Subject to Her Whims

“Sweetie, I have something I’ve wanted to ask you for a while now.”


“Now, you don’t have to agree, but this is something that would make me very happy if you said yes. So just listen with an open mind, and tell me if you think this is too much for you, or if you’d be willing to give it a try.”

“Alright baby, what is it?”

“My first ever real boyfriend was a guy called Jake. And he had this thing that he was into, where he wanted me to control his orgasms. Like, complete control, he didn’t even want to be able to get hard without my permission.”

“Why on Earth would he want that?”

“Just the way he was wired I guess. But can’t you see how it could be sexy, knowing that whenever he felt pleasure, it was because I wanted him to be feeling pleasure. Whenever he had an explosive orgasm, he knew it was because I wanted him to shoot his big load, normally into my mouth or hand. I think he liked it because it affirmed to him that I was interested insex, not just putting up with it for his sake.”

“That does sound kind of sexy baby. But how could he stop himself from getting hard if you weren’t around, or didn’t want him to? No-one has that much control over themselves that they can just soften at will.”

“Exactly, no-one can do that. But anyway, I came to really enjoy the control I had over his orgasms, and mine became much more powerful and fun, and even more frequently, as it really did turn me on quite a bit, just knowing that he was waiting for my permission.”

“But how do you know he was really doing it? I can’t believe he stayed soft the whole time, no matter what he said. Sometimes you just get hard even though you’re not horny at all, and it passes after a couple minutes.”

“I know he didn’t get hard once without my permission, because it was impossible.”


“I locked his cock up in a cage.”

“A cage?”

“Yes. It just about fit in while he was soft, and attached to a ring that went around his balls. There was just wasn’t room to get hard.”

“I guess it is possible then, but how do you know he didn’t take it off when you weren’t around?”

“I padlocked it shut. I had the only key.”

“Christ. So what exactly are you saying? You want me to wear a cage for you?

“Yes I do. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it would really make me happy and turn me on very much. I know we haven’t been going out for very long, but it would mean so much to me. It isn’t a deal-breaker, we don’t have to break up if you say no or anything, but please consider it?

“Alright. I’ll do it. I’ve really enjoyed going out with you these past few weeks, and I’ll give this a try to make you happy baby.”

“Oh, thank you so much sweetie, I’m so glad. This has been just a weight on my mind, and I’m so happy you said yes. Here, sweetie, should we get you locked up right now?

“That’s not the one he wore is it? I think we should definitely get a clean one.”

“No, this one is brand new. It’s much less bulky than the one he used to wear, it won’t show at all through your clothes.”

“Ok then. Should I go put it on in the bathroom or something then?

“No sweetie, I’ll do it for you here. I’m kind of excited to finally see it, especially as I’ll be locking it away very soon. Although I guess it would be sexy If the first time I saw it he was locked in my cage? No, I think I want to lock him away myself.”

“Alright baby”

“Oh sweetie. He’s nice and big and sexy. And he has no idea what he’s in for. You’re bigger than my ex, but the cage is actually a bit smaller, so it might be a bit of a tight fit. But obviously the way he is now he doesn’t have a chance of getting in. This is gonna be the last time for a while he gets hard without my permission. What do you think, would you rather calm him down with a final orgasm, or some ice?”

“Baby, please, I …”

“I’m just kidding sweetie. I want to touch him probably almost as much as you want me to touch him. As much as I’d like to, I’m gonna use me hands instead of my mouth. I’m gonna save that as a reward for good behavior, so that it really means a lot to you instead of just doling them out at random. You look happy sweetie, does this feel good?”

“Oh yes baby, it feels so good.”

“Now sweetie, you look like you’re getting reasonably close so I’m just gonna slow it down a little. You need to understand, this isn’t just symbolic. If you let me lock this on to you, you’re agreeing to give me complete control over him. He will be subject to any whim or fleeting desire I have, whether I wish him well or ill. Do you agree sweetie?”

“Yes baby, whatever you say. I’m getting so close baby, don’t stop.”

“Now I might seem a little bitchy at times, but just remember, no matter what happens I am always so happy you’re doing this for me. Are you ready baby?

“Yes baby, here I go, now.”

“Ok, there you go baby, that looked like you had a lot of fun. Now let’s just get this on shall we? Almost, almost. There we go, all safe and sound. That was a pretty tight fit sweetie, it really can’t grow at all without my permission can it? Now make me the happiest girl in the world and ask me to lock him up for you and take control of him.”

“Please baby, please lock him up and take control. Please baby, lock him, now?”


“Oh sweetie, thank you so much. Now that he’s taken care of, there’s something else that needs to be taken care of as well?”


“I’m all worked up baby. Why don’t you just fall to your knees while I sit here and see if you can make me have as explosive an orgasm as you just did sweetie?”


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