
“Ah, the workmen are through for the day,” Paige thought as she watched the men loading their pickups and preparing to leave. They were working to create a studio and large bedroom with attached bath out of what had been three small bedrooms upstairs in the big barn of a house she bought for a song because it was so far from town. They had been working for over a week, tearing down walls and running new wires and plumbing for the project. They were even going to reinforce the roof and install a skylight before they finished. She turned back into the barn and finished putting the tack away before giving her buckskin mare a treatment. It was getting dark by the time she headed for the house.

Today it was Dan’s turn to clean up and she noticed his pickup was still parked by the front door as she entered the house. That was odd. It didn’t usually take long to put away the tools and tidy up. She thought she’d have the house to herself by now so she could take a shower and indulge her pAssion for reading with the new best seller she’d picked up the last time she was in town. She could hear Dan moving around above her as she kicked her boots off and tossed her well-worn Stetson onto the couch. She listened and heard the sound of metal on metal followed by a curse. Maybe he was having trouble getting everything done so he could leave. She knew he didn’t have a date because she’d overheard the guys talking about Their weekend plans and Dan had said he was planning to do some maintenance on his pickup. He wanted to get to the parts store before they closed tonight so he could get an early start in the morning.

When she heard another angle burst of cursing she decided to see if she could lend a hand. As she nearly the top of the stairs she saw him standing by the scaffolding they were using to build the skylight. His back was to her and he didn’t appear to be doing anything but standing there with his arms in the air. As she started into the room, he quickly turnedto look at her. He was visible angry and one glance at his wrists explained it all. They were securely fastened to the top bar of the scaffolding by two sets of metal handcuffs.

“What on earth happened?” she asked looking for an explanation for this bizarre twist of fate.

“Tim,” Dan spat out. “That son of a bitch has been dealing drugs and he didn’t pay his supplier or something so they came looking for him.”

Paige glanced quickly around the room again even though she had already seen for herself that no one was there but Dan. Tim was one of the workmen, a kid she knew was one step away from being fired for reasons Jerry, the crew foreman hadn’t shared with her. Paige thought she knew why now.

Dan said he was shocked when two guys grabbed him from behind and locked his arms onto the scaffold bar but they told him they were just going to look through Tim’s stuff to see if he’d left anything that belonged to them. Worried that they might hurt Paige if she came back into the house while they were still there, he’d quickly told them which toolbox was Tim’s. The men didn’t care and had searched all the boxes without finding anything. They told Dan they were going to look for Tim but if he saw Tim first he could give him a message for them. “Tell Tim he can run but he ain’t smart enough to hide from us for very long.” To keep Dan out of their hair they’d left him chained to the scaffolding when they took off. Paige’s search of the room revealed they hadn’t left the keys to the cuffs.

“It’ll take bolt cutters to get me loose,” Dan said.

“I have some in the barn,” Paige said. “Do you think they’ll come back?”

“I don’t think so. As empty as this place is, it was pretty obvious there wasn’t anyone here but me. They’re probably in town by Now looking for Tim. I’ll call Jerry and tell him what happened and Tim won’t be working for us anymore. You don’t need to worry about this happening again,” he assured her.

“I’ll be right back.” Paige ran down the stairs and yanked her boots back on. As she ran to the barn for the bolt cutters, she found her mind going back to a conversation she’d overheard earlier in the week. The guys hadn’t known she was in the kitchen when they were sitting on the stairs taking a break. They’d been talking about the recent scandal in town over the mayor’s affair with a local woman. The woman told reporters the affair had been going on for over a year because the mayor had needs his wife didn’t fulfill. Apparently those needs involved bondage and fetishes the newspaper would only hint at. The group had laughed and teased one of the guys who admitted his wife liked to be spanked while they were having sex. Dan had been quiet during the discussion until they started talking about bondage. She’d heard him say that tying someone up could be exciting but he couldn’t see just anyone going for it. Then he’d walked into the kitchen and caught her standing there listening. All she could do was stare back at him. Without revealing she was there he’d put his empty water bottle in the trash and walked back out telling the guys he might be interested with the right woman.

Paige rummaged through the toolbox in the tack room and found the bolt cutters. The sky was getting darker and she wondered if they were in for a storm as she ran back to the house. She hurried up the stairs after leaving her boots by the door. She put the bolt cutters down and stood in the doorway looking at him. Her mind kept going over that conversation and the opportunity now presented to her.

“You know I heard you guys talking about the mayor earlier this week,” she said as she walked towards him. “You didn’t seem to think his wanting to be tied up was all that strange,” she remarked. “I wonder how you feel about a little bond during sex?” She reached out and put one hand on his forearm. She felt the muscles tension and she could see redness on his wrists where he’d struggled with the cuffs afterTim’s dealers left. “I wonder if you ever thought it might be you who’d be the one tied up?” She heard his sharp intake of breath as she brushed against him stretching herself up to reach his left hand so she could assure herself that the cuffs weren’t hurting him.

“Did you know I’ve been watching you?” she continued as she ran her hand down his arm to rest against his chest. She put her palm flat over his heart and wondered if it was just her imagination when she felt it speed up. “Would it thrill you to know I’ve fantasized about you?” she whispered. Her fingers spread out and she brought her other hand up so both of them rested against him. Having a man completely at her mercy while she played with him to her heart’s content had been one of her earliest fans. Tim’s henchmen had presented her with the perfect opportunity to play it out if Dan was game for it.

“Today might be a good day to play it out,” she said.

Dan couldn’t believe he was hearing what he thoughtht she was suggesting. “Are you kidding me? You really think this is any way to get me to help you with your fantasy?” he asked as he rattled the cuffs against the bar. He couldn’t decide if she was just teasing him or if she really wanted to play a sexual game with him. Ever since he’d seen her riding the buckskin the first day he worked for her, he’d wanted to see her naked, riding him Instead.

Paige was an intelligent, attractive woman in her mid thirties with an athletic body from working with her horses. She wasn’t much shorter than his 5’11” frame with clear brown eyes and full red lips with a ready smile. She kept to herself when the men were working but he’d caught her watching them a time or two. He knew she had a sense of humor because he’d heard her laughing one day when the guys were telling risqué jokes. Her breasts were full and had bounced a little the day he watched her ride. She had short brown hair that was chopped off so it looked unkempt. He knew it was the way women were wearing their hair, sort of a Meg Ryan look. He thought it made her look like someone had just finished running their fingers through it. He remembered how tight his jeans had gotten the day he watched her astride the horse.

“Oh yeah,” she answered. “This is just what I want,” she purred at him. She walked around behind the scaffolding viewing him from all angles. It was becoming harder to see in the gloom created by the dark skies outside. “Wanna hear my fantasy?” she asked.

“No, I really don’t. I want you to let me go so I can go home.” He really didn’t want anything of the kind but if this was a true bondage situation he figured she needed to think he was uncooperative.

“Really? Hmmm, that’s a goal. I was really hoping I could fulfill you to play with me.” She reached out and ran one hand down his thigh then jerked back, started when he renewed his efforts to pull his hands free.

“You know, you could just give in and let this play out and you might actually enjoy it,” she continued.

“Really?” he questioned sarcastically. “I should just give in to this. Not very damned likely,” he said shortly. “Why don’t you just let me go and I won’t have you arrested for kidnapping. How ’bout that?” he asked continuing to play the tough guy.

“Uh… no. Not an option,” she stated. “I’m not the one who kidnapped you. Tim’s dealers did. I’m just delaying letting you go.” She smiled at him as he tried to look angle.

Paige turned and left the room. She flipped on the light in her bedroom next door to dig through her dresser drawers. She found the scarf she wanted but left the light on. It dispelled some of the darkness around the scaffolding when she stepped back in the room. She saw Dan toss his head and his longish blond hair flipped back away from his face. He looked like a calmion standing there, his legs slightly spread, his face proud and defiant as he stared at the spot where she was standing. He really was magnificent.His shoulders were broad, his arms well muscled, his chest strong and heavily tapering down to a trim waist and tight ass. She continued her survey over the slight bulge at his crotch and down over his thighs to his calves and finally his feet encased in wound cowboy boots. She licked her lips as her gaze lifted to his face. She knew his eyes were green even though it was too dark to see them.

Dan felt her gaze on him. He stood still and waited for her to move. When she didn’t he thought about what that might mean. “What if I did go along with your plan? What would you want me to do?” he asked.

“You don’t actually have to do anything. I’ll do all the work,” she pursued as she stepped up close to him and deliberately brushed her body against his again. She really wanted him to be blindfolded. It was all a part of the fantasy she’d been having since she overheard them talking about the mayor. She smiled when she felt his body jerk in reaction to hers and a thrill worked its way up her spine. She moved fast and slipped the scarf over his face but not before he saw the smile.

“What if I decided not to go along with this? What if I decided to call the police and tell them what you’ve done?” he asked forcing anger into his voice.

“It’ll be your word against mine and you’ll have to admit I’m not the one who actually handcuffed you,” she answered. “Why not give in and see what happens?”


“Fair enough.” She walked around and ducked under the scaffolding. A tiny bit of doubt was beginning to work its way into her thoughts. She couldn’t tell if he was really angry but he sure sounded like he was. With his feet free, she knew he could try to trip her but she also knew he couldn’t kick out at her effectively without pulling on his arms or losing his balance. She reached out and ran her hand down his back. She could feel the tension in him.

Dan stood absolutely still and waited to see what she would do next. He felt her come closer butkicking her wasn’t possible and it never even entered his mind to do so. He wasn’t raised to hurt women who hadn’t done anything to him. Besides, he was beginning to enjoy their game. He waited for her to move again.

Paige stepped directly behind him and pressed her body against his. Her hands went around his waist and up to his chest. She witnessed when her breasts met his firm back. He felt just as good as she had expected. It had been a long time since her last boyfriend and just this morning she had awakened sweaty and unfulfilled from another fantasy involving Dan. The overheard conversation about bondage had increased her desire for him. Now that she actually had a chance to play out a bondage fantasy, her hope was that he would enjoy this as much as she planned to. He wouldn’t be so likely to talk about it if he had to admit he had enjoyed it she reasoned. Paige refused to even consider the possibility that he might not enjoy it.

Dan was surprised. The last thing he expected was for her to hug him since she was trying so hard to act like a hard-ass. He had a momentary image of her astride him and it sent blood pooling in his cock causing it to swell and harden. He shrugged his shoulders as best he could in his restraints. He didn’t want her to know he was enjoying this, did he? No, of course not. He tried to pull away and felt her sight again as she stepped back. He hoped his resistance made the Challenge more interesting for her. She ran one hand down over his butt and he jerked in response. Her hand continued down the outside of his thigh as she stepped around to the front of him. He summoned the anger he’d felt earlier when Tim’s men grabbed him in the hopes it would help cool him down.

“I’ve been fantasizing about this for a week now. I can’t get it out of my mind,” she murmured as her hands Continuing moving over him. “I’ve dreamed of having you trapped, unable to touch me, to stop me,” she paused. Her hand moved up his chest and she cuppedhis jaw in her hand. “I’ve always wanted to have a man at my disposal without his being able to do anything but enjoy it.” One finger caresed his bottom lip as he tried to jerk his head free. “Neither of us is tied to anyone else and this doesn’t have to go beyond these walls. Neither of us need ever mention it again,” she finished.

“Really? You think I’m not going to tell anyone what you did… that you kept me a prisoner while you toyed with me. This is rape! Do you really think I’m going to have any qualms about telling the sheriff about this?” he spat out angrily.

“That’s a goal.” He could hear her making a tsk tsk sound. “That just makes it all the more interesting.” Paige was a bit surprised at herself. If it wasn’t for Dan’s remark about liking a little bondage with the right woman, she probably would never have acted upon her feelings for him. Her desire for him kicked up a notch with every angle protest and she was amazed by the amount of password she was feeling.

He could feel her still standing in front of him even though he couldn’t see her through the scarf. “Suit yourself, but don’t expect me to do anything,” he stated. Dan knew she had heard the conversation about bondage and he had meant for her to hear his comment about being willing to do it with the right lady. He felt her hand on his shoulder. She was running her hands over his muscles and then both hands spread down into his armpits and over his ribs. He felt her rub his chest and then he felt her breath on his neck.

“I would have liked to kiss you,” she breathed against his neck, “but I don’t want to risk you biting me.” Her tongue flicked out and tasted his skin.

She wet his throat with her kisses while he held his head still. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting but she certainly had His interest. His harsh words were for show since she seemed to be enjoying his defiance. He’d been fantasizing about her all week too. He just hoped she didn’t have anything kinky in mind like whips and chains. So long as his current restraints were the only ones she offered, he decided to play it out the way she seemed to want. Besides, she already knew he wasn’t turned on by pain. He’d made that very clear with the guys. Dan held himself still, continuing the angry act while her hands began to unbutton his shirt.

Paige was getting excited. She had dreamed of this but hadn’t really expected anything to happen. The further it went, the more exciting it became. She pressed her lips against the skin her fingers exposed. His chest was revealed to her slowly. He was just as muscle as she had expected. She tugged on his shirt so it came out of his jeans. She parted the material and put her lips against his hair-roughened muscles. Her lips were becoming greedy, pressing open-mouthed kisses against him While he held himself rigid against her. Her tongue found one hard nipple and she licked across it. His body moved in response but she couldn’t be sure if it was in reaction to her kisses or in protest.

Dan felt like a livewire had been attached to his nipple. He couldn’t stop the involuntary movement and he hoped she would do that again. He felt her blow on the wet skin and he had to bite his lips to keep from groaning aloud with pleasure. She continued to lick it in small strokes and then finally closed her teeth over the nub. She bit him gently and he felt it all the way to his cock. He He heard he was getting an erection and he hoped she wouldn’t notice too soon. He heard her murmur of appreciation as the hard little point of his nipple pressed against her tongue.

“That’s an involuntary response you know,” he told her. “That could happen to anyone in a cool room,” he continued.

“Yes, it could,” she agreed with a smile. She was really enjoying this and his continued resistance was exciting her Even more. She had dreamed of this for so long. Breaking him was going to be even more exciting if he continued to fight her. Shecould feel the heat gathering between her thighs. Her own nipples were erect and pushing against her bra. She stepped back and pulled her t-shirt off over her head. A simple flick of the wrist and her bra was open, letting her breasts swing free. She smoothed her hands down over her body and stepped up to begin her assault on his other nipple.

He felt her warmth and realized she had removed her shirt. He wished she would press herself against him again but she was focused on driving him nuts with her lips on his chest. He could feel himself growing even harder as her mouth worked to destroy his defenses. He wrapped his hands around the bar above his head in an effort to hold himself still. She was making it very difficult to appear unmoved.

Paige was sure he was enjoying it at least a little bit and she decided to see for herself. One hand cupped his buttock as her mouth continued to suck his nipple. She pulled him closer and the other hand ran over his crotch. Oh yes, he was hard. She smiled against his chest when she felt his butt chef clench under her hand.

Dan felt her mouth open as she smiled. “That’s involuntary too,” he snapped, baiting her so she’d continue to tease him. “Guys get ections all the time. It means nothing,” he stated coldly. Trying to appear tough and unaffected was becoming increasingly difficult. Her hands and mouth were driving him crazy.

“I understand,” she agreed with a smile. She squeezed his butt and then both hands were on his belt. “This is completely beyond you. You don’t care one way or another,” she added as her hands opened the belt. “This is just your body’s response and has nothing to do with you liking anything.” She popped open the snap on his jeans. She rubbed her hand down over the hard bulge pressed so tightly against his zipper.

“You’re above this, aren’t you?” she asked softly. “You don’t care what I do, do you?” she continued in that same soft voice. One hand was feeling the shape of him behind the clothes while the other reached between his legs and cupped his balls. Dan didn’t know how he kept from moaning. He wanted her to release him from his jeans. He had to keep reminding himself that he wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this.


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