She wakes and looks at the clock. It is 8:35 a.m. It is Friday, her free day. She rolls over to find a note on the pillow next to her. She reads the note:
Dear Student,
You have an assignment to complete today. You will find it on the entry table. Be at your desk promptly at 6 p.m. Remember that dress codes are strictly enforced in my class. Be dressed in your proper school Attire and have your assignment completed. There will be an inspection of both you and your homework.
Head Master
Reading the note both thrills her and fills her with angst. She knows that his assignments can be trying at times. He knows all of her fears and insecurities and sometimes uses them to her disadvantage. Perhaps the fear is part of the thrill.
She goes downstairs to find the workbook and her pencil box resting on top of her book bag.
Picking up the workbook,
“Great! Math,” she says, thinking he knows how much she hate it.
Opening the workbook, she sees a note inserted between the pages:
Complete pages 35-45.
Head Master
She turns to the assigned pages, “Fractions!”
She hears her cell phone ringing upstairs and races to answer it. However, it goes to voice mail before she can get to it. She picks up the phone and sees that it is from him.
She retrieves the message: “Don’t try getting out of the assignment. I expect it to be done when I see you at 6.”
She set the alarm on the phone for 1 and 4:30 p.m., and then continues with her day.
When the first alarm goes off, she heads to the bedroom with her workbook in hand and climbs onto the bed. She turns on her computer, reads her e-mail, looks at her Facebook page, checks IM, re-checks her e-mail and surfs a couple of web sites, and before she knows it, 40 minutes have passed.
Pulling her hair into a ponytail, she opens the workbook. Turning to her assignment, she gets a pencil from the pencil box and begins. The first set of problems goes fairly well, then they gets more difficult. She turns to the back of the workbook to see if there are answers to the problems. There are! She searches the pages only to find that he has removed the ones with the answers she needs.
Again, she checks her e-mail, hoping that he will send mail telling her of alternative plans for this evening. Nothing!
Sighing, she turns her attention back to the problems in the book. As she struggles with the problems, the frustration begins to build. She grinds her eraser down to a nub, eliminating what she believes are mistakes and then she tries again. Between problems, she checks her e-mail. Maybe this time, he will have e-mailed her. Again nothing.
The second alarm goes off. It is 4:30 p.m., and she has a little more then half the assignment completed. However, she knows it is more important to be at her desk at 6, ready for class than to have the assignment completed. Moreover, if she hurriesshe can work on it after she is shown and dressed.
Putting the workbook aside, she lays out her outfit for this evening: Tartan pleated skirt, primarily dark green; white bloom with the school crest, white knee socks, brown-and-white saddle shoes, white cotton boy shorts, a simple white bra and a dark green cardigan sweater.
The outfit had been purchased at a uniform store in authentic school colors of a local Catholic school. He had sent her to the uniform store with a list of items to buy. He had instructed her to ask for assistance from the sales staff, and she had been required to explain that the outfit was for her. She remembers her embarrassment and arousal as she asked for assistance and his smile, later that evening, when she told him of the experience. He had prayed her and called her “good girl.” The thought of his Praise for following his instructions puts a smile on her face and warmth between her legs.
Removing her clothes, she climbs into the shower. She washes her hair and body and then begins to shake her pussy. She generally holds every other day as he enjoys a smooth pussy and therefore there isn’t much to shake. She applies a general amount of shaving cream to her pussy between her legs. Taking the razor in hand, she strokes it against the hair growth. In a few strokes, she has removed the shaving cream. Applying more shaving cream, she makes a second pass with the razor; she wants to be very smooth for him. Perhaps it will make up for the incomplete assignment.
She shuts off the water and grabs a towel. She dries her body and gently pats her pussy dry. Exiting the shower, she gets a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She loves having a smooth pussy. Taking a bottle of baby oil from the counter, she applies some oil to her pussy lips to soothe them. As she applies it, she feels herself becomes wet and her clip swells. She achieves to come. However, she knows she should wait for this evening. She dries her hair and pullsit into a ponytail.
Pulling on the boy shorts, she feels the soft clothes against her smooth skin. In the mirror, she can see the faith outline of her pussy under the clothes. Next, she puts on the bra and the blouse and then the skirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she puts on her socks and shoes.
She looks at the clock; it is only 5:10. She has 50 minutes to do the rest of the assignment.
She lays across the bed on her belly, propped up on her elbows with her work spread out in front of her. This is also her favorite position for getting fucked by him. The power of his presence hovers over her with his hands in her hair or around her throat, each of his thrusts forcing himself into her deep and hard.
She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she is reminded how young she can look and of the time at the Folsom Street Fair when several people had asked if she was interested in age play. The attention she garnered from others reinforced his desire for her.When they’d returned home that afternoon, he had simply taken her as they entered the loft. No words. He had just fucked her. That was the first of many times that he would fuck her in a plaid skirt.
Lying there on the bed kicking her feet, she thinks that perhaps she should disobey him and let him catch her here in the bedroom. Perhaps he would find her so cute and scholastic that he would just take her there. Fuck her, use her and release her from the assignment.
She hears the front door open and someone enters. He is home. It is 5:55 p.m., and she waits for him to come upstairs. A few minutes pass and he has yet to come upstairs. She realizes that he is not going to. She throws her sweater on, picks up her workbook and pencil case and places them in her book bag and races downstairs to beat the bell.
As she flies down the stairs, the bell begins to ring. She enters the classroom, and sees him seated at his desk. The bell goes silent just before she slides her buttinto her desk. She quickly places her book-bag under her seat and comes to attention.
“Tardy. Not a very good way to start class.” he scolds, as he pulls out his roll book.
“I was trying to finish up.”
“No excuses. What time are you supposed to be at your desk?” he asks as he writes something in the roll book.
“6 p.m. Sir.” she replies.
“Yes. 6 p.m. Not 6:01. Not 6:00:01. 6 p.m. sharp. I expect better from you. This has been noted in your permanent record. Do not let it happen again.”
“It will not happen again, Sir,” she replies.
She adjusts herself in her seat, taking care to sit up straight.
Their desks face each other, separated by about 6 feet. He is seated at a large wooden desk and she at an old wooden school desk.
He clears his voice.
“Please bring up your assignment,” he says.
Retrieving the workbook from her book bag, she walks over to his desk and hands it to him. Taking off her sweater, she returns to her desk, placing her sweater over the chair back before taking her seat.
He pulls the answer sheets from his briefcase and begins checking her work. With a red pen, he marks up her assignment.
“Seems you have issues with some of the problems,” he says.
She pulls a tube of lip-gloss out of her book bag. As she applies the gloss, he looks up from her workbook, and she parts her legs as she squirms in her seat. It’s not much of a peek, but she knows this has caught his attention.
He stands, with the workbook in hand and walks to the back of the room. She tracks him with her eyes as he walks, craning her neck in order to keep him in view.
As he turns, he snaps, “Eyes forward.”
She quickly straightens up and looks straight ahead.
She hears him walking towards her. Nervous, she fidgets with her hair, and with the faith scent of his clean skin, she feels his presence.
She is started by the sound of the workbook slapping onto the desk. He places one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the desk and leans down, placing his face a few inches away from hers. As she turns toward him, she must lean back to avoid brushing against him.
“I am very disappointed in you. You had all day to complete 10 pages. What is that, 20 problems? Yet you completed only just over half, and a third of those are wrong!”
She looks down at the desk as he admonishes her. She knows that she has failed. However, she is forced to reposition herself as she feels the warmth of arousal begin between her legs. If she had completed the assignment, he would have tried her. His prayer would have made her happy and would have also resulted in her arousal.
“I just ran out of time. I spent over 3 hours,” she replies.
“Perhaps you should have spent 6 hours on your assignment instead of wasting time surfing the Internet and checking your e-mail every 10 minutes,” he scolds her.
He stands. Turning his back on her, he walks back to hisdesk. He turns towards her and leans back as he sits on the edge of his desk.
His voice has softened and taken on a tone of concern.
“I know you don’t lack the intelligence to solve these problems. You just need the confidence and discipline to solve them. I have nothing planned for this evening. We can just stay here until you finish the assignment.”
She huffs.
Returning to his seat, he retrieves a newspaper from his briefcase. She looks at him, puzzled.
“Finish your assignment.” He buries his face in the paper.
She opens the workbook and take out a pencil. She did have trouble with the assignment. She opens the workbook and begins to work on the problems. As she struggles, she huffs and puffs, attempting to gain his attention. However, he ignores her.
This frustrates her even more. She wants his attention. Good or bad, that is what she craves. His attention. A hug, a kiss, a slap, his cock. It doesn’t matter. His lack of attention is the greatest punishment she can imagine.
She clears her throat in an attempt to gain his attention. Nothing. Again, she clears it.
He looks over his newspaper, “Yes.”
“I am having trouble with one of the word problems.”
“Come up here. Let’s have a look.”
Rising, she makes sure to flash him some white from between her legs.
As she walks over to him, he folds up His paper and places it on the desk. She places her workbook on the desk and opens it to the problem she is working on. Leaning over, her hair falls forward. Her fidgeting has left her ponytail loose. Removing the scrunchy from her hair, she straightens her posture and tips her head back to gather her hair into a ponytail.
As she finishes, she sees him looking up at her. She smiles, and there is a strangely awkward moment between them. Is this just a game?
She leans down, positioning herself on her elbows. This causes her back to arch and forces her ass out, hiking up her skirt in back.
“What problem is giving you trouble?”
“This one,” she points to the problem in the workbook. “It is the word problems I hate.”
“Read it aloud to me.”
“Do I have to?”
She is nervous but she begins to read.
“Kathy is riding her bicycle on the bike trail around the lake. She rides 25 minutes and travels 8 1/3 miles.”
As she reads, he places his hand on the inside of her thigh. She stammers with his touch and then retains her composition.
“She takes a 10-minute rest and then rides another 50 minutes and covers 14 1/2 miles.”
Glancing down, she sees his eyes. Those eyes. The ones that show compassion and concern when needed and flash “you will be sucking my cock later” when they are out for the evening. This evening, his eyes are the strict and stern. With his glance, she feels her pussy becomes wet.
“Continue,” he says.
She clears her voice. “What was her average speed for…”
A lack of attention can be detected in her voice.
“Is there a problem?” he asks as he slides his hand up her thigh.
“No. Sir,” she continues with the reading.
“What was her average speed for the entire trip in miles per hour? Include the time she rested”
She feels his hands just barely touching the cotton covering her pussy. She responds by slightly rolling her hips, pressing his hand into her, and she can feel her arousal increase and she begins to throb.
Her thoughts flow from reading the problem to wanting him to fuck her and release her from the task at hand, wanting him to push her belly flat to the desk and take her from behind.
He slowly pushes her shorts aside, and she feels the rush of cool air and the warm probing of his finger.
“I want you read it again. Slower this time. Stop at each number and circle it.”
Her face has become flushed but, obediently, she starts to read the problem again.
“Kathy is riding her bicycle on the bike…”
She feels himinsert two fingers deeper into her and begin to grind her g-spot. She pushes back, opening herself up to him. Again, all she can think is fuck me, take me.
“Aumm.” She clears her voice and continues.
“trail around the lake. She rides 25 minutes.” She stops reading.
“OK. There are 25 minutes,” he says. “Now circle the 25.”
She circles the 25 and continues reading.
He inserts a third finger into her.
“and travels 8 1/3 miles.” She stops.
“Now, circle 8 1/3 miles.”
She complies and her breathing increases as she continues to read.
“She takes a 10-minute rest.” She stops. “OK, should I circle this?”
“What did I say?” he says.
“I just don’t know if it matters,” she says as she circles the 10.
“And then rides another 50 minutes.” she stops.
“Ok. Circle the 50 minutes.” He circles her clip with his thumb.
“And covers 14 1/2 miles.” She stops and circles the 14 1/2 miles.
She finishes reading the problemand turn towards him and in a whispery voice, she says, “I think I am getting it.”
“Yes.” She moans.
“Good.” He withdraws his fingers. “Then you won’t mind doing the problem at the whiteboard.”
With his words and the withdrawal of his fingers, her heart sinks and her stomach churns.
He pushes back in his chair. “Yes. To the board, please. I will read the problem to you.”
He reaches into his desk and retrieves a box of whiteboard pens and hands them to her. She takes them, then walks to the board.
“Wait,” he says.
She turns around, hoping that he has taken his cock out for her to suck.
He retrieves a whiteboard eraser from his desk and hands it to her.
“In case you make a mistake.”
She feels hurt. Grabbing the eraser, she turns from him and walks off in a huff, skirt and ponytail swaying with her ass. Again, “fuck me” fills her mind.
She goes to the board which is full of notes and equations. She starts erasing it. She feels him watching her as her body swings and swways as she eras the board. To reach the higher parts of the whiteboard she has to stand on her tiptoes; stretching, she can feel that she is exposing her shorts to him. Again, she wants his cock or his hand or his mouth, his attention.
He picks up the workbook and begins reading the problem aloud.
“Kathy is riding her bicycle on the bike trail around the lake. She rides 25 minutes.”
He stops reading “Write ‘rode 25 minutes.’ “
She complies.
“And travels 8 1/3 miles.” He stops reading “To the right of the 25 minutes, write, ‘8 1/3 miles.’ “
She obeys.
“She takes a 10-minute rest.” he stops reading “OK. Write ’10-minute rest’ below the 25 minutes.”
“And then rides another 50 minutes and covers 14 1/2 miles.” He stops reading “Write ’50 minutes and 14 1/2 miles’ below the 10 minutes.”
He continues reading, “What was her average speed for the entire trip in miles per hour? Include the time she rested in the answer.”
“OK. What is the goal?” he asks.
“To get this problem done,” she replies.
“OK, smart-mouth, what are you trying to figure out?”
“The average speed for the trip.” she replies.
“Good girl. OK. Now do the problem,” he says as he gets up and approaches her.
She begins working on the problem.
“OK. First, I need to get the total miles she rode. That would be 8 1/3 plus 14 1/2,” she says, looking back at him.
He nods his head and she smiles.
“OK. I can only add fractions with the like denominator. That would be 6.”
“Correct. Very good.”
His acknowledgment makes her happy.
“So that would be 8 2/6 plus 14 3/6.” she looks back at him.
She eras 1/3 and replaces it with 2/6 and replaces 1/2 with 3/6.
“8 2/6 plus 14 3/6 is 22 5/6. ” She writes “22 5/6” on the board and looks back at him.
“You’re right. Now what?”
“I need to get the total time,” she says.
“And you will need to convert it from minutes to hours.”
“Oh. Right. That would be 25 plus 50. That is 75. Which is an hour and 15 minutes.”
“Correct. However, it will be easier to use 1 1/4 hours,” he says.
She begins to get excited when sees she is close to the solution.
“Then I divide miles ridden by the total time to get average miles per hour. Which is 22 5/6 divided by 1 1/4 hours.”
“Which is 18 4/15 mile per hour. There.”
She turns towards him with her solution on the board.
Her heart sinks.
“What did I miss?” she asks nervously.
“You missed something important in the problem.”
She began looking at all the numbers she has written on the board.
“But I got all the numbers.” she states.
“You wrote all the numbers down. However, you didn’t use all of them.”
Frustrated, she says curtly. “I don’t want to do this anymore. It’s stupid.”
He moves forward and gets in herface.
“Listen. You missed something, and you are going to finish this. I am done with letting you throw in the towel whenever things get hard.”
“This isn’t fun.”
She turns from him and begins to stomp off.
He grabs her by the arm, pulls her behind his desk and pushes her face down towards the desktop where her workbook is open to the problem. She is both angry and aroused and her heart is racing as she anticipates his taking her.
“Now, read the problem again,” he orders.
As she begins reading, he pulls up her skirt and pulls down her boy-shorts. He begins to smack her ass with his hand.
“Kathy is riding her bicycle on the bike trail around the lake.”
“She rides 25 minutes and travels 8 1/3 miles.”
“She takes a 10-minute rest.”
“And then rides another 50 minutes and covers 14 1/2 miles.”
“What was her average speed for the entire trip in miles per hour?”
Smack! Smack!
“Include the time she rested in the answer.”
Smack! Smack!
Her ass is red from his spanking. Before she can regain her breath, he inserts two fingers into her cunt. She pushes back onto them.
“I don’t understand what I missed,” she moans.
He inserts a third finger into her and probes her deep.
“Read it again.”
“Kathy is riding her bicycle on the bike trail around the lake. She rides 25 minutes and travels 8 1/3 miles.”
He fucks her harder with his fingers.
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