Author’s Note — Students Rule II is the sequel to Students Rule and deals with the 2nd year of Ms. Virginia Lee’s ‘adventures.’ It is written as a stand alone story of multiple chapters and includes a short prologue intended to provide a very brief overview and bridge from one story to the next.
* Prologue *
For Ms. Virginia Lee, the last school year went out like a lion, only to see the ensuring year come in like a lamb. The main event — at least from a professional standpoint — was the sudden resignation of the school’s Principal. Only a few people — namely she and six graduating seniors — knew the real reason; his inability to come to grips with his subservient relationships with Ms. Lee, his Mistress, and Suzie Connors, a student. Ultimately this moral dilemma proved too much for him to bear, prompting his sudden decision to resign and leave the area.
Ms. Lee, on the other hand, had no such moral reservations. So when the school board decided to take a chance and offer the soon to be 34-year-old the position of Principal, she immediately accepted.
On the personal side, the beginning of summer break saw a continuation of Ms. Lee’s new found sexual subservice; a trait that had not existed in the previously dominant woman until Ross Moran put his blackmail scheme into action. The result of Ross’s scheme was a series of embarrassing and humiliating sexual experiences for Virginia. To her great surprise, she’d loved every minute of them.
The realm of her subservice eventually expanded to include Suzie Connors — the first woman she’d ever been with — and four other male students. The final few weeks of the school year had been a sexual whirlwind, and the whirlwind had continued right on into the summer.
Eventually, what with jobs, vacations and new Girlfriends, the other four had stopped coming around. Ross and Suzie, on the other hand, continued calling on her right up until they left for college. She’d seen Suzie, who was attending college about an hour away, three times during the fall semester. Ross — who was halfway across the country — she’d seen not at all.
* * *
Chapter One — A New Master
Ms. Virginia Lee sat in her office, staring absent-mindedly at the wall opposite her desk. It was a Friday morning in early January, the last day of the first week back from Christmas vacation. As they frequently were at times like these, her thoughts were on Ross Moran and Suzie Connors. She nervously uncrossed and re-crossed her legs.
She took a deep breath, turning to the pile of papers on her desk, when the e-mail symbol popped up in the lower corner of her monitor. She automatically brought up her e-mail package, checking both the subject and sender of the new e-mail. She didn’t recognize the address and the subject said simply ‘Instructions.’
She very nearly sent it to the spam folder unopened. But there was something about it — call it intuition — that persuaced her to open it. The message read as follows:
‘Remove the bag from the bottom left part of your bookcase. After reviewing the contents, reply to this e-mail with your understanding of the enclosed instructions.’
It was signed ‘Your New Master.’
She sat there silently, rereading the message. Finally — showing very little emotion — she rose to her feet and moved to the bookcase. The bag was exactly where indicated. She removed it and returned to her desk.
There was a large envelope in the bag, along with a smaller one. There was also a camera with an expandable tripod attached, and an instruction manual for its use. She removed the camera first, looked it over and set it aside.
Next, she removed the larger envelope, already guessing its contents. There was a note across its front. It said simply:
‘The enclosed were given to me by Ross Moran over the Christmas holidays. I believe they are self-explanatory.’
She opened the envelope, pulling out a dozen pictures. They were all of her, either alone or with someone. In all of them she was in an exposed or embarrassing situation. In none of them was she dressed. It was the ones of her and Ted Thomas — the former Principal — that had suddenly and completely changed her life last spring.
She carefully put the pictures back into the envelope and slide the envelope into her briefcase.
Next, she picked up the smaller envelope. Unlike the larger envelope, there was no writing on this one. She opened it, pulled out the enclosed sheet of paper, unfolded it, and began to read.
‘Virginia. Once you examine the pictures in the larger envelope, you’ll realize that I have, indeed, talked with Ross and that I do have all of the pictures. I’m sure you’ll see that any hold he had over you, I also have. Be advised that I intended to take full advantage of the situation. Before I reveal myself, however, it will be necessary for you to demonstrate your obedience.
‘Sometimetoday — while still in your office — you are to remove your suit jacket, blouse and skirt. Then you will remove your bra and panties, placing them both in the bag. You are to leave your nylons and shoes on. While in this state of undress you will take several pictures of yourself. The pictures must completely reveal all of your intimate parts without concealing your identity. To accomplish this, you may wish to use the cameras delayed timer. Instructions for its use are also in the bag. After you have finished you are to get dressed — without the bra and panties. Please note that the pictures must demonstrate to me that they were indeed taken in your office.
‘You are then to place the camera and all attachments in the bag with your bra and panties and take them to locker 197. The locker will be unlocked and empty. Place the bag in the locker, close and lock it, and return to your office.
‘I will check the locker at 2:35 PM sharp. If you have followed my instructions exactly, I will e-mail you with further instructions BEFORE you leave school today.
‘If you have not followed my instructions, I will be very unhappy. Trust me, it is definitely in your best interest that I do not become unhappy. Please reply to my e-mail to confirm your understanding of these instructions.’
It was signed ‘Your Master.’
She read the letter twice before stuffing it back into the envelope and placing it in her briefcase beside the larger one. Then she took a deep breath.
“How did he get in here?” she blurted out suddenly. She finished the thought silently. ‘It had to be this morning. After all, he knew what I was wearing.’ Then she dismissed the thought. At the moment, ‘how’ wasn’t really the issue. She looked at the clock. 10:30 AM. She had 4 hours.
She rose to her feet and began pacing the floor as she worked her way through her emotions.
She was nervous; that was a given. Maybe even scared. After all, if she were caught carrying out hisorders, she’d lose everything.
She examined the hold he had on her. If anything, it was even stronger than the hold Ross had last year. After all, Ross had only her relationship with the former Principal, while her new master had that, along with pictures of her with six members of last years senior class. Ignoring him wasn’t an option.
She stopped suddenly in her tracks as the obvious hit her. She didn’t want to ignore him! She didn’t want to find a loophole in his evidence that would help her escape! She’d completely given in to her position last year, and the truth was that she’d loved every humiliating and degrading moment of it!
In point of fact, she’d missed her Masters and had no problem at all taking on a new one. The only real issue was the risk he was making her take. After she did what he asked, she’d try to talk to him about that.
She returned to her desk and hit the reply button.
* * *
She looked at the clock. The lunch bell would ringin 10 minutes. She reviewed her logic, searching for a flaw. She found none.
Her first thought had been to take the pictures during a normal class period. This option carried a low probability of student disruption, but a reasonably high possibility of staff disruption. After all, Barbie — the twenty-one year old airhead who’d replaced Connie as the office secretary this year — was prone to barging into her office Without notice.
On the other hand, however, she saw almost no possibility of staff interruption during the lunch period. This more than compensated for the slightly higher possibility of student disruption. Overall, the odds of five minutes of privacy definitely favored the lunch hour. And five minutes was all she needed.
She picked up the camera, adjusted the timer for a ten second delay, and pressed the button. It worked flawlessly. She deleted the test picture, screwed the camera back onto the tripod, and set it in the corner.
Everything wasready. She’d wait for the lunch bell, and then wait ten more minutes. Then she’d begin.
* * *
She looked at her watch. Time! She got to her feet, moved to her office door and peered out. The outer office was empty. She closed and locked the door.
She slide off her suit jacket as she moved away from the door and immediately started on the buttons of her white bloom. The bloom was quickly discarded as she went to work on the skirt. A moment later it, too, was cast aside. She reached behind her back and unclasped the bra. She slip it off quickly, shoving it into the waiting bag. Seconds later her panties joined it.
She moved quickly to the corner, grabbed the camera and tripod and moved them to the center of the room. She set it up in the predetermined spot and aimed it at her office desk. Nervously, she fumbled with the settings, pressed the button, and hurried to assume her first pose.
She leaned over the desk — her ass pointed directly at the camera –grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them aside. She then looked back over her should and waited.
And waited. And waited.
“Damn it!” she cursed, a little louder then she should have. She stood up and rushed back to the camera. There was sweat dripping from her face as she nervously reset the camera.
Once again she pressed the button and hurried to assume her position. This time it worked.
“Alright!” she said as she hurried back to prepare for the next shot.
The rest of the shots went off without a hit. All in all, there were four pictures — the one of her ass, in addition to one of her full front, one of her tits, and one of her pussy with the lips spread wide.
When the last of the shots was taken she grabbed the camera. She quickly reviewed the pictures in the viewer to satisfy herself that They were ok, and grabbed her blouse.
The blouse was on and buttoned, and she was reaching for her skirt, when she heard the knocking on her office door.
She frozen briefly, before coming to her senses.
“Just a moment,” she said as she slip the skirt up her legs. Hastily, she tucked the blouse into the skirt and zipped and buttoned the skirt.
Then she took a deep breath to steady herself and opened the door. It was Cori Goodman, an English Literature teacher.
“Hi, Cori. What can I do for you,” she asked, her deep southern accent not quite covering her nervousness.
Cori started to open her mouth, but stopped as her eyes took in the sight before her.
“Is something wrong, Cori?”
Miss Goodman jumped, shaken from her daze. “No,” she stammered, her eyes moving from the Principal’s blouse to her face. “It’s just that . .” She hesitated. “Maybe I should come back.”
With that, the young teacher turned and hurried from the office, ignoring her boss’s questions.
Virginia watched Miss Goodman anxious away before pushing the door closed and locking it. It wasn’t until she saw her reflection in apicture that realized what a sight she was. Her blouse was only partially tucked in, sticking out haphazardly from the back and side. But what was worse — much worse — was the sheerness of her blouse. It was nearly see through, and her erect nipples were clearly visible.
“Damn it,” she swore as she re-tucked her blouse and slide on her suit jacket. Satisfied with her appearance, she quickly disassembled the camera and tripod, stuffing them into the bag with her bra and panties.
* * *
It was shortly after 1:00 PM when she delivered the bag to locker 197. Afterwards she returned to her office and tried to go about her normal schedule. Her thoughts, however, kept reliving the day’s events, while her body dreamed about what was yet to come.
The e-mail came at 4:25 PM.
‘7:00 tonight. Your attire for the evening is already laid out on your bed. You are to wear that and only that.’
As with the last e-mail, it was signed ‘Your Master.’
* * *
Ms. Lee arrived home at 5:15 PM. She hastily deposited her briefcase and pursuit on the foyer floor and headed for the bedroom. There on her bed lay a black silk robe. Beside it were her black siletto shoes. There was nothing else.
A twining ran through her body as she stood there, knowing how she’d look in the ensemble. With an excited nervousness, she began removing her clothes. A few moments later she was naked.
She picked up the robe, holding it to her body. The sheer feel of the fine fabric sent goosebumps over her body. She slipped it on, then moved to the shoes.
Once they were on, she moved to the full-length mirror. She looked at the figure in the mirror. The sheerness of the robe, while concealing some of her, did little to disguise the state of her aroused nipples. And although the garment was held closed by a sash, there simply wasn’t enough material to adequately cover the cleavage of her 34D breasts.
She turned sideways, taking in her legs. She smiled. Theywere nice legs, made to look all the nicer by the tall high-heeled shoes. The fact that the robe was barely long enough to cover her ass didn’t escape her notice, either. She bent over slightly. As expected, the robe rod up her ass, revealing the last of her treasures.
She showed as she straightened up, removed the robe and lay it across her bed. Then she removed the shoes and headed for the bathroom.
She started the bath water and, without dressing, returned to the foyer. She picked up her previously disclosed purse and briefcase, putting them in their proper places before heading to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine. She then returned to the bedroom to pick up her cast aside work clothes. Finally, she returned to her bath.
Dispite her aroused state, she avoided the temptation to bring herself off. It would be so much better, she knew, if she waited.
* * *
She was ready by 6:45 PM, just in case he was early. He wasn’t.
It was approaching 7:30 PM. She was nervously pacing the living room floor when she finally heard the key sliding into the front door lock. She stopped in her tracks, turning towards the door.
She knew him instantly. After all, everyone in the school knew Brian Bitner, runner-up in the wrestling state championships as a junior. Brian may have only been 5’4″ tall, but he was built like a rock. He was quite an imposing young man, height be damned.
He entered her home confidently, swinging the door closed behind him. He carried a small duffel bag that he set down in the foyer before turning and making his way directly towards the waiting woman.
When he stood before her, he couldn’t help but notice the difference in their height. But at his height, dealing with taller people — even taller women — was normal. In point of fact, he’d come to like it that way. And with the siletto heels he’d selected for her adding another four inches to her 5’8″ frame, there was certainly a lot to like!
“YouDid good,” he smiled. “The pictures came out beautifully and I could smell your arousal on your panties.” He reached his hand out to lightly stroke her cheek, before letting it drift down her neck and onto her chest. But he withdraw it before it reached her breasts.
“Even as I can see your excitement now,” he added as his eyes drifted to the erect nipples pressing against her robe.
“Thank you, sir,” she replied. Her insides were churning as he inspected her. She was, in fact, quite excited. She was also pleased that she hadn’t disappointed him.
Brian moved behind the older woman. He placed his hands on her shoulders, squeezed lightly and slide his hands down her arms. He then reached around her waist, untied the sash and pulled off the robe, tossing it over a neary chair.
He pulled a short piece of rope from his pocket. The rope already had a loop on each end tied with a slipknot. He slipped a loop over each hand and slide the knots snuggly to her wrists.
Then he stepped back and paused, admiring her naked backside. Damn, but the heels made her ass and legs look good!
“Turn around,” he ordered after a moment. She obeyed without a word.
She stood there quietly, towering over the shorter boy. As school Principal, she was the authority. And at 34 years of age, she was the mature one. He was nothing but an 18-year-old student, insignificant beside her age and wisdom. Yet he was fully clothed while she — but for her shoes — stood naked before him, her hands tied securely behind her back. She was helpless. She was powerless. She was putty in his hands. And she was so horny she could scream!
His eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that frightened her. “I thought the pictures were something,” he said softly. “But They pale next to the real thing.”
He stepped closer, reaching out to squeeze her breasts — the breasts that now belonged to him.
The instant his hands touched her she moaned softly, biting her lower lip and closing her eyes. As he stepped towards her, pressing her breasts into her chest, she had no choice but to retreat. And as he kept pushing against her, she kept retreating until finally, she felt the wall pressing against her backside. There was no place further to go.
He looked at her breasts as he squeezed them. He could hear her moaning and feel her squirming as he pinned her to the wall and mauled her tits.
Ms. Virginia Lee throw her head against the wall, moaning as he attacked her bosom. She could feel him squeezing and rubbing her, and she could feel him pinching her nipples. And then, just when she thought she could take it no more, he released the orbs.
She felt his hands moving away from her breasts, his left taking hold of her neck and pinning it to the wall while his right slid down to her pussy. She jumped when his two fingers entered her, nearly cuming on the spot. But he sensed her excitement and withdraw quickly.
He looked into her eyesand smiled. “You’d like to cum now, wouldn’t you?” he asked softly.
She nodded anxiously but said nothing,
“I said in a harder voice, pushing just a bit on her neck.
“Yes, sir,” she gasped, nodding her head quickly.
He placed his right hand on her left hip, sliding it slowly down to her thigh and back up to her side. Then he shook his head. “Not yet,” he whispered, once again smiling.
He held her against the wall with his left hand while his right hand wandered freely over her body. From one breast to the other, from her stomach to her hips, then back to her breasts. He squeezed her and he ticked her as she understood against the wall amid a series of gasps and moans. He allowed his hand to pass close to her pussy, but he did Not touch her there and he did not allow her to cum.
Finally, after taking her to the very edge of sanity, he released her. She nearly fell over, her wobbly legs only barely able to support her own weight.But he gave her no time to recover as he grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her into the middle of the room.
“On your knees,” he barked.
She obeyed quickly, her breaths coming in short, wanton gasps. He stared at her for a moment before moving around behind her. She heard the sound of his clothes coming off, but she kept her gaze straight ahead, knowing she hadn’t been given permission to move. And she waited.
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