Sometimes I hate that I moved from the South to Minnesota. There are no chipgers which I hated, but the black flies are probably worse, chipgers only chewed up your ankles. The winters are worse than I could have imagined, the cold and the never ending snow. I had my reasons to move here. The saving grace is that while I still don’t drive on new snow, I can get delivered most of what I need.
During covid we learned that much of the legal work I do can be done remotely. It means I don’t have to drive in new snow. The negative in Minnesota is that I spend a lot of time alone in my apartment. I found a nice erotic writing website, Literotica. While browsing one day when I was snowed in, a story caught my attention, “Susan Finds a Dom” by Whiteabbit0117 (
As I started to read the story it immediately struck a chord. I tend to be assertive and have only found one man assertive enough for me to exploreor my submissive side. Unfortunately, he turned out to be abusive and I ended the relationship. Once burned twice shy, so I never pursued that side of me before.
As I read the story, I immediately identified with the lead female character. She is not having any lucky dating, check, she is frustrated and horny, double check. Partway through the first part of the story, I realized that I could obey the on-line Dom along with the female character.
She was naked so I stripped. He told her to knee in front of the mirror and I found myself kneeling looking at myself in my close mirrored doors.
He told her “For five minutes I want you to use your right hand make your cunt wet, then insert two fingers deep into your cunt, bring them out and drag them across your clip, then lick and suck them clean, repeat until time is up or you have to stop to avoid cumming. While doing that with your right hand, say a mantra, ‘pinch, pull, twist” while pinching, pulling and twisting your nipples with your left hand. Each time you clean your right hand, the left hand switches nipples. Start gentle, but each cycle gets stronger, quicker and harder. Do not cum. Watch yourself in the mirror.” I obeyed and was the horniest I think I have ever been. Like her I couldn’t go the whole five minutes without cumming and stopped
Like her I tried again, going a bit slower and like her I again had to stop before cumming. As I knelt there my cunt on fire, my nipples sore, and the taste of my cunt in my mouth, I argued with myself about whether I had to follow the script or could allow myself to cum. Following the script won.
She did her bathroom routine and crawled to bed. I crawled to the kitchen and reheated some pasta for dinner before crawling to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I crawled to bed, for the first time ever I crawled into bed naked.
I lied there, feeling more alive than I had in weeks. I found my nipples still rock hard, and my cunt soaking wet. I had never called it a cunt before, but the on-line dom had explained that submissives have cunts, tits and asses, so I now had a cunt, tits and an ass. I thought about jilling one out, but for some reason I felt the need to obey the Dom’s order and couldn’t.
I woke up early the next morning. I remembered the Dom had said to edge first thing in the morning. Thinking about the night before in front of the mirror I was on edge and in danger of cumming without permission almost immediately.
I crawled to the bathroom and saved myself. I remembered the instructions to remain naked all day and to wear high heels. As a southern girl I had a choice of heels to choose from, I picked out one of my higher heels with an ankle strap. I strapped them onto my feet and walked to the kitchen. She was allowed to walk when wearing heels, I recalled. I fixed my breakfast and started reading the story again. She had to put a suction cup based dildo on her office chairand sit on it. I didn’t have one so I scanned down the article till I found the things he ordered her to buy. I added a few things that she used that I didn’t have.
Hello Amazon – next day delivery, weather permitting for:
2 sets – black clover clamps with connecting chain
1 red ball gag
1 set – stainless butt plugs with three different sizes.
1- Leather spanking paddle
1 crop
1 – blindfold
1set – Ben Wa balls
1 set @ wrist and ankle cuffs
1 – Suction based 7″ dildo
1 – Bottle lube
I wasn’t sure about the size of the dildo, they had sizes all the way up to OMG, but thinking back to boyfriends, I remembered one having a cock about those seven inches that felt real good. It may have been the guy it was attached to, but I decided to go with that size.
The order placed I walked back to the mirror, knelt and repeated the orders I followed last night. Fingers in my cunt, dragged across my clip and sucked clean while chanted the mantra “pinch, pull, twist “as my other hand abused my nipples. I made it past four minutes this time before I had to stop. My nipples were really sore, they hadn’t been abused in months and were now working overtime with the Dom’s instructions.
To get my mind off my burning cunt, I logged into my office account. Nothing like digesting a land ownership issue to take the edge off. Sending off a couple requests for more information I turned to my empty reminder. I put together a shopping list and emailed it to my local grocer who delivered.
I was looking at the next issue in my office account when it dawned on me that the delivery person would be arrived in an hour or so and what was I going to do, stay naked, get dressed, or??? Scanning the story, I found that he allowed her a very short dress when she went to the store. Searching my closet, I didn’t find any dresses or skirts short enough. I did find a tune that I wore over leggings or pants, but it wasVery short barely covering my ass. The doorbell rang and I made a quick decision and slipped in on to rush to the door.
The delivery person at the door was a bit older and much more mature than the usual kid who brought the groceries I ordered; he had on a dress shirt and a tie instead of the usual kid in a hoodie. He said that he was a supervisor, but with the snow they were short staffed. He brought the box in and sat it on the counter. We started talking about how bad the roads were and the difference between winter in the South and Minnesota.
As we talked, I was putting things away before I realized that every time I leaned over to put things in the bottom of the refrigerator I was turning my back to him and bending over. I was sure he was able to see everything, but he kept talking and handing me things as if everything was normal. I did see his eyes straight down to my chest occasionally and I realized that in my haste I had not done any of the buttons in the front of the tunic and was probably putting on a show there too. My tits aren’t large but nice, high and firm. He was cool and there was nothing in his manners or speech that indicated that me being almost naked was not normal. The only give away was a noticeable bulge in the front of his pants.
He apologized that they didn’t have everything on my list due to trucks not coming in, but he should be back tomorrow with the balance of the order. I started to get my purse to get him a tip and he broke into a smile and said, “Oh no M’am, you have tipped me quite well already.” My blush resulted in his smile growing even wider. With that he turned and left.
I stood there in shock. I had embarrassed my self in front of the delivery guy and was so turned on my cunt was leaking down my thighs. I removed the tunic and immediately noticed my nipples standing up rigid.
I knelt in front of my mirror and started the routine again, fingering my cunt, cleaning it in my mouth and abusing my nipples. I didn’t make two minutes before having to stop to avoid cumming.
I went back to the story and printed out the Dom’s expectations for the story’s character and left in on my desk to reference:
Prime Directive – slut will take care of herself physically and emotionally. This directive overrides all other expectations. BUT slut will immediately discuss and resolve issues with me as quickly and completely as possible.
0. slut will be honest, obedient and willing to push slut’s comfort zone.
1. slut is to be naked at home except for heels and collar. Collar will always be killed except for pool and shower.
2. slut is to edge last thing at night, first thing in the morning or while showing, any time slut uses the toilet, and immediately before leaving her home. slut may also edge whenever slut feels the need. All edge is to the point of orgasm without allowing that to occur.
3 slut is to cum when told to do so, and only when told to do so. Failure will result in immediate stimulation back to the edge, application of the “remember pin” to slut’s clip, and report to me.
4, slut is to keep her body shacked below the neck at all times, stubble is not acceptable.
5. When slut is in her office chair slut will sit on her dildo. It is to be cleaned everytime slut leaves slut’s chair.
6 When directed to do, so slut will crawl when home except for slut’s kitchen and bathroom.
7 slut’s name and pronouns are slut. slut will use only that name and pronouns when communicating with me.
8. Outside of home or when on a zoom call for work, slut is to wear a fingerprint length or shorter dress, or skirt. Blouses will be unbuttoned down to the nipple line. Underwear is not allowed. Shorter heels are allowed unless directed otherwise.
9. Pants, panties, pantyhose are not allowed at any time. Stockings, thigh highs,or suspender hose may be hurt if desired. Thongs may be wound during slut’s period.
10. Exercise is required. Dress shall be appropriate for the activity, but minimal. Sweats are not allowed unless required by weather.
11. Slut shall use her judgment where her parents are concerned but will abide by the clothing restrictions where reasonable.
12 slut may Wear longer, but above the knee, skirts and soft unpadded bras when in the office.
13 slut is not to cut or color her hair without permission.
14. slut is to blog or otherwise inform me daily of her activities, obedience, and any issues that need to be addressed.
15. slut is not to cross her legs, crossing of the ankles when sitting is permitted, Knees shall always be at least one fist width apart. Tugging at or adjusting clothes in public to reduce exposure is never allowed.
I read the part where she was told to spank herself with aspatula. I got one from the kitchen and knelt with my ass facing the mirror. Unlike the character in the story, I had been spanked fairly often as a child, but I had never done it to myself. I scratched my right butt chef with the spatula. Ow, that hurt, nineteen more to go. I tried to keep the same intensity for the entire twenty. My ass was burning by the time I finished. Fortunately, I am somewhat ambidextrous so the twenty on my left butt chef were about the same. Around the fifteenth swat someone moaned. WTF, where did that come from.
I wasn’t sure about spanking my tits (there I used the word) so I started out softer and built up. About halfway through spanking my left tit I heard that moan again. By the time I finished my right tit the moans were almost constant.
I spread my legs and looked down at my bush before starting. I suddenly remembered that it was supposed to be shaken bare, something I had never done. I swatted my cunt with the spatula and swear I heard asplash. My cunt was soaked. By the time I did the first ten swats my whole body was shaking, by the time I finished all twenty only my resolve kept me from cumming. I also noted I needed a towel next time or I was going to have to get the carpet cleaned.
I crawled to the bathroom, grabbed a towel, a new razor and some shaving gel. I learned later I should have trimmed it with scissors first, but I managed to shake my cunt (that new word again) clean without cutting myself. Feeling the soft clear skin was just amazing. So was clearly seeing my cunt for the first time in a very long time. I spent quite a bit of time in front of the mirror exploring it, pulling my labia apart, pulling back the hood over my clip. The paddling had put me on the edge and my shaving and exploration of my cunt kept me there.
I went back and read the story again, getting a new perspective on the character’s growing submission and the Dom’s increasing control. Some things the Dom was having her do, such as when she had permission to cum I was going to have to figure out how to do without actually having an on-line Dom. I thought about sending a note to the author for guidance, but decided not to, for now.
I fixed some pasta for dinner and sat in front of the TV to eat it. I found 50 Shades on one of the movie channels and watched intently. About halfway through I got a towel to sit on before the wet spot on the couch got any bigger. I caresed and fingered my newly naked cunt and abused my nipples through each and every one of the SM scenes. It was getting harder and harder to obey the no cumming rule. I was becoming aware of the need in my cunt constantly.
The movie finally ended; I decided I liked my “Susan Finds a Dom” story better. Even though I was still wearing heels I crawled to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, before crawling to the mirror for my evening edging. Damn, had to stop before three minutes were up. I made a promise I would make five tomorrow. I took off my heels and crawled to bed.
I laid in bed fingering my cunt thinking about the show I had put on for the delivery supervisor and his reactions. Before I realized it was building, I came. I felt my cunt grab my fingers like I had never felt before and the contracts seemed to race up and down the length of my cunt, I again heard someone squeal and moan, loudly.
I didn’t remember What the punishment was for cumming without permission, so I crawled to my desk and pulled up the story. “The punishment for failure is putting a clothespin on the clip for fifteen minutes, then edge again, repeated failure increases the pin time by five minutes each time.”
I got a pin from the laundry closet knelt in front of the mirror and put the pin on my clip. The pain was immediately. Within five minutes I was crying. It actually got less severe for the remaining ten minutes. Then I removed the pin from my clip. The pain was immediately as the blood rushed back into thepinched nub. I screamed and fell into a fetal position on the floor. I started rubbing the bruised nub and almost immediately had to stop as I was so wet and horny I reached the edge that quick. The image in the mirror showed my rigid nipples and my puffy edged cunt, and my smiling eyes and mouth.
I crawled back to bed and fell asleep feeling the wetness of my smooth hairless cunt.
I woke up early again, edged and crawled to the bathroom, used the toilet and showered. After I showed and dried off, I put my heels back on and fixed my breakfast.
Checking my messages there was one from Amazon that my order was out for delivery, and one from the grocery store that my order would be delivered soon. I debate what to wear but decided I had no choice right now but the tune I wore yesterday. It was the only thing close to what the Dom required of the character.
I had no sooner put it on than the doorbell rang. Fortunately, Amazon had put the box right outside my doorand left. I got the delivery acknowledgement moments later. I brought it in and sat it on my desk next to the expectation list I had printed out yesterday.
I opened the box and started to look at the contents when the doorbell rang again. The same delivery man as the day before had a couple of bags with the rest of my order. Almost as soon as I let him in my phone rang, my office. Fearing it might be something confidential I excused myself and went into my bedroom to take the call. It was at least fifteen minutes before I understood the issue and gave my clerk the instructions on what to prepare for my action.
As I stepped back into the living room, I stopped dead. The delivery man had several things out of the box and was reading the printed expectations I had printed out yesterday.
He smiled at me and said, “Put the rest of Your groceries away and let’s talk.”
Something in his voice made it sound like more than a suggestion. I immediately complied, putting away what he had delivered and I’m sure giving him another good showing of my body. As I was putting things away, I stole glances at him, he was reading the rules and expectations I had printed out from the story. I also noticed that he had written down the name of the story I was reading.
When I finished and stood there studying him, he looked up, then pointed down at the floor in front of him. I didn’t even hesitate to walk over and knee at his feet.
“You have a Dom?” he asked.
“No Sir, I’m following a story I read and following that submissive’s rules.” I answered with a tremble in my voice. I have no idea where the “Sir” came from was it Southern upbringing or my submissive side.
He seemed to be considering something, his eyes wandering over my body before focusing on my eyes. “Would you like to discuss being my submissive?”
Without hesitation I replied, “Yes Sir, I would like that very much.”
He stared into my eyes and said, “I will be here at 6:00 for dinner and discussion, be wearing these and your heels, nothing else.”
He handed me the cuffs and a small butt plug from the box, leaned down, kissed me then stood and walked out the door.
I knelt there trying to comprehend what had just happened. Had I just agreed to fix him dinner and meet with him naked, cuffed and wearing a butt plug? My fingers went to my lips remembering the shock that ran straight to my cunt when his lips had touched mine in that brief unexpected kiss.
I finally stood and removed the tunic. He had said naked for dinner. I started fixing my lunch, running through what my options were for the requested dinner. I hadn’t planned on entertaining when I had placed my grocery order, so my options were limited. I finally picked up my phone and called a local restaurant that delivered for an order of pasta primavera to be delivered no later than 5:30.
I took my small bowl of tuna salad and sat down at my desk for lunch. As I ate, I examinedEach item in the box. I attached one of the clamps on the fleshy part between my thumb and index finger, it felt tight but didn’t particularly hurt. Even the smallest of the plugs looked too large for my virgin ass, but I set the smallest one aside to try later.
I took the suction cup base dildo over and washed it in the sink before attaching it to my chair. I applied a thin coating of lube and slowly lowered my cunt onto the device. It took a few retreats and renewed efforts, but I finally fully impaled my cunt on the dildo. Considering that my cunt hadn’t been fucked in weeks, it felt amazing. I slowly rocked back and forth feeling it move inside me.
I didn’t expect much from the gag, but when I put it behind my teeth and fastened the strap, I felt my cunt clnch on the dildo. I felt a sense of peace.
I slapped by left title twice with the leather slapper. It hurt but was a completely different feel than the spatula, more of a sting and it left a warmth the spatula didn’t.
I couldn’t figure out what the ben wa balls would do, and since my cunt was full, I put them back in the box.
I slapped my tight with the crop, it stung and left a bright red mark.
I fastened the cuffs on my ankles right above the strap on my heels. Doing the wrist cuffs by myself was difficult, trying to hold them in place and fasten the strap tight using only one hand was a bit frustrating. I finally figured out that if I wedged the straw between my wrist and my tigh, it would stay put while I did the stick.
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