today I was scared. “For the next 3 days, you will feel uncomfortable, bored, vulnerable, and in pain. Do youRemember your safeword?”


“You can use your safeword when you need to,” he patted my head like I was a dog.

I smiled at his reminder, but he didn’t return my smile.

“However, the moment you safeword, this ends. Not just our little vacation, but everything else.”

I didn’t understand what he was saying.

” I’ve been Really fed up with you. You say you want me to dominate you, but you want to have a safeword. You say you want me to hurt you, but you get out of it when it’s too much. From now on, I decide what’s too much and what’s not.”

I feel a lump in my throat. Is he seriously saying that he will stop dominating me if I safeword?

“You cannot safeword out of one thing and choose another. This is a whole package deal. If you don’t completely submit to me, you are not worthy of being my slave. I don’t want an object that has opinions. I don’t want a slave that can disapprove.”

I was stunned. He was being serious. I have never seenThis coming. He had never expressed anything like that. So far, he had always made sure that it was completely ok to safeword. I didn’t know what he had planned for me, but the look on his face showed disgust and anger. He didn’t want to have some fun in a scene. He wanted my complete submission. He wanted to break me.

“Am I being clear?”

I nodded.

“Use your words.”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, my master.” This was never one of our rules, to always call him “my master”, but I always knew when he wanted to hear it.

“In our time here, you will always address me like that. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my master.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Yes, my master.” I have only had lunch.

“Too bad, you will eat tomorrow.”

A short laugh escaped my mouth. I thought he was joking. And before I can realize what was happening, his hand fell on my face in what felt like the hardest slap I’ve ever received.

“Is it funny to you? Do you thinkthat I’m joking? Do you think I won’t do it?” He asked in a tone of voice that I never heard before. One that I have only imagined. One that I thought only belonged in fantasy. “If you laugh at anything I say again, you will not eat until we get out if here, and I mean it.”

I stared at him in disbelief. Who is this man? And why am I kneeing in front of him? He looked like my husband but didn’t act or sound like him. It was like a beast was unleashed from inside of him and took over.

“Follow me,” he got up and started walking towards one of the closed doors.

I hurried behind him, the chain and handle of my lean dragging beside me.

He opened the first door on the left to what looked like a small storage room. Looking more closely, it was a room that was a maximum of 3 feet by 5 feet. On the floor, there was a thin mattress that is even smaller than the room. On the mattress, there was a small pillow and a folded blanket. There was nothing else in the room but ashelf that was too high for me to see what is on it.

“This is your room.”

The room was too small to stretch my legs. The mattress was too thin to sleep comfortably. There was no light source. There were no windows.

He handed me a printed paper filled with a numbered list. “These are the rules that you will follow for the next 3 days.”

I looked at it but couldn’t focus enough to read it. There were too many things happening at once. I was only able to see that there are 35 items on the list. 35 rules.

“Get in,” he said as he walked away towards a table. He grabbed a tape candle on a glass base that had around 3 inches of candle left and lit it. When he started walking back, I realized that I hadn’t obeyed him yet, so I quickly crawled onto the mattress and turned around to face him.

He placed the candle on the floor beside the mattress. “You will read those rules until the candle turns off on its own. I will know if you turn it off yourself, and I will know if you break any of the other rules,” he said pointing at the ceiling.

I looked up and noticed a small camera in the corner that I had not noticed before.

“After the candle turn off, you will listen to this,” he handed me a small device with earphones attached to it. I realized that it was an old mp3 player. “It has only one track. It is one hour long. You will listen to it until you sleep. You can repeat it as many times as you need to. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” My voice was low. “Yes, my master,” I blurted out one second later, and I noticed a curl on the corner of his lips. I was going to have trouble remembering this rule, and he knew it.

“On the shelf here,” he stretched his arm and grabbed something from the shelf above me, “you will find the key to this room in a vacuum-sealed cover and scissors.” He showed them to me. “You are only allowed to get out of this room if it’s an emergency. Wanting to pee is not an emergency. Being bored is not an emergency. Being scared is not an emergency. Only in case of an emergency, are you allowed to use this key. If it’s not an emergency, if you are not in actual danger, I will treat this the same as you have safe written. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my master,” I answered sufficiently but I didn’t really understand. How long will I be in this room? Will he really lock me in? Will I sleep here every night? My breath started to become shallower and he noticed.

“You can do this. I know you,” he caressed my head like I was a lost puppy. “You will become the slave that I want you to be. The slave that I deserve. You will be shocked at how far you can go to become this slave for me. I know you can.”

My breath slowed down, reacting to his touch and his voice. I was scared but he was right. I have fantasized for years about what is happening to me now. Deep down, I have always wanted this.

“Your dress,” he said while opening his hand to me. I took it off quickly and handed itto him. “Are you wet?”

“Yes, my master.”

“You are not allowed one single touch until I reopen this door. Am I clear?”

“Yes, my master.”

He walked away and got a bottle of water. He throw it at me and gave me a look that I was not familiar with, disgust. It was raw. It was intense. It was real.

“You are a dirty, disgusting whore. You know this is who you are deep inside. I will make sure this who comes out and that you are not able to hide her anymore. I have been waiting too long for this. Now it’s time you learn your place. On the floor in this room until I want you out.”

After he finished his short speech, he bowed his head closer to my face. I was going in for a kiss until he stopped moving, and before I realize it, spit on my face.

“Don’t wipe it,” he said as he closed the door, and I heard the key turning and his feet walking away.


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