It took Monica about forty minutes to drive across the bridge and return to her place on Capitol Hill. Her apartment was one of three that had been created by subdividing a lovely old home. The rent was steering, but the location close to downtown saved her nearly two hours commuting time each day compared to her previous apartment in Auburn.
After placing a load of clothing in the washing machine, she went on to give the place a thorough cleaning. She actually liked housecleaning. It gave her time to think. Mostly she thought about Cole. She couldn’t decide if she should think of him as Howard or Master. She did know that she was starting to fall in love. Her study of D/S relationships had warned her that strong emotions were the rule between D/S couples. I’m not going to make any hasty decisions, she promised herself.
She played back the previous evening in her mind to see if there were any danger signs. If Cole had intended to hurt her, he would have done it by now, sheconcluded. Breakfast this morning had been a big surprise. She couldn’t remember any of her previous lovers or boyfriends making breakfast for her. This guy just might have the makings of a good husband. That thought produced a big smile. For some reason, she always felt better dating a man who was potential husband material. It keep her from feeling that she was wasting her time.
When she had been in his Study, she had noticed some diplomas and various certificates on the wall. Apparently Howard was an attorney. She had never really liked lawsers. Perhaps it required a big ego to work in the courtroom. Her only lawyer friend had always referred to her colleagues as “asshole attorneys”, but Howard was unlike any attorney she had ever met.
Later that night, they met downtown to see a French film with subtitles. Monica alternately cried and squeezed his hand with a grip that would have done credit to a gorilla. Afterwards, they found a quiet restaurant where they had coffee and dessert. They decided that she would arrive at his house next Saturday at five PM for a much anticipated play session.
Their horniness gradually built up to a fever pitch during the week. Cole told her to masturbate as much as she wanted, since he didn’t think it would detract from her enjoyment of their play. On Saturday, Monica went shopping with her friend Jennifer at a local lingerie store. She I wanted to find just the right item to please her master.
Cole spent much of Saturday afternoon preparing the basement dungeon. He wanted to provide her with a more intense scene tonight. Heavier impact play on her sexy ass and something to excite those amazing tits, he thought. He was getting pretty excited just thinking about it. Time to take a deep breath and cool off, he told himself.
First, he vacuumed the hardwood floor, since the cleaning woman was not allowed in the basement. The next priority was to arrange the play furniture to permit the type of play he had inmind. He preferred not to move his partner during a scene, so he tried to use one piece of equipment that would allow for multiple positions. He decided to use a small spanking horse that only supported the hips and a wooden bar that would hang from the ceiling.
The heavily padded top of the horse was only about four inches wide and twenty inches long. It was solidly supported by a pair of four by four posts set in a heavy platform. There were attachment points in the base for securing wrists and ankles. The ankles could be widely separated and there was an eyebolt in the base a few inches in front of the horse for attaching a waist belt to enforce a bending position.
The height of the horse was not adjustable. When someone was bending over it, they could be penetrated from behind by someone who was the correct height. Since Cole had built it himself, he made certain that the height corresponded to his own.
From the corner of the room, he selected a thick, five foot wooden dowel rod with multiple attachment points. Using a pair of black adjustable nylon cargo straps, he attached it to two points on the ceiling. Then he pushed the spanking horse into the center of the room under the suspended bar.
After a final cleanup of the dungeon, he left the house to run some errands. He stopped by his favorite trendy market for groceries and returned home to relax for the rest of the afternoon. His Thoughts naturally turned to Monica. Their relationship was certainly unusual. I’ve never heard of a couple who meshed together so quickly and easily, he thought. No doubt there would be problems of some sort ahead, but he had a distinctly optimistic feeling that they would be able to work out every difficulty that came up.
He knew from his observations in the Seattle SM scene that kinky couples did not have a very long half-life. About six months, he estimated. Like highly radioactive elements, they seemed to dissipate their energy rapidly. Except for afew stable couples, people in the scene moved from partner to partner trying to find some elusive qualities that they felt they needed to be happy.
One of the biggest reasons for breakups was the custom of playing with others. At play parties and in private, people would often try to play with as many others as possible. This allowed them to sample the erotic wares of many people. Being human and vulnerable to temptation, many a bottom left their Top in search of a better SM experience. Tops left their bottoms to pair off with a sexier looking new partner or one who could take more pain. Sometimes a bottom would suddenly get tired of bottoming and become a Top, usually just in time to hook up with a bottom they found attractive.
Another problem he was aware of occurred when someone selected their long term partner simply because they were sexually compatible. After they had lived together for a while, the ordinary differences would become apparent and the couple would dissolve. Some couples tried to avoid this by not living together. Being single and having a kinky lover was quite popular in the scene. Cole thought this might be a possibility for him and Monica, but somehow it didn’t feel very satisfied.
In late afternoon, he started to think about dinner. They had neglected to make plans. Would she eat before she came over? Just then, the phone rang. It was Monica. “Hi Howard, I was wondering if I could cook dinner for you tonight at your house?”
“Of course, Monica. Should I pick up anything at the store?”
“Nope, I’ve got it covered. See you at seven?”
“Sounds great, I’ll see you then. By the way, the dungeon is ready,” he said to press her buttons a little.
“Oh Howard, I’m going to be really ready. Is it OK if I’m in role while I cook dinner?”
“Sure it is Little One, just don’t spill any hot liquid on yourself, that would be non-consensual,” he said with a grin.
“I’ll be very careful Master.”
After hanging up the phone, he reflected on the coincidence that she had called just as he was thinking about her. They certainly seemed to be on the same wavelength. He bought himself with some routine work in his office, then shortly before he expected Monica, he showed and dressed in black jeans and a black T-shirt.
Monica arrived right on time. She was wearing a long coat that was appropriate for the damp, cool weather outside. After placing her grocery bag on the kitchen counter, she turned to Cole and said “Master, will this be all right to wear while I fixed dinner?”
She removed the coat to reveal only a sexy red bra and panties. She was already stepping out of her white running shoes. He raised one eyebrow and said, “How could I object to such a beautiful Chef? I’ll just watch from the bar stool over there so I can tell you where to find things in the kitchen.”
They approached each other in the center of the kitchen and after a slight hesitation, gave each other a longhug. This certainly feels right, they both thought. He sat at the small breakfast bar so that he could watch her every move. She proceeded to fix a quick, healthy dinner while he watched the nicely toned muscles in her legs as she danced around the kitchen.
Just before she was ready to serve the meal at the dining table, he ordered her to remove her bra. The sight of her full, pouting breasts hanging deliciously over the table While they ate was most pleasanting.
The menu consistent of shrimp cocktails, a Thai chicken salad and a bottle of Washington State Semillon-Blanc. Cole explained that he would have only one glass. “I don’t like to drink and play,” he said. It was hard to keep his eyes off her breasts. The nipples were getting hard again and he knew she was thinking about what he might do to her shortly. The fact that she was wearing only a pair of bright red panties seemed out of place, yet deliciously appropriate.
Once again, Monica started breathing heavily. She had a hard time raising her eyes to look at her master. Displaying her breasts at the table for her master’s pleasure had elicited that delicious feeling of embarrassment and loss of control. She was barely able to finish her meal as she felt his eyes devouring her body.
When they were both finished, Cole announced what they would do next. “That was an excellent dinner, Little One. I’m very pleased. Before I show you the dungeon, I’d like to relax for a while. Come with me into the other room.”
She followed into a comfortable furnished room with a sofa, television and several well filled booksheelves. He had her sit on the thick carpet beside a large overstuffed leather chair and handed her a soft pink blanket with satin trim that reminded her of her childhood. She wrapped herself in the blanket and put her head against his knee while he picked up the Seattle Times and began to read. She noticed a slight odor of sweet tobacco in the room. Perhaps Master occasionally smoked apipe?
Monica felt an unusual sense of security, a feeling of things being right. Sitting at her master’s knee while he read the newspaper seemed like the most natural thing in the world. She allowed her thoughts to drift and images of her childhood came into her mind. Her father had been away on business during much of her childhood, she recalled. She remembered a long forgetten scene that included herself at age twelve, waiting patiently for her father to return, then being told that he had been delayed indefinitely. In a flash of understanding, she realized that Cole was providing a strong male presence that she had been missing. She wrapped her arms around his leg and held on, simply enjoying the feeling of being safe and protected.
Twenty minutes later, she asked for permission to use the bathroom and her master said “Of course. Please put on a little more of that perfume, if you have it with you. What’s the name of it?”
“It’s called Anais-Anais, Master.”
“Isee. It’s very nice,” he said in a pleasantly seductive tone.
She returned smelling quite delightful and resumed her position on the floor. After another ten minutes of reading, Cole said “Well, I think I’m about ready for a visit to the dungeon. How about you Little One?”
“Yes sir, I’m very ready.”
“Good. Come with me and bring the blanket. It looks nice on you.”
She followed as he opened the door to the basement and they descended the carpeted stairs together. She kept the blank wrapped around her like a large towel leaving her shoulders bare. Underneath she had only her sexy red panties and her Anais-Anais. Her body shivered slightly with anticipation, though the air was quite warm.
She was surprised at how large the room was. It seemed to take up the entire Area under the house except for a small bedroom and bathroom just at the bottom of the stairs. The ceiling was easily nine feet high. It was also unusually warm for a basement. The main room hadan attractive hardwood floor which was the only thing that kept her from thinking of it as completely cozy. She looked around to see how much dust was on the smooth, polished floor only to find it perfectly clean. Something else to ask him about, she thought. Perhaps he had a housekeeper.
There were speakers mounted on the walls in each corner of the room. He had touched a switch somewhere as they entered and Now some mysterious and sensitive music was playing. She couldn’t identify it, but wondered if this is what her on-line friends had referred to as dungeon music. There was a slight smell of incense or perfume, perhaps scented candles.
Except for a spill of light from the stairway, the main room which he called the dungeon was dimly lit by one small lamp in a corner. He had Monica sit on a straight wooden chair Just inside the room while he buckled on the soft black leather wrist and ankle cuffs. When he turned out the stairway light, there was just enough light for himto guide Monica to the center of the room and they stepped up onto the platform supporting the spanking horse.
Cole positioned her with her hips against the rounded top of the horse and her feet outside the bases of the two upright supporters. The suspended wooden bar was just before her at waist level. He fastened the ankle cuffs to the received hooks in the platform which held her legs widely, but comfortably played. Then he asked her to hold her hands out near the bar so that he could attach the wrist cuffs to eye screws that were set into the bar, about four feet apart.
“Hold them still, Little One. Be a good slave for me.”
As she held her arms out, it became apparent that the pink blanket was wrapped securely enough to stay up by itself. When her wrist cuffs were attached to the bar she had just enough freedom of movement to grap the bar with her hands. It helped to support some of her weight as she bent part way over the horse.
Cole bent to kiss her neck and pretty bare shoulders. The gentle stimulation made her quiver with anticipation. He smelled her perfume again and felt his cock harden slightly. Reaching around to where the pink blanket was tucked in on her right side, he loosened it, then pulled it free with a dramatic flourish. The red panties were still there, but the color was subdued in the dim light.
Quickly retrieving an inch wide leather belt, he buckled it loosely around her waist and pressed her forward over the padded pedestal. Then he attached one end of a short cargo stick to a metal ring at the center of the belt and the other end to the platform directly below.
“This is going to pull you down now, don’t fight it Little One.”
Pulling on the free end of the strap removed the slack along with Monica’s freedom to straighten up. She was now bent over the horse in a classic punishment position except that her wrists were attached to the hanging bar.
He walked over to the wall and turned the controlfor the two overhead spotlights. She was suddenly bathed in warm light that created dramatic shadows around her body. Her ribs were sharply defined and her upper back now showed the muscles that resulted from her hard work in the gym. Her well-shaped hips, nicely arched back and widely spread legs invited him to use her.
Monica was thrilled at the vulnerable position her master had orchestrated. Her bottom was displayed nicely for spanking and she thought there was a distinct possibility that she could be penetrated from behind if master was the right height. The bar allowed her to support her torso reasonably well, so she felt like she could hold this position for a while, especially if her master asked it of her. The submissive part of her personality was being fulfilled in a manner that she had dreamed of since adolescence. Giving up control to someone she trusted was the ultimate aphrodisiac and the need within her was increasing with each passing minute.
What Cole noticed most was the way that her sensitive breasts dangled beneath her like perfectly ripe fruit waiting to be exploited. Her chest muscles were nicely stretched by the extended position of her arms along the bar and it did mischievous things to the sexy shape of her slightly tanned tits.
Kneeling on the platform beside her, he reached up to fondle her chest. He began to delicately trace the curves and brush against her nipples.
“Hold still for me, little slut girl.” he said. Her back became slightly more rigid as she fought the desire to wiggle away from his hands.
“I love your tits. I could do this all night. You wouldn’t mind would you?”
“No Master. Please do it as long as you like.” She did love it, but her bottom and sex were tingling with the anticipation of more attention.
His hands gradually began to grap her more roughly, twisting and squeezing her delicate flesh. Reaching into his pocket, he took out two wooden clothespins and deftly placed them onto her sensitive nipples.
Monica’s eyes opened wider. “Those have really strong springs!” she thought as the singing changed to a warm glow in her breasts.
“Oooh, Master, those are very tight!”
“Yes I know, Little One. I enjoy hurting you and I enjoy seeing you in this position. You look very beautiful. It’s time to move on, though. Are you ready to take some real pain for me?”
“Yes Sir, I’ll accept anything you want to do to me.” She hoped that would include a serious spanking, since their previous session had only given her a taste of what she wanted.
Cole moved around behind and gazed down at her flawless hips and her ass with its well-developed muscles beneath a thin layer of sexy padding. She’ll be able to take a lot of punishment, he Thought. The lacy red panties now stand out brightly in the spotlights and he started struggling the satin material. He pressed his still clothed groin against her ass and reached around to run his hands along her ribs and abdomen. Some of her beautiful brown hair was hanging down below, so he gathered it up and placed it repeatedly on her back where it reached over half way to her waist.
Monica felt herself slipping into the same strange mental state that she experienced the last time they played. She desperately wanted to make herself available to her master in any way possible, but he had chosen this vulnerable position for her and there were no decisions to make. Her ass, tits and cunt were firmly positioned for her master to ravish at will.
She felt her master began to stroke her already eager pussy through the satin panties and the familiar feeling of swelling sexual desire in her private parts grow stronger. He cupped her vulva and gently squeezed repeatedly. Suddenly, he slide the panties down her thighs, then ripped them away, leaving her totally exposed and defenseless. He knelt down and blew a stream of cool air onto her hot cunt.
“Please Master, fuck me now!” She desperatelyI wanted him to touch her again, but he stood up and took a step back.
The spanking of her naked buttocks began slowly. Cole alternate light and modern slapses with gentle fingerprint scanches and kisses. The intensity built up slowly for over 10 minutes. He had learned the night before that a hand spanking had a very limited effect on her, so he stepped over to a low table and selected a leather strap from the pile of kinky toys.
The straw was eighteen inches long and almost two inches wide with a six inch wooden handle. His first stroke went straight across both buttocks just above the lower cream. His aim proved to be excellent and she inhaled sharply with the shock of this new stimulation. A two inch wide red rectangle appeared on her delicate skin.
“Breathe, Little One. I’ll give you some time between strokes. I don’t want you safewording before I’ve had my fun,” he said with a lecherous grin.
Cole proceeded to stick her adorably rounded bottom with gradually increasing vigor. Both cheats became a bright cherry red as he carefully distributed the strokes over the entire surface. Monica was breathing hard and making little short moaning sounds in a way that he found very appealing. He stopped the strapping for a few minutes to gently probe her smooth, nicely displayed cunt. He was not at all surprised to find that she was very wet. A minute of labia pinching and clip rubbing was all it took to drive her into a pre-orgasmic thrusting. With her hips held firmly down against the padded top, she could barely move and she had to accept whatever he wanted to do.
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