Sub-Miss Ch. 07

My name is Cindy, and I have been totally dominated by Lonny for almost a full year now. It started when he abducted me, half willingly, from a local mall. I have preformed sexually for him and many of his friends, whenever he has ordered me to.

Lately, he has repeatedly threatened to sell me to the slave trade. I was sure he was kidding, until I get this letter! It informs me that he has had an offer for my exclusive services. I know what that means, somebody wants me to be their personal sex toy!

I couldn’t understand why he would do this, I did everything he told me to do. And, I made myself available whenever my husband was away for the evening, except once…! And, I was thoroughly punished and humiliated for my disobedience. And, I’m sure Lonny truly forgive me for that… I least, I think he did.

Now, I wonder if I might be sold to somebody in a different city or state… country? Would I have to quit my job, dividend my husband… or would I just disappear,as if I had died? I wanted to call Lonny to find out, but the instructions warned me not to call anyone!

My husband noticed nothing unusual in my manner this morning as we had sex. We have sex quite often lately, since even he has become more domineering over me.

Since it is Wednesday, my schedule wasn’t very crowded. I continue to jog three miles on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Friday.

On Monday mornings, I also have sex with John, our next door neighbor, while bent over our picnic table. And, Thursday mornings I’m pimped out, by a local senior citizen, who caught me naked in the park one evening. I have been getting more sex since turning 35, than any other time of my life!

Now, tonight, the note reads, I’m to be sold to the highest bidder. I might never see my husband again, I find that hard to believe. I love my husband, Richard has always been very supportive of everything I ever wanted to try.

He was the one who first suggested that I go back to college to finally get my degree. He even helped me get my current job, that I love very much. I start to cry again, as I think of never seeing him again.

At quitting time, I walk into Paul’s office to see if he needs anything. Last Friday he needed me, tied up and hanging from his chandelier. I was then screwed thoroughly, by him and the two security guards! This night he just smiles at me and says he is all set. Slowly I walk towards the elevators, dreading my appointment.

Carl joins me as I wait for an elevator, he grins, probably remembering the night I thought he was part of my punishment from Lonny. I went to his house and let him screw me repeatedly. He has been trying to get back in my panties, ever since.

“Any specials I should know about?” He asks, with an evil grin. I think I might enjoy going with Carl more than meeting the slave traders. But, this is straight from Lonny.

“No, Carl, nothing is being sold.” I tell him, while thinking that actually I’m aboutto be sold… tonight?

Carl keeps up a running banter of sexual innuendos while the elevator slowly works its way to the parking garage. I’m almost lost in my own little world, as I imagine what will happen to me tonight.

Finally, I break free from Carl, and sit in my car to think. I’m about ready to leave, when I remember everything about last Friday evening, and Brian and Robert! The Two security guards from this building, who fucked me, and took some very nasty pictures!

If I don’t return by Friday, at eight to get my new employee badge, they threatened to send it through the office mail! If I never return, that will definitely cause some wild stories! Oh, I’m beginning to wish I had never met Lonny and the rest of those boys.

I arrive at the same empty house, where I had been thoroughly fucked, while blindfolded. The procedure is the same, close the garage door, strip naked, knock on the door, then face away from the door.

I’m blindfolded again, but led to the back of the house this time. They seat me in a straight backed wooden chair, tying my feet and hands. Somebody pulls my hair back, and ties it into a pony tail. In a quick flash, my blindfold is removed, and a hood or mask is placed over my head! All I saw was a brief glimpse of a man’s pant leg, then complete darkness.

I sit there quietly, as I hear people leave the room. I can hear the muffled conversations in the next room or hallway. I get very uncomfortable as they laugh, I get worried when they talk quietly!

I must have sat there for about an hour, when I hear someone enter the room. I wait quietly as this person walks around me several times, then leave the room. This is repeated several times, by who knows how many different people. Finally, the last person talks to me, it is Lonny!

“Well, my little slut!” He says, starting me. “You look lovely tonight, everyone said so.” I knew I had been on display for several men, I’m pleased they like my body.I wait for Lonny to tell me what he wants.

He reaches in and removes the hood. I blink in the bright light of the room, noticing the lack of curtains on the dark windows. Looking through an open door I notice a bathroom, this must be the master bedroom. Surprisingly, there is even a bed, with a mattress, but no sheets.

Lonny unties my hands and feet, and orders me to stand. “You will stay here for tonight, I have some more buyers arriving from out of town, later tonight.”

“If anyone knocks on that door.” He said, with a nod towards the closed bedroom door. “You will put on the hood and stand here.” Lonny told me, as he moved the chair out of the way. “When nobody else will be visiting, you will find your dinner sitting on the bed.”

He smiled at me before saying. “You can get ready for bed after that.” “Sleep with the mask on, since the light must remain on at all times.”

I wondered if he might be video tapping my final night as his property. I nod, as Lonnyunbuckles his pants and pushes them down his legs. With nothing more than a nod of his head, I drop to my knees and start sucking his dick!

When he comes, he keeps pushing his dick into my mouth, so I continue to suck him. His dick gets hard again, and he positions me on the bed, with my knees still on the floor. He screws my pussy for a while, then pulls his dick out.

“Turn around.” I do as he orders, and take his dick back into my mouth. “When I leave, take a shower.” “Be sure to prepare your ass too.” I assume these buyers will want to test the merchandise, before making an offer!

I sit quietly for about an hour after my shower, before I hear the first knock at the door! I quickly attach the hood over my eyes and head, then I report I’m ready. The door opens and at least two people walk in, soon I learn that it is two men.

I’m placed on the bed, kneeing across the end. One man forces his dick into my pussy, while the other uses my mouth! They switch places and continue their stroking, without a word being spoken. The man in my pussy, pulls out and begins to press his dick into my anus. He has very little trouble, due to the large amount of luxury I’ve placed there, and the number of times I’ve had a dick in there.

After the first one comes in my ass, the other one uses it till he also spews his load. They walk out the door, without giving me any instructions. I Feel my way to the bathroom and clean myself as good as I can. I then walk back to the bed and sit down. Almost at once, I hear another knock at the door!

There seems to be maybe twenty men that visited me that night, using my body for their pleasure. I had several orgasms as I was repeatedly screwed and fondled. I never removed my mask, since I hadn’t been told it was allowed. Finally, I smelled food when I returned to the bedroom!

I feel the tray and container, before pulling the mask off. A simple but very appreciated chicken dinner, was devoured quickly.I then went to the bathroom and showed my sore and tired body. I wasn’t surprised to find the remains of my meal removed when I came back into the bedroom. I was very surprised to find sheets and a light blanket though!

I slept comfortable through the night, being awakened by Lonny, as he walked into the room. The clothes he carried, I recognized as my own. He tossed them to me and told me to get dressed.

I quickly got ready, noting that panties and bra were both missing. We walked from the bedroom to the door to the garage. I wanted to see what the living room looked like, but dared not ask permission to look.

Lonny may have noticed my curiosity, or just thought I might enjoy seeing where I had been used so many nights ago. “Come here.” He said, leading me to the front of the house.

It was strange to see the counter I had been secured over, in the light of day. I even saw where sperm and my own pussy juices had dripped, and hadn’t been properly cleaned.

It was lucky that it was tile near the counter, instead of the lovely hardwood that covered the rest of the floor. I glanced into the kitchen to see a very nice lay out. We then went to the garage, and we left in my car, with Lonny driving.

He took me to a rather nice part of town, and into an expensive restaurant. We ordered breakfast, and made small talk until we had our food. Lonny looked at me, as he sipped his coffee. I felt real nervous, since he had been treating me very nicely, and hadn’t even requested sex this morning.

“Cindy, you don’t belong to me any more.” He tells me, while I reach for my toast. “I sold you, late last night.” He then smiles, and hands me a jewelry box. “Open it, your new owner wants you to have it.” I feel my eyes fill with tears. I don’t know if it is because of the fact I’m not Lonny’s any more, or that I have a new unknown master.

The box contains a gold chain, with an amulet. It is a half of a gold heart, with the letters L and Oinside. I assume there is a matching half a heart with V and E, somewhere. I look to Lonny for more information, but he remains silent. I put the chain around my neck, then finish my breakfast.

Soon, we are once again in my car, traveling to a fancy store where I have shopped only a few times. Lonny takes me to the back of the store, through a door I thought was intended for employees only. We are in a small storage room with another door on the far wall.

“Remove your clothes!” He says, abruptly. I’ve learned to never refuse an order from Lonny, and quickly do as he told me. Kissing me tenderly, he says. “After I leave, you will walk through that door and begin your new life, with your new master.”

Tilting his head down, he said. “That, my sweetheart, is the last order you will ever take from me.” Tears roll down my face and drip onto my naked breasts as I see the look of sadness on his face. I reach out and hold him lightly, giving him another kiss.

“Lonny, Iwill never forget you!” I blubber, as he breaks into that cute little grin he has. “Goodby,… master.”

Lonny turns and leaves, taking all my clothes with him. I stand there for a moment, afraid to step into… what?

Will my master await me on the other side of this door? Why here at a ritzy department store? Maybe he is the owner, and wants a slave girl to screw during the day. I take a deep breath, hold my chest up high, and open the door.

I step into a room that looks like a break room for employees. In fact, there are three people sitting at the small table drinking coffee. The two women glance my way and smile, the man looks me over then shakes his head slowly.

I’m so embarrassed to be naked in front of these complete strangers, not knowing if I’m in the right place or not. The silence grows, before the man points to an empty chair over by the wall. I meekly walk over and sit down, crossing my legs. They finish their coffee in silence, then stand up and approach me.

“O.K., Cindy, this is what’s going to happen.” Said the older woman, a redhead. I feel a little better that she knew my name, at least I was in the right place!

“We will outfit you, as we have been instructed.” “You are to do as we tell you, no questions.” I nodded to her, as I notice the younger, blonde woman come closer and pull a small table up beside my chair.

“Give me your hand.” Was all blondie said, as she started giving me a manicure.

The strange thing of all, was the man. He held color swatches up to my face and breasts. Then he would make a worried sound and walk out yet another door, returning with even more colored papers and materials. The redheaded woman just looked on, as everything preceded before her.

When my nails were done, the redhead motioned me through the next door. This opened into a hair salon, thankfully empty. I was placed in a chair and tilted back for a shampoo. The funny little man followed along, but this time heheld the swatches down beside my shaken pussy!

After my shampoo, my hair was cut, styled and tinted, all without a single concern for my wishes. I looked into the mirror, to see myself.

Other than the fact I was naked, I had to admit they had done a very nice job on my hair. It was shorter than I had ever forgotten it, and had lighter streaks running throughout. The style had it gathered up high on my head, with tight curls cascading down about five inches.

At this point the little man sprang forward, to stand near me. “Stand!” Was the first and only word he said to me. I stood and was subjected to him and his tape measure.

He measured me all ways possible, stopping just short of checking the depth of my vagina! He even measured the diameter of my breasts, both of them. Hips, thighs, calves, wrists, and even feet, were recreated on his paper.

It seemed like hours, before I was given back my clothes and car keys. My car was right where Lonny had parked it thismorning. A sealed envelope was laying on the seat, I remembered another time there was a note on my seat. I was very curious as I ripped it open. I was directed to return home, and be shown and ready to leave at seven sharp. P.S., wear nothing!

Why, was I was being allowed to return home? I got back to my house at about 11:30 am. There was a message on the answering machine. It was from my husband, Richard, he had called last night saying he wouldn’t be home for the night.

That means he still didn’t know I had spent the night in town, being produced by the livestock buyers. Oh, how I was going to hate to leave my husband, after all these years.

Then I started to think, what if I refused to leave? Richard would stand by me even if the pictures of my disgrace were published. Wouldn’t he? I was undecided all afternoon, sick to my stomach with worry. I didn’t really care who called at three in the afternoon, I let it ring.

The machine picked it up, it was Richardagain. I ran to the phone, going to explain the trouble I had gotten myself into, but stopped short of picking up the phone.

How would I ever tell him about all the men who had used me? All the humiliating things I had been forced to do? All the orgasms I had while doing them? I sat down and cried, as Richard left another message.

He just wanted me to know he was with a client at work, if I wanted to call him. He also said they had reserves at my favorite restaurant at nine, if I wanted to join them. I knew I couldn’t join him, my evening was so unplanned, along with the rest of my life!

I finally crawled into bed, with the alarm set for six. Surprisingly, the alarm had to awaken me, I never thought I would be able to get to sleep.

I showed, prepared my make-up and hair, as if I was going out to dinner. I was careful, to make sure my breasts and pussy was free of any lotion or cologne. I also took great care to get my hair styled just like it had been ths morning. At exactly seven, the door bell rang!

With a heavy heart, I opened the door. There stood a delivery man with a package, and a shocked look on his face. He stared at my nakedness, without even attempting to hand me the box he was holding!

“Is that for me?” I asked, pointing at the box. He nodded and extended it to me. “Do I have to sign for it?” First he nodded, then Shook his head. I didn’t see anything to sign, so I just shut the door, as he stood there. I might have found it exciting, except for my fear of what was going to happen later tonight!

Opening the package, I found a sheath dress of a very pretty egg-shell chiffon. I had to admit, the colors did match my nipples almost perfectly! Another thick envelope was inside the box, with instruction on the outside.

First I was to put on the dress and shoes found inside the box, nothing else. I was to carry the envelope with me, when I walked to the limo waiting at the curb. The last instruction was very confusing. I was told to remove all my clothes and put on what was in the envelope, when I knew the time was right.

What the hell did that means? I had always been ordered to strip, I never had a choice in the matter. Hell, sometimes I knew it was the wrong time, and still I was stripped naked!

I tried to be brave, as I walked down the sidewalk to the black limo, waiting silently. The driver never left the car, I let myself into the back, at sat nervously.

Was I supposed to change here? Probably not, since there wasn’t much material in the envelope, and if I was to be naked when I got there, they wouldn’t have bothered with the dress in the first place. The windows were so dark, I had trouble seeing where we were going. I did notice where we were though, when we finally pulled into the parking lot. Mr B’s strip club!

I wondered if Mr B himself had bought me, or that strange man that screwed me on the ride back from the club. My breathing was coming fast and labored, as I worried about my future. With more courage than I was feeling, I walked boldly into the club.

There was very few people in there this early, so I walked straight to the dressing room. I think I know what was expected of me. A few of the girls I had stripped with that one night are back there chatting. Without saying anything, I carefully hang up my lovely dress, then open the envelope.

Out tumbles a stripper’s outfit, in the same soft color as my dress. I also see another note. The note is typewritten, and simply stated: ‘I’m waiting in the private room. Signed Your New Master’.

I’m actually shaking, as I adjust my tits in the skimpy halter. I do so want to impress my new master, get off on the right foot so to speak. Hopefully, he will allow me to remain living my life, same as before.

When I’m ready, I walk boldly out into the club, ignoring the whistles and cat calls from the patrons. I walk behind the bar, glance around to see who is watching. Idon’t see Mr B, or either of his bouncers, could it be… With one more deep breath, I step inside.

The room is dark, except for a spotlight aimed at the stage. With just a glance I know that there is someone, maybe many, seated at the table in the gloom.

I walk quickly to the stage, and stand there, proud to have a man willing to buy my body for his personal use! No words are spoken, the music begins to play. I start doing my routine I learned that night, so long ago. I tease and tantalize, trying to get the male animal aroused by my swinging body!

When I’m finally naked and the music stops, I can hear the hard breathing coming from the table. A hand moves into the light. I see the matching piece of the amulet I’m wearing. Actually, the only thing I’m wearing! With a crook of his finger, he beckons me to him. Finally, I will get to see him, my master and lover!

When I’m close, his other hand moves, tossing me a hood like the one that was used on me yesterday. Iplace it over my head and secure if firmly. My master steps to me and rubs my nipples and palms my ass cheeses.

I moan softly, wanting so much more. Pulling me to him, he pushes down on my shoulders. Kneeling before him, I await his pleasure. Soon, I feel a stiff dick rubbing my lips, I immediately take him in my mouth and suck him as I have been trained.


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