18/March. 10:15pm.
Dear Diary.
The pain has eased now, and there are no marks upon my body. This is how I know I’ve been forgiven. He likes to see my body flawless and I must alter my manner depending on whether or not my body says I am being punished. If my body is flawed in any way, I sleep at the foot of the bed untouched by Master as I sleep. If my body is flawed I can only speak when spoken to.
Dinner last night –I’ve been dying to write about it- here’s the goss!
I wore my silver collar, the one studied with garnets, with my light silver chain. My black lace bloom over a deep red camisole teamed up with my short black pleated school-girl style skirt, knee high stockings and closed toe heels. I wore my hair up, but left a long fringe out, which I curled. You know men are interested when they’ll go out of their way to tuck your fringe away from your eyes.
Alexei bought Grace and my competition, Hannah. I’ll get to her in a minute.
Sean came too, which was a surprise to me, he has not come to dinner for over a month, possible more. Simone, his girl, came half a step behind him sporting a new gold plated chain and collar. I began to wonder if they’d been married during the absence.
Simmy smiled at me quickly in greeting before gluing her eyes on the heels of her master’s shoes.
Now for Hannah. Diary this girl is a skank, I don’t care If I get 50 spanks per cheek for saying so either. I wanted to grab her filthy paws and stuff them down her whining throat. I was horrified at Master’s reaction to her. You’ve heard of love at first sight? Well this was stiff at first sight. Her tan boobs were literally busting out of the leather corset that was almost cruelly tight around her body. I greeted her in the way I’m required to greet all dinner Guests; a kiss on the cheek. Her perfume made the air around her thick and meanly I wondered how she could breathe through that coupled with the corset. I left her kiss till last,the only way I could show my disappoint of the situation.
Later I decided that even if I’d met Hannah under different circumstances I still would dislike her with a password surpassing the fires of hell. Dinner is always the ice breaker of the evening, giving everyone a chance to get comfortable before the fun begins. So we were sitting around listening to our masters discuss their work, I was sitting to Master’s left, chained to his chair, Hannah sat to his right, meaning she was opposite me. I wondered if she felt uncomfortable, being the only girl without a chain, but if she did she didn’t show it. She kept speaking out of turn, and the other girls saw it too. Simmy shot me a look that said “What is this chick crazy or something?” I heard Grace shift uncomfortable beside me and knew she was worried at this girl’s disobedience too. I wanted to ask if she had been trained, but of course, I could not.
“Do you work?” Hannah asked me. The question caught me off guard. It wasNot the sub’s turn to speak, I knew that too well, but I didn’t want to be chatised for being impolite to a guest either. My first instinct was to look to Master for permission to speak, but stopped myself knowing that all eyes where on me. I didn’t want my training to show as incomplete by not knowing how to handle this situation. My eyes flicked to Simone for an answer. She looked nervous and very slightly shook her head to signal “No”. I met Hannah’s blue eyes, but did not speak. Grace shifted again, the clock of her chain loud in the quiet room. “I said do you work Myesisha?” repeated Hannah, speaking slowly as if I was mentally dim. I did not show any sign that I had heard her, or my disappoint at the eyes burning into my flesh. Hannah shifted uncomfortable and locked her gaze on her plate.
Finally Alexei broke the silence by laughing, and nodding at Master, “If you can train this one as well as Lady here you’d be doing her quite the service, wouldn’t you say?”
Masterseemed displeased. “You mentioned she’d been trained already.”
“Oh I have!”
I swear I heard Grace groan then. Hannah reached out and touched Master’s forearm, looking into his eyes, “But with a strong man like you…”
“… A strong man like me” Master parroted in a mocking voice, “would not stand for your insolence” I knew then that I’d made the right decision not to speak with her.
Dinner moved along, and soon it was our turn to speak. Master turned to me, almost ritualistically, and invited us subs into the conversation “Lady, Hannah would like to know what you do for a living.”
“I work part time as a checkout chick; down at the 7-11” I told Hannah, “I also instruct yoga classes twice a week.” I paused, but when no reply was forthcoming I asked “Do you work, Hannah?”
She looked at Master as if he had spoken and told him “Yes, I’m a dancer at club X working 5 nights a week”
To this Grace, the elderly of the four of us, responded “So you let men other than your master feel you up for cheap thrills hey? If you don’t mind me asking, is that why you’re seeking a new one?”
I thought Hannah’s eyes were going to pop out of her head as she leaned across the table to reply, but instead her boobs finally broke free and flopped straight onto her nearly cleared plate. I bit down on my bottom lip to hold back my laughter, but Alexei and Sean had no need to restrain themselves, Sean even applauded. In a panic Hannah attempted to scoop her boobs up and stuff them back into her corset, but lightly Master held both her wrists in one hand. “Leave them,” he said. “I want to see.”
“But uh…” Hannah started to protest, but was cuffed lightly on the cheese.
“Don’t.” Masters voice was deceptively quiet.
Everyone appeared to have finished eating, so I gained permission to clear the table and bring the deserts and wine in. As I was returning with the tray, I noticed the evening had started heating up. Master had moved Hannahto his lap and had started to examine her.
I took my seat by Master’s side, and he re-attached my chain to my collar, struggling my face lightly before he returned his attention to the skank sitting on his lap. Through the general chatter I watched MY Master gradually strip and tease this girl. I controlled myself, showing no sign of possessiveness, but I felt hurt and angry.
I betrayed myself once Though. I’d been talking to Simmy, discussing the best brands of bikini wax actually, when Master must have done something particularly nice and Hannah let out a moan. I felt the muscle in my jaw twitch irritably, and quickly spun my head in Master’s direction in the hope his attention was fully focused on Hannah. He gave me the “I saw that” look.
He removed my chain and placed it on the table. “Lady, a small bowl filled with warm water, soap, and a wash-cloth, please.” I compiled without hesitation or complaint.
I returned, noticing that Simmy and Grace’s chains wereNow on the table with mine. I laid out the objects Master had asked for, and turned to Simmy remembering that I’d wondered earlier if Sean had tied the knot with her. “Simmy, I love your collar by the way! Special occasion?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” She exclaimed, sounding much younger than her 20 years. “We’re engaged!”
There where congratulations all round, and torrents of questions for the pair, but for me it was bitter sweet, not knowing if tonight Master would turn away from me; wondering if I’d ever experience the elation that Simmy was. Could I face going to her wedding only to see Hannah on Master’s chain?
Master used the clothes and water to clear away Hannah’s layers of make-up displaying not only skin in poor condition, but love bites in a line beneath one ear. He said nothing, undoing her hair, ignoring her protests.
“Stand, remove your shoes and stockings” He ordered. Grace raised one eye brow but said nothing. We know when to be silent.
Hannah stood before us in her naked glory. She was chunkier than her corset had originally led me to believe. Her body reminded me of bread dough, soft and fleshy; I would have thought that she’d be in better shape, seeming she was a dancer. I couldn’t see a girl like this standing up to serious punishment. All three Dom’s obviously saw things differently though. Alexei had pulled his member out of his jeans and was gently struggling it, Sean had moved Simone onto his lap and was shamelessly toying with her nipples while watching the show, and from my vantage point, Master’s interest was clear to see, straining against his slacks.
I guessed Hannah to be about 23 years old, maybe a little more.
Master started shooting instructions at her. “Touch your toes.”
“Show me your teeth, open wide”
“Arch your back”
“Spread you legs for me, spread your lips. Ever thought of trimming that?” He eventually asked. Silence. “Answer me!” Master roared at her.
Hannah began to whimper silently.
“Don’t cry you stupid bitch! Answer me!” It was evident, to me at least, that he was testing her.
She wiped her eyes, and sobbed. “I’ll trim it in future; I didn’t know you’d like it that way!”
“Did I say you could move? Did you hear me give you permission to dry your tears?”
“No, SIR.” He corrected her. He stood then and took a fistful of her hair. “Tell me your safe word.”
“Uh…” She hesitated, seeming at a loss. Her eyes quickly glanced around for an answer, “W-wine! Wine glass, Sir.”
“Wine glass? Is that it?” He seemed amused.
“Yes Sir.”
Master pushed down on her head “On your knees slut!”
By this stage, Hannah wasn’t alone on her knees. Grace was beside me on hers as well being forced to take Alexei’s cock deeper into her throat by the hands forcing her head.
I returned my attention back to Master and Hannah. He had his cock out with it pressed against her lips. “Open.”He commanded her needlessly. I was surprised at her willingness to comply. She’d put up an argument about nearly everything up until that point. “Faster!” He demanded. “Deeper!”
He forced himself deeper into Hannah’s mouth and I heard her gag. She pushed master back, and he eased out of her mouth. “Master,” she pleaded “Fuck me, I…” He silenced her with a slap across the cheese.
“I am not your Master you presumptuous slut!” He pointed at me “Slave, get her away from me, and get her cleaned up!”
But can you believe it? By the time I got her to the bathroom she was grinning like a fool. Politely I asked “Are you alright? Can I get you anything?” then she spat at me! I couldn’t believe it.
She laughed “Never been better. Kiss your Master goodbye tonight if he will allow you, because men love a challenge, and that is what I am”
So it was a plan. Not a bad one either, if you think about it. I took her back to the dining room and took my seat.
I caught the last of what Master was saying to Alexei as I came in “… Time to think about it. Dinner in three days time?”
Alexei nodded, absently patting Grace on the head. Obviously he’d had his fun.
“I suppose we’ll call it a night” Sean said. “I don’t see a lot else happening here tonight” He looked to Simmy, “Ready to go?”
“May I have one moment alone with Grace and Lady? We have not caught up for some time.” She asked politely.
“We’re back for dinner in a couple of days, Pet.” That was a no. But, seeming she has not called and it’s getting quite late, obviously it wasn’t that important. I might call her tomorrow morning.
Do you think Master will take up the challenge diary? He’s been very quiet today, I’ve barely seen him. No fond taps on the ass or anything from him today. Can’t he see she’s just a skank?
‘Night diary, sweet dreams.
~ Myesisha
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