Kisha returned a day later and waited patiently in the lobby for them to fetch Jason. She hadn’t had any subs or slaves in a while and knew that once she got him, she wouldn’t have any more for a long time because he was shaping up to be a handful.
Jason rejected and stretched as he slip his jacket on and took the crutch the nurse had given him. Carefully, and a little gingerly, he took a step forward, slowly Making his way across the room and out the door. As he travelled down the corridor he thought about what lay ahead for him, he hoped that it wouldn’t turn out to be a bad thing.
“Miss, he’s on his way down,” a nurse informed Kisha. “Thank you. The donation to your organization will be well appreciated, I’m sure,” Kisha said calmly and hid a smile as the woman blushed and then curried off. Kisha almost laughed. She could smell the pent up sexual need in people. It’s what had made her much sought after. She heard voices and saw Jason come around the corner.
He rolled his eyes as one of the doctors scribbled down a diet he hadn’t asked for. turning to the doctor and speaking in a voice filled with growing frustration he spoke firmly. “Look doc, I didn’t ask for a diet that I as sure as hell would hate from day one, so kindly take that piece of paper and plant it where the sun doesn’t shine.”
The doctor frowned, moved away from him and handed it to Kisha who nodded graciously. “Thank you doc. I will make sure he does the right thing.” The doctor nodded then left their surprising patient to Kisha.
Jason raised an eyebrow when the doctor gave the diet to Kisha and muttered to himself just out of her earshot. Taking a deep breath, he walked up to her and put on a small smile. “Well I’m ready to go, my things should be delivered to your place sometimes This evening, plus I managed to get all the stolen cards and documents voided.”
“That’s good news. Your stuff is in my car right now. I figured you’d want to change,” she said.
He nodded and looked at the floor a moment before licking his dry lips and speaking softly. “Kisha, I uhh, wanna apologise for the uhhh…stuff.”
Kisha took her hand and gently lifted his chin up so that he was looking at her. “Don’t worry, you’ll have time to amend your mistakes.”
His eyes met her, a steely gaze boring into her. Nodding, another small smile crossed his face. “So lead the way Kisha.”
She led the way out, opened the door and helped him in before getting into the driver side. The drive home was silent and they pulled into the garage. She carried his bags inside and then helped him in.
He was courteous as he could muster as she carried his bags inside and helped him up the steps of her home. Looking around he winced at the long and especially lengthy black marks along the expensive wallpaper. As he looked up towards the stairs he cringed at the hint of yellow on the thick plus carpet.
“Don’t worry. Once you’ve rested and healed you will be correctting the mistake,” she informed him.
He bit his bottom lip and nodded. “Yeah…so uhh…where do I sleep?”
“You can sleep up here for now. We’ll figure out a different location for you later,” she assured him.”
He nodded and followed her to his bedroom, looking around the room for a few moment before sitting down on the bed, unsure of what to do next.
“Don’t worry. Your training will begin in three days. Doctor said you should be well by then.”
Jason bit his bottom lip and nodded, singing to himself before lying back on the bed after Kisha had left, staring at the cieling.
Three Days Later….
Kisha smiled at the man and waved good-bye as he got in his car and drove off. Another satisfied customer. Now it was time to begin training. Grinning she walked back inside and headed for Jason’s room. She knocked on the door and then entered.
He was wrapped up tightly in the warm cocoon of blankets in the bed, a slight smile on his podgy face. Hisbreathing was slow and loud, his body having to work hard to drag air into his heavy set body.
She started at him and surprised. He was going on the diet and doing some major exercise. She refused to have a sub that was going to have a heart attack on her in the middle of playing.
“Rise and shine,” she said and jerked the covers off his body, knowing the air conditioned room would wake him in a hurry.
He shivered as the cold air struck his bare legs and arms. His t-shirt and boxers were damp with sweat and he groaned. He was disoriented as he was wronged from sleep, unsure at first of where he was. He felt for the blanket and gripped it, trying to pull it back.
Kisha grinned and jerked the blanket and sheets complete off the bed. “You will get up on your own or I will dump a bucket of water on you.”
Jason took a deep breath and cracked open his eyes squiting in the bright light and spoke quietly, his brain still fogged with sleep. “Oh it’s you, what time is it?” He slowly sat up in bed, stretching and yawned loudly like a lion.
“Eight a.m. I want your ass out of bed and dressed in baggy clothes because today you get to repair the damage you did to the house. You have ten minutes,” She said firmly, spun on her heel and walked out.
“Eight am? Man I haven’t been up this early in months.” He spent a couple more minutes in bed before he rolled out and pulled out some baggy clothes. After another 15 minutes of dressing, most of his time being taken up by trying to bend far enough, he appeared outside his room and looked around for Kisha.
Suddenly a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on him.
He cried out as the icy chill soaked through clothes. Stepping back rapidly he shivered and looked to see where it had Come from.
Kisha stood there with a bucket in her hands. “Maybe you didn’t hear me. I said you had ten minutes, total, to get up and get dressed. You spent 25 minutes. Fifteen more than you were allotted.”
He glared at her, his patience having evaporated as the icy water struck him. “So what? It’s not like the work is going anywhere, is it?” His tone was full of sarcasm and malice directly squarely at her.
“When you agreed to do as I willed, this was part of the bargain. YOU will do as I say or you can get out. At the rate you are going you will be dead in a year. If you stay with me you will lose weight, get great sex and finally get some true confidence instead of this false bravado you seem to think is appealing.”
Jason told a fraction and put on a calm tone. “You could have just gently reminded me instead of chilling me to the bone and ruining the carpets, underlay and floor boards. Now I have to rip up everything down to the boards instead of just the carpets.”
“Good. You will earn your keep and break a sweat,” She said unrepentantly. “And from now own you will address me as Mistress, or Mistress Kisha but never just Kisha. You won’t like what will happento you after you’ve forgotten for the third time.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Mistress? I shouldn’t be surprised considering your career choice…” He shook off the worst of the water and cleared his throat. “So…Mistress, where do I begin the demolition?”
“Down that end of the hall. Have fun.”
He glanced down the hall and pondered a moment. “Where do I get the tools?”
“Everything is in the box under the window. I have to go eat. I’ll see how far you make it in an hour. If you do well, you will be allowed to eat. There are four water bottles as well.”
He raised an eyebrow at the suggestion that he might not get to eat. “Right” Moving towards the end of the hall, he spoke to himself, “Hope she’s ordered a new carpet because those stains ain’t coming out…”
“Use the hair spray, then the can of Resolve and then lemon juice,” Kisha said over her shoulder as she turned the corner and went downstairs.
Jason paused mid step and glared at the wall in front of him. Taking a few moments to calm his temperature he continued to walk muttering to himself. “Hair spray? What the fuck does she want me to do, give the carpet a fucking PERM!?! I bet she didn’t even insist on underlay. God damn Florida carpet layers.” He was fuming already and he hadn’t even began ripping up the carpet.
Kisha made it to the kitchen and began preparing the food the doctor had ordered for Jason’s diet. She was having her personal trainer to come over and take a look at Jason as well so that they could suggest a regime of exercise for Jason.
A scream of rage was heard from upstairs, slightly muffled, followed by the sound of the floorboards creaking. “GLUE! They glued the damn carpet edges to the floor!” There was a loud crash as he tipped the toolbox out onto the plastic sheet.
She laughed as she heard his scream. “Oh yes, loads of fun.”
He took out a hammer and chisel and began quickly stripping up the carpets, being careful not to make anyindents that were too big. Thankfully he didn’t need to replace and boards, although a couple had a spot or two that was wet. He flicked the carpet back and took out a small staple gun and with a satisfying bang, secured the carpet onto the floor. Mutter more his mood darkened considerably. “Fucking cowboy carpet layers, stupid Kisha, why the FUCK didn’t she have the damn sense to tell them not to gle the damn carpets!”
She was doing her best to contain her laughter. She had turned on the video monitored and listened with amusement to Jason cussing her name. One day she would show him the tapes and watch him squirm.
He tossed the tools roughly in the box and stared at the cleaning tools before him. He had absolutely no idea where hair spray came into the deal, so he tossed it into the tool box as well and picked up the Resolve, Following the instructions on the bottle.
She frowned. So he wasn’t going to follow directions. Well he would see.
He began scrubbing the stain out watching as it mostly disappeared. He smiled for once, at least SOMETHING was going right today. Picking up the lemon juice he squirted some onto what was left and scrubbed firmly, watching 99.9% of the stain disappear, only a tiny, barely noticeable hint of colour was left. “Not bad Jason, not bad.”
Kisha had finished up her meal. She decided he had done most of what she had asked and she would feed him. She walked quietly up the steps. “Here you go,” she said once she had gotten to the top. In the plate was celery, carrots, peanut butter dip and mini tuna sandwhich.
Jason had just finished putting the tools away and looked over at Kisha for his breakfast and almost vomited on the floor as the smell of peanuts filled his nostrils. “Oh Jesus, yuck, nuts.”
She sat the plate down in front of him. “You don’t have to eat the peanut butter but the rest you do.”
He scanned the plate and ate only the tuna sandwiches before sitting back on the floor and politely stating. “Salads make me sick.”
“Salads will save your life. No more junk food for you until you’ve lost fifty pounds.”
His expression darkened a little. “Yeah well I can’t eat salads because they taste revolting to me and my throat wont swallow them.”
“Don’t worry, your throat will swallow them and other things you’d swear right now will never pass your lips.”
His face took on a slightly puzzled expression. “Ok, how could you not understand that salads are in the same class as nuts to me, they help me vomit.”
“You have allergic reactions to them?” she asked.
Jason shook his head a little. “No, I just find the taste so vile that I might as well be allergic.”
“Well then, we will have to break you of that nasty little habit where you think everything that is good for you is vile. It would be different if you were allergic but since you are not you will either eat what is put in front of you or you can starve, Your choice.”
He lookedat the plate. “Could you cook them at least? Maybe add a little salt?”
“Yes, that I can do.”
“Thanks, maybe some ketchup too?” He smiled sweetly up at her.
“No ketchup. Be right back. Oh by the way, if you use the hair spray, you will completely remove the stain,” she said just as sweetly before scooping up the plate and going back downstairs.
His face darkened again as she walked down stairs and thought to himself. ~First chance I get I’m going to McDonalds…~ Picking out the hairspray he sprayed some on what left and started scrubbing again.
While the food was cooking, Kisha placed some phone calls. She’d had previously a sub that was overweight and that particular sub had been great at singing off and getting fast food. She decided an ounce of prevention would go a long way and know that it would be worth it once Jason slimmed down some.
He finished scrubbing and tossed the hairspray back where he found it. “Well…once I find some money I will…till then I’ll just have to force down that rabbit food and hope I don’t vomit over the carpet…I’ll probably have to clean it up again.”
She removed the now steamed vegetables, added some salt and headed back upstairs. She handed him the plate and fork.
Jason very reluctantly took the plate and even more reluctantly physically forced himself to eat it, his face began to turn almost as green as the celery.
“Breathe,” She instructed. “The food is not out to get you, you know,” she told him.
He took deep breaths and shivered hard. “Oh-My-God, that…was so very disgusting.”
“You will sing a different tune in a month.” She took the plate and fork. “Now, you have some wallpaper to repair. The supplies and instructions are in that room. You have two hours to finish it and then you can have a break.”
He groaned softly as he stood up. “Can’t I just paint it? It’ll look better that way…”
“You will do as I say or you can go without food. Yourchoice.”
His shoulders slumped and casted once more. “Alright, alright, am going. Sheesh.” Passing her, his steps were heavy on the floor, the expensive boards creak under his weight.
Kisha stepped into one of the other rooms and emerged a few minutes later with a riding crop. She walked quietly up behind the muttering Jason and recovering back she brought the riding crop hard down on his ass.
He screamed and jumped, clutching his burning ass after the crop struck with a loud crack. Turning, his eyes blazing, he roared. “What the hell was that for?!?”
“You forget to say, ‘yes mistress.’ I told you three times was the limit,” She said evenly as she stared him in the eyes.
He glared dagger at her. “Ever heard of simply verbally reminding me?” Once more he ‘forgot’ to say Mistress, a slight hint of smile at the corners of his mouth.
“Some men,” she said softly and then with a lightning fast move, hit him with the riding crop again, this time getting his leg.
“You will say “yes mistress,” or “no mistress” when answering me. Do you understand, Jason?”
He cried out again and clutched his thigh. “Dammit!” Glaring he muttered. “…yes mistress.” If she looked down a bit she would see his pants had begun to tent.
Kisha could feel his lust starting to rise. She knew he would be one who liked pain as much as the pleasure. She took the crop and used it to push his chin up. “You will look at me when you say ‘yes mistress’ or ‘no mistress’ that way I know you truly understand.”
He looked into her eyes, his own dancing with arousal, his voice soft, almost quivering. “Yes Mistress.”
“Now, be a good boy and finish this new job and you will be able to rest and get a reward.”
He bit his bottom lip and let his eyes flick down Kisha’ breasts a split second before replying. “Yes mistress.”
“This will be your only warning but you may not look at my body without asking permission first. Failure to remember this warninging will result in more hits from my riding crop.”
His eyes widened a fraction, arousal flaring in them as he subconsciously licked his lips and nodded. “Yes mistress.”
“Now, finish the job and I’ll be back.”
He bit his lip and nodded. “Yes mistress.” Turning to the walls, he began to strip the ruined paper off.
She went downstairs to her room, set her alarm for two hours and took a nap.
Jason worked as fast as his heavy body would allow, having almost three quarters of the work down, sweating heavily and panting like a greyhound after a race.
The alarm brought her up out of sleep and stretching she got up. She changed out of her outfit into a slinky lingerie piece.
He was taking a moment’s rest on a trestle when Kisha neared the corner, his face red and covered in sweat like he’d just taken a shower, sounding like he was having some difficult breathing after all the work.
“You will be able to do this without having such difficulty in brEathing. My personal trainer is coming today to recommend a regime for you. That along with the diet should help you.”
He leaned back against the wall behind the trestle he was sitting on. “Trainer? Combined with a diet?” He closed his eyes and got a pained look on his face. “Next thing I know you’ll be telling me I can’t masturbate anymore.”
“Now that you mention it, yes. You cannot masturbate without permission by me. You will learn control even if it kills you.”
He blinked, his face looking like someone had just scratched him with a lead pipe and put on a slightly serious tone. “I hope to the gods that you don’t want me to start reading the bible.”
“Nope, bible has nothing to do with the way I play,” She assured him.
He smiled. “Good because I was good and ready to tell you where to plant your bible.” He slowly stood and began papering the last of the wallpaper on.
She smiled and then swatted him with the riding crop, this time across his meaty arm.
“I was good and ready to tell you where to plant your bible, Mistress,” Kisha corrected.
He winced but didn’t shout out this time. “Sorry…mistress. I tend to forget titles on certain subjects that animate me.”
“You will learn to remember or be punished. Your choice. Now come on, it’s time to take a shower.”
He raised an eyebrow and motioned to the wallpaper. “Don’t you want this finished.” He caught her look as she glared at him over her shoulder and quickly spoke “Mistress?”
“You can work on it tomorrow. All work and no play makes man a dull boy.”
At the last comment made by her, a grin spread across his face. “Mmm indeed it does Mistress.” Finally, things were starting to look up.
“Come,” she said again and headed downstairs.
He quickly followed, huffing and puffing as he made his way quickly down the stairs behind her.
Kisha unlocked the door and walked in, turning on the lights. The room was done in various shades of blueand the bed held silk sheets
Jason stepped inside and raised an eyebrow. “I thought you said it was time for a shower?”
She smiled and continued walking through the room towards a side door.
He quietly followed, his eyes taking in the entire room. The room was quite different and a higher class than what he was normally used to.
She opened the side door to reveal a large room that held a large Jacuzzi and an antique giant porcelain bathtub. On the wall were various Chinese art paintings and two sets of towels that matched the red, black and gold theme of the bathroom.
He was taken aback when he saw the room for the first time, softly he whispered. “Wow…now this must’ve taken some major Benjamin’s.”
“You will learn, Jason, that not everything is as it seems,” she said simply. “Now, turn on the hot and cold and run the water in the tub. Drop two of those bath tablets in. I’ll be right back.”
He looked at the tub and nodded a bit. “Uhh, what temperature, Mistress?” He had already walked over and began to run the hot water, tossing a couple of bath tablets in too.
“Not too hot or cold but somewhere in the middle.”
He nodded and turned the taps on full blast as the tub filled, easing the cold off at the half way mark, testing the water occasionally with his elbow.
Kisha re-entered room in her birthday suit and a smile.
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