Study Time – Slutty Lit 101 Ch. 01

Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Study Time: Slutty Literature 101

Chapter 1: Kristen’s Study Time

My 19-year-old live-in slave-girl, Sophie, is a student at Bishop State College. It’s what used to be called a community college. In high school, she was a C+ student, and with her GPA a four-year university wasn’t going to happen. I collared her the day she graduated high school, but I’d known her a couple of months before that, since maybe 2 months after her 18th birthday. But since her first day at Bishop, Sophie has been a straight-A student.

She credits the improvement to the “supervised study” time I make sure to give her near-daily. And she tells everyone that. Naturally, I’m strict in supervising her study time. I want Sophie to do well in school, so not only have I told her to, I put in the effort to make sure she does.

Sophie’s excellent performance was noticed by her fellow students. As was the pastel green, soft leather collar, with its fancy lace trim, locked around her neck. A few of her fellow students even knew her from high school, and they knew Sophie went from an average student to an excellent one overnight. It led to me starting a small, but very profitable, tutoring business that offers “dominatrix strictly-supervised study sessions.” The few select students I’ve taken have all improved very quickly, and very significantly. With those students, I adhere to my basic principles of “classroom supervision,” such as not allowing them any privacy or modesty, a formal politeness, and a firm belief in corporate punishment for any infections of my rules, and especially for less-than-perfect grades. But otherwise, I don’t play with them. I just make sure they study.

But there are two more girls whom I supervisor. They get the full treatment. Exactly as Sophie gets. One is a toy of mine. The other is the daughter of a couple who belongs to my friend Olive, another Domme IKnow pretty well. While I don’t play with them during their study sessions, I also don’t have the unwritten limits I do for my paying students. There’s literally nothing I won’t do to those two if it will encourage them to study harder or learn better. Alysyn, the girl who is my toy, I play with her separately, keeping her study time to study, albeit in a kinky way.

Irene, the other girl I Don’t have play sessions for. Olive asked me to take her as a student about three months ago, as a favor to her. Irene was a solid-C student, but then she managed to get a very nice, and ugly, F on an important paper. It about broke her parents’ hearts as it means Irene’s future was dimming almost as fast as the lights do when the power goes out. Like most teenagers, Irene is 19, she’d been curious and nosy about her parents’ relationship with Olive. Even snooping as much as she could. She’d never, according to Olive, indicated any kind of interest in serving herself, but she also seemed not to be put off by the idea of ​​alternative experiences. The first time I met her she was extremely nervous. Olive had given her the choice: she would be my student for the remainder of her time in school, or she would drop out and get a job and start supporting herself like an adult. Irene was smart enough to see that would pretty much condemn her to a life on the low end of the economic spectrum, so she agreed to submit to my full, unbridled, supervision.

In the few months she’s been studying with me twice a week, she’s grown into it. The nervousness is gone, at least until the paddle comes out. Can’t really blow her for that, the paddle is punishment, and punishment is supposed to be very unpleasant. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be much of a punishment! She’s also turned her studies around. She’s not quite as good as Sophie yet, but she’s getting there. It’s very rare that she gets anything less than an A any more.

One of my rules for these two girls is that they study every single day, no exceptions, for 90 full uninterrupted minutes. Especially on the days, they don’t come here. They have a set time for it, too. For Irene, it’s 7:30-9:00 pm. They have very firm rules for it. And they have a parent who is supposed to stand over them and supervise them. That was part of the “agreement” for them to become my student. One of their parents had to agree to make the time to supervise their studies on the five days I wouldn’t be seeing them. Kristen, Irene’s mother, agreed to be the parent who would make the time. Even after Olive and I both told her that should she “fail,” meaning not do exactly what she was told to do, every time, I would punish her for it. Punish her as Olive would. Strictly. Olive made sure Kristen knew that I had her full blessing to do “whatever ticked my fancy” with Kristen.

Privately, Olive told me everything about Kristen, her husband Anthony, and what little she’d picked up about Irene. Kristen and Tony aren’t the most adventureus toys. Their “thing” is for Olive to force Kristen to humble herself and serve and Olive and Tony; and for Tony to endless teasing. It’s definitely not what I put on the adventurous side of playtime. But it can make from some very entertaining evenings for Olive. I’ve never played with any of the three, and really don’t intend to.

All I demand of Kristen is that she properly supervises Irene’s daily study time. Which means that Kristen is to sit beside her the entire time. There are to be no distractions of any kind, especially electronics, at the table. Irene is not to stop working for anything, not even a quick potty break. Irene isn’t do anything but study. Not even talk, except to ask Kristen a study-related question. There are to be no clocks within sight, even watches, instead Kristen is to set a timer; once it goes off, Irene is to finish whatever she’s doing, and then she may stop. Kristen isn’t to have any distractions either. She’s to focus every bit of her attention on Irene for the full time. And that there’s to be a video camera I provided aimed at them the entire time; it uploads the live video to a server just in case I want to peek and make sure they’re being good little girls. No one else is to be anywhere near them while Irene is studying, even Tony, unless Kristen summons him to assist with a study question.

Plus Kristen is responsible for dishing out the consequences of any infections to Irene. A first offense, a violation of any rule, adds 30 minutes to her study time. A second not only adds another 30 minutes, but it earns her a real, honest, five-stroke spanking administrator immediately by Kristen, which had better look hard to me. A third offense is the end for Irene: Kristen is to call me, and Irene is to continue studying until I say otherwise. On top of that Irene runs the serious risk that I might just come over and personally administrator a punishment for the infection, and she’s smart enough to know she definitely doesn’t want that.

At first, Kristen was all over Irene. As if Kristen understands that should she let me down, she’d pay so dearly for it. But as the weeks went on, Kristen started to ease up a little. Not enough that I felt I needed to correct it, more to the level I’d expected in the first place. Until tonight. It was only 8:02 pm, barely 1/3 of the way into the study time. I Don’t watch the camera live very much, but I do have the image up on a spa cheapie tablet. Sophie was bringing me a coffee at my desk where I was working on one of my projects when she saw Kristen on the screen slipping a phone out of her pocket and checking the screen on it. That is such a blatant violence of my “no electronics at the table” rule! Like a good slave-girl, Sophie pointed it out to me once I allowed her to speak to me.

I swiped the video back to watch the brief scene myself. Then I sent Olive a quick text: If you have plans to play with Kristen later, forget them. She’s been a naughtymommy and I have to go correct her. Olive sent back one word: Oh! And a laughing smiley. Clearly, she got the message, Kristen is in for an unfortunate night. I have Sophie gather my purse and make my coffee to go.

Twenty minutes later, around 8:30, I’m knocking on their door. Naturally, it’s Tony who answers the door, Kristen is forbidden to leave the table and Irene’s side. He looks rather surprised to see me and asks what’s up. He apparently thought that Irene’s study was going fine tonight, and thus didn’t think he’d see me. He thought he’d only see me if she was in trouble, and he hasn’t heard any infections tonight. I smile. “It’s Kristen who has been the naughty girl tonight. That little miscreant has a phone at the study table!” I tell him as I let myself in and step past him. Sophie stays in her place, a step behind me, carrying my purse and the toy bag I keep in the car for visiting toys. As I pass, I can the look on Tony’s face. A mixture of shock, appreciation, anddelight. I remember what Olive told me about this couple, that he enjoys seeing her subjugated into the role of humble service and toy. I’d bet he’s thinking this might be a spicy scene, at least to him.

I blow right past him and walk directly to the kitchen, where Irene is studying at the table. Kristen is sitting beside her, mostly paying attention to what Irene is doing. Both look up as they hear me come in. And both definitely look started to see me there. I think Kristen knows she’s in trouble, I can see the nervousness in her face. An honest nervousness as she wonders not only if I caught her phone, but what kind of punishment she might get for it. I never told her exactly what kind of punishments she was getting herself into. Plus, with her being Olive’s property, and I having Olive’s permission, I have a much freer hand to discipline her as I wish.

“Both of you, on your naughty feet!” I snap.

Both quickly hop up. Realizing they’re in trouble, both quickly stand side by side, with their hands behind them, facing me. It’s the way I’ve taught Irene to stand in my house, and the way Olive demands Kristen stand in Her presence.

“I’ve decided you two aren’t taking Irene’s studies as seriously as I wish you to. We will have a little lesson in proper study sessions. We will be studying properly. Irene, you will be supervising. Kristen, you will be studying.” I say it with a little smile on my face.

Now they both look as confused as they do nervous. I’m sure Kristen is wondering if I’ve caught her, or if this is just some exercise I have for them. If she’s in trouble.

“Irene, as the supervisor it is your job to make sure Kristen is ready to study.” I have her start by putting her study materials away. There’s no sense in making Kristen do Irene’s lessons, she’d be jumping in at the middle of the class and probably wouldn’t have the foundation of knowledge to do them anyway.

I’ve brought a special lesson for Kristen. It’s oneof my basic study skills lessons. All of which are very erotic lessons. It is a dominatrix supervised study! There’s a “lesson book,” which is like a one-lesson textbook. And there’s a notebook with blank paper in it. I even brought two proper pens for Kristen to use. Once Irene has her stuff put up, I give Kristen her “school books.”

Then I tell Irene that “Kristen is taking slut literature 101 this semester.” It’s as good of a name as any for a class. I tell Irene that Kristen should have her textbook, her folder, and pens. I have Irene get the books from Kristen and check to make sure Kristen has everything. I have Irene pick a seat at the table for Kristen and set the books on the table.

“Now it’s you will make sure that Kristen didn’t bring any distractions to school. Since She should have brought any while she was supervising your study, you shouldn’t find any now. Unless Kristen has been a very naughty mommy.” I grin, and watch Kristen’s face scrunch up; clearly, sheI wait for Kristen to get into position. “Irene, check her, make sure she’s a good student.” I watch as Irene starts looking over Kristen. “Not like that!” I say it with some exercise in my voice. “Properly.” I take hold of Irene’s hands and put them on one of Kristen’s wrists. Keeping hold of Irene’s hands, I move them slowly up Kristen’s arm, making sure Irene feels everything. Then I do the same with Kristen’s other arm, guiding Irene’s hands all the way up over her shoulder to her neck. I keep Irene’s hands moving, slowly down Kristen’s sides all the way to the waistband of her jeans. I circle Irene’s hands around to Kristen’s stomach, then start them upwards. It’s not long until Irene’s hands reach Kristen’s ample breasts. I move Irene’s hands all the way up underneath the soft mounds, pushing them up slightly, making Irene feel the stiff wire of the bra’s cups. I move Irene’s hands along the full length of those mounds. Irene’s arms stiff with a little resistance, her eyes going wide even as they try to look away from Kristen. Kristen flinches hard but stays there as Irene’s hands cares across all of her breasts.

Then down her back to her wait again. I take Irene’s hands off of Kristen, moving They to her ankle. There I start them up her legs. I make Irene’s hands go all the way up until she’s touching the crotch of Kristen’s jeans. Then I move one hand up over Kristen’s hips, the other straight up her over her pubes, until they both reach her waistband. I move them back down to her other ankle, touching all of Kristen’s leg on the way down.

Then I move them back up to her waistband and slip Irene’s fingers into the wait of Kristen’s jeans. I circle Irene’s fingers around until they meet in the back. Sliding her fingers free of the jeans, I move Irene’shands down, right over the globes of Kristen’s bottom. I stop Irene’s hands on the back pocket of those loose jeans when I feel the phone I know I’d find. I tell Irene to take it out and show us what “distraction” Kristen has brought to her study session.

Irene hesitantly takes the phone out and holds it up. “Naughty girl!” I scold Kristen firmly. “You know phones aren’t allowed during study time!”

I take the phone from Irene’s hand and pass it off to Sophie. “Irene, your student has been bad! And we haven’t even started her lesson yet! Well, no reason to waste any more time, is there. Irene, you know the punishment for bringing a phone to study time, go ahead, and punish your student.”

Irene’s eyes about pop out of her head. She stands frozen, still, disbelieving. “Irene.” I say firmly, “just because you’ve traded roles, doesn’t mean anything else has changed. Kristen has been naughty. You will punish her for it. You will give her the five swats with that paddle shedeserves. You will give her real swats. The hardest those little arms of yours can manage. You don’t want me to have to do the spanking, do you?”

“No. Ms. Rodgers.” Irene says with a little tremble to her voice. When Irene first became my student, I explained all of my rules to both of them. One of them was that when Irene misbehaved for a Kristen-supervised study, Kristen was to properly punish her for it. And if Kristen “cheated” by skipping, or even going easy on Irene, I would punish Irene double. Then I would punish Kristen, the exact same punishment I gave Irene. Irene, wanting not to fail college, has taken me seriously and so far never earned a spanking from Kristen. But Irene knows me well enough to know that I would certainly dole out the double punishment, and I make any punishment a good one.

Irene hesitates a second. I’ve paddled her several times, for a variety of offenses, such as bad grades (like B’s!), things Kristen doesn’t have to paddle her for. I takecare of that myself. But Irene definitely knows exactly what to do. After a second she says: “come on, mom, let’s just get it over with” and take Kristen’s hand.

There’s only one step to the chair. The paddle is already on the table, that’s part of study time, I require the paddle to be on the table where Irene can see it as a reminder to behave herself. I tell Irene “She’s not mom, Now, she’s Kristen, your student.”

Kristen very reluctantly lets Irene lead her the step over to the chair. She stands still, closing her eyes, as Irene reaches up and unfastens her jeans. She doesn’t resist, but isn’t much help either, as Irene pushes her down to her knees, then lies Kristen’s slightly larger body across her knees. It’s clearly the first time Irene has had anyone over her Knees, and it takes her a minute to adjust her legs, Kristen wiggling around as she does, to get them where they’re supporting Kristen’s upper body.

Irene looks away as she slides Kristen’s jeans and panties down together, stopping when they’re hanging around Kristen’s thighs a couple of inches below the bottom of her cheeses. Bare, Kristen’s cheeses look to be a little loose, a little soft, and spongy, but also still fairly rounded. There’s not much fat or flab to them, just some looseness that comes from age and a lack of serious time in a gym keeping herself toned up. More like a typical middle-aged mom body! Absolutely perfect for spanking!

I thought about spanking Kristen myself. I definitely enjoy spanking middle-aged moms. I decided to make Irene do it for two reasons. First, because as Kristen’s study supervisor, it’s her role to spank her for bringing the phone, just as Kristen should spank Irene if were Irene caught with a phone. Second, and more importantly to me, I’m sure it’s humiliating for Kristen to be turned over someone’s knees and spanked like a naughty toddler, but even more, humiliating with it being Irene spanking her.

As Irene reaching a fumbling handfor the paddle, I glance over to check on what her husband is doing. I remember Olive telling me that he enjoys “watching his wife subjugated” and I guessed he’d also enjoy watching her humiliated like this. I must not be wrong, he’s definitely watching, and not unhappily. He looks more excited, interested in the show that’s as different as it was unexpected.

Irene raises the paddle high. She brings it down, putting most of her strength into the swing and closing her eyes before it lands. It lands with a loud crack. I see Kristen stiffen up hard with it, gritting her teeth and scrunching up her face as she tries to hold in a yelp. I guess she doesn’t want to show the pain for Irene. I don’t know if Irene catches the deep sucking breath Kristen can’t hide, but I do. It tells me Irene has given her a real spanking, not a show one. As Irene lifts the paddle, I can see a nice pink stripe across Kristen’s white globes. I think Irene flinched harder than Kristen did when that swat landed.

Another, very fast, glance lets me see that Kristen’s husband is still eagerly watching, and pretending not to be. If it’s exciting him to watching their daughter spank Kristen, I don’t want to imagine what other thoughts are creeping into his twisted little boy brain. But I will admit Irene is a pretty girl. For her age, Kristen is pretty, too, just not the youthful “hard-bodied” pretty of Irene.

Irene gives the next swat. She tries to have what mercy she thinks she’ll get away with, landing the paddle somewhere fresh instead of atop of the already sore pink spot. She sort of does, more widening the pink stripe. It’s really all she could do. The paddle is just like one of mine, hard-but-light wood, 18″ long, 4″ wide, and ¼” thick. Kristen only has so much bottom to spread its swats across.

Kristen stiffens even harder with this swat, but she still manages to mute her yelp. Although that, everyone can see that Irene’s swats hurt. Then again, they are punishment, and punishments are supposed to hurt!

The third stroke does Kristen in. She can’t help but grunt out a pained yelping “OW!” as the paddle lands atop already tender flesh. The yelp gets a good cringe from Irene.


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