Sub by Boxes Pt. 07

There was no concern about inappropriate exposure when they arrived at club Midnight. It was a gated property, with high walls, tall trees and extensive grounds. She led him through the double doors of aged oak. Once inside she tugged his lean sharply.

‘On your knees. You are to be on your knees at all times here unless I tell you otherwise.’

‘Sorry Mistress.’

He scrambled to obey.

‘And you are not to speak unless spoken to. If you have an urgent matter, I will make an exception — such as bathroom usage for example or safewording.’

She gave their details to the receptionist and attached the colour coded wristbands they were given to both their wrists. She squatted down on the rich silver carpet and addressed Finlay.

‘Our bands are blue — that means no one can touch us. Other things are allowed. And of course I can touch you. If at any time you feel uncomfortable your safeword is red. Cliche I know, but it works. How do you feel about that Sub?You may speak.’

A surge of happiness swept through him, that she had chosen him.

‘I am content Miss. And grateful that you’ve thought of such things.’

She nodded curtly.

‘Then let’s go.’

A lift took them down to a huge basement that had been turned into a luxurious club with indigo walls and gold plated sconces. The music pulsed through his body. The violent lights offset the shocks of nervousness flashing through his veins. Sheba spoke to many of the revealers that they passed. It appeared she was popular. She looked beautiful. Powerful. Her hair was softly waved, her make-up bold but not brash. She wore leather fingerless gloves, a scattering of minute emerald studs in each ear and of course her wristband that marked her as untouchable. Yet as they moved Through the crowd, someone dared to.

‘Well if it isn’t Bathsheba Everdene herself!’ laughed a tall woman, grabbing Sheba by the arm. ‘And is this a new Sub that I see with you here?’

She reached out her hand to touch Fin, to examine him but Sheba stood in the way.

‘You do not touch me. And you sure as hell don’t touch my Sub. You can see our colour codes. You know the rules Sue-Lee.’

‘That’s Mistress Sue-Lee to you,’ the woman smiled and walked away.

‘You will get my respect when you earn it. Not before,’ Sheba snarled at her back.

She ordered them drinks and they sat before the main stage, Fin at her feet lapping from a dish and Sheba draped full length upon a briefed aubergine velveteen couch. She seemed uneasy, Fin thought. This disturbed him. She sensed it and petted his head with a gloved hand.

Shortly after the lights dimmed and a woman stepped center stage in a black cloak. It was Mistress Sue-Lee.

Finlay did not dare look at Sheba but if he had, he would have seen her impassively staring ahead sipping her iced tea.

The pole dancing performance that followed was spectacular. He’d never seen anything like it. So artistic. Sosexual. Sue-Lee had insane flexibility. Her pain threshold must be high, he mused, as he watched her slam to the ground doing the splits. From the corner of his eye, he caught Sheba watching him closely. He bent down and lapped at his apple juice, feeling wary and unsure.

When the performance ended the poles were removed swiftly from the stage and a large cushioned bench of unusual construction was brought out. It was basically x shaped and had cuffs attached to all its extremes. A man appeared with a microphone dressed in nothing more than a tiny mini skirt, bralet and towering heels. His junk just swayed about freely like a flag in the wind.

‘Hello and welcome to everyone here at club Midnight! Didn’t Sue-Lee absolutely rock it tonight on the pole?’

A cheer rose up from the crowd.

‘Well we have another special event for you this evening and it too involves a pole.’

He grinned and shaded his eyes with his palm, looking out over the crowd.

‘I believe we have a newcomer tonight. Mistress Bathsheba Everdene has brought us her new Submissive Finlay to christen. Where are you Finlay? Don’t be shy, come on up.’

Fin’s cheats blazed with embarrassment as he crawled towards the stage on his hands and knees, led by Sheba on his leanh. She had unfasted the back flap of his suit so that his pale white bum with the butt plug stuffed up it, was exposed as he shuffled along.

The wooden steps were painful to his already sore knees. Two males helped him onto the bench. They removed his leash and affixed the cuffs. Sheba watched a few paces away; too far for his liking. Although afraid, Fin’s cock began to grow alert. It protruded through the hole in his suit like a periscope from the ocean, seeking something vital but he knew not what.

People began to ascend the stairs to the stage; some with drinks in their hands, some reaching to open their flies. There were men, women, gender fluid individuals, all kinds; all dressed provocatively or else strangely. Everyone millioned about around his restrained form, spread eagled as he was with his twitching penis bared.

They chatted among themselves for a while. Some were obviously discussing him with his Mistress. Quite a few were struggling themselves to arousal, including Mistress Sue-Lee who had her hand in the front of her black shiny shorts. She was the first to approach.

‘I welcome you to Club Midnight,’ she said and upended the contents of her glass slowly over his face. Finlay choked and shook his head trying to rid the water from his nostrils. As he did so, he felt extreme warmth on his dick. He looked up to see a ripped tattooed gentleman dressed only in tight gym leggings urinating all over his privates. Fin gasped. He pulled at the restraints and cast a pleading look at his Mistress. She just smiled and continued her conversation.

Before long there was warmth everywhere. Splashes of semen ran down the suit he had been so proud of earlier. There was some on his left hand. Two females were climaxing and squirting all over his bare feet. Sheba didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, until Sue-Lee returned.

The bench was positioned quite low, so it was no great hardship for a woman of her flexibility to position herself over his mouth. She pulled her skimpy shorts to one side, boots shining in the flashing lights of the club. Everyone watched as she pleasured herself an inch, maybe two at most above his trembling lips.

He had so many years assailing him. He wanted to see Sheba and know what she was feeling about all this but he couldn’t. Sue-Lee’s thigh was in the way. He could smell the scent of Sue-Lee and part of him yearned to place his tongue on her. Another female squirted on his bare turgid erection but nobody seemed to notice. Everyone in His field of vision was focused on Sue-Lee fingering her tawny hairless pussy directly over his face.

He felt inclined to use his safeword. Would Sheba hearit even? This whole ceremony seemed so important to her earlier. So he decided to let go of his doubts. He still and embedded the moment. Just as his eyes locked with Mistress Sue-Lee, a fine milky white rain spurted out of her into his mouth. He drank it down. Some found its way into his eyes. He blinked furiously and stuck out his tongue to ingest the wetness on his lips. That was the moment Sue-Lee chose to Queen him. She set her fine pussy on his face and rubbed out the remainder of her orgasm. His tongue slipped errantly inside her.

‘How dare you!!!’

Mistress Bathsheba Everdene was there in a second and tossed the other woman to the floor like she weighed nothing.

‘You know the fucking rules! You’ve seen our bands! DO NOT TOUCH!’

Sue-Lee seemed to think it amusing. Club security however did not think so.

‘I’ve had my eye on you this evening Madam,’ said a strapping security guard. ‘I’ve watched how you’ve behaved. I’m afraid I must ask you not to interact with this couple or any scene they are participating in again.’

Sue-Lee got to her feet and strolled off.

‘Like I fucking want to anyway,’ she laughed swishing her long jet black hair.

Finlay looked up at Sheba and knew by the way her green eyes gleamed that she had seen all that had occurred — tongue and all. His Mistress was clever and also terribly angry with him and that was a deadly combination indeed.


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