I am new to writing. I’m sure I still have much to learn. This is my first attempt at a submission on this site. I hope that you enjoy it. This story is fictitious, but the basis comes from true events. It’s a bit long with a slow start, so probably not the best for those looking for a quick thrill. Please vote and leave comments. I never understand this plea until I submitted a story of my own. I’ve received all types of comments good and bad. All I can say is that I’m pleased to have evoked emotions on either side. I don’t delete any comments so share your thoughts.
It was an overcast day in Los Angeles, not unusual for June. The sun tried to break through the haze of the marine layer that settled heavily over the streets and houses, but, with the exception of an occasionally burst of warmth, it failed to brighten the early afternoon hours. There was rain in the forecast later in the week, and I welcomed the prospect. A good rain always seems to clean out the filth of the city.
I walked through a three bedroom house just north of Melrose Avenue carefully inspecting each room. I admired the recent renovations. It was the first home I had purchased, and I had made the purchase in secret unbeknownst to my new fiancé, Ana. I knew that she’d like the house. We were still living in a one bedroom apartment together. This was going to be a significant upgrade. She had Begged to move into a larger apartment for the last year. A house hadn’t been an option — well that is until an unexpected bit of generosity that came just before the New Year.
My grandfather had sent me a gift after our engagement, an extremely general gift as it turned out. He was a self made man, and in poor health the last few years. He was opinionated on how his money should be distributed upon his passing. Ultimately, he decided to dole it out to those he found worthy in recent years instead of leaving it to family infighting after his death. As usual he sent it directly to me at my office. He never sent anything to anyone’s home if it could be avoided. He kept his own PO Box at a post office to keep his wife from seeing his financial correspondence. He felt very strongly about not including women in financial matters, and had urged me to spend it or save it as I saw fit without notifying Ana. He was old school, still sharp for his years despite his deteriorating body. I had always been his favorite grandchild, and his gift, as he explained it, was a way to share his wealth since he had more than enough.
The house was older, built in the 30s or 40s, but had been completely updated over the last month. There were still remnants of an architectural style from another time, and I thought it added a subtle bit of character. The hardwood floors were newly refinished. The walls freshly painted. The kitchen was picturesque with the nicest appliances and granite counter tops. I had taken the utmost care in making sure that everything in the house had been done with meticulous detail. The master bathroom and walk-in closets were a woman’s dream come true. The house was large, but not ostentatious. With the new changes, it would be a perfect first home.
I walked out through the French doors in the kitchen and onto the deck in the back yard. The deck was a new addition as well. It stepped down onto a flagstone patio that bordered the modest lawn. The new landscaping added a lush, secluded ambiance. In the back of the yard was a detached garage that I had expanded and converted into a decent sized guest house with a full bathroom and a loft bedroom. She was going to love it, and it was going to be the biggest surprise of her life. Well the house wouldn’t be the only surprise. Between the redesign of the home and my reevaluation of our future together, I made some changes that would prove to be a huge adjustment to her lifestyle.
It had been a bittersweet year for us so far. She had come clean to me about cheating a few years back, totally unaware that I was in the process of buying her an engagement ring at the time. I had taken the news poorly to say the least. We had argued for a few weeks about it. She would get upset with me, and argue that it happened years ago. She couldn’t understand how much it hurt me. I understand what she was saying. She had been faithful for years, and this delay in fidelity had come early in Our relationship. It was new to me though. She loved me. I never doubted that. And I loved her more than she could ever know.
Just when we were getting back on track our neighbor drive her parent’s car through our apartment. She had come home drink from a party when the accident happened. Luckily no one was hurt, but this left us living in a hotel for a month while repairs were being made. It was in late October that I managed to take Ana to the Caribbean for our first real vacation in years — and it was there that I proposed to her and asked her to spend her life with me. It was the best day of my life.
The cheating had hurt my feelings, but I had always told her if she wanted to be with someone else that I would bring someone over. I was open-minded about things of that nature. She knew that I wanted to have the opportunity to be with someone else from time to time, and I always told her that I didn’t believe in double standards. So the offer was extended both ways as long as we were open and honest about it.
We had an amazing sex life, and tried all sorts of fetishes. I worked tirelessly to make sure we kept things new and innovative. A couple years ago we had gotten into light bondage, and soon after that we tried dominant / submissive role playing. I had made a list of rules to follow, and I enjoyed seeing her knee at my feet or display her juicy pussy to me. I bought her a collar and a leash to wear when we were at home. She wanted to be trained. The more I distributed her and controlled her sex life, the more turned on I became. I loved being dominant. As it progressed, I realized that this lifestyle was something important to me. It was an awakening of a part of me that I had never acknowledged.
After awhile she started to voice some opinions about our new lifestyle. She didn’t want to be spanked or paddled. She didn’t want to be disciplined hard. She didn’t want to complete the assignments that I’d given her. She would say things like “why am I always being trained?” or “I just don’t feel like it” or “I don’t want to knee, my knees hurt” etc. Her biggest complaint, the complaint that I felt was at the root of her unhappiness, was that it took too much time. She couldn’t balance my demands with work and life.
I tried to be accommodating, but once I tallied up the things she didn’t like and stripped them away, we were just left with a lot of kinky sex with almost no dominance or submission. It had been disappointing for me. She swore to me that she still wanted to be submissive. She did enjoy being tied up,and she still referred to me as Sir. I think that she didn’t understand the lifestyle that well. She assured me that if she didn’t have to work that she would love to try being trained full time — that she would learn how to be a good submissive.
The problem was that Ana has a tendency to be spoiled, selfish and bratty. I should be clear that she’s not high maintenance at all. Most of the time she’s Incredibly relaxed. She just doesn’t like to do anything that she doesn’t want to. She acts children when she gets upset, and she prefers being closed off and silent instead of talking through our problems. It was the reason I hadn’t proposed to her earlier. There were plenty of things in our relationships that bothered me a great deal. She never cleans. She never cooks. When we first moved in together, she didn’t even contribute to the bills until I made a point of it.
On some level I’ve always been bothered by the struggle of getting her to comply with simple requests. She depends on me to pay the bills, manage the apartment, make the repairs and do much of the cooking and cleaning. This had been a long standing complaint of mine. From time to time I’ve tried to have a rational conversation with her about it. She was the type of person that would agree to almost anything to end an argument with no real intention of following through. So when the dominant / submissive thing didn’t work out, I can’t say I was Surprised.
Just recently she quit her job. The woman she was working for was an atrocious boss — a demeaning, rude, unreasonable cunt. I told her not worry about it. We could sustain ourselves on my current salary, at least for awhile anyway. She was completely unaware of how well off we actually were at the moment. I preferred it that way. Besides we were beginning to plan our wedding, and she needed to fly to the east coast to discuss things with her mother. She had flown out a few weeks ago, and was due back this evening. In her absence, I spent time finishing our new home and devising my new plan.
I’m sure that she had forgotten that she said she was willing to be a full time submissive if she didn’t have to work. I hadn’t forgotten at all. I had already been working on a way to get her to quit and take time off until after the wedding. I was going to train her. A few weeks alone, and I had decided that I had let too much stuff slide. I was Finally going to put my foot down.
While I had taken care to make our home as lovely as possible, I had also decided to change our guest house in the back into a play room of sorts. It had cost me a pretty penny to furnish it with the right equipment and toys.
The walls were sound proofed. There were shelves filled with all types of toys. I had dildos from small to large, vibrators of all types, butt plugs, bondage rope. There were ball gags, blindfolds, spreader bars, and nipple clips. In the entry way, I had hung a series of coat hooks with a selection collars and mcatching leashes. There was a large flat screen television and DVD player. I added some nice couches and end tables and some tasteful artwork to make the room as much a living area as possible. I also included some custom bondage furniture — a kneeing benchmark, a suspended sex swing, a modified massage table. The furniture, ceiling and walls had well placed eye hooks that could be used to tie off ropes. On the far wall was Collection of struggle braided riding crops, whips and paddles. It was quite a set up.
The bathroom had been stocked with all types of hygiene products, make up and towels. I removed the mirror for the time being. She wouldn’t be needed it. Not for awhile anyway. The bedroom had clean lines. Her nightstand had a stack of pink journals and a box of pens. Her dresser was filled with only lingerie, stockings, bras and panties, and a few robes. Her closet had spare bedding and selection of high heel shoes. Her other belongings were arranged neatly in her walk-in closeset in the house. She wouldn’t need them at first. The upstairs, downstairs and bathroom had been outfitted with cameras, some hidden and some visible, that recorded to a series of large hard drives in the main house.
It had taken me months to get everything in order. I was keenly aware that this could blow up in my face completely. My intent wasn’t to just train her to be a good submissive slut, but Also to turn her into a confident, competent partner and rid her of some bad habits. Ultimately, I had come to a decision that the behavior that I had long found intolerable would be corrected. My dominant side was raging inside me in a way that could no longer be contained. Knowing Ana, I couldn’t just ease her into this type of lifestyle and expect her to commit to it. I would have to throw her into it headfirst before she realized exactly what was going on. That means risking my relationship altogether.
The tricky part of my plan was how to train her full time while I had towork. I needed help. I had searched extensively for the right people. It mattered to me that whoever I chose was attractive, clean and understand what I was trying to accomplish. They needed to be stern yet caring. In the end, I found a few people. I had met with them extensively. I felt strongly that they were going to be perfect.
The first and most important person was Mr. White, a tall athletic, Australian kid. He had recently moved to Los Angeles and needed a place to stay. I offered him the extra room in the house in exchange for his help, and he moved in last week. He worked from home so he was going to be around during the day. He was 26 years old, 190 lbs., fit, with buzz cut hair and blue eyes. He had no real experience with D/s but had been intrigued with concept. He loved the idea of Actually getting to help train a girl. He was a very polite guy when we first met. It surprised me, but I liked that about him. I felt he’d be perfect for her — a gentle giant with a stern dominance.
It had finally come time to get to the airport. I showed and changed into a pair of jeans, nice shoes and a button down light blue shirt. I mussed my short blonde hair and brushed my teeth. A touch of cologne, and I was on my way. I made good time on my way to the airport, and found my way to the baggage claim just as the plane was deboarding. I was nervous. I had made a fair amount of assumptions on how things might go. I had played them out in my head over and over again. Could it go wrong? Yes, a thousand different ways. If it went right though, if it went how I imagined it could, I would be at peace with my inner urges and living my fantasy.
People started flooding through the revolving doors on their way towards baggage claim. I saw her well before she saw me. Three weeks was far too long to be away. I had been so busy that I forget how much I missed her. Her long brown hair flowed about her face and those deep brown eyes made me feel at home right away.There was a reason I asked her to marry me. I just couldn’t get enough of her. When she saw me her full lips broke into a wide, tantalizing smile. Her large breasts swayed under her low, tight, v-neck tee shirt. My cock hardened as I watched her approach.
“Hey, sweet tits,” I said as I reached out for embrace. I loved calling her that, and she often joked that I would call her by that nickname in public out of habit without realizing it. Her arms wrapped around me as she gave me a kiss.
“Hello, you,” she greeted me with coy smile. She leaned in closer and whispered, “I need to get fucked so bad right now, Sir.” Her hand briefly brushed down my pants and over my cock. She gave me a naughty smile again. She liked to call me Sir when she was horny. She knew that it turned me on, and used it to stoke my interest.
“Well I was hoping you did. Can you wait a little longer? I thought we’d grab a bite to eat.”
She faux pouted. “Alright, Mr. Man, we can wait. I’m starvingAnyway. When did they stop serving food on these flights? It’s the least they could do considering how much they charge.”
I grabbed her luggage and we headed towards the car. She chit chatted along the way about the beautiful locations she saw for possible wedding vendors. I was quiet most of the way trying my best to look interested, but my mind was on other things. Her mother was reluctant to spend a lot of money on Our wedding, which was a source of disappointment to her. She wasn’t one to stand up to her parents, but I knew her confidence would grow in the weeks to come. We got in the car, and headed back towards the city. I pulled into a small café on Melrose that sold empanadas. Ana was Venezuelan, although her skin was white as a sheet, and she loved Latin food. We grabbed a table under a heat lamp outside.
“So Your pussy is feeling neglected?” I asked.
“Oh yes, you know how hard is for me to find the privacy to masturbate in my mom’s house. I need to cum so badly.” There was no playfulness to her statement. She was serious. Ana had always had an extremely potential sex drive.
“Well I have an idea, but only if you’re up for it.” I said trying to steer the conversation towards my ultimate goal.
“Oh yeah,” She said smiling, “And what idea is that? Something naughty I assume.”
“Well,” I started, “you’re not working now, and I can afford to make ends meet on my own. I thought maybe you should wait to start looking for a job until after the wedding.”
“That’s so far off! I can’t make you cover the both of us for that long.”
“I thought you’d like the idea.” I said casually. “I mean there is something in it for me. You said you couldn’t handle being a full time submissive because it took too much time. Maybe You can finally have a chance to let me train you. At least, until after the wedding I mean.”
I could see the wheels turning in her head. “Oh I see.” She was playing with me. “Well I suppose I could be a proper slutfor you for awhile.”
“Look it was just a suggestion. I don’t want you to say yes if you don’t want to do it. If you do, though, I’m going to be serious about it this time. You can’t just half ass it. You have to do as you’re told, complete you’re assignments when I give them to you, follow my commands. I’m talking about a lifestyle commitment… I mean for at least a few months. I don’t want you to tell me in a few days that you’re over it. I’d rather not try it if you’re going to quit on me.”
I was actually getting more and more nervous. Playing this conversation out in your head is a lot different than explaining it to someone. If she said no then I was going to have a lot of explaining to do.
“So I’d have to be your sex slave? I’d have to fuck you anytime you asked? I’d have to do naughty stuff to myself when you tell me to? Wear what you want me to wear?” She asked.
“Yes… exactly… but when you say it you make me sound like such a perv.” I replied. She laughed.
“And punishment? Are you going to hit me when I don’t do something?” She asked again.
“You never have to get paddled if you just do what you’re told.” I said.
“But if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll paddle your bare ass.”
“Anything else I should know?” She asked.
“You’ll keep your sex journal. I’ll dictate Your daily routine. Until we set ground rules you’ll ask permission for everything.” I stated simply.
“It sounds like a lot of work.” She said. “When would it start?”
“A lot of work? It would be your only job!” I joked. “Look, forget I asked.”
“Relax, Sir. It sounds like a good job to me.” She reached under the table and rubbed the crotch of my pants. “I’d like to get started now.”
“Remember. You’re committing to this. I love you, but I’m going to make you work hard at this.”
“Yes, Sir.” She said flashing that naughty smile at me again.
I breathed a sight of relief. She really had no idea what she was committing to.It was going to be difficult navigating this plan without some resistance. I texted Mr. White to let him know things we’re moving forward. I had more to discuss with Ana though, and I didn’t want to take time to explain everything. Things would need to be revealed slowly when it was too late for her to reconsider.
I paid the check and we got back in the car. We’re just around the corner from the house. I opened the glove box and pulled out a blindfold.
“Put this on.” I said handing it to her.
“You keep this in your car? Were you planning this or something?” She asked giving me a raised eyebrow.
“Put on the blindfold now! If I ask you to do something I expect to hear ‘yes, Sir’.” I barked catching her off guard with the authoritative tone.
“Yes, Sir.” She said slightly started.
I drove around a couple blocks so that she wouldn’t know we were so close. She expected to be going back to our apartment, but that place was long gone. I pulled up to the gate still admiring our new home. The tall hedges and gate left it very secluded and private. I hit the automatic gate and pulled the car in.
“We’ll leave your bag in the car for now.” I said. I walked around to her side of the car and lead her out. “Follow me.”
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