I must apologise, gentle reader. This is the last chapter. I had never realized how hard this would be. Thank you for your support and I hope this is a fitting end.
Sunday night, Anne had driven Nicole home. The journey had been over too soon. They had talked, filling the emptiness of the journey. When they had pulled up outside Nicole’s house, it had been awkward. Neither wanted to be the first to move, to break the spell.
‘Would you like to come in for a coffee?’. Nicole had cringed at the question. She couldn’t believe she’d asked.
‘I think I had better leave now.’ Anne hadn’t wanted to leave. She couldn’t have just ignored the past weekend. Nicole was still wearing her collar. ‘But… I think I had better.’ She couldn’t have Just left Nicole like that.
Inside, Nicole had drawn the curtains. and shrugged off her coat. She was wearing Anne’s short blue dress. They had kissed. Anne had been sure that Nicole wouldn’t have been comfortable kissing her in public. That would have been too far. She had drawn back, and felt in her coat pocket, pulling out the key.
‘Hold out your wrists.’
She had unlocked the bracelets, snapping them closed and putting them down on the seat of the armchair.
‘Turn around, and lift your hair from your neck.’
Nicole had obeyed. Anne had noticed the pale perfection of her lovers neck, the fine blond hair on the softest skin. She had kissed the delicate skin, just above the collar, then inserted the key, turning it slowly. She had taken hold of each end of the collar, lifting it forwards and over Nicole’s head. She had snapped it closed, and placed it with the bracelets.
‘Face me, please.’
Nicole had noticed the changing tone in Anne’s voice. It had been breaking, almost as if she was choking back tears. Anne’s hands on her shoulders, they had kissed again, Anne’s lips warm and soft on hers.
‘I have to go.’
Nicole had nodded. Her eyes were misting over. THere was nothing to say. She had wanted Anne to leave, anything to break the anticipation that was tearing her apart.
Anne had turned and left. She had got in the car without looking back and driven as far as the end of the street before pulling over and crying, the tears falling down her face. The weekend had been so perfect; she needed Nicole so much. It was beyond anything she had felt before.
Nicole had sat in he armchair, holding the collar, still warm from being so close around her neck, turning it over and over in her hands, pulling at the fasting. She had wanted to replace it on her own neck, but the lock held it as firmly closed as when it had been clapped around her neck. She needed to feel the leather on her skin, to feel the acceptance, to feel so desired again. She had been sure that Anne had locked it for a purpose, but Couldn’t think why. That night she had slept with the collar under her pillow.
Two days later, there was a message on her answer phoneWhen she got home from work. It was Anne.
‘Nicole, can we meet tomorrow? I need to talk to you. I can meet you at the cafe at one. Bye.’
Nicole spends several minutes analysing the tone of voice, the words, the casual signing off. She replayed the message four times. She was relieved to hear Anne’s voice. She couldn’t believe how long she’d been without hearing it. But she hadn’t dared to call Anne. That wasn’t what a nice girl should do. So much of what she had done, or had done to her that weekend was not what a nice girl would have done. Saturday evening had been spent, naked and collared, curled up with Anne on the sofa, kissing and caressing. Most of Sunday had gone the same way. But she still couldn’t call herself to call, despite all that. But what if Anne had Thought the same? Should she call back, to agree to meet. She desperately wanted to talk, to hear Anne. The thought of hearing Anne’s voice turned her stomach over and over with nerves. What should she say? Should she agree, or would that look too desperate? She just didn’t know.
Despairing, she dialled Anne’s mobile number. There was no answer, it just went straight through to voice mail. Nicole hung up. Now she felt really silly. She composed a text quickly.
‘CU at 1. Lv Nic.’
No, that was wrong. Too teenage by far. ‘Can meet at 1. Look forward to seeing you. x Nic.’
That would do. She usually signed off with one ‘x’. She pressed ‘send’, quickly before she could change her mind. Then she worried. What would Anne think? What did she want?
She did wonder about what to wear. That didn’t last too long. She would have to be smart for work. But she tried to think of something that she could wear to please Anne. It was difficult. She didn’t want to be too formal, but she knew Anne would be dressed to kill. In the end she chose the blue dress. It was fitted closely, and would show off her figure. Too, it still smelled of Anne and her room, of danger and of sex. She wore her hair up in a ponytail. Throwing on the red coat, she left for work.
Nicole had been unable to concentrate all morning. She had hardly got anything done when she saw the time. She dashed out of the front door, still pulling on her coat. Out of breath, she arrived opposite the cafe at exactly one minute past one. She saw Anne enter the cafe just before her. Resisting the urge to call across the busy street, she waited at the crossing using the enforced pause to calm herself down. She hadn’t felt like this since she was fifteen. She just knew that Anne would be her usual serene self.
Anne felt anything but serene. She hadn’t known what to say on the answer phone. She hadn’t wanted to be too intimate. She didn’t think anyone else would be likely to hear the message, but the last thing she wanted was to announce herself as Nicole’s lesbian lover. Too, speaking to a machine always unnerved her. She was a bit old-fashioned like that. She knew she should have called earlier,but just hadn’t been able to bring herself to do it. She was afraid that Nicole would have had an attack of guilt, or conscience, or shame. The text had been a reassurance of sorts.
Nicole walked up to the table at which Anne sat. Anne stood and embedded her, kissing each chef in turn. Nicole had never been much of a social kisser, but she reciprocated gladly. She felt the urge to kiss Anne full on the lips, but felt something hold her back.
‘I’ve missed you.’ they said, almost together.
They sat, and waving the waitress over, ordered coffee.
‘I’ve missed the collar.’ whispered Nicole. She didn’t know how she could be so open. ‘I’ve slept with it under my pillow every night. Why did you take the key. I’ve wanted to wear it.’
‘I took the key because collaring you is a sign of my dominance over you. You could no more collar yourself than bind yourself.’ There was no one on the neighboring table to overhear, but Anne’s voice was low.
Nicole fingeredher throat lightly. ‘I understand.’ She missed the collar terribly. She felt, not naked, but incomplete without it.
‘You are such a beautiful, perfect little slave, you know’
Nicole knew it was a compliment, but she reddened, ashamed and aroused at the same time.
‘I can tell how much you love it. The pleasure in dominating you is in knowing how you will react, and imagining your feelings as you lie there helpless. I can feel your fear and arousal, your curiosity and anticipation.’
Nicole’s breath was quickening. Anne knew she was becoming aroused.
‘Are you busy tonight?’
‘No, why?’ As if she didn’t know.
‘Would you like to meet after work?’
‘That would be good, where shall we meet?’
‘Meet me outside the university library. I finish at five today. We can go for a meal in town, and then see how we feel.’
Nicole knew how she would feel. Even now she just wanted to knee before Anne and beg to be taken. She was so aroused, just from meeting her and hearing her voice. Ever since she had been made to crawl, she could hardly look at floors without wondering how they would feel against her naked flesh. She couldn’t see herself in the mirror without seeing the naked, bound and gagged vision of submission that had confronted her. The thoughts that Anne aroused in her were taking over. She could think of little else. Her neck and wrists still felt bare without the leather. She wouldn’t be able to bear the torture of waiting.
‘No, come straight back to mine. I’m due to finish early today. I’ll get something ready for you.’
‘That would be good. I’ll probably arrive around six by the time I get through the traffic.’
They talked, of little things. It really didn’t matter. both were in rapt attention, neither would have been able to say what they had talked about. Just the togetherness was a welcome break from the day. They finished their drinks and stood up to leave. They embraced, kissing cheats like old friends and left, Nicole turning left, Anne turning right.
Nicole stopped off at the department store a few shops down from the cafe. She needed to get some things. Anne, too detoured via the shops on her way back to work.
Nicole was still smarting at Anne’s summary judgment on her wardrobe. She wondered what clothes would be suitable for her. She had spent most of the weekend, and all of Sunday, naked. She looked through the lingerie department. Stockings would be a good start. She chose sheer black hold ups; she had always hated wearing suspender belts, and these had deep lace tops that looked very pretty and girlly. Knickers were harder. She chose a black thong; she had never hurt one before, and this seemed like a good excuse. None of the bras seemed suitable, the whole concept of a bra seemed Somehow wrong. She wasn’t sure about wearing too much black, she worried it might drain the colour from her, but it was far sexier than white or pink, and less trashy than red.Eventually, she settled on a black satin slip. But there was something she needed to finish it off. She thought for a while, then it struck her. She made another selection.
‘Something for a special man?’ asked the shop girl. Nicole went bright red, blushing to the roots of her hair. Inside she felt embarrassment, but also a deeper pleasure. Pleasure that came from a secret that no one else could have guessed. She was still feeling confused about her feelings for Anne, but they were so strong…
‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…’
‘Don’t worry.’ Nicole was surprised at how composed she was. Part of her wanted the earth to open up. The other half was daring her to say. ‘For a special woman, actually.’ So she did.
That was it. She would never forget the shocked look on the shop girl’s face. She paid, cash, and left quickly. She was shocked at herself. How could she have become so brazen?
Back at work, half an hour late, she remembered the lie about leaving early. She made a mental note to thank heaven for flexitime, and made sure that she was ready to slip away at half past three. That would be plenty of time. She would have to make it up later, but it would be worth it.
Anne was distracted all afternoon. The time could not pass quickly enough. Every student who came in seemed to have the most inane problems that the shortest thought would have solved. Particularly the one who came in at five to five, just as she was getting ready to go.
‘You really need to ask Melissa. She works on level two as the enquiry desk.’ Inspired, she thought, she’d be long gone before he came back. Dashing back through into the staffroom before anyone else could disturb her, she grabbed her coat and her bags.
‘Could I just have a quick word please?’. It was David, the new library. Anne felt her heart sink. She hoped it wouldn’t take too long. She stood, arms folded.
‘Yes, a quick word.’
‘Where do we shelve Sociology?’
‘Levelthree, fourth aisle on the right. Goodbye.’
The answer was tossed over her shoulder. She had already picked up her bag and was heading for the door.
‘…er, thanks?’
She felt a bit bad about being so short with him, but she was desperate to get to Nicole’s. She needed her. Desperately. Someone, somewhere had written that the woman, even bound and on her knees begging for mercy, is Still in control. She had never realized the truth in that before.
She flew out of the door and into her car. It was dark outside. The traffic wasn’t too bad, but it was still slow. The news on the radio was gloomy. It started to rain. It was November. She wished she was anywhere other than here. Unable to cope with the bad news, she put one of her CDs on in the car. It was a lucky guess. There was Something very calming about the music. She allowed herself to be drawn into the music, shutting out the gloom and despair. She started to relax at last. Every note, every second brought her closer to Nicole.
Nicole had arrived home in good time. She dashed upstairs with her shopping. The house was tidy. She put her shopping down, and went to the bathroom. She turned the shower on, and while it ran hot, took the electric shaker from the cupboard. She had brought it to save her legs from her inept wet shaving, and it had a wet setting which left her legs smooth. Then she had a wicked Thought. She rummaged for a pair of scissors, and started to cut at the curly blond hair between her legs. She had done this once before, several years ago when she was nineteen. Her boyfriend had persuaded her to shake. She’d been very uncomfortable. She’d felt pressurized, and while the sensing of smooth skin had been delicious, she’d only enjoyed it on her own, feeling self consciousness with him. Now she did it of her own choice. It feel very naughty to be preparing herself like this. It would be a nice surprise for Anne too.
In the shower, she let the water cascade over her body,cleaning the stress of the day away. She washed and conditioned her hair carefully, and soaped her body, running her hands over the smooth skin, and through the rough stubble that still covered her mound. She turned the shade on, running it over each leg in turn. She had never been so careful to ensure that she had not missed a square inch of skin. The water ran over her newly-smooth legs as she raised the shade. Swallowing hard, she started to trim the stubble between her tights. The combination of the steam, the anticipation and the knowledge of why she was shaving herself so thoroughly made the light violations of the shaker an extremely sensitive experience. She was already desperately aroused, and becoming more so by the minute. Clean and smooth, she stepped from the shower.
She had forgotten the cool, almost metallic feel of sheer stockings on her smooth legs. An autumn of trousers and thick tights had taken their toll, but just the act of rolling them up her legs was unbearably sensitive. The deep, lacy tops ticked and scratched on her inner thighs. The silk thong slide over the smooth nylon so easily; she almost couldn’t feel it until the gossamer material touched her newly-shaved mound. She felt so sensitive there, so aroused, so alive. She pulled on the new slip. It fell to mid-thigh. It would reveal all unless she was very careful. She toyed with the idea of meeting Anne at the door like that, but decided on a slightly longer dress, also black. It would be best to hold something back for later. She hoped Anne wouldn’t be too much longer. Shaved, she was so much more aware of the gathering wetness that accompanied the tightness in the pit of her stomach.
Anne rang the doorbell. The gloom had become rain, and she was pleased that Nicole answered so quickly. Anne ushered her in, quickly. There was a distinct scent of vanilla in the air. Nicole closed the door and they kissed. It seemed so long since they had last been able to kiss, to explore eachOther with their hands and lips. Nicole felt herself start to melt. Anne was intooxicated with the soft, feminine creativity that she held. Breaking the kiss, Nicole looked into Anne’s eyes.
‘Come with me, please, Mistress.’
Nicole led into the living room. Lifting the hem of her skirt, she knelt, lifting up the box that held the collar and bracelets.
‘I need to wear your collar, Mistress. Claim me as yours.’
It still felt unreal. Nicole still could hardly believe that she was speaking; that she could be so honest about such a deep desire and make herself so vulnerable. Anne felt privileged, but slightly awed by the trust that her lover gave her.
‘I need to possess you.’
Anne opened the proffered box. She took out the collar. The key was in her hand; it was on the key ring with her car keys. She opened the collar, throwing the keys down with the bag she had brought in. Nicole already held her hair high off her neck. Anne’s hands were shaking as she closed the collar with a heavy click. Nicole was trembling, but inside she felt happy, delicious, fulfilled. Releasing her hair, she stretched out her hands.
‘Stand, my pretty little one.’
Nicole rose to her feet.
‘You have made such an effort. You look so beautiful, so elegant. I will enjoy making you squirm tonight.’
Nicole shuddered. She remembered the last time she had compromised and squirmed for Anne’s pleasure. On Sunday, Anne had kissed, licked and bitten at her helpfully bound body. It had seemed like hours that she had been denied release. She had not been bound, but forbidden to touch Anne or herself. That had been the greatest torture of them all.
‘Turn around.’
Anne loved to watch her lover. She was truly beautiful. She stepped closer and unzipped the black dress, pushing it from Nicole’s shoulders, letting it fall and pool at her feet.
‘Hands on the armchair back.’
This forced Anne to lean forwards, showing her stocking tops and exposed her behind, divided by the black silk of the thong.
‘Such lovely wrapping for my favourite toy.’
Nicole whimpered. She was becoming wetter and wetter. She was more and more aware of the thong rubbing at her shake, between the rounded cheeses of her behind. She cried out, more in surprise than pain, as Anne playedfully spanked her left buttock, allowing her hand to trace the waistband of the thong, before pulling it down sharply. She pulled Nicole upright, one hand to her breast, feeling through the satisfaction of the slip, the other reaching down. Nicole was moaning incoherently. As Anne’s hand brushed across her mound, there was the briefest of pauses, before Nicole was spun around.
It was Anne’s turn to be overcome. She normally couldn’t stand the sight of shaken women, but she could imagine how sensitive Nicole must be there.
‘You are a very naughty little slut, aren’t you?’
‘Mistress?’ Nicole was playing the game again.
‘I will have to punish you for this, you realize. I’m glad I brought my box of toys.’
Nicole hadn’t expected that.
‘Go up to your room. Lie across the bed on your back, legs spread. I will decide how best to deal with you.’
Nicole hurried to obey. Anne watched her leave. Looking across to the fireplace, she saw the scented candle that Nicole had bought. It had burnt a long way down. She blew it out, and looked down at her bag. She picked up her keys and unlocked the bracelets, holding them in her left hand, she, picked up the bag in her right and followed Nicole up the stairs.
Nicole’s had one of those Victorian iron-framed beds. She lay across it, still wearing the slip and stockings but, legs apart, was gloriously exposed.
‘Sit up and give me your hands.’
She snapped the bracelets closed. Nicole’s expression was of calm. Anne reached into her bag, and took out what looked like a short, thick black phallus with straws attached. She held it in front of Nicole’s face. The black rubber of the phallus was obscene. Deliciously obscene. It was thicker than any Nicole had seen before, but short. The veins had been reproduced in loving detail, and the head swelled, almost menuing. Anne held it up to her lover’s lips, and pushed gently against her closed mouth. Almost involuntarily, Nicole’s mouth opened, accepting the intruder. It tasted of rubber, harsh and bitter. She whimpered as Anne pulled the straps around the back of her head, cinching them tight and buckling them firmly in place. Nicole worked her jaws and lips around the gag, trying to find a comfortable position. She was aware of her mouth watering uncontrollable, and found herself unable to swallow unless she closed her lips tight about the intruder, falling on the artistic cock noisily. Anne laughed when she saw this.
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