Carefully Mistress Sheba wiped the restrains holding him down with antibac wipes she’d taken from a dispenser situation on the wall. She attached his lean and gave it a tug, indicating that he must follow — his ass clenching in fear, knees hurting as he shuffled along behind her. He dearly wanted to ask where they were going but the thought of failing her again was unthinkable. She had ordered silence, so he must Follow that instruction to the letter.
Some of those that had engaged or else been spectators of their scene, followed till they arrived at a room that seemed to be a hybrid between a sadistic medical suite and a salon. Off to one side was a wet room. There wasn’t room for everyone to join them, so Sheba hand picked a select few. Amongst their number was a towering male submissive. She ordered Fin to go and wait in the shower room, whilst she had a brief conversation with him. The unknown sub nodded then she turned her attentions to Finlay once more.
There weree controls outside of the shower, which she used to turn on the multiple jets. The water was warm and soothing, washing away the mess from the Christening. Once he was cleansed, she used another setting to dry him with warm air.
‘Come with me,’ she said and led him to a treatment table. She croouched down in front of him. He hung his head, overcome with shame.
‘Look at me. Are you going to take your punishment; do you accept it is due? You may speak.’
‘Yes Mistress. I accept whatever you feel I deserve. I’ll try to endure and not disappoint.’
‘Very well then. Get on this bench, on your hands and knees.’
He did so and she applied restraints to both wrists and ankles, pulling the latter tighter so that his legs were spread. His penis hung down loosely. As she passed by she slapped it hard. He groaned then yelped as she went around the back of him, opened the rear flap to his suit and then returned to slap his vulnerable cock again. There was nothing he could do, even if he’d wanted to. He was shackled like the lowest of the low, thoroughly humiliated by his own bad behavior and the public punishment he was receiving. It was supposed to have been his initiation night, not this spectacle.
Those gathered watched her in fascination. From the otherside of the room they could see her working. Sheba switched on some sort of appliance, then from a set of ghostly white drawers she retrieved an odd looking item. Fin had serious misgivings as to what it was. She held it up so he could see.
‘This is a tongue clamp. We use it on naughty Subs who cannot keep their tongues to themselves. While you are wearing it, you won’t be able to speak. So you have no safeword. Instead there is a button next to your right hand that you should be able to reach, that will Change the room lights to red. If that happens I will stop whatever I’m doing. Can you feel it? Speak.’
‘Yes Miss.’
‘Good. Now open your mouth and present your tongue.’
He swallowed for what would be the last time for a while. The two metal bars were lowered over his tongue then the clamps tightened. His eyes grew wide. She watched him closely to gauge his level of disappoint. It was painful but not as bad as he had feared. Next she removed a container from within the appliance she had switched on earlier. From a small freezer she lifted a large cube of ice.
She set down the first container and used her hands to spread his cheats apart and apply the ice to the shiny black hairs that protruded from his crevice. She did it for several minutes. He couldn’t turn to see what she was doing, nor did he dare. Suddenly all was revealed. Hot wax was dripped and spread onto his freezing cold butt, then torn away ruthlessly with a paper strip. He attempted to scream but was unable and the attempt itself caused greater tension on his imprisoned tongue.
‘Who does this ass belong to?’ she grew, slapping his already glowing ass. ‘Oh that’s right…you can’t talk can you? Well then I’ll tell you whose — ME. You’re mine. You’re Sheba’s bitch and you should appreciate the fucking privilege.’
She went around to stand in front of him, slapping his cock once more on her way.
‘Kiaran. Get over here. You are needed.’
The tall sub approached wearing only a studied leather cod piece. ‘Take that off,’ she said, pointing to it. He Did so without hesitation and his enormous dick sprang out.
‘That’s a good boy. Obedient as always. It’s times like this when I regret having ended our Mistress/Sub agreement.’
Finlay’s heart sank. When she grabbed the other man’s cock and put it into her beautiful mouth, he looked away, trying to block out the sounds. The vigor of her actions were obvious, not just from the sucking, licking and spitting noises but from the moans and grunts coming from Kiaran. He was close already. Fin could tell. His eyes began to well up. She had never once done that to him and probably never would now.
‘No looking away Sub. Eyes on me. You are to learn your lesson. Your cock doesn’t deserve to cum or be sucked. It only deserves slapses. Isn’t that true Kiaran?’
‘Yes Miss.’
She sucked him down deeply again. His legs shook and he roared at the ceiling as he came in great gushes down her throat.
Fin knew it was only right that his ass was sore, his knees, hands, cock and tongue. He knew most of all that he deserved the pain of having to bear his Mistresses public reproach; of seeing her bring her former Sub to climax. That hurt far more than anything.
Afterwards, Kiaran was swiftly dismissed along with the other spectators. She gently removed Fin’s restraints and applied a cooling aloe vera balm to his bottom. The clamp was removed and put away. She lovingly stroked his hair and wiped away a straight tear that had fallen onto his cheek.
‘You did well,’ she told him. ‘I suppose time will tell if you’ve learned your lesson. But for now we will go and get youand I a much needed drink. Come along. You may stand now, not crawl.’
He almost smiled but not quite.
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