As I waited nervously for the guy to turn up I anxiously puffed a cigarette. I rearranged myself for the thousands time, crossing my stocking clad legs, uncrossing them. Perching my heels on the kick plate of the car, then on the ground. Shimmying my pencil skirt down, then a little up. I had to look right, I had to look dominant. The guy expected me to be the Domme in this little rendezvous. I’d never played the dominatrix before; it was making my stomach do flips. What would he expect of me?
I saw lights coming towards me in the empty car park. I took another couple draws on my roll up and watched him pull up beside me. Big shiny car, tinted windows. I leaned back against my car, my long black coat brushing the backs of my legs. He put down his passenger side window. I smiled, he wasn’t bad looking. You never know with these sex websites. His pic might’ve been photo shopped.
I suddenly realized he was looking at me, expecting something. Oh right, I was supposed to getin the car. I quickly flicked the butt of my fag away, closed my car door, locked it and jumped in his car.
He smiled kinda shyly and introduced himself ‘I’m Colin, Miss.’
‘Hi,’ said I, and we did an awkward kind of handshake cheese kiss type of thing, ‘you find the place alright?’
‘Yeah,’ he breathed, and went to put the car into gear.
I stopped him. I’d thought we’d chat for longer, or stay in this car park. I panicked a little. I didn’t even have my phone on me. ‘Are we going somewhere?’ I tried to sound confident, and managed without a hit in my voice.
‘Well,’ he replied ‘this place has big lights and cameras; I thought we’d go somewhere a little more private.’
‘Where were you thinking?’ I asked. He said he had no idea, just thought I would know somewhere. I was to make all the decisions. Of course… Domme…right.
I thought fast, ‘2 secs,’ I told him, and jumped out of the car. I ducked back into my car, grabbed my bag, phone, and tucked my house keys and pursuit into the glove box. I’ve no idea why except maybe I was thinking if he tried anything, I could call a taxi, get back to the car and escape.
I was still thinking furiously as I got back into his car, where could we go? He made idle chit chat as I gave him directions to an abandoned supermarket not far from where we were. I was chittering inside, outwardly, very cool, calm.
He pulled into the car park of the store and round the back. Very secluded. He stopped the car. We took our seatbelts off. I had no idea what to do now. Inspiration. I turned to him ‘So, did you do as I asked last night? Did you refrain from wanking your cock?’
‘I touched it miss,’ he replied ‘but I didn’t cum.’
‘And did you watch it twitch in the mirror, like I told you to?’
‘Yes Miss.’
‘And when you touched it, you only used one finger didn’t you, sub?’
‘Yes Miss.’
‘That’s good,’ I smiled.
‘I liked watching it in the mirror miss,’ he interjected. ‘I like how my cock looks; it’s not the biggest but…’
I cut him off, ‘Show me, sub!’
He pulled down his trousers and boxes revealing a deliciously curved, half erect penis.
‘Very nice,’ I murmured, my eyes transferred. He started to touch it.
‘I don’t believe I told you you could touch it did I, sub?’
‘No Miss,’ his hand received hesitantly. His cock was growing larger by the second.
‘Lift up your t-shirt,’ I demanded. He lifted his shirt so his erect knob was lying against his bare stomach. I raised an eyebrow at him and he removed the shirt all the way. He throw it in the back with a half murmured ‘Well, if I’m gonna get caught…’
This was going better than I’d ever thought it would, and we hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet. I stretched as he turned back. His eyes watched me hungrily. His hand reached out to me, then half fell away. He wouldn’t do anything unless I said he could, yummy!
‘I suppose you want to touch me,don’t you, sub?’
‘Oh yes please Miss!’ he pleased.
I hesitated for about 30 seconds, giving him my naughtiest smile and ‘Well…since you were so good last night, I suppose I’ll allow it.’ This was genius! I wanted him to touch me so bad.
As soon as the words left my lips his hands reached over and went on my knee. He stroked my legs, buried his face in my cleavage, tried to get his hand between my tights. I shifted to give him better access, I was soaking wet down there. He tried to touch all of me at once, like he couldn’t get enough, like he was scared I was going to revoke the privilege any second and deny him. He rained kisses over the tops of my breasts, my lips, we tangled tongues.
‘I want you to take out that breast and suck it, sub!’ I ordered.
This was easier said than done, I’d forgotten I put on my bustier and I still had my jacket on. I took my jacket off and helped him free my massive breasts. He started licking and gently suckling one nipple. His hand ghosted over the other. It was good, but I wanted more. I realized I could have anything I wanted in this power play situation. ‘Suck it, sub!’ I tried, then ‘Nibble on it!’ Brilliant! It was working; he really would do anything I said. My head lolled back in ecstasy. My hands gripped his back, nails digging into his firm flesh. This was exactly what I wanted. One of his hands was working my other nipple. The other was finding its way back between my tights. I hadn’t told him he could do that. I let it go though; I really wanted him to find out how soaking my panties were.
I revealed in the pleasure of him rubbing my clip, as well as working my nipples. ‘Slip one finger in,’ I told him. He obliged, it was so good. ‘I need you to suck my clip,’ I ordered. He bent himself over double; it must’ve been a very uncomfortable position, and started licking and sucking my tender nub as he moved his finger in and out. It was amazing. I was getting carried away though. He was getting carried away. ‘Stop!’ I said.
He stopped, and sat back. I looked at him smoulderingly from across the car. He was licking his fingers where they’d been fondling my pussy. He could’ve been tasting the finest gourmet food. I leaned towards him. He held out his hand. I sucked his middle finger where it had penetrated me. He leaned in and started licking it too, sharing the taste. We shared a long kiss. Tasting my juices from his lips, his tongue. He brought his fingers up between our mouths and we greedily licked them clean.
I sat back and took a Leisurely look up and down his body. His knob was hard and twitching. His hand started to drift towards it. I gave him a look, pausing him in mid-motion.
‘What do you want?’ I asked him. I really wanted to know. I wanted to find out how this guy ticked, what he wanted the most so I could deny him it.
‘To please you Miss,’ he shot back almost instantly. I was surprised, that’s not what I’d been expecting. Most guys will take any opportunity to tell you exactly what they want. But this wasn’t most guys. This guy took pleasure in doing what I wanted. I was pleasantly shocked, I wasn’t used to this.
‘That’s the right answer,’ I breathed.
His hand started hovering over his knob again. ‘I suppose you want me to touch that?’ I asked.
‘Yes Miss.’
‘Well…,’ I leaned over the gearstick. ‘Maybe you want me to suck it, sub?’ I looked up into his face.
‘Yes please Miss, please!’
I leaned closer. ‘Well hold it for me, sub.’
He got up onto his knees and held it, an inch from my mouth. ‘How much do you want it?’ I said, close enough for him to feel my breath on his heated cock.
‘Please Miss, please, I’ll do anything!’
I flicked out my tongue over the end. ‘Beg me, sub!’
‘Please, please touch it, please suck it, please, I’ll do whatever you want.’
Another, slightly longer flick of the tongue. ‘What would you do?’ I said through his panting and gasping.
‘ANYTHING!’ he groaned.
I put my lips round the very tip, licked the end inside my mouth. I was rewarded with a little sticky pre-cum. I lifted my head again ‘Well maybe after you’ve made me cum I’ll suck it for you, sub!’ I said with a wicked chuckle. Then I raised my lips to his and let him taste himself.
He wasted no time. He put my seat back and I Turned around, planning my knees and leaning forward towards the back of the car. His hands immediately started massaging my clip, dipping down to make his fingers wet and then circuit that wetness round and round.
‘Two fingers inside,’ I moaned. He shoved two into me, finding my g-spot. I groaned. He took the hint and started to work over the spot again and again. ‘More fingers,’ I gasped. He knelt behind me, sliding three fingers in and out of me, faster and harder, just as I like it, making me shudder with pleasure. He reached forward to flick my nipple as well. I could feel the delicious rise of an orgasmbuilding. He slide down into the foot well and leaned his head forward. He tongued my asshole and then sucked on my clip while he fucked me with his hands. I encouraged him ‘That’s it slave, just there!’
I was so close I could taste it. I could feel the pressure building and then my body exploded into a million fragments and my orgasm gushed over his face. It was incredible, not caring whether he was getting Any pleasure at all, just using him as a sex toy. I lay there twitching, trying to remember how to breathe, feeling more release than I had in weeks as he licked and sucked me clean.
I slowly rose up on my hands, smiling like a mad woman. ‘You’re such a good sub,’ I prayed him. He lay back, looking like the cat that had got the cream, quite literally. ‘Well,’ I breathed ‘since you’ve been such a good boy…’
I bent over until I could take his whole cock into my mouth. If he’d known how much I wanted to do it, it wouldn’t have been so good for him but I’d been dying to suck him since I’d first seen his twitching member. I pulled free long enough to murmur ‘I want you to fuck my mouth now.’ He applied himself diligently. Leaning forward so he could shove his whole cock in, sliding it past my lips again and again. He used his hands on my clip as he fucked me. I used my fingers on his balls and asshole. I could feel him getting closer to cumming. I pulled my mouth away. ‘I suppose you want to cum then sub?’ I had no intention of letting him cum yet.
‘Soon Miss,’ he replied ‘soon, not yet. I want to taste your cum again first Miss.’
I was happy to oblige. I lay back, high against the seat and spread my legs. He came over to my side of the car. He leaned forward, pinning me where I was. His hands came forward between us to play with my pussy. His Straining cock on just the other side. I lifted myself higher on the seat to give him a better angle and suddenly there was no hand between his knob and me. ‘What do you think you’re doing withthat cock, sub?’ I asked. It hovered just at my entrance.
‘I’m going to pound you with it Miss.’
‘Are you now? Did I tell you you could do that?’
‘No Miss, but please, please let me!’
‘Maybe you could put it in just a little then, sub.’
He slide the tip of his aching knob inside me. I could feel it twitching and jumping for more. He rocked back and forth, moaning.
‘A little more now sub,’ I told him. He slide it in another delicious inch and started to slide it back and forth. My resolve started to cave. It felt so exhilarating, having him poised on the edge of fucking me, and knowing he would do nothing until I gave my say so.
‘Now pound me sub!’ I cried. He started fucking me hard and fast. Mmmmm!
‘I’m going to cum soon,’ he declared.
‘Cum inside me!’ I ordered him, and just like that, he increased his pace and then gasped, spinling himself inside me. Moaning and shuddering he collapsed onto me. His head was cradled to my breasts. Icuddled his head, stroking his hair, telling him what a good sub he was. After a little while I whispered ‘You know you’re going to have to lick all that up don’t you sub?!’ He nodded against my boobs.
When his heart has slowed down a bit, he sank down into the foot well again. His head rested on my thigh as he licked me, licking his own cream off my pussy. His tongue started to work on my clip. ‘Let me do that,’ I told him. ‘Just you stay there.’ My hand went down to my throbbing nub. His head still rested on my thigh, my other hand struggling his head like the good pet he was. I brought myself off again, gushing for the second time that session but just before, I pushed his head down so he could drink it all up.
We lay like that for a while, catching our breaths. Then we got dressed and chatted. Enjoying a cigarette, we cracked the windows slightly to decrease the misting. After the windows cleared, we made our way back to my car.
Before I got out he whispered, ‘Howdid I do?’
‘Very well,’ I told him, ‘very well indeed. I’ll be in contact with you again.’
When I got back into my car, and watched him drive off, I was laughing and smiling so much! I felt exhilarated, so alive! I lit another cigarette and just sat there, savouring the experience.
Then I heard the sirens of a police car come towards me. I jumped and panicked. What if they’d seen us? Was it illegal to shag someone in a car? Of course, it must be! As the police car passed, looking for someone else, I slumped. Phew! Then laughed at myself. I quickly finished my cigarette and drive home.
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