He knew he couldn’t stand outside debating all day, so he steeled himself and went inside. She was fully dressed now holding a remote control, presumably for his butt plug. She looked up and set it down immediately, having turned it off.
‘Fin? What’s the matter?’
‘Nothing Miss.’
‘Don’t lie to me.’
‘But you’ve lied.’
She put a hand out to steady herself and blinked.
‘You said that Kiaran is no longer your Sub, yet I just saw him half naked working in the garden.’
She chewed her lip, thinking.
‘Go over to the bar Fin and pour us both a drink. A good and properly strong one. I’ll take a whisky.’
He didn’t feel inclined. She hadn’t denied anything. But he swallowed his pride. He had to Know one way or the other. To be her Sub he needed to trust her and he couldn’t if she lied to him about the nature of their relationship. So he obeyed.
They sat opposite each other, glasses in hand, hers as of yet, untouched.
‘There are two important things for you to understand here, Fin. Firstly, even if Kiaran was my Sub, that would be my choice to make. A Mistress may have as many as she chooses. I know several who have such arrangements. It’s quite common. The second thing you need to understand is that a Mistress often has many obligations, as you do yourself. Not all of this will be disclosed, especially if it is deemed unnecessary.’
‘But it IS necessary for me to know the truth about what he is to you! I need to trust you to be your Sub. You sucked him off in front of everyone for Godsake and now I find he’s your gardener? Next you’ll be telling me he lives here.’
Her mouth dropped open slightly.
‘Oh God! He does, doesn’t he.’
‘Yes,’ she said quietly. ‘But not in this house. He has a small flat above one of the outer buildings.’
Finlay stand up.
‘I can’t do this I’m afraid, Sheba. These things should have been explained before now. I feel like you’ve hidden them from me.’
‘Fin? Where are you going?’
He thrust his leg into his favourite jeans, the ones he had deliberated over wearing with such care mere hours ago.
‘Alright Fin, you’ve made your point. Maybe I did make a mistake keeping his presence here from you. If you stay, I’ll tell you everything.’
He witnessed but looked a little less aggrived.
He pulled up his fly and sat down with his drink, looking very unsublike.
‘Put the bellygerence away Fin before I spank it out of you — you’re still here, so I still can.’
He grinned and cast her a sideways glance that heated her blood.
She cleared her throat and began…
When she’d finished, Fin felt ashamed once more. He should have trusted her. Yes, she had withheld important facts, but things were definitely not as he had feared.
Apparently she had met Kiaran at a club a year and a half ago. She had liked him immediately for obvious reasons and very quickly had claimed him as her own. But she had noticed unusual things about him. He seemed to avoid certain things, like anything that involved reading or going to certain places. He didn’t have a phone and he seemed reluctant for her to know where he lived. One day upon discovering she had an STI, she confronted Kiaran about it, since she had been tested prior to being with him and had only ever been with him Since.
It turned out that he hadn’t used the STI testing kit she had given him because he didn’t know how to read and therefore couldn’t use it. But there was worse to come when she asked about how he may have gotten the STI. Aged fifteen, both his parents were killed in a car accident — his only family. Having never finished school he had no education to recommend himself when it came to finding work so he ended up on the streets. The streets were not kind. He was badly beaten one night for choosing someone else’s spot to sleep in; that was when his first pimp took him under hiswing. By age sixteen, he was turning tricks most nights of the week but still he had nowhere to live. Who would want someone like him renting their apartment? It was impossible. It was the same story when it came to finding proper work too. No one wanted to know. So he was stuck in prostitution.
At first, Bathsheba was appalled by his explanation. She didn’t see him for a week. But gradually her heart thawed. She came to understand he had been given very little chance in life. So she searched the neighborhood for him and when she found him she gave him a proposition. She was willing to offer him a job on her estate tending the gardens. He could also have the studio flat above the sheds free of charge, on one condition — he must use the money he saved to get an education. The arrangement could not last indefinitely but she was handing him the tools to get himself back on the straight and narrow — as a friend, not as his Mistress. He had betrayed her trust and would never againhold the position of being her submissive. Of course he grasped the opportunity with both hands.
‘That’s very sad. He’s lucky to have you as a friend. But I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell me though,’ said Fin.
‘Well because on the day we went to club Midnight, I discovered two of your flaws. Your obedience needs a little work let’s say and there is a pretty strong streak of jealousy in you. To be fair, it was unwise of me to use Kiaran in your punishment to test you in that respect but I never counted on you being that possessive. I didn’t feel able to tell you that Kiaran lives and works here after that. I knew I’d have to tell you eventually but I thought we’d be able to work on things before that occurred.’
Fin’s head hurt. He rubbed his temple thinking about everything she’d said.
‘I want to work on it — my jealous streak. I want to be the Sub you desire and deserve Mistress.’
Lady Sheba smiled and patted his hand.
‘I know you do. But I’m not sure you’re ready for what I had planned yet. It’s clear to me your trust in me has taken a hit. That will take time to rebuild.’
‘No! I can do it! We only have three days of my probation left. I need to prove to both of us that I can do this, that I can master my jealousy. As you say, many Dommes have several subs and if that is something you desire, I want you to be able to without my emotions getting in the way.’
She stood up and handed him the rest of his clothes.
‘Very well then Sub. I have preparations to make. Go and get some lunch with Greta in the kitchen and then after she will show you upstairs to my playroom.’
After being in the brightly lit kitchen with it’s several ceiling to floor windows, Fin found the playroom to be terribly dark and claustrophobic. A skittering of nerves sparked inside his chest. But he snuffed them out with logic like one might snuff out a candle wick. His Mistress had shown him what a good person she was in helpingKiaran, even though he had wronged her. The only reason she had not shared her and Kiaran’s past with him was because of his own weaknesses — jealousy and lack of trust. This was his chance to overcome them or start to.
‘There you are Sub. I had Thomas, my butler bring up your boxes. It is time for you to open them,’ said Sheba approaching.
She was wearing what looked like an all black basque and stockings with heels but when she passed in front of the dimmed lights he could see it was actually midnight blue and black. These were his favorite colours for lingerie. She handed him a pair of scissors and he sliced the boxes open with ease. He handed them back and flipped open the first box. Inside was a roll of cling film and a ball gag with an opening that had a plug hanging from it. He looked at them curiously then gazed up at Sheba.
‘You can do this,’ she said. ‘If you really want to. It will be hard. But I have faith in you.’
He nodded and tried to halt his creeping unease. He fumbled inside the next box and found a strawless strap on. This provoked a smile from him.
‘You like?’ she asked.
‘Yes Miss. Now I know why you’ve been training my ass.’
‘Good. Now Fin we are going to have a visitor shortly. He is going to do things to me and I want you to watch. Do you think you can do that?’
‘Is it Kiaran?’
‘No. I don’t have playtime with Kiaran anymore. You know that. What happened at Midnight was an exception. You don’t know this man. Do you think you can do this?’
‘I promise I will really really try Miss. I want to.’
‘That’s my boy. Now before he comes, we need to make some preparations…’
When the unknown man entered the room, he saw Sheba reclined on the black velvet couch and Fin wrapped in shoulder to toe cling film, chained to the floor by his wrists and ankles. There was just enough slack in them for him to knee and he was positioned thus so that he could watch what was going on. He eyedthe newcomer in silence since the ball gag was lodged in his mouth.
‘Well Sheba, you have certainly trusted him up well!’
Fin’s Mistress smiled coyly and gripped the man’s already stiff member.
‘I see you are keen enough.’
He grinned and shucked down his trousers and pants. Fin noted he was actually smaller than himself and that eased the ache in his chest a little. Just as she had done with Kiaran, Mistress took the man into her mouth and worked with great diligence and password. Once again Fin eased the ache blooming in his chest, only this time by reminding himself of the promises Sheba had made to him just minutes before. Those promises would be fulfilled because he was her Sub, the one she had chosen and because he would make damn sure he pleased her.
The man switched to please himself with Sheba’s pussy and Fin’s breathing growing ragged. Soon it would be over. This means nothing to her. Nothing at all, he told himself. It was just a means to an end.
The man finished ten minutes or so later and Sheba immediately asked him with great politeness to see himself out. He did so leaving just the two of them alone in the room.
‘You know what comes next now don’t you?’ she said.
Fin nodded.
She crossed the room and removed the plug to his ball gag, gently struggling his hair. Fin squeezed his eyes shut.
‘You’re doing so well Fin. We are nearly through.’
She pushed on his shoulders and then hovered over his forcibly opened mouth. Three large oozings of semen dropped from her used pussy. Fin gagged, then swallowed and winced.
He’d done it! He didn’t like it, but he’d done what he thought was impossible.
She released him from his bonds and lifted the strapless strapon.
‘Ready for your reward Sub?’ She asked.
‘Yes Mistress, if you think I deserve it.’
‘Oh I really really do,’ she smiled wickedly. ‘So let’s get out of here so I can fuck your ass in the comfort of my own bedroom.’
Two days later she permitted him to open the last two boxes. Inside the first was a Sub manual she had written and compiled herself. In the second one was a years contract which he could choose whether or not he wanted to sign.
‘Of course I want to sign it!’ he cried. He had Lady Sheba on loudspeaker.
‘Yes, but I need you to stop and listen to me first. Are you listening?’
‘Yes Ma’am.’
‘Ok. There is a fortune in the Sub manual, written by me. I want you to read it and then take as long as you need to think things over. You can text me or call once you’ve reached a decision.’
‘I will. Speak soon.’
He opened the book, feeling a little cautious. Inside it read as follows…
Dear Fin,
There is Just one more thing that needs to be said between us before you make your choice. Actually no, there are two things. The first involves certain aspects of my knowledge of you and how I came by them. In fact, how I came across your existence at all.
The BDSM app that you have on your phone that we first communicated through is owned and designed by me. When you downloaded it, as with all apps, it asked you to allow access to your photos, microphone, contacts and camera. You accepted. Without your permission this would have been a grave invasion of privacy and some might argue that it still is. But as soon as I saw You I wanted you as my Sub and so I used the microphone and occasionally the camera to help me reach that objective. For example, the night when I knew you were drinking whiskey — that’s how I knew. I hoped it would make me seem enigmatic. It’s also how I knew you were ill after the tattoo. It was a good thing too, else we might not have found you to be able to give you antibiotics in time.
The second thing is also rather pushing the boundaries of what you might find acceptable. It was me that hacked into the fire systems at your workplace. I did it so that we could have a better opportunity to make the probationary period a success. I think it worked. I do feel bad about your company’s messed up tech though but I’ll make it up to them I promise.
What you do now, Fin is up to you. I’ll be waiting to hear your decision.
Mistress Bathsheba Everdene
Ten minutes later, Sheba’s phone pinged. The text from Fin simply said —
Contract signed. I am all yours, my Lady.
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