
His package had arrived UPS to her door eight days ago and she’d followed the instructions inside to the letter. She’d washed and cleaned his clothes and put them away. She’d opened the package he’d included for her and then placed the item on the inside doorknob of her front door. She’d left the package marked private on the side of the bed as she’d been directed and it had not been opened. The next day she’d done the shopping he demanded.

A new set of crisp, soft white sheets had been washed and dried exactly once and placed on the table. Six large white beach towels and six new white washcloths were treated the same way and fluff dried to soften them. As directed she’d purchased the washbasins and the skimpy black leather skirt and nearly transparent low-cut sleepless red blouse and transparent bra with support straps that fit wide on her Shoulders. She’d stocked his selection of favorite foods except the fresh things he’d wanted. She cleaned the apartment immaculately. She’d let her hair down and brushed it two hundred and fifty times each night for a week just as he’d said. She’d practiced in her four inch black heels all week at home.

This morning, per direction, she’d made the bed with the new white sheets and no blankets. She’d set the thermostat for exactly seventy four degrees and then gone to the shower. She shacked and checked and reshaved her entire pussy area three times to make certain there was no stubble and then repeated the procedure on her legs. She applied no makeup and used no scents except the natural scent of the toothpaste and soap. She dried herself and in the bedroom she put on the bra and made certain that it was not too tight as directed and then dressed in the bloom. The bra and bloom straps overlapped perfectly.

She placed the two small washbasins on the bathroom counter and six new white washcloths next to them. Next she put on the skirt and tucked it in. She wore no panties or bra as he’d demanded. Next, she brushed her hair and put on the black heels before checking herself in the mirror. She thought she looked cheap and she felt cheap dressed this way for work, but he’d demanded it and she’d felt the excitement now as she prepared to leave for work. As she left, she remembered to put the key out so that he could get into the apartment. She didn’t know when he would arrive but was already wet from thinking about it.

In the car she pulled the shirt skirt a little higher and turned the fan on high to dry herself as she drove to work. Everybody she passed, including the ladies and her friends, stared at her as she went to her desk, sat down and began work. She’d always been extremely conservative in her dress and demeanor at work and this was a complete shift in everything she’d ever been and done. She’d never felt overly beautiful or Overly endowed and her legs were short and she felt them too fat, but every guy in the place and many of the ladies stopped by her desk this morning and talked. The guys were all so obvious and some of the gals were, too.

People asked if she’d changed her hair style and it was obvious that she had. One guy volunteered to check where her computer got the wall power, but she turned him down politely. She was wet with anticipation and all this attention just increased the flow. She’d had to secretly wipe herself from a Kleenex box several times already and had to find a way to get the used tissue to the restroom for flushing. The clock seemed to drag as she worked and waited. At breakfast and now at lunch she ate nothing as he’d told her.

At quitting time a throng of people walked her to her car and the guys arranged themselves at the door to watch her sit down in the skirt. The leather slide gently up and exposed a lot more than she’d wanted as she sat with legs closed and then lifted them together and placed them under the steering wheel and shut the door. Now guys were trying to stick their heads in through the window in hopesof looking down her blouse as she started the car and drive away leaving them drooling. This was a new life!

She made a stop at the grocery for the fresh produce he’d wanted and then at the chinese food place and picked up everything he’d ordered and then drove home. When she arrived there was no sign that he’d been there and she felt disappointed as she opened the door. The door swung open and again she followed his directions Precisely. She placed the bags of produce and chinese inside the door and then she stood in the doorway without closing the door and carefully removed the shoes, blouse and bra before lowering her hands to the skirt and sliding it to the floor. She picked them all up and folded them and placed them next to the food and stood again. Slowly she rotated in the open doorway, pausing when she was facing outside again and noticed two different neighbors watching her.

She smiled and almost panicked before regaining control. She bent from the waist and spread her feet wide and waited for three minutes before setting to the floor on her knees. She continued to face outside, not allowed to turn, and then backed into the room and shut the front door. Because it was summer and still bright outside she hadn’t been able to see into the darkened room as she unclothed. She reached for the food and black leather neck strap she’d put on the doorknob a week ago. She dressed in the neighbor Strap, the only thing she was allowed to wear in the apartment, and then slowly backed to the table in front of the sofa and placed the food on the table. She heard a muffled sound and then felt a sharp slap across her ass.

He was here and the sharpness of pain was erotic and she almost climaxed. He demanded that she unfold two white towels and spread them on the table and then crawl across the rug into the bathroom and return with the basins filled as directed with warm water and soap and a clean towel for drying. Next he demanded that she stand and slowlyturn so that he could inspect her. As she finished the turn he directed her to take the washcloths and wash herself thoroughly with special attention to her breasts, navel and public areas while he watched. She was to ensure that she was clean and all soap had been removed before drying herself.

She was not allowed to talk or ask questions unless given permission and was required to follow every instruction without hesitation. He told her to open the chinese food containers and place them on each side of her and she did. Next he told her to sit on the table and pleasure herself in front of him with no assistance from him… she was told to be certain that she was thoroughly wet from the pleasure and then to lie down on the table, and spread her legs. She was told to cover her pussy with sweet and sour pork or chicken with lots of sweet and sour sauce running through her wet pussy. She was to cover her nipples with Chow Mein and hand him a spoon.

He served himself with thespoon and she was told to keep serving… replacing diminished items as necessary… she was allowed to change the main entree’ as she wished… without informing her he would stop when satisfied. She was then to use the spoon and finish everything he’d left on her body, but add nothing more. She was to ensure the spoon thoroughly cleaned every part of herself and discard nothing. When finished she was ordered to wash her body again in front of him and then change the water and return. She climaxed several times through his meal and he’d complimented her on the sweetness of the sweet and sour sauce. The feel of the spoon on her body was delicious and she wanted to urge him on, and at her turn to clean she lingered with the spoon before each bite.

He had been sitting in the chair watching and was dressed only in a cock sleepeve and ball pouch of black leather. Her neck band matched the leather he wore. She wanted to have him right there. She wanted to taste him and feel him enter her and she longed for his attention. She climaxed again.

She was now ordered to thoroughly clean him with the soap, water and clothes and then dry him. She was careful and thorough as she stroked him with the clothes and then washed and examined each spot. Again she had climaxed at touching him and being so close. Her mouth watered at the thought of tasting him… but she was denied and didn’t ask. Next she was told to get a small saucer plate or dessert plate and sit on the floor in front of him. She was ordered to remove his leather and carefully place it on the floor where she sat and then place his cock and balls on the saucer. She was told to dish her own meal one item at a time over him and everything she ate was to first be served atop him on that saucer and she was to eat from the saucer with the same spoon. When her meal was complete… the washing ritual was repeated.

Now he stood, took her neck by the collar and led her into the bedroom. He examined the room and thensat on the bed and directed her to turn on the computer and access the net. He gave her a site address and name and she entered them. He ordered her to type a greeting and when she entered there was a messenger response and immediately a request to open the camera. He answered the request and made her sit at his feet. A beautiful woman come on screen and she was as totally nude as he was. They exchanged a few terms of endearment and then he began commanding her to pleasure herself.

The woman did as he commanded and between fingers and toys the woman was moaning in no time. She noticed his cock hardening and then he looked at her and told her to pleasure him… with her mouth only. She descended on him and began licking and tasting as his cock swelled more and his head throbbed under her tongue. She closed her iaround him as he watched the screen and she climaxed. It was a moment before she realized that she’d stopped working on him and his hands were now in her hair and demandingher to continue. The woman on the screen was screaming with emotion and he continued talking to the screen while viewing her.

She closed her lips tightly around his head and massaged him with them without sucking and his hands became more urgent. She toyed and licked a few more minutes and felt how wet she’d gotten when suddenly she felt a small whip across her back and he forced her head down around his hardness. The pain again sharpened her pleasure and she was aware as his cock expanded the muscles at the back of her throat and enter deep. He must have enjoyed the feeling too as she heard him moan. Now two voices filled the room as the other woman was ordered once again.

The woman was crying for release and he would not give it to her as his own excitement increased and he thrust harder and deeper. Finally he ordered the woman to cum and as it happened he filled her throat and then mouth with the creamy release she’d been wanting. He was momentarily satisfied and the knowledge caused her to commit also. She drenched a spot on the rug at his feet and was still shaking when he was ordering her to clean him. She started to withdraw when he stopped her and told her that he meant first to use her tongue and lips.

Angain she was ordered to fetch the basins and wash him and then herself. As she finished he made her assume a position of all fours with her hips at the edge of the mattress. He walked behind her and teased her anus and then her pussy by massaging them with his head. He talked all the time but she heard nothing while her senses reeled. After a few moments of lubrication he entered her slowly and demanded her to seat him slowly at her own pace.

She did and when he was fully inserted she tightened her muscles and began to massage him. As he realized her movement was intended to satisfy, he began to fuck her ass hard and then harder and he ordered her how to move and what to do to please him. His excitement built and once again she feltthe warmth of his flow as he filled her again and again. When he had exhausted himself she was told once again to clean him and now she realized that the other girl had been watching the full time. He commanded her to turn off the computer and then to lie at his feet as he did off.


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