Day 2
I woke up the next morning in my tent with Courtney nestled in beside me, her naked body pressing against my mine under the covers. While my mind needed a few seconds to oriented myself to my surroundings, my cock was way ahead of me, and I had a serious hard-on which pressed against Courtney’s ass.
While Courtney was still dozing, I slipped my arm down from her shoulder to her tits, and began to rub her nipples, which soon started to harden. I then slipped my hand down even further to her pussy, and feel over her muff for her clip. I rubbed her clip for a bit, and then slipped two fingers into her pussy, which was beginning to slicken. With that, Courtney started to stir, and began to instinctively grind her hips back into my cock.
“Good morning. Sleep well?” I asked her.
“Mmm … yes,” she whispered back. “Uhmmmm … what are you doing?”
“I’m inspecting my property. I want to make sure you are in good condition after your first day as my bitch,” I answered.
Courtney blushed, as she shook off the last vestiges of sleep and remembered where she was — and — what she was.
“I’d say that my property is in fine condition — your tits, ass and pussy seems fine,” I said. “That’s a good thing, as they are going to be well used today.”
Courtney’s eyes widened a bit at hearing this and, while I could tell she was a bit nervous, her hardened nipples and wet pussy told me that was very turned-on, as well.
“I need to fuck,” I said. “Since you are only in Day 2 of being my bitch, I am going to let you pick the hole that I will use. Pussy, mouth or ass?”
Courtney said nothing, and cast her eyes down, as if she couldn’t believe she was really in this circuitry.
“Choose, bitch and quickly, or I’ll fuck all three holes, and call everyone in from outside the tent to watch,” I stated as sternly as I could.
“Pussy,” she finally said quietly.
“Excellent,” I replied. “Get on all fours, slut, put your face on the ground, and reach your hands behind your tights and stretch those pussy lips. Your master needs to mount you, and right quick.”
She did as she was told, and I let her remain in that position for a bit — ass up in the air, head resting on the ground, hands reaching behind her thighs, fingers on either side stretching her pussy lips, which seemed to call out to my cock for a visit. After a few minutes, I mounted, and rode her from behind hard and fast.
As I pounded away, I grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back — this helped me anchor myself and allowed me to thrust as deep as I could. It also highlighted Courtney’s vulnerability — with her ass up in the air and her wrists pinioned by my strong hands, and her face pressed into the floor of the tent, she couldn’t have stopped me if she’d wanted to. Finally, I exploded inside her — unloading my seed as deep into her vagina as I could.
“Now that’s the way the beginning the day,” I said, as I slapped her ass and dismounted. Courtney got up and began to fumble for her clothes and boots.
“Hey, what are doing?” I asked.
“Getting dressed,” she replied.
“No, no,” I responded. “You don’t get dressed until I tell you to. And you’ve got some chores to do before you can get dressed. Don’t forget, you’re my biker bitch for the next few days.”
“What do you mean — chores? Surely you can’t be ready to fuck me again, can you? I need to get outside and get ready for the day’s travel to the Rally,” she stammered.
With a glint my eye, I grabbed her by the o-ring on her locked collar and pulled her close. Looking into her eyes, I told her, “Yes, you do have work to do outside the tent. But you don’t need any clothes on for those chores. In fact, I prefer that you complete your morning tasks barefoot naked. “
Courtney’s mouth dropped open, and before she could get any words out, I pulled her face even closer to mine. With one hand gripping her collar, with theother I pulled my struggle leather belt out of my pants, and held it up to face.
“If you don’t want to follow my instructions, I’d be happy to spend some time in the tent convincing you,” I said, as I moved the belt down behind her back, and caressed her ass with it. “Now, unless you’d like to argue, I suggest you get outside because you’ve got some work to do. You need to clean up the firepit, get a new fire started, and get breakfast going. After that, you need to get us packed up — I want to be on the road in a hour. And lastly,” I said, “you need to poison the bike up before we hit the road. And the bike needs to polished by a bitch — a naked biker bitch.”
I opened the tent flap, and gave Courtney a little push outside as I said, “And do a good job, bitch. Any mistakes will be subject you to correction.” And to prove to my point, I gave her a hard smack across the ass with the belt as she exited the tent.
“Ow!” she yelped, as she hoped outside the tent.
“Whoa!” said Mike, as he saw Courtney jump out of the tent, totally naked, and adorned only in her locked collar and cuffs. “Hey, Steve, Doug,” he said, “Check out Courtney!”
Both exited their tent and drank Courtney’s naked body in. “Now that’s one hot, smoken’ biker bitch!” Steve excerified. Doug licked his lips and gave a whistle.
At that point, Amy entered the camping pad with an armful of firewood, and stared at Courtney, along with the guys. She started to say something, but Mike shot her a look, and put a finger up to his lips, signaling that she should remain quiet. Amy hesitated, but then continued to move towards the firepit to unload the wood.
“Good morning, everyone,” I said as I left the tent. “What a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, the temperature is perfect, and,” I said, “best of all, I just fucked the shit out of my bitch. Her pussy was wet before she had even woken up — what a slut!”
The guys laughed, and I sat down with them to enjoy somecoffee around the fire, as the women got the food ready, and began to pack up the tents. After we’d all eaten, Amy and Courtney got the rest of the gear together. I got out a couple of rags and some cleaner, and handed them to Courtney.
“Okay, bitch, you’ve got 5 minutes to poison the bike. I expect it to shine like the sun by the time you are done. If you do a good job, I’ll think about letting you get dressed before we hit the road. If not … well,” I said with a smile, “I’ll have to think about what I could do to motivate you to try harder.”
5 minutes later, the bike shone like a star.
“Nice work, bitch,” I said, as I gave Courtney’s ass checks a playful squeeze. “However, you missed one small spot,” I stated as I pointed to a little speck of mud on the frame Near the left tire.
“Shit,” Courtney mumbled as she saw the spec.
“Still,” I said, ” A pretty good effort. I was sure I was going to have to belt you good this morning, but I think I only need to administrator three strokes. Now bend over the bike with your hands on the ground.”
Courtney looked forlorn, but did as she was told. While she was assuming the position, Mike, Doug and Steve moved in close to watch the action. I could tell their pants were bulging, and I can only imagine what they were thinking they’d like to do to Courtney at that moment. In due time, gentlemen, I Thought.
At this point, Mike pulled Amy in close–clearly, he wanted her to see her friend get a belting. When everyone, including Courtney, were in position, I took position behind Courtney and took a few practice swings with my belt, swishing the air.
“Call out the number of strokes, bitch, and make sure you thank me for each one. If you forget to do that, we get to start all over again.”
With that, I moved my arm back, and swing the belt with all my might at Courtney’s beautiful, naked ass. Smack!
“Yiiii!” Courtney shrieked as the leather hit her ass. Immediately, a big 2-inch thick red strike extended across her ass, and a big welt began to form.
“Th-Th-Thank you for the th-th-th first stroke, Master,” Courtney stammered.
Smack! went the second stroke, and Smack! followed the third. Courtney remembered to thank me for each stroke, which disappointed me a bit as I felt like I was just warming up. Those three marks would surely last the entire day, and I smiled When I thought about the prospect of parading my bitch around the Rally with belt marks adorning her ass.
I smiled even more when I saw that ass Courtney began to stand up, her pussy was glistening again. She rubbed her sore ass, but while her eyes were a little teary, it was clear that she was a pain slut turned on by corporate punishment. She moved her hands from her ass to her clot, and gave it a few rubs.
“Alright, get your clothes and boots on, bitch,” I said. “We’ll have plenty of time to see more of your naked body later — its going to be a long weekend at the Rally!”
The first few hours of the drive were pretty uneventful. However, as we entered a section of the highway under construction, and road got bumpy, I noticed Courtney starting to shift in her seat behind me. The bike was rattling with the bumpy road, and there was a lot of victory on the seat. I then realized what was happening: Courtney was grinding her pussy into the seat and into the back of me. The bitch was starting to get off! I made sure I navigated the road safely, but in a way that would keep the violences coming. A minute or two later I hear her moan and squeak in my ear as her grip tightened on my jacket. She’d just had heard first “moving violence” — her first orgasm on a moving motorcycle. Believe me, it wouldn’t be her last.
Finally, after several more hours on the road, we stopped at a town about a mile outside of Sturgis early in the afternoon for gas and a bite to eat. The town was crawling with folks obviously on their way to the Rally. We all got off ourbikes and went into a bar & grill that was loaded with bikers. It was a dive — definitely not a family place — but the food looked decent and the beer was cheap. Bad 80’s metal music played on the jukebox, and there was a lot of laughter and shouting from the biker patrons.
The five of us sat down at a table, and soon a waitress came over to check on us. She looked to be in her mid-30s, and wore a biker jacket with a lot Sturgis insignia–clearly catering to the customers during Bike Week. She was cute, all things considered.
“Going to be a great Rally this year,” she said as she took out her order form. “Hey,” she said, as she looked closer at Courtney, “Is that a locked collar around your neck, hon?” she said, looking at Courtney with a twinkle in her eye. “You must be the property of one of these boys?”
I stared at Courtney, and she slowly nodded her head. “Yeah,” she said. “I belong to him,” as she nodded in my direction. “I’m his bitch, at least for a few days.”
“Lot of owned bitches at the Rally,” the waitress said. “Be good to your master, hon, or you might find yourself sold to a real asshole!” Everyone laughed, including Courtney, though her laughed had a tinge of nervousness to it.
After the waitress left, I turned to Mike and said, “Mikey, tell you what. I bet you that my bitch can get me off under the table before your bitch can. Winner gets to fuck the other dude’s bitch. Bet?”
“You’re on!” Mike said immediately. Courtney and Amy both looked wide-eyed at us, hoping that this was all a joke.
“C’mon, sluts, get under the table and start sucking!” I ordered. “Believe me, you wouldn’t be the first bitches to suck dick in this joint, especially around Rally time.”
“B-b-but …” stammered Amy, but Mike cut her off and said, “No buts about it, Amy. You’re my bitch, too, don’t forget. You may not be wearing cuffs and a collar … yet … but I own you this weekend, too.” With that, he pulled Amy off the chair andpushed her down on her knees on the floor.
“To make sure there is no cheating,” I said, “the winning bitch needs to open her mouth after she gets her man off and show us the cum before she swallows.”
Courtney was frozen sitting in the chair, until I grabbed her ponytail and gave her a little jerk to the floor under the table. I could see some of the other patrons gathering around — it didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what was about to happen when two women went under the table to take the position on their knees facing their men.
“Blo-job contest!” I shouted, and more bikers and bitches started approaching our table. Soon, about twenty or so people circled us, and there were a lot of whoops and hollers from the audience.
Mike and I both had our cocks out of pants at that point, and each of us pulled our bitches’ faces into position. It feel fantastic as I slide my rock hard member in between Courtney’s lips and started to bob her head up and down. When she had established a good rhythm, I pushed her bra down after a bit so that her tits popped out, and started squeezing those melons. I wasn’t going to last long, at this rate. Meanwhile, Mike was ramming Amy’s head down on his cock, clearly trying to speed up his climax. I could see a few of the dudes in the crowd taking bets at this point.
“10 bucks that the collared bitch gets her guy off,” one said, and a few others answered, “You’re on!”
Suddenly, I could feel myself going over the cliff, and my cock started to spasm. I must have shot a ton into Courtney’s mouth, because when she emerged from under the table and opened her mouth, streams of white, sticky cum started to drool out the sides. With no question in anyone’s mind that I had cum, Courtney finally swallowed the rest of the load after a few seconds.
The crowd erupted into applause, and I held my arms over my head like a winning prize-fighter. Mike Shook his head, but couldn’t help but smile as I shot him a wink. While Amy was not as hot a piece of ass as Courtney, she was still pretty cute, and I’d always wondered what it would be like to fuck her. I would look forward to collecting on my bet later.
“Keep sucking, bitch,” Mike told Amy. “We’ve lost the bet but I still need to get off.”
A minute or so later, he started to grunt and it appeared that Amy had indeed finally inspired him to cum. She was red-faced when she emerged from under the table but smiled as she shot a glance to Courtney, while smiled back sheepishly. Although being used by biker men, these bitches were turned on and clearly loving it. I was not surprised, as no woman would go along on this kind of trip without having at least some idea of what she was in for.
We were not even in Sturgis yet, and I had already had Some memories that would get me hard each time I thought about them over the years. And the best was yet to come.
A hour or so later, after a meal and a few beers, we were all back on thebikes heading to the Rally. We pulled into the campground we were staying at a dozen or so miles outside of Sturgis. The girls started to unpack our gear, and would later put up our tents. Meanwhile, the guys and I shared a few pulls off a bottle of whiskey I’d brought along and looked around. There were a few other parties of bikers in the adjoining camp sites, and we waved hellos. There were some sexy women in those groups, along with the usual gruff looking guys. I hoped that at some point we’d have a chance to party with those around us.
The camp was set up by late that afternoon, and we all got on the bikes to finally check out the Rally in town. When we got there, it was a sea of leather-clad humanity. Bikes and bikers were everywhere, and people were partying in the streets. Chicks were walking around topless, Everyone was carrying a beer or something harder–it was clear that there were no rules during Rally week.
I directed our group to a bar near the north end ofmain street that I’d always liked. But first, I clipped Courtney’s cuffed hands behind her back, and fastened her lean to her collar. She got a lot of luxury stars from the mob as I led her down the street by her leash. She was blushing, but I could tell that her nipples were hard under the leather bra, and it was obviously that she was somewhat turned on.
When we got to the entrance of the bar, I stopped Courtney as we all started to go in.
“Not you, slut. You stay out here. I’ll decide where you go and what you’ll do this weekend,” I said.
Courtney looked confused, but was compliant when I sat her down in front of a light pole, and clip-tied the end of her lean around a light pole in front of the bar.
“Oh, and before I forget, let me make sure you get the appropriate attention while the rest of us are inside.” With that, I pulled the bra down and let Courtney’s big tits pop over the top. “Not that a leashed bitch tied to a pole wouldn’t get some attention,but I just have to share those big melons with everyone at the Rally. Don’t want to leave anything to the imagination!”
Mike, Doug, Steve, Amy and I got a seat by the window. I wanted to keep an eye on Courtney. I was looking forward to passers-by cat-calling her, and perhaps even fondling her, but I also wanted to make sure that things did not get out of hand. There were a lot of points and hots as bikers strolled by my tethered bitch, and several times, men stopped to tweak her nipples, or pat her head. No one went too far, though — bikers generally respect other bikers’ property rights, and everyone probably figured that Courtney’s rightful owner was inside.
After an hour or so in the bar, we went back outside and I unclipped Courtney’s lean from the pole, and began to lead her back down the street. I did slip my hand between her legs to see what state of mind she was in after being publicly displayed with her tits hanging out for the last 60 minutes. Her pussy was slick and slippery — clearly, she’d been turned on the whole time. She shot me an embarrassed grin, as I held up my greasy fingers to everyone.
“What’d you think of being on display at the Rally, bitch?” I asked Courtney.
“I … I liked it. I have to admit that I liked it,” she replied.
For the next few hours, we partied in town. I let Courtney accompany the rest of us into the bars and stores, feeling like I’d already made my point earlier about reminding her that she was mere property this weekend.
Drinking, and other vices ensured until darkness came around 9 p.m. or so. At that point, people began to gather around a stage in the middle of a square. We soon figured out that there was a biker bitch stripper contest about to start.
“Okay, bitch,” I told Courtney, “you ready to win a conversation?”
“What?” she said, looking confused.
“The annual Rally stripper conversation is about to begin,” I said, and I’m going to enter you in it. And I expect you to win it, or else there will be consequences.”
With that, I pulled Courtney by her lean up to the front of the stage, and found the guy who seemed like he was in charge. The guy took a look at my leashed, collared and cuffed bitch, and got a big grin on his face and said:
“Well, we already have the dozen girls we need signed up, but I guess there is no harm in allowing 13 girls to compete this year. That bitch is too hot to keep out. She’s in!”
The guy then took Courtney’s leash, and led her away to the back of the stage where she was assembled with a dozen other hot biker bitches. Soon the conversation began, as woman after woman took her turn on the stage, dancing lewdly to the music, removing her clothes while the crowd screamed, until she was completely naked. Some girls were clearly more experienced in This sort of thing than others, and while most were clearly exhibitors, you tell that there were a few that had probably been pushed into this by their owners.
Finally, it was Courtney’s turn on the stage. As Led Zep’s “Rock ‘n Roll” began to blare over the loud-speakers, she began to gyrate around the stage, and peel her off her few items of clothing, until she was barefoot, bareass naked (except for the collar around her neck and the cuffs locked on her ankles and wrists). I have to admit, she did a pretty good job for someone who clearly was not a professional stripper. She was really getting into it, as she bent over and spread her pussy lips for the shouting masses. Her face lit up as the crowd cheered.
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