Sub Sluts Make The Best Wives

[Foreword – I don’t endorse or engage in anything shown here. Everything is fictional and written for the purpose of entertainment.

No paragraph structure is employed.

“…” is not necessary an ellipses but can indicate a deliberate pause as used in conversational speech.

“—–” indicates a delay in time or a new scene.

This is written to be Quick and Easy to read. I hope you enjoy it as original and hopefully entertaining content]

Subsluts make the best Wives

Overview – A Stressed Wife Gets What She Needs

The early morning light shone through the 4-paned suburban house window with a rainbow tinge.

The sprinklers weree quietly chittering away as they dutifully dispersed droplets of water infront of the respectable house.

It was a fine morning. The older kids had ridden off on their bikes to school half an hour ago and the birds were singing.

Jeniffer hobbled across the kitchen with a slight hunt in her back as she carried the dirty plates and cutlery to the kitchen sink. She had not gotten a good night’s sleep.

Her horny pussy had kept her awake almost all last night, and her husband had refused to fuck her properly because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut like a respectable wife. She had quietly splashed a weak load onto the sheets under her crotch, but was far from satisfied.

She had not been able to return the inquiring silent looks of her children that morning as they quietly ate their pancakes and bacon.

Her 4 older children were extremely messy, not to mention that her husband was a large hungry man too. Her recent 1 year old baby still sat in the chair staringamiably at her.

Jennifer was only 23 but she was a highly experienced mother, and had been since she got pregnant at 18.

Her 5ft 3 stature was rather short but she still stood taller than most women on account of her usually perfect posture.

She had long pale blonde hair and large bright blue eyes which usually had an intelligent fiesty twinkle to them.

This morning However, she looked rather downtrodden and ashamed. She had been rather vocal in the early hours of the morning as her husband tried to silently pleasure her.

She was glad, but also ashamed, that he had been forced to place a hand over her mouth because she couldn’t quietly handle his cock in her.

Her lack of sexual self-control could be very frustrating for him, especially when other people were trying to sleep.

She w frilly-white knickers under a white dressing gown with elbow length sleeves which did little to hide her heavy slightly sagging 85 S cup breasts.

Jennifer’scleavage was heavy, dense and firm, with a network of thin blue veins near the areolas. They were the most beautiful natural breasts any man would see in his entire life.

Before becoming a mother, her breasts had been large and firm (D-cup to be precise) but after her 3rd child they had grown to become almost a nuissance. She loved her breasts but they were rather sensitive and heavy.

The mother was Thankful that her hungry baby was so relentless in relieving the tension in them.

She turned on the tap and waited for the hot water to start coming out. As she looked around for the washing up liquid, her baby started crying.

That sound always made her so nervous and distressed. She immediately turned around and walked to her crying baby.

“… Shhhh Shhh…” She said as she lifted the little baby girl out of her baby seat. All her attention was focused on the beautiful child.

Her pains and concerns were forgotten as she opened the left hem of her robe and allowed her huge breast to open up before the baby’s face.

The large plate-sized areolas were dark pink and protruded quite far from her creamy white breast tissue with a thick 1 inch nipple sagging downwards slightly. Her breast tingled as she anticipated the hot mouth.

She rocked the baby as it suckled her until suddenly she felt warm water slowly encircling her feet.

“… Oh noooo…” she muttered as she turned around slowly to find the sink overflowing.

The baby started crying again as she put it down in its chair. The water kept spreading across the tiled floor.

She cursed silently under her breath as she turned off the tap. Her baby’s crying was like finger nails on a chalk board to her stressed mind.

She reached into the borderline boiling hot water to grab the plug. Her baby’s crying only increased in intensity as even more water slopped over the edge of the sink.

A normal woman would not have willingly put their hand into such hotwater, but Jane was far from normal.

The tired house mother enjoyed the scalding pain of the water on her delicate skin. it wasn’t literally boiling, but it was hot enough to turn her skin as red as a cooked lobster as she fished for the plug.

She found it and pulled. Pleasure flooded her mind as her arm acclimatized to the hot water.

Only as the last of the water drained down the sink and cold air kissed her scalded skin did she notice that her baby was still crying and that water had spread to the carpet in the living room.

She witnessed as she looked out the window at her gorgeous deep green lawn.

A man who she vaguely knew was walking a dog along the pavement. He slowed down as he gazed casually through the window at her.

His expression changed to a look of surprise. Jane wondered why he was looking at her like that as she admired his fit physics. He was tall and middle-aged, not nearly as good-looking as her husband but with a certain charm whichreminded of her father.

She vividly imagined him lying on top of her and holding her by the throat as he ploughed her.

“Daddy Daddy… Oh fuck me like a good little whore…” She vividly remembered herself saying 2 weeks ago. With her husband being in the house when her older kids were, their opportunities for sexual intimacy were uncommon. The thought caused her pussy to tingle slightly.

The man with the dog really Did Look similar to her father she realized.

He looked up and down the pathway, and then returned her lustful gaze with a broad since smile.

Then Jane realized why he was looking at her. Her gown had come open and her huge water melon S-cup breasts were hanging out like jewels in a window display.

She gasped and turned around. Hot sticky heat rose up her neckline and crawled upwards across the skin of her pretty face like golden syrup disobeing the law of gravity.

Jennifer finished tying up the rope on her gown and turned around.He was still standing there looking at her with a grin on his face. She frowned, feeling like a fool, and closed the curtains on the window gracelessly.

She needed to find where the mop was. Her baby’s crying only continued, sadistically cutting through her thought processes. She was so stressed, she felt like she was going to explode.

Her husband James entered the kitchen with an undone belt and untucked white office Shirt. He stopped at the edge of the tiles and surprised as he looked up at his wife who leaned against the sink with a red face and bright red right fore-arm.

He was taller than average at 6ft3 and had short thick brown hair with a slight layer of stubble. His eyes were light blue and had a watchful intelligent look to them.

“… Jenny?… Are you okay?…” He asked as he carefully trod Through the thin layer of water to pick up the wailing baby. The little girl quietly down slightly as he amateurishly rocked her back and forth.

“… mmmm…yeh…. I just… I don’t know…” She mumbled as he walked over to her with the quietly crying child. She took the baby with eager arms, happy to have the little baby girl in her embrace once more.

“… honey… you can’t just leave the kid crying like that…” He said as he walked over to the pantry and opened the door. Jennier quickly opened her gown again to offer a sausage-like nipple to the now jovial little baby.

“… I know.. I’m sorry… I just … find it hard to think sometimes… I’m fine…” She muttered as looked down at the baby suckling her.

“… are you sure?… You don’t look so good…” James said as he started mopping up the floor around her feet. The words “you don’t look so good” stuck in Jennifer’s mind. She looked up quickly at her husband with dangers in Her eyes, assuming that he was implying she was unattractive.

He busy mopped away as she scrutinized him. The anger in her died down. She realized what he had actually meant and felt stupid because for her irrational emotional reaction.

Jennifer witnessed as she looked back down and rocked the baby to and fro. It bit hungrily into her left nipple. A normal woman would have flinched in pain but Jane was accustomed to the pain, and even enjoyed the sensing on her legsey nipple as milk squirted out richly.

James whistled a thin tune as he looked up the last puddle. He looked at his wife with a questioning look. She stood there against the sink breast feeding with a small mountain of dirty dishes tottering behind her. She hummed lovingly to her child but her mouth was slightly crooked with concern.

James looked at his watch. It was 8:30. He would have to leave for work soon. He glanced at his wife again. She returned his gaze with a pleading look.

The baby stopped suckling and fell asleep in her arms. Jennifer walked past him with a slight hunt in her back and a concerned expression as she took the baby to its cot upstairs.

James had seenthat look before. His wife could be very emotional at times and that emotion could manifest itself as depression.

He followed her upstairs and watched as she put the sleeping baby in its crib.

“… What’s the matter honey?… Don’t you have work today?…” she asked as she wrapped her gown around her ample chest again. James’ cock stirred as he admired her and pitied her sad face.

“… I do… but I can call in late…” He said with a grin. Jane lowered her gaze and looked solemnly at the child…

“… Won’t they be angry?… ” she asked as she tucked a blanket over the child.

“… I’m not a little bitch.. I can deal with those dickweeds if they want to make a big deal out of it…” He said with a serious tone.

Jennifer’s face brightened and she flashed him a fleeting smile. The smile faded and she looked down solemnly at the sleeping baby again.

“… I’m feeling stressed… could you… could we… you know?…” She said as she walked up tohim with a pleading look in her eyes. Her husband had taken off his shirt to reveal his chiselled abs and abundant chest hair. Her pussy flushed with arousal as she admired him.

“… You really think you have a choice? ” he asked as he grabbed her throat with a powerful hand. She weakly shook her head as she let him choke her.


Jennifer was held by the back of her neck as she was pushed out of the baby’s room.

James pushed open the door to their bedroom door and shoved her against the wall… Her face pushed softly against the dry wall as her right arm was pulled back and her robe was ripped from her body.

The cool morning air brushed across her naked body. She was only wearing knickers as her husband pushed her face against the wall. Her long blonde hair fell down messily to the middle of her back.

James admired her body for a long moment. Her hips were wide with thick ass cheeses that were rounded and glossy like a pair of fleshy melons.

The state of her ass cheats was visible beneath her well-padded panties. She only wore them so she could sit down without bleeding too much, and to stop herself from leaking down her leg during the day. Jennifer had a problem with becoming wet at inappropriate times.

“… You Whore…” he snarled in her right ear…

She nodded and whimpered slightly. Salty tears ran down her face. Jennifer was Very sensitive to humiliation.

“… yes Daddy… (sob sob).. Please forgive me..” She was sobbed. She was so glad that she could speak without fear of her older children hearing.

It felt so good to her to let her guard down and fully submit to her husband.

She gasped as James’ hand grabbed her underwear and pulled back on it.

With a sickening rip, the fabric teared and her soaking broken panties were hurled away from her. They had been an expensive gift and were one of the few really nice things she owned. He pushed her head harder against the wall.

James looked down at his wife’s exposed rear end and admired his handiwork. Jennifer’s typical beautiful love-heart-shaped ass was bruised all the way around its bulbous dimensions.

The left chef showed a criss-crossed lattice work of purple and black welts. The right chef was covered in splotchy lumpy bruises. Some of the horrific lumpy bruises were on the verge of bleeding.

He vividly remembered pouring his creamy cum on those beautiful bruises on more than one occasion.

He let go of her neck. She turned her head to look at him, but couldn’t look him in the eye. It was too embarrassing for her to look at the man who she had let (and asked, pathetically) to do this to her.

“… Are you a good girl?” he asked as he smoothly rubbed her left ass cheese. She winced as her sensitive bruises were lightly rubbed

“… yes Daddy- OH!” She whimpered as he softly spanked her left cheek.

“… Are you a good girl?” he asked again but more threateningly.

“…. No Daddy…” She said

He spanked her harder on the right cheek. Her body tensed in pain. What was happening? She was playing by the rules and being punished/

“…Are you a good girl?…” He asked again

“… Ohhh fucck… oww… No I’m really Not!” She burst out

He smoked her again on her right cheek. A thin stream of fresh blood poured down her leg.

“…You are such a dumb whore…” he whispered in her ear

“..Yes Daddy… I’m a dumb fucking whore!” Jane said loudly as she braced herself for another hit.. 2 hits came in quick succession on her right and left cheek. She was enjoying the realization that nothing she did was going to save her from being punished.

“… Are you a dirty slut?…”

“…Yes Daddy- OHH” She moaned as he spanked her again… The feelings of pain were addictive to Jane at this point.

“… are you a fat ugly loser bitch…” He asked as he grabbed her silky long beautiful hair and pulled her head back sharply at a 40 degree angle.

“… Yes Daddy -OH Yes Daddy- I’m so fat- Ow- Oh-oh Fuck” She moaned as he smacked her left and right cheeks in alternative fashion – 3 times per cheek.

James smiled and looked down at her thighs. 2 thick streams of pussy juice were flowing down the inside of her legs.

Jennifer kept her legs closed, to try to hide her pussy. She had a large fleshy camel-toe cunt but after having 5 children it tended to gain if she spread her legs.

“…No one likes your gaping disgusting cow cunt… do you know that bitch?” He hissed in her ear.

“…Yes Daddy… OW (her left cheek was smacked)..I’ve got a filthy cunt – OW-ow… oh fuck… it hurts sooo much” She cried out with tears in her eyes as James lightly spanked her wounded and sensitive ass cheats a dozen times with extreme force.

Skin broke and blood began spilling down her ruined ass as the fat on her bum jiggled like jelly from the blows of her husband’s merciless hands.

Suddenly, her knees shivered as cold intotoxicating pain swam through her body like rivers of ice. Thin streams of red blood ran down her ankles.

He spanked her one more time. Hard on the right cheek where she was especially sensitive. Without warning, her legs buckled and she half collapsed in her husband’s grip.

“…OHHHHH …. Yess Daddy… Please fucking hurt me…” She cried out breathlessly as she half collapsed in his strong grip. Her knees fell forward and banged against the wall with a thud which caused 2 minor indentations in the drywall.

“… I should have left you for your hot friend Alice when I first got the chance…” He said as he let go of her hair and pushed her against the wall. He spanked her again. She bit her lip and let another tear roll down her red face. His words were horribly offensive and arousing in equal proportion for her broken subslut mind.

“… Thank you Daddy –Ow (smack).. for putting me in my (smack).. Ohhh ..fuck… my place (smack)….” She sobbed as her knees continued shaking.

“…I will put you in your fucking place… Your cum is still on the sheets from last night…” He whispered in her ear. She knew what that means…

Jennifer pretended to struggle as she was pulled backwards by her hair. Her feet scrapbled along the carpet as she was pulled backwards by her hair and left shoulder.

James twisted her around with a jerk. She looked down at his manhood with tears in her eyes. His fat 7 inch erection extended down his leg like a cucumber.

She half stood like a rag doll in his strong grip, waiting for him to force her.

He looked her up and down and then grabbed her chin in his right hand. His strong hand pointed her face towards the centre of the king-size bed.

“.. You see that wet patch you squirting bitch?!… Clean up the mess you made!…” He said to her rudely.

She let him push her onto the bed head first. Her face slide on the creamy section of bedding. Her arms felt numb and weak from his strong grip and the spankings she had taken… She licked it up like a dog. Her S cup breasts sagged under her belly and spread over the bed only helping push her thick bum high into the air.

As Jennifer licked up her own cum, she realized that she enjoyed the flavor now. She used to hate the taste, but it had a creamy musky flavor which made her even wetter.

James took off his pants unsheathed the leather belt. His raging veiny 7 inch cock swwayed menacingly like a rod of iron from his shaken crotch. The shaken balls hung heavily between his legs with the gravity of leading fishing weights and the size of billion balls.

He admired his submissive beautiful wife as she dutifully licked up her own cum. She brought her weak tired arms around and pushed herself up slightly to let her S-cup breasts come up to her chest again.

James bent down to pick up her dressing gown. He pulled out the soft cotton belt on it and walked to his wife’s prone form with his painfully hard dick swaying left and right.

Jennifer had licked up the last glob of cum and was sucking the bedding dry with her beautiful fat lips, when she felt her arms being pulled behind her. She knew what was happening, as she submissively allowed her husband to tie her hands behind her back.

The submissive wife knew why she had to let him do this. She couldn’t be trusted not to Diddle herself without permission.

He dragged her to the head of the bed and tied the other end of the knotted gown belt to the centre of the bed head. The rope came over Jane’s back and head as she submissively let herself be tied up.

James pulled out a 3 foot steel bar with leather cuffs on each end from a box under the bed, and secured the bar between Jane’s widely spread legs.

As her legs were spread out, she felt a feeling she hated and loved – the feeling of her meaty cunt lips opening up and her pussy gaping. The cool morning air brushed over theraging hot insides of her wet pussy.

James grinned as he admired her pussy. Several drops of pussy juice slipped from her cunt like it was a tap.

He secured her ankles with leather ropes to the lower corners of the bed. Jane Shook with shade as her freedom of motion was stripped from her. Now there was no escape she realized. The realization caused her heart to beat like a drum in her chest.

“…. Daddy …. Can you.. breed me?…” She asked pathetically as her pussy turned a shade of purple from the arousal.


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