The driver, Tim, can’t resist watching her in the rearview mirror. He had been well paid for this job. He was responsible for her safety and for following his instructions to the letter. So far he had nothing to complain about.
Tim had been given a letter for the lady, instructions on how to prepare the limousine, as well as his specific instructions for this trip. They told him that he could watch the activity in the limo during the drive; as a matter of fact he had been instructed to make a video to be delivered along with his passenger. They also gave him some, shall we say, additional duties to perform upon delivery. He had seen some unusual things during his 20 years as a limo driver, but this…
He picked her up at the airport as instructed, holding a cardboard sign with only “SLUT” on it. He really didn’t expect Anyone to respond to the sign and was shocked when a tall brunette approached him. She did not have any checked luggage, so he took her small carry-on bagand led her to the car. After she was seated, and her luggage loaded, Tim got back in the vehicle and headed for his destination.
He watched her remove her sunglasses and noticed that she had beautiful green eyes, but it was difficult to tell much more about her due to the way she was dressed. She picked up the letter he had been instructed to leave in the back of the limo, and read it slowly. For a moment, he though he saw her tremble, but then she seemed to gather her strength. After looking at the letter once more, she laid it aside.
Unbeknownst to Tim, the letter said the following:
You have decided to take your submission to the next level by serving me in person. I am very excited to have this opportunity, and I can promise you that it will not be boring. I will challenge you beyond what you think you are capable, you will do things that you have always refused.
These are our rules for the weekend:
1)I am your Sir and you will address meas such at all times.
2)I will call you whatever I wish. If I call you by a name, for example “piss whore” you will subsequently refer to yourself at least twice by that same name, no matter how reject.
3)You have no limits this weekend. We have “played” for quite some time online and you must trust that I know your boundaries better than you do. You will, of course, have safe words. As always, “yellow” means slow down, and “red” means stop immediately. I will absolutely respect the safe words. However, you should be careful in how you use them. If you use “red” twice, our time together will immediately end. Of course, your hotel, food, and return ride to the airport will be taken care of and you will be able to enjoy the rest of your weekend without any demands.
4)I choose this location carefully. You will obey me without question or concern for modesty, embarrassment, identification, or consequences from outside parties.
5)I may or may not include others inOur play. If I do, you are to obey them. However, ultimately, I am your Sir and will have final say. If others are included in our play, you will trust that I have screened them carefully and you have no concerns for your safety.
6)You are not, at any time, to attempt to hide the fact that I am your Sir, or that you are my slut, unless I direct you otherwise.
7)When others are present you are not to speak unless spoken to, and even then only with my express permission. If I give you permission to speak, you must answer completely, honestly and fully.
8)If there is no explicit rule to apply to a given situation, the number 1 rule always applies, “I am your Sir.”
If you are in agreement and wish to proceed you will do the following:
1)Remove your shoes, one at a time
2)Pull your skirt up to your waist and hold it there with your mouth as you slowly remove your thigh high stockings. Neatly fold your stockings and place them to the side along with your shoes.
3)Keeping your skirt pulled up, raise your hips high off the seat and slowly slide your panties down your legs and fold them.
4)Tuck your skirt in the waistband keeping your pussy completely exposed. Your knees are to remain at least 12 inches apart.
5)Unbutton your blouse completely but do not remove it.
6)Leaving your bra on, lift each tit out of the cups, leaving them exposed.
7)Take one hand and alternate between each title, lifting it up completely by the nipple and then letting it drop from the maximum height letting the driver see how your huge tits bounce. Do this over and over as you rub your clip with your other hand. You can stop when you feel you are getting close to cumming.
8)Suck your fingers clean
9)Remove your blouse, fold it neatly
10)Remove your bra
11)Lift your hips again, as high as you possible can, unfasten your skirt, and remove it by pulling it over your head.
12)Make sure all of your clothes is fold neighborly and place it in the suitcase I have left for this purpose. Once you close the lid, you will not have access to it again until the weekend ends.
13)Ask the driver to roll the windows down in the back of the limo so that people can see what a slut you are. Use those words.
14)Kneel on the raised platform with your knees spread widely apart, and lock your wrists securely in the restraints on the ceiling above the platform.
15)Enjoy the rest of the ride.
Slut knelt on the platform in the limo. She could feel the wind from the windows blowing against her body and it almost felt like a lover’s care on her tits, her pussy. She could feel the driver’s eyes on her, although she did not meet his eyes in the mirror.
Tim, indeed, was watching this play out. He was young, 25 y/o, was a football player in college, and maintained his muscle physique. Although the woman in the back of the limo had to be in her 40’s, he admired her huge tits, long legs, and her bare pussy, which was glistening with moisture. His cock had been hard for some time, and he could feel the precum leaking. He quickly unzipped his pants and began to rub his cock.
All too quickly, they arrived at their destination, a popular adult resort. Tim had never stayed there, however, he had heard the rumors. Quickly he picked up his final instructions for delivery of the passenger. As directed, he called the cell phone number he had been given and the gentleman who answered said he would be right down.
As per his instructions, Tim opened the back door to the limo. A few people had already gathered, wondering if perhaps someone famous had arrived. Tim wondered if he could fulfill his duties without embarrassing himself. Tim entered the back of the limo, and the woman jerked away, surprised by his boldness. Without saying a word, he tied a black silk cloak at her neck and removed her restraints. He pinched each of her nipples, hard, and tugged on them for goodmeasure. Taking her by the nipples, he pulled her out of the limo.
Although she was wearing the cloak, it only fastened at the neck, so as she moved it flowed open around her. The small crowd that had gathered was staring, but she knew better than to try to cover herself. Glancing down, she noticed that Tim’s cock was still exposed, hard, red, leaking, and catching her glance he quickly, but with some difficult, fastened his pants.
Suddenly, Sir was standing in front of her, and it was all she could do not to throw her arms around him. Instead, as he had instructed her, she lowered her eyes. Without saying a word, he fastened a collar around her neck, and then attached a leash and led her into the resort. To her surprise and mortification, Sir led her right through the lobby of the hotel, stopping to chat with a few people along the way. Surreptitiously glancing from the corner of her eye, she noticed 2 or 3 people with collars and leashes, but none exposed as she was.
(to be continued)
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