The sound-proof headphones really did their job; the only sounds I was hearing was my own nervous, ragged breathing and the quickened beating of my heart. It was all shallow, distant, I wasn’t even sure that it was my own breathe. I hadn’t been able to taste anything but the rubber of the way-too-big ball gag she had placed in my mouth, and the soreness it was causing my jaw was the only real indicator of how long I had been left like this: naked but blindfolded, hands cuffed in soft, plus but tight restraints above my head attached to a chain that I imagined ran to the ceiling, and I was kneeling on my knees on a cushioned pad.
The vulnerability of my exposed position was wreaking havoc on my mind. The sensing deprivation was causing lucid visions that I couldn’t escape, to bubble up into my consciousness mind and panic was setting in fast. It wasn’t so much the naked and chained thing, but the left alone with no external sensing input thing that was starting to get to me. Withnothing to hear, nothing to see, my mind was reeling, and the thoughts weren’t all pleasant; most were down-right terrifying. The most terrifying one was the realization that I was alone with a girl I barely knew, chained in some basement, naked as the day I was born; anticipation had lasted about ten seconds.
After leaving me drowning in my own subconscious for a time, I decided to try and use the only sense I could at this point. I tried to relax and took a deep, wafting inhale through my nose. I could smell leather; a lot of leather, and a shit load of rubber too. But there was also a weak fragment drifting back and forth across the room like wild flowers, light and sensitive. Then the overpowering aroma of scented candles being lit flooded my nostrils. The cold room started to warm instantly, and the feeling was a welcomed relief. I hadn’t really noticed it till then, but I was shivering. They say you shiver from an excess of adrenaline; you know, fight or flight – I wonder what they would say about my situation.
The light floral fragment bubbled back up. She was close to me.
I felt her hand brush against my skin; a playful gliding of her finger tips up my abdomen to my chest finally stopping as she grazed my neck and clavicle. Then the touch went away and moments later the headphones were removed and the gag was loosened but left hanging from my neck by the stick.
I could Hear her walk away as her heels made the distinctive click, click, click on the hard floor each step she took. She placed the headphones down and then picked up several things one at a time, each time putting it down and picking up something new. The last item she picked up made a noise as if it was dragging a few small things across the table as it was lifted into the air; she didn’t put that one down. Then she took a few more steps to what I guessed was a different table and picked up something that had the distinct sound of metal. And then she walked back towards me, I didn’t need to hear her steps to know that, her scent was washing over me. But I could smell something new mingled with it, something primary, something carnal.
With one had gripping my neck from behind, her body pressing against my back, she leaned up to my ear and nibbled the lobe tenderly. “You look so lovely like this my little pet, and I can’t wait to play,” she whispered with such a soft and playful voice. “I know your jaw must be aching, but if you speak out of turn, the gag will go back in and it will be tighter than before.”
Then the voice changed, it was harsher, more commanding. “Do you understand?” she asked as she stepped behind me and grabbed my neck forcedly.
I said the only thing that felt appropriate.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good boy,” she purred releasing my neck and gliding her hand across my back as she stepped around me. When she moved away from me I felt something cold but soft run down the small of my back.
The next thing I feltwas her delicate, but forceful hand grip my member in a tight squeeze. I admit, I was rock hard. I hadn’t even thought of my erection for quite some time, taking in every other sensing experience my body had been ushered to recently, but now that my concentration was coming back, I finally realized how turned on all this had made me; I was throbbing. This whole time I hadn’t know what to think or feel, and I wasn’t sure the appreciation to the unknown would even allow me to become aroused, but my cock betrayed my mind, and made it plainly evident that I was enjoying it all. No – I was loving it.
She snapped me back to reality as she spoke in that soft voice once again.
“Now this just won’t do my pet,” giving my cock several light tugs to let me know that it was what she was referring to.
“It isn’t mode for you to be entirely naked in front of me our first time, and how am I to dress you with this thing (now she was squeezing it with more force) so hard already?”
I was beyond hard, my excitement increasing as she reached up and pinched one of my nipples till it became hard as well.
“Looks like I’ll have to take care of that myself,” she said in a giddy voice, like an excited kid.
I didn’t know what she had in mind, but when I felt her warm breathe blowing on the engorged bulb, I began to relax and then my mind went to fantasy. ‘Was she really about to suck me off?!’ I couldn’t believe it! And then I felt her lips on my head. God she really was going to take care of me. And then I felt her tongue trace my hole and make small circles around my head before she pulled her mouth away. I let out a soft moan and tried to thrust my hips forward and force more of me back into her warm mouth.
“You taste amazing,” she said with one hand still firmly gripping the base of my shaft. The warmness of her breathes lingering over my now slick tip.
Her voice was seductive and alluring, with not an ounce of malice in it. I could hear the bending of rubber and leather as she released me. “It really is a goal to waste such a wonderful prick, but oh well.”
I’m not sure if I was in shock or if it just happened that fast, because I heard the blow before I felt it, but within a second of her uttering her last word she had hit me right on the tip of my cock with something thin and hard. I tried to scream out in pain, but only a inaudible gasp of panicked breathe came out. I heard the wind up of a pole or something cutting through the air, right before the second hit came crashing down with such force that my body went limp and I was entirely suspended by my cuffs. I felt like vomiting, and my entire body was shaking uncontrollable as she reached her fingers around the back of my head and ran her fingers through my hair, pulling my head down into the nape of her neck. She must have been kneeing in front of me.
“That’s a good boy,” she whispered warmly, still struggling my hair. Her voice was so pleasant, it was really hard to accept that the painful blow had come from someone with such a sweet, tender voice.
Her strikes had done their job; my cock was entirely flaccid now. Probably trying to retract back into my navel and hide is a more accurate statement. She let go of my head and with one hand gripped me, making a circle around my cock and balls at the base with her thumb and pointer finger. With the other hand she slipped a metal ring that felt a little big over my shake and then squeezed each of my testicles through the metal band, pulling everything taunt. I now know what she meant by dressing me: a metal cockring.
Now the panic was setting in. These things were made specifically keep men hard, and the last thing I wanted to do was get an ‘unwanted’ erection again. She hadn’t said that I wasn’t allowed to get one, but I really didn’t want to chance it. I shivered just at the thought of being hit again and started to desperately will my member from engorging itself with blood. It was no use though, her nails were grazing up and down my lower abdomen, and I could feel my cock swelling around the constricting ring.
I guess she saw the struggle on my face because she laughed. It was an amused laugh, but then she placed her hand on my face, tenderly.
“Sweetie, it’s okay to get hard with this on you, that’s kinda the point. Besides, it will help me gauge how much you truly enjoy this. If you manage to get soft with this on than you really don’t like it,” she said chuckling to herself. The playful ‘kiddy’ voice was back.
I feel her hand move from my face to my neck, grap a hold of it and the squeeze, forcing my head up, making me gulp.
“I know I haven’t explained much, or anything really, but I want you to consent to tonight. And tonight is about nothing but pain. Not for the sake of hurting you, or because it gives me pleasure. It does,” she said laughing. “But that isn’t what tonight is about. Tonight is about making you surrender to me. Tonight is about determining whether you trust me enough to surrender fully to me.”
I feel her close to me again, her scent becoming intotoxicating. “I want you to offer yourself to me my sweet little wolf.” She was whispering right in my ear and the air of her words sent shivers down my entire spine.
She let go of my neck, and then I heard her walk around behind me and Remove the blindfold. The ambient lighting, dim as it was, came flooding into my eyes, forcing me to wince and shut them and try to adjust. When I opened them again I could see the room was dark, plain walls of concrete, lit sporadically with white candles, to the right and left of me were red cushioned chairs. Against the far wall were five seats. They looked more like thrones, made of plush red fabric interlaced into leather, with brass studs pinning the fabric to the ornate workings of the wooden frame. The chair in the center was higher than the others, but the ones on either side wHere of equal height, but just as beautifully adorned as the center one. I tried to scan the rest of the room but then her hand came around my neck and cupped my jaw and chin and forced my head to face forward.
“The center throne belongs to the Goddess Hera, and the four others are occupied by Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, and Demeter. In this chamber you will refer to me as Artemis or mistress.” She was whispering into my ear again in an excited voice, all the while nibbling on my lobe as her free hand descended my chest towards my manhood. I let out a soft moan as chills ran through my entire body.
Her hand let go of my face as she started to walk around in front of me, and I finally got to see her. She was wearing a white hooded cloak with the hood down and I could she her high heeled boots peeking out from under the cloak as she kept taking steps facing away from me. It reminded me of a girl in her graduation date, minus the black leather heels. When she was several feetin front of me she stopped and abruptly turned around and placed her hands on her hips and presented herself to me.
She was standing there with the cloak opened at the front, revealing the outfit below. High heeled black, knee-high boots, an all-white pepls that barely clung to her shoulders and dipped well below each of her luscious breasts, secured at her waist with a golden belt, the material barely falling to halfway down her tighs with slots up each side; a golden necklace with a pendant in the shape of a woman firing an arrow through a washing moon adorning her neck. Her long, raven hair fell below her shoulders, and was layered to look like the ends were licking away from her like little flames, ending in a grey hombre to the black above; all serving to highlight the piercing blue eyes and red lipstick. She looked like the queen out of 300.
She always looked beautiful in class, but now – she was gorgeous. And frightening.
I figured out what it was she had hitme with, the handle of the cat o’ nine tail tucked into her belt.
She stood there displaying herself to me, and I was almost so attended that I barely noticed the movement behind me. When I looked over my shoulder I could see several figures in white cloaks moving to line up against the walls. They were wearing golden masks but there were four others at the front of the process that wore all white robes like hers’ but no cloaks. The four at the lead made their way to the thrones and each sat in one, leaving a single chair empty. Now facing me, I could see that they wore golden mask, no one the same as the other. They were each similarly dressed, save small differences like, show preference – one of the ‘goddesses’ was wearing combat boots. The others took the seats on each side of the room, five on each side.
One of the new Arrivals walked up to her and handed her a mask of her own. She put it on and throw down her cloak.
When I finally stopped scanning the room,I didn’t have time to really ingest it all, and freak the fuck out, because she opened her mouth again and poured sweet honey into my ears.
“Let me explain who we are,” she said in a velvety voice that was more erotic than anything. “We are a Greek Society that places no emphasis on the gods. We worship the sacred goddesses of the Pantheon and the members are either the embodiment of one of those goddesses, or a Priestess. We are an old society that believed one thing: women are superior to men.”
She let those words linger before continuing.
“But our society also had a very specific purpose, and that can be summed up as the pleasure of some of the most powerful women in the country. You see, in today’s society, even after graduating from an ivy league school like this one, we will never be on equal footing as men, so we train our women in being dominant and ensure they never have to submit to a man for pleasure while they are being educated.” She was speaking quicklyNow, obviously excited. “Now this is where you fit in my dear pet. Some of us will always crave the pleasure a man can give, but we must not submit, so many years ago, members started to recruit men to be trained and conditioned to serve us; to submit to us,” she said strolling up to me once again. “So occasionally a goddess will attempt to claim a man, and each man will embody an animal sacred to that goddess, because he will protect her, but always submit to her, and that is why you are here tonight.”
“Should tonight’s ritual go as planned, you will continue your membership process with us and I will guide you through your time here with us and will instruct you in fulfilling your role as a member. You won’t be a submissive in the regular definition of the term, but you will be reconditioned, mentally, emotionally, sexually, to fulfill our needs.” Her voice was direct and to the point. “Think of it like a BDSM relationship between a Domme and her sub, but you will never be my slave.You will put your trust in me that I will not hurt you, too badly, or you will never come back to this place.”
I wanted to ask what those needs would be; It had all seemed erotic at first, but now as the gravity of the situation was weighing on me, and I began thinking with the right head, I started to get frightened. I mean let me reiterate the fact that I was in a basement, chained and naked, Surrounded by women in white cloaks and golden masks, who were openly taking about how much they were about to hurt me; and one of my classes that looked more like some dominatrix in a toga costume than a co-ed.
“As the goddess Artemis, goddess of the moon I choose to hold the wolf sacred to me, and thus, you. All the goddesses present are in agreement that you embody the wolf and are thus able to offer yourself. Should you choose to offer yourself to me, I will accept. ” She spoke with her voice still muffled by the mask.
It was starting to make sense; kind of. She hadasked me so many questions about myself, and she had seemed so curious about my wolf-head tattoo and the meaning behind it. embodiment of the wolf? Sure I had always considered myself a lonely, and I loved wolf, my dog was a husky that I was pretty sure was actually half wolf. But seriously. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
“These sisters present will bear witness to your rebirth into Our loving embrace,” she spoke as she walked a few paces away from me and turned around.
She looked deep into my eyes. “Do you offer yourself to me Jonathan?”
I looked around one again. How the hell had I gotten into this shit storm, all I wanted was to join one of the Stern Business Clubs! I wanted to keep a low profile at school so naturally I protected her wanting me to join. What the hell was I doing here? Better yet, who the hell were all these girls? Goddesses of the Pantheon? Reconditioned men into submission? What the fuck did that mean? How many whack-job women are in this club? I tHought this was a Academic Club, not some psycho-filled cult! Are they going to hurt…
My internal monologue was cut short as I looked up into her eyes. She had lifted her make and her captivating blue eyes were boring into me. Like sapphires blazing in sunlight, they pierced my very soul. Everything else peeled away, the fear, the doubt, the confusion; all gone. Nothing else mattered but the way her eyes made me feel; it wasn’t malice or anger in her eyes, it was long. Affection. Desire. She was pleading with me to say yes. Any resistance or hesitation I was feeling or harboring was now gone. I now understand, I was a lone wolf; pack-less. She means to tame me. This wasn’t a business club, it was a domination club, and not in a simple S&M way, but something more prominent, more spiritual.
I looked down in submission, blushing furiously.
I looked up, the sting of her smack lingering on my cheek, pleading for an answer. And I got it. She was smiling at me, her white teeth shining in the low light. I lowered my head down again and cracked a smile. I started thinking back to the events that lead me to this point; I know I had had a pretty interesting last few months and an odd couple of weeks of college, and sure New York is a pretty unique place, but damn this was insane! I smiled at the ridiculousness of it all, and I smiled because it was all I could do; those blue eyes owned me, and somehow I was completely okay with that.
She stepped up to me and kneeled in front of me, her hands reached around my hips and gently pulled me into her until my twitching cock was pressed against her navel, forcing it up against the soft fabric of her outfit until it was pressed to her lower abdomen. I looked down and away from her to avoid being embarrassed by the fact that my cock was jetting into her belly. She leaned up and moved her hips away from me, letting my member fall down in front of her and then she placed her hand on myShoulders and pushed herself up slightly so that she positioned herself over my member and eased herself back down. My cock had found its way under her outfit and was now in between her tights. She pressed down and closed her legs tight so that my aching manhood was now enclosed by thighs and pressed tight against her sex. She wasn’t wearing any underwear and my cock was pressed tightly against her radiating pussy, its wetness dripping onto my throbbing shake. She glided back and forth on my shake, letting her outer lips open up around me, as she coated me in her juices. The cent from before.
I looked up and met her gaze, her eyes burning with desire. My eyes softened as I relented to the truth – I didn’t want this, I need it. I needed her. I didn’t care if this was the Club of Mayan Ritual Genital Blood Letting, I was hers, and now she knew it.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good Boy.”
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