Sub by Boxes Pt. 09

On the way home in the early hours of the morning as the car obviously battled it’s way through an autumn storm, Sheba informed Fin that she wanted him to visit her home the day after next.

‘You are to wear the vibrating butt plug and I want you to bring boxes four and five unopened.’

‘Yes Ma’am.’

Finlay watched the wipers slice backwards and forwards across the windscreen. The wind was blowing in fitful gusts, scouring the trees so that leaves whirled through the darkness, some sticking to the windows briefly before flying off into the night. Now and then, debris such as twigs and other unknowns would strike the car. Beside him, his Mistress seemed unconcerned. She obviously trusted John, her driver, to get them home safely. She peered calmly at the twisting road ahead even though the headlights seemed inadequate to the task of lighting the way in the torrential rain. Her serenity was infectious. Fin felt safe with her. Happy even. Content. It was as if they werein their own little cocoon, safe from all harm — together.

He was barely aware of his reddened rear, the cool air washing around his bare dick or the slight imprint that the tongue clamp had left on his tongue. His humiliating punishment was recalling in his mind now and thoughts of what might follow flowed through his mind. Like a child looking forward to a treatment, he wished neverly that his visit could be today. But the adult part of him acknowledged that the wait would make it all the sweeter.

And it did. When the day arrived, it found him fussing excitedly over what to wear since Sheba had given no instructions in that regard. He held up a pair of his favourite jeans which fitted him perfectly and accentuated his ass. But would they go with the new shirt he had purchased for the occasion? He decided not. Maybe he Should run out quickly and buy a different pair? He glanced at his watch and decided there was no time. So he scrutinized his options, shirt in one hand and jEans in the other.

What would Sheba want? Had she gave him any clues about what aspects of his body she liked best during the time that he had known her? He smiled. She certainly had! In fact he was wearing evidence of her preference right now. He clenched his buttocks to remind himself of the butt plug’s presence. She’d sent four butt plugs in total. That had to mean something. She liked ass, he decided. His ass. So jeans it was then. He just simply had to find a better shirt.

His efforts were rewarded when he arrived at Myrtlegrove House. Lady Sheba opened the door to her impressive home and eyed him appreciatedly as he stepped over the threshold.

‘Glad to see you’re on time,’ she said. ‘Follow me.’

Her movements were graceful, her shaped figure strongly hinted at beneath a long drawn white dress. Golden sandals peeped from beneath the hem and for some reason the sight of her tiny toes stabilize the cum inside Finlay’s balls.

Right at the end of the long optimizedly decorated hall, they entered what Sheba described as her ‘chill zone’.

‘It’s beautiful Miss,’ he said looking round.

‘I’m rather fond of it too,’ she smiled.

The walls were painted in grecian style frescos depicting flowing rivers, waterfalls and forests. Beneath their feet the marble tiles seemed to give off warmth. Probably due to underfloor heating, he imagined. In Front of them a rectangular sunken jacuzzi steamed, slowly swirling and fizzing. Either side of it two naked males of pure white marble stood, arms crossed over their chests as if guarding whoever might occur the pool. To the right of them, one end of the room was entirely taken up by a huge Finnish style sauna that looked to Fin as if it could probably hold at least fifteen people. This told him that Sheba Often had guests here. Maybe parties. He wondered if he might ever be invited to one. He hoped so.

To allow Lady Sheba and her guests to cool off afterwards they had the option ofEither available of the bank of cold shows lining the wall or the small circular plume pool with steps spiraling down into it. Chairs were scattered about for them to relax in; plants too with foliage so green and vivid it was hard to tell if they were real or fake. Every few feet or so heated towel rails had been placed in reading for anyone who might have need of a large fluffy warm towel to dry their skin. It was all rather perfect.

As he was taking it all in, Sheba removed her dress to reveal a white and gold bikini underneath. What was going to happen? he wondered. It definitely looked as if she means to get into the jacuzzi. But did she expect him to join her, or did she have some other task in mind?

She deposited her things carefully onto one of the chairs and turned to look at him with amusement dancing in her eyes.

‘I’m going to take a soak in the tub now Finlay. It has been a testing week in the world of Mistress Sheba and your Domme deserves some properPampering and relaxation. I want you to go to those cupboards over there for me and on the right hand side you’ll find some lots and oils and what not. Take out the vanilla cherry massage oil, peppermint and juniper foot salary and the bag of pedicure items. I want you to set them up nicely by that chair over there so that they are ready for when I come out. As for the rest, I’m going to give you free rein over what to do to ensure my comfort. As a good Sub I trust that you will ensure I am properly catered for. Feel free to explore the room and cupboards etc. I shall be over in the tub there finding my inner zen.’

He nodded, striving to memory all she had said.

‘Oh and Finlay…clothes off.’

‘Yes Ma’am.’

He followed her example and folded his clothes neighborly, laying them on a nearby chair. His shoes he placed underneath. Sheba entered the water slowly and surprised. For the first time Fin actually realized she did appear a little stressed. But once in the waterr, her features softened. She closed her eyes and laid her head back on the side allowing the now bubble pool to gradually ease her aches. He watched, mesmerised, wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Then he remembered his tasks.

Firstly he fetched the items from the cupboard and placed them on a table beside the chair she had indicated she preferred. He took two sky blue towels from a warming rack and used them to cover the chair so that the cold ivory leather would not chill her skin. Next he went over to what looked like a refreshments area. His eyes alted on a music system there, which pleased him. The room was definitely missing music. He fiddled with it until he found a suitable playlist — it was entitled ‘Sheba’s Chill Tunes’. He smiled and set it to play. Gentle Greek music filled the room, giving a blissful holiday atmosphere.

On top of a curved maple wood bar he found a water cooler. A pretty basic need in such a room, he mused. He also found a bowl of fresh fruits and in a fridge behind the bar were a selection of craft beers, prosecco, various flavours of iced tea, glasses and pre-cut slices of melon. He had also noticed some liquor and spirits beneath the bar but he had already decided what he was going to bring to her. Back at the club those few nights ago, he had noticed she seemed to enjoy iced tea. So he found a glass jug and proceeded to fill it with peach flavour tea. He found a knife and cut up some lemon slices to decorate. He left it to sit for a little while and took two glasses, some napkins and a small plate of melon over to the table.

He glanced over at Sheba; she was still unwinding, her hair floating like ribbons on the water. It gave him such pleasure to see her this way and to be able to be of service. Hopefully she would approve of his efforts. He brought the jug over to the table as well as a chilled caddy of ice cubes should she wish some. He stood and examined his offering and fiddled a little with the way he’d arranged it.

Just then he heard her exit the pool.

‘Let me get you a towel Mistress,’ he said, rushing over.

‘Thank you Fin,’ she said, wrapping it around herself.

She eyed the preparations he’d made and laid herself down on the locker.

‘I’ve got you some peach tea Miss. Would you like some? I have ice as well.’

‘I should indeed. Only two ice cubes though. I don’t want a chill. You may have one too or else another beveveridge.’

‘Thank you Miss. I should be happy to have what you are having.’

He poured them both a glass and added the ice.

‘There you go Mistress.’

She sipped it slowly and Fin went to sit on the chair opposite.

‘No Sub. I want you at my feet. You may sit there.’

‘Yes Miss.’

Obediently he went and sat. Was that a rebuke? Had he done wrong presuming to sit on the chair? Her bare foot rubbed purposefully against his shoulders and he decided not. She just liked him there. His heart warmed despitethe cold drink seeing down through his body.

Over the course of the next hour he gave Sheba a full body massage using the products requested. She ate the melon slices whilst he knelt at her feet giving her a rather inexperienced but willingly performed pedicure.

‘That’s the first time you’ve done that isn’t it?’ she said.

‘Yes. I’m sorry. I can do it again if you like?’

‘No, no. It’s a good effort for a first try. Now, I’m going to get myself showered and wash my hair and I want you to tidy up and take those things into the kitchen to be washed. Greta is in there, my maid. She will sort them. The kitchen is the door to the left as you leave this room.’

‘Yes Mistress.’

He turned and went to put his clothes back on.

‘Ah ah,’ she said. ‘No clothes.’

‘Won’t your maid be shocked though?’

‘Fin! Do as you’re told!’

‘Yes Miss.’

Sheepishly he took the things into the enormous kitchen and found Greta standing by the window washing vegetables in the sink.

‘Ah…thank you young Findlay.’

The old woman smiled but it was in a friendly way not in amusement. As she took them off him, a movement in the enormous garden outside caught his attention. There was a man out there wearing jeans and wellington boots — no top. Even from this distance he knew who it was.

‘Greta, who is that out there?’

The maid gazed over to where he was looking.

‘Oh that’s Kiaran, Lady Sheba’s gardener. He’s a nice lad.’

Oh I bet he fucking is, thought Fin. What the hell!

This is too fucking weird. I’m standing in a kitchen in front of a seventyish year old woman with my knob hanging out and a butt plug up my ass watching my Mistresses former Sub trim the rose bushes half naked!

Greta peered at his flushed chefs.

‘Everything alright dear?’

‘Yes, I…’


He jumped about an inch off the ground as the butt plug activated.

Oh God no!

Greta laughed. ‘Ohshe is such a mischievous little devil isn’t she?’

Finlay turned and fled in embarrassment.

Outside the Chill Room door he struggled with his emotions and thoughts. Who know what else Lady Sheba was capable of. What else he would be subjected to. And what was going on with her and Kiaran?


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