This was probably my very first attempt at writing adult fiction and was more of an effort at exploring my own fans and thus work out what drive me than any serious effort to entertain others.
Reading it now, it seems simpler and more direct than my later work and may be better or worse for that. I will leave it to you the gentle reader to decide…
“Right you all know what we’re doing” Kyle said to the two beauty in front of him, “and don’t forget if you’re worried, press the emergency escape button in the palm of your glove.”
Uta and Gabi looked at each other and smiled. They were both experienced fetishists and also happened to be experienced divers too. This was fortunate as Kyle was paying them a substantial sum out of his new found wealth to realize his ultimate fantasy.
As all three slipped into Kyle’s’ private Olympic sized pool, he ran his eye over his two playmates. Uta was uncompromisingly German, tall and almost Amazonian in build she had strong, hard facial features and very short spiky platinum blond hair. She was wearing a full black neoprene diving suit with matching hood and long black swim fins. The crutch of the suit had been adapted to provide easy access and she finished the ensemble off with a large black divers mask and an old fashioned respirator mouthpiece connected via two airlines, one either side of her head to the tank on her back.
Gabi was altogether curvier, with soft round thighs, large full breasts and a long mop of dark brown hair. Her outfit matched Kyle’s unusual requests down to the last detail; a black latex cat suit with cut outs for her breasts and her crotch. Her head was covered by a full latex hood with individual holes just big enough for her eyes, nose and mouth. She wore a gas mask Expertly adapted to be suitable for underwater use. Finally on her feet she wore thigh high black patent leather boots, not ideal for swimming but then as the “sub” she wasn’t going to be doing much of that!
Uta took Gabi’s hand and pulled her along and down until all three were at the bottom of the pool. Already Kyle had a large bulge in the front of his wet suit and this just got harder as through the lenses of his dive mask he watched them meet in a sensitive underwater embrace. Both girls had gloves built into their suits and he thrilled at the sight of those black rubber fingers caresing each others rubber covered bodies.
He saw Gabi throw her head backwards as Uta eased a rubber finger into her. Through the small round eye holes of Gabi’s’ gas mask he saw her eye lids flutter and close as her long time lover caressed her from inside. Bubbles were now rising urgently to the surface as each girl’s breathing got faster, the restricting nature of the breathing arrangement only adding to the thrill. Gabi’s’ body went limp in the water as her first orgasm subsided and as Kyle swam over, Uta pulled her lover through the water to someather unique pool furniture.
With Gabi lying face up and horizontal in the water about three feet from the bottom, Uta attached a series of straps to her and fastened them to specially installed eyeselets in the pools tiled bottom. This had the affect of holding Gabi immobilized yet accessible from almost any angle. Next Uta Disconnected Gabi’s’ air line and quickly reconnected it to a built in oxygen outlet Alongside one of the eyesets.
Kyle could stand it no longer and released his cock from its prison as he swam towards Gabi. The sight of this buxom rubber clad beauty struggle against her underwater bondage was something he’d dreamed of for many years and was almost overcome with pleasure as he squeezed himself between her obsidian thighs. Kyle went as slowly as he could, struggling with the lack of purchase for him to push against but also wanting to savour every last sensing as he gently but firmly pushed his rock hard manhood into the captive beauty.
Uta didn’t want to be left out for long, so as Kyle started to pump in and out of her submissive partner, she gripped Gabi’s’ head between her rubber clad thighs and rubbed her exposed fanny over the eye pieces of Gabi’s’ gas mask. Inside the mask Gabi longed to reach out and taste Uta’s wetness with her tongue and found that the frustration brought about by her bond was fueling her password until finally she came with her lovers’ cunt squashed a bare inch from her face.
Kyle felt the captive slave convulse beneath him and as her love muscles massed his cock, he came hard as he struggled to suck enough air through his regulator. His ejaculation seemed to go on for hours but as it subsided he saw the statusesque Uta thrashing around in the water as a massive orgasm ravaged her body with Gabi’s black rubber head still grasped firmly between her tights.
Now Uta adjusted the straps that held Gabi in her underwater bondage so that she was now floating face down with her latex coveredlegs held wide apart by yet more straps. Uta swam under the captive figure and clipped nipple clamps to each of the submissive’s breasts. The clamps had jagged teeth that bit into the tender flesh and Kyle felt sure he heard a muffled cry as Gabi protected in pain.
Not happy with that Uta floated gently beneath her curvaceous lover and attached lead weights on chains to each of the nipple clamps, making each pendulous breast stretch as if reaching for the floor. Gabi Shook her black latex masked head in protest but Uta, many years her lover continued on seemingly without caring about the disappoint the shackled rubber nymph was experiencing.
Floating over the back of the captive rubber slave, Uta watched briefly the air bubbles from Gabi’s’ regulator float to the mirrored surface of the pool before placing a black dildo, easily 10 inches at the entrance of Gabi’s’ butt. Pre-coated with water proof lubricant it slide with modest resistance into her back passage until once fully home, Uta strapped it into place and flicked a tiny switch.
Gabi struggled against her bonds trying to get away from the deliciously antinizing torque in her arse, sucking air greedily into the gas mask as she did so. When she looked forward through the small round eye pieces of her gas mask Gabi was confronted by the biggest black cock she’d ever seen. It wasn’t so much the length as the width, surely more than two inches. To her surprise and joy as the member pulled away from her face she saw it was strapped to Uta’s groin and matched the birding malevolence of the black rubber dominatrix.
Gabi knew what was coming next and a mixture of fear at being so abused and excitement at being totally at the mercy of her mistress pumped adrenaline through her veins like never before. Slowly she felt the blond uber-dom push the huge dildo into her, she thought she was going to split wide open as Uta forced the strap on home.
What Gabi couldn’t see was Kyle pushing his nowrock hard member into Uta’s butt, forcing her to thrust ever deeper into the curvaceous rubber dolls cunt. After a shaky start, all three found a rhythm and the black rubber covered limbs seemed to merge into one so that it was hard to tell where one body stopped and another started.
They were all breathing hard now, struggling against the restricted airflow of their respective breathing apparatus, making the sense of helpless bondage seems total. Kyle thrust into Utas’ sphincter, feeling the pressure on his cock as she periodically clenched her incredibly muscular buttocks. Then he feel her push back as some how Gabi managed to thrust back at the woman impaling herself in her sorely stretched cunt.
Gabi started to loose track of events, her senses assaulted and overwhelmed her. The buzzing deep in her stretched shit-hole, the pounding deep in her cunt and the biting and pulling of the weights on her nipples proved too much and she was hit by wave after wave of orgasms.
Seeing her captive lover struggle against her bonds as she climaxed and feeling Kyle’s powerful thrusts deep in her anus, Uta too was pounded by a massive orgasm. Just when she thought she’d replaced control she felt Kyle exploit in her arse and the feeling of his hot seed pushed her against her against her will into yet another massive, shuddering orgasm.
As all three hauled themselves into the poolside they collapsed in blissful exhaustion, certain this wouldn’t be their last taste of sub-aqua love!
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