Subject: NSA D/D Free I Need A Cock


Look let’s not fuck around. This is casual encounters, so let’s not pretend like I’m going to call you tomorrow or that it matters what I look like, what you look like, if we have similar interests, if our 10 year plans are the same. My interests are in getting a cock. If you have one you are willing to give, let’s begin to negotiate.

Negotiate was the wrong word. Here’s what you are going to do if you think you are interested. Send me an email response. I don’t need your name. I don’t need your picture. I don’t need your number. I need your address and a time of day you’ll be home, got it? You need to have the lights out, curtains pulled, blinds closed if it’s during the day. Be on the bed with boxes on and blindfolded. If you meet me at the door the deal is off. If you are wearing clothes the deals off. If you aren’t blindfolded the deal is off. Don’t worry I’ll find the bedroom. No room mates, family members, friends, girls, spouses, lingering around for me to bump into. You don’t have to be tied up but you can’t move your arms or legs once I get there. No touching. Have the condom on and be ready to go.


My hand turned the brass door knob, my chest and shoulders tensioning as I tested to see if it was locked. It turned easily as I pushed my weight into the wooden door frame of the older two-story house. I stepped in, squiting my eyes at the darkness of the entryway that held a staircase; the room was flanked on either side by a living room and a dining room. At least he was obedient so far. I had to flip open my cell phone, using the light from its screen to illuminate my path as I closed the door behind me. Purposefully letting it creak and make some amount of rattling, to alert hotbodsurfer69 that I was here; he was probably a frat boy. I hate frat boys.

I ascended the stairs by the blue, glowing light of my cell phone. Letting my steps fall heavily and letting the old wooden stairscreak a bit beneath my weight. I turned the corner at the top of the stairs, letting my fingertips trail along the banner as I glanced to either side at the top. A tiny bemused smile curved my lips at the notebook paper with frayed edges, sloppily taped to a door that said in frenzied scrapl ‘this one’. Alright.

I obligingly moved towards ‘this one’; the hand not holding the cell-phone-turned-flashlight was wrapped around a canister of mace. I was horny, not stupid. I let my eyes glance around, keep my hearing focused, and opted to shut the cell phone and place it in the pocket of my hoodie, instead of letting go of the mace, as I turned the door knob of the bedroom door and pushed into the room.

The room was pitch black save for only the barest sliders of moon and star light trickling through the blinds to keep the room from being blindingly dark. I smiled again, allowing it to spread into a grin as I scanned the room a moment before my eyes fell on the price.

Ther he was, hotbodsurfer69. He had a folded bandana tied over his eyes. He was sculpted and looked that sort of painted athletic that the popular boys seemed to have. His hair was a golden blonde, or some sort of blonde color, the exact shade was dulled and muted by the darkness. But who the fuck really cares? Or at least that was what I would have thought, had my eyes not progressed to the boxes. They were marvin the martian boxer shorts; I had to press a hand over my mouth not to giggle at my little casanova here. The slight bulge outlined under the material and trying desperately to peek through the small hole of the boxes got my head back in the game. Right. Let’s do this.

He lay patiently with legs and arms spread eagle-splayed out on the bed. Cute. I pulled the zipper of my baggy hoodie down, Shrugging out of it immediately. No shows for the blind. I let it fall to the floor, not even giving it a chance to land before I was shrugging out of my t-shirt then bra, letting them go together instead of bothering to undo the clap. I hooked my thumbs into the waist band of my gym pants and under the elastic of my panties, wiggling my hips to free myself of both as I tugged them down, shifting out of my loose sneakers as I got to the bottom. When I stepped away from the heap of clothes I was completely naked save for the little white ankle socks on my feet. Who has time to both with socks Really?

I stalked forward, placing first one hand then the other on the bed in between his spread feet, letting my weight indent the bed and shrug his legs a little closer together with the action. I grinned for myself, since there was no one else to see it, just before I started to crawl up on to the bed, careful to keep from brushing his legs with my arms, legs or body. I straddled his body with my hands and knees as I crawled up it, still keeping any contact to a minimum, only letting the shifting bed and my body heat give him clues.

I leaned my torso over his face, brushing my soft, round breast over his cheek then across his mouth, until it ended by brushing over the other chef. I moved to angle my nipple into his now-open mouth, feeling generous since he was so eager. I moaned a little for him as his tongue and wet mouth worked on my nipple, shifting my weight on to one arm as I moved my other hand to grip his hair tightly but not pulling, just controlling what he could and couldn’t do while he worked at my hardening nipple.

I began to shift back on to my knees, pulling my breast away from his accomplished mouth. He gave chase, following after it, forcing me to use my hold on his hair to tug him back and pin his head to the pillow with my hold. No. Bad. I slanted suspicious eyes at him while he settled back on to the pillow.

Drawing my arm back, Releasing his hair while keeping the limb tense and ready, I sat back fully now my ass resting on his thighs, my pussy lips deliberately straddling his cock through the boxer shorts. He made some sound, whimpering, moaning, grunting, who the fuck really cares? I started to rock myself up and down the shake, feeling the clothes of the boxesers bunch up as I painted his cock with my pussy, letting the slickness of my slutty little twat coat the condom. Good boy.

I moved my hands down, momentarily rocking my hips back to bare his cock once more. My hands moved to grip him, drawing him free of the clothes Once and for all. He gasped. I gave him a reassuring squeeze, or maybe a malicious one. I leaned forward on my knees positioning myself above him as I held him in place beneath me. I lowered myself down with painstaking patience as my pussy envelope his length millions at a time. The condom caught at my lips and inner walls for the first pass. Once my groin met his groin and he was buried to the hilt inside me, he made some noise like an exhausted sight, it sounded pleasant and content. Whatever.

I shook my head once before I shifted around with some agilityas I had done it a few times before, so that I faced away from him, riding reverse now as I sent my hands to grip his legs, using them as sturdy braces. He tensed his legs and held them taut, even pushing back a little, so helpful. This would be fun. Without much hesitation, I started to bounce my ass up and down on his pelvis, drawing myself off of his length then dropping myself back on to it. I keep myself unusually quiet as I concentrated on the sensings and angle.

I keep a quick pace, pausing periodically to catch my breath and rock my hips back and forth while he was fully sheathed inside of me before I would start to ride again. Our bodies became slick and frictionless where they met, letting me take him in just a little more and slide back when I rose off of him and then slide forward when he was fully inside of me again.

My eyes flew open as I was alarmed by the sound and feel of a singing slap to my ass, my gaze flying over my shoulder to look and confirm thatHis arms were no longer spread and docile. Oh no you fucking didn’t. I arched back now, my hands gripping his wrist as I pinned them to his sides at about waist level, his elbows bent and played, the back of his arms flattened to the bed – making it a bit uncomfortable and awkward for them now. I used my weight to keep them held in place, even though he didn’t fight the hold; I might have even hissed a little in announcement before I got back into my rhythm. With the new position I couldn’t go as fast or as furiously as I had before, but the new angle was just what the doctor ordered. Even my slow strokes caused me to throw my head back and moan my release, as I held myself down on his cock, spasming around his length as he laid completely still beneath me.

After barely holding my rag-doll-body off of him as I caught my breath and gave myself a moment’s rest, I pulled myself free of him, standing up a little shakily on the bed. I stepped between his legs, and then turned around toface him again. I got down on to my knees in between his still spread tights as my right hand moved to grip his shake at the base, giving it a squeeze to get the blood back into it as it had gone a little soft while I recovered.

I lowered my lips over the head, immediately sucking and slurping at the head through the condom, my hand rolling up some of the latex so that he could feel my fist pumping him, skin on skin. I swallowed the length of it to meet my mouth to my hand, licking off my own juices as my tongue worked congruently with my sucking mouth. I pumped hand and mouth in tandem as the condom filled the air with funny rubber sounds as my lips dragged at it, the taste of latex filling my mouth now that I had cleaned it completely of my own taste.

I kept the pace a bit frenzied, finishing with the head of his cock barely pressing against the back of my throat as his cum hit the tip of the condom, bumping the latex against my tonsils as each new spurt hit.

I lethim drop from my mouth as he started to soften. He was panting above me. Whatever. I climbed off the bed, before moving instantly to my pile of discarded clothes as I drew them on. Just as the zipper of my hoodie came up and I started to flick the hood up over my bedraggled hair, I heard him call out:

“You. Are. Wild. Holy shit.”

I called back a bit maliciously, “Shut the fuck up, frat boy.”

Then flipped my cell phone open for light and moved out the door as I heard the bed spread rustling, presumably he was getting up. I walked briskly down the stairs and out the door, before he could give chase or break the ‘rules’. I put the earbuds of my mp3 player in, waiting for the music to start after I turned it on. Then I walked home as my music blasted, having little sensing recursions of my orgasm tingling through my lower regions the whole way home.


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