Ever since my Dad got remarried I have considered myself a lucky man. I am now 21 years old and my two younger stepsisters are 18 and 19 respectively, and by all objective measures are absolute foxes. Anyway, last Christmas I was home from my senior year of college and because of being snowed in for two weeks, I was already completely bored out of my mind. Our parents had gone skiing and left me and my two step-sisters alone for the weekend so we had the whole house to ourselves. I was a bit disappointed about missing out on the ski trip, but as events would soon unfold, I realize now in retrospect that missing that trip led to the best trip of my life.
My step-sisters, Brandy and Monica were also bored and decided to invite a few of their new college friends over for a good old fashionable slumber party. They were all moving into a big five bedroom rental house after the holidays and were VERY excited about getting out of the dorm. Their future housemates were equally excitinged and all wanted to get together to plan out how they were going to decorate their new home. Oddly, despite going to the same school as me, I had not seen much of them over the fall semester as with them being freshman and me a senior we did not travel in the same circles. Having us all home for the holidays was a nice treatment as we always had gotten along, and I had to admit, I never tired of checking out their smoking Bods.
Being the only one home of legal age, and not yet realizing what an golden opportunity being snowed in with a bunch of bored girls would be, I reluctantly assumed the adult role for the party. After much begging and pleading on the girls part they convinced me to go and buy some beer for them, and being a bit bored and thirsty myself, I ran down to the nearest 7-11 and stocked up on party supplies for the weekend. When all of their hot friends started showing up, the stirring in my jeans alerted me to the possibility of having the weekend of a lifetime and Iwas DEFINITELY glad to be home.
As we all sat around talking and drinking, it began to dawn on me how fortunate I was. I was surrounded by five stunningly beautiful and increasingly drunk women; Brandy, my oldest step-sister and a well stacked red-head to boot, Monica, my equaling charming blonde younger step-sister with an ass you could eat baked beans off of and Lynette, Maria and Samantha their equally gorgeous friends had my cock stirring in my shorts by 8:30. After several beers, and the realization that there was nothing on TV, as the cable had gone out due to the storm, Maria suggested that we play cards. That was fine by me as the hops had definitely gotten the girls socially lubricated and increasingly flirty and with the female to male ratio at 5 to 1, I was loving every second of the night.
Dealing the cards, I was grinning wildly, as being the only guy in the room, I was flirted with shamelessly by all of them. After a few minutes of playing banter, and even more beer, suddenly the erotic temperature of the room got much hotter.
“Say Brandy!” chimed the smoldering sexy brunette Samantha. “I know you and Monica told us your step-brother was good looking, but you never told us he was such a hottie. What are you two bitches doing, hoarding all the good ones to yourself like you do back at college?”
Obviously annoyed by this Sudden embarrassing revelation, Brandy blushed. “Shut up and PLAY will you?”
Hearing this I smiled. I have never had any problems with the ladies in the past, as I am pretty fit, but hearing that my two step-sisters were attracted to me got my head swelling. Well, BOTH of my heads. I wondered if they knew how much I had lusted after both of their curvy delights since back when we all still lived at home together. God knows the summer before my freshman year I spent a lot of time watching them sunbathe by our pool, yanking my pud every night as I imagined them both naked and in my bed.
More beer was conumed and as the evening progressed the sexual tension in the room kept increasing. As the girls got drunk they got more bold and I was loving every fucking minute of it. Growing increasingly direct, and with no other outlet for their attentions, I was the target for all of their increasing arousal and as the beer flowed they kept amping up the teasing. My eyes could not focus on the game as they kept wandering back and forth over the girls As each one was truly beautiful, and I wished for nothing more than somehow orchestrate a way to get into all of their panties somehow. That would definitely be a heavy lift, so I decided to just go with the flow and see how the evening progressed. To my delight, it keep progressing in the right direction.
“Yea, I bet you and Monica love spying on your dear old brother Tyler here when he takes a shower don’t you?” Lynette joked as she poked Brandy with her foot. “Or at least that is what Monica told me when she confessed how delicious he looked walking around the house in just a towel.”
My two step-sisters said nothing, but their reddening faces betrayed her crime and now it was my turn to blush. Hearing this, my male ego swelled along with other parts of my body.
“Yes!” Lynette continued as the other friends giggled. “If I had some fine piece of man-meat like this walking around the house half naked, I would no doubt have to sneak a peek too.”
Continuing to play, and definitely drink, I felt my cock continue stirring as these revelations kept running through my mind. Glancing occasionally over at Brandy, looking so totally fuckable with her full ripe melons and stiff nipples straining against her thin shirt I just hoped I wasn’t drooling to obviously. When I caught her eye my grin grew even wider as I saw her seductively wink back at me.
Glancing around the room, when my eyes then locked with my other luscious step-sister Monica, and I got another wink from her, the stirring became a down right rumble. Polishing off yet another six pack we keep playing and despite all having a good time, it was obvious the game was getting pretty boring. Poker truly is not that fun a game if there are not bets made, as the whole point of the content is to bluff and win money. Having been using chips all evening, it was obvious that everyone was getting tired of the fake game as with no real stakes, the play was dull. When Samantha announced that we were out of beer, I volunteered to go out to the kitchen and bring back a fresh six pack.
Returning from the kitchen with the beer I was astonished when Brandy stood up and addressed the room.
“I don’t know about you gals, but this game is a snooze-fest .”
Every head nodded as she continued. “So I say we spice things up a bit, what do you think ladies?”
Again, more nodding prompted her to continue. “Now, given that we have such a FINE specimen of manhood here, who is up for a nice old fashioned game of Strip Poker? What do you think, don’t you think THAT will get the party started properly?”
Hearing her says this my mouth fell open in delight, as if I had won the lottery without even knowing I had bought a ticket. Within seconds my mind was flooded with erotic images of all five of them empire naked on the floor as I enjoyed each one, as obviously I would be in the middle of that imagine rodeo. Oh how I would enjoy finally having Brandy ride my cock while Monica rode my face and their three friends fight over who would take the next turn, but shaking my head quickly, reality set in.
It was too much to hope for and I was sure Brandy was just joking and just being provocative, God knows she was always the biggest tease. I was positive that there was NO way the girls would go for it no matter how much I prayed that they would. To my shock and absolute ecstatic delight they all cheered and said they thought it would be a wonderful idea.
Seeing Brandy patting the floor for me to sit down as she began shuffling, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Alone as the sole man in a room full of beautiful drunken women just about to get stripped was the beginning of many a past stroke fantasy and given that I was pretty good at poker and the girls were already drunk it seemed like a sure thing.
As she began shuffling, Brandy leaned over and whispered in my ear “I have been wanting to see Your package for a while big Bro so tonight is my big chance! I hope you are prepared to show us the goods tonight!”. My heart began to race as I realized that this evening was shaping up to be most entertaining.
As the first hand was dealt, everyone took a long swig of their drinks as the reality of what was happening began to set in. The flirty atmosphere of the night so far instantly began pegging up the erotic scale as the sexual tension grow as thick as concrete.
Despite all my erotic plans I had a small twinge of doubt after losing the first hand. As they all chantedfor me to strip I instantly snapped to attention as I realized I was not well prepared to play strip poker. Having been a casual night in, I was only in my jeans, briefs and a thin t-shirt, foolishly not wearing any socks or shoes. I had been so swept up with the erotic potential of seeing them all naked, I had not taken a proper inventory of my own clothes before we began to play. Realizing my mistake as my three fours were easily beaten by Brandy’s three Jacks, I started to blush.
“Well well well, looks like we have drawn first blood!” she giggled as every female eye was trained on my body.
Seeing that they all had shoes and socks on, I realized I had a BIG disadvantage and I enjoyed, quite unsuccessfully, to be allowed to go put them on.
“NOPE! You have to play the hand you are dealt BRO!” Monica interrupted. “So, pants or shirt, what is it going to be?”
Grinning sheepishly I stood up and peeled off my t-shirt, realizing I was not going to be able to weasel out and definitely not wanting to give them any reason to back out of a similar predicament. I smiled as my chest was exposed and the girls all melodramatically commented on my washboard abs and well developed pecs. Hey, I hit the gym every day and at that moment I was glad I did as they all whistled as I sat back down.
“DAYUM!!” Maria yelled out. “You were not kidding girls. Your brother IS hot!!”
Monica and Brandy both giggled and interjected. “Hey, he is our STEP-BROTHER you know, and yes, we both agree, he IS hot.”
Brandy, half kidding and obviously drunk leaned over and felt my left pec with her hand. “Yep! Hard as a rock!” Looking down at my jeans she turned up. “I can’t wait to see what else is hard when he comes out to play.” The feel of her soft warm hands on my naked skin had my heart rate increasing, and I now realized that this too put me at a big disadvantage.
Laughing nervously, I dealt and fortunately won the next few hands, sparing my few remainingclothes and evening things up a bit. Soon my two step sisters lost both their shoes and socks but otherwise everyone was still pretty well covered. As the play continued, and the beer kept flowing, it was my now turn to get bold.
“Well Monica, I can’t wait until you whip out those whoppers for us all to see. I know I have been DYING to see them for years!!”
Laughing, the girls all joked and Monica, sticking her tongue out in jest, lifted her foot up in the air and wiggled her toes in my face. She was definitely very top heavy and must have suspected that I was her tits number one fan. Now that I had blurted out my comment, any lingering doubts she may have had about whether I had been perving on her were now removed. Obviously I had. Although being enrolled by her mammalian delights, the sight of those gorgeous toes wiggling in the air had me equally hypnotized.
“Hey fucker, this is the only bare skin of mine you are going to see. Soon that big sausage of yours will be on full display before we so much as expose a nipple.”
As her gorgeous toes swayed before my face, and given the highly charged nature of the evening, I got very hard instantly. I was then, and still am now, a hopeless foot man, and the sight of my gorgeous step-sister’s toes waving in my face, begging for my tongue to bathe each digit was immediately registered in my crotch. My bulge obviously was quite noticeable as Maria drew attention to it.
“Hey Monica, it looks like your toosies have a fan boy!” she laughed as she pointed at my crotch. Instinctively I dropped my hands into my lap to cover myself but it was too late. My secret was out.
Now armed with this knowledge, the game began to get extremely interesting as Monica began snaking her bare foot over to where I was sitting and running her silky sole up my back. Brandy, not to be outdone by her sister, made sure that once her feet were exposed she added her toes to the assault. While Monica ran her foot over my bare back she teased my bare foot with hers as we were playing barefoot now. This, along with the beer, did not help my concentration on the game at all.
After a few more rounds the game began to get serious as more and more skin was exposed by the girls. I was continuing to be fortunate in not losing what little I had left but I was always two bad hands away from nudity. Although my horrendous distractions I still had my pants and shorts and they were barely able to contain my now painful hard-on so I definitely wanted to keep them on. Brandy still had her bra, T-shirt and panties on, much to my disappointment, as a big goal I had for the evening was exposing those puppies. Lynette had only lost her shoes and socks and now barefoot she joined the others in their teasing me with her feet. Monica was glowing red having just been forced to shed her pants but to everyone’s amazement Maria still had not lost anything.
Now as it got serious, as nudity was sure to be just aroundthe corner for someone. I was on a single-minded mission to begin to even up the score and ensure that at least ONE title would come out soon. Surely with the odds so stacked in my favorite I should be drowning in naked female fresh by now, but the flaw in playing strip poker with such attractive opponents became quite obvious.
Each article the girls lost caused just enough blood to be diverted from my higher brain to the more southernly regions of my body, and kept me making stupid decisions. When playing poker with the guys I usually am able to count cards but that was definitely not happening under these conditions. Realizing I was about to blow a once in a lifetime opportunity to strip five girls at once I repeated my concentration and decided to play hard to win. In order to have this plan come to fruition I would have to get More serious about the game and stay focused like a laser.
The plan had a flaw though, as the effect of the beer, and the lovely feminine flesh surrounding me, as well as the increasing number of gorgeous bare feet joining the party caused me so much distraction it definitely had a huge negative impact on my poker skills. Even still, with wavering concentration and a lot of luck, I won the next few hands and soon Brandy and Monica were both down to just their panties and bra. Lynette still had her shirt on and even Maria was beginning to sweat as she was just now was removing Her pants, having added her socks and shoes to the ever growing pile of clothes. Thinking the promised land was at hand I grinned as the next cards were dealt and saw I had drawn three tens. Sure of seeing SOME tits now, sadly, my luck did not hold and I lost to Brandy with four twos and had to give up my jeans.
Now the game was dead serious as I had managed to blow through my whole wardrobe in a shockingly short amount of time! The bulge in my boxer briefs was quite obvious and I was extremely humiliated (but also filled with pride) by all the wolf-whistles the girls gave me as I shed my pants.
Having turned away from them to pull down my jeans, as I was definitely worried about something popping out unexpectedly, my heart skipped a beat as I felt both Monica and Brandy’s toes run up the back of my ass and over my shorts with their toes.
“Yea, I can’t wait until THESE come off next Tyler!” Brandy giggled as she gripped the hem of my boxer briefs and playedfully tried to pull them down.
Laughing as I held onto the waist band, I spun back around, having to cover myself with my free hand as things had definitely gotten out of hand in my shorts and I was beginning to peek out. Pointing at her bra I defiantly shot back.
“No, I think those savory titles of yours are just about ready for their debug. Prepare to whip those babies out for the party!”
Monica blushed at my words as somehow it just occurred to her that she might end up naked. With this suddenly ephiphany, she started getting very nervous and began trying to think of a way out. Not wanting to quit, and then be declared a wuss, she certainly did not want to whip out her breasts for my viewing pleasure. Grinning she thought of a way to spare her from having to strip and announced her idea to the group.
“Ok, as it is apparent we are all getting pretty close to showing some serious skin now, I think we should give the loser a chance to save their dignity if the group agrees.”
As she spoke I watched the other girl’s faces, not wanting to chime in my objection to her weasly scheme just yet. I was no fool, and knew that a strip poker game with a bunch of hotties was a delicious thing and had to be coated with care so as not to spook the girls. I knew all night that any one of them could call it quits at any moment and that would be the end of the most erotic night of my life. Knowing this, I was very compliant and as she spoke I was quiet. I was encouraged by the fact that she was at least planning on what to do if she had to get naked, and this filled me with hope that this might go the distance to the glorious nude end after all.
Continuing, Monica said “I say in order for it to be fair, anyone who loses the final cruel hand and has to get naked should have the choice of either striping bare or submitting to one hour of activity the group chooses as a penalty, majority vote wins!”
I smelled a rat as I knew that the girls would stick together as a group and possibly avoid striping, but I still could not resist the chance of seeing them all bare so I agreed. In one way, I was kind of relieved at her suggestion since, Even though I showed a brave face, I myself was beginning to try to think of a way out of this situation myself. I had seriously understood my skills before beginning the game and starting out with a huge failure in the number of initial clothes from the start, I was worried.
Still suspicious that the evening might have a NON-nude ending, when Monica added her following words I knew that whatever else happened, this definitely WOULD end on a happy note.
“Now, do we all swear that if we make this change NO ONE backs out?” They all held up their hands and swore and obviously the huge grin on my face was noticed.
“Hey BRO, I would wipe that smirk off your face! You have to sweat too. When we strip your ass we certainly don’t Want you hiding those big luscious balls away from us when we win.”
Laughing, and even more horny, I held my hand up and swore to abide to the new rule changes. Frankly, it was a change I was kind of relieved to have as despite my confidence in my skills, I was worried now and since I had no margin for error I feared I might end up naked instead of them. Certainly striping bare in front of five attractive women is harder than you think, and the new added humiliation of my obvious arousal had my mind racing for any possible avenue of escape. I did hold out hope that if I could win the next few hands, possible it would be me, instead of them, getting to choose the punishment or witnessing the nude spectacle. But despite my confidence I did worry that my luck would not hold and it would be ME naked and they clothed, which would be the worst outcome of all. Confidently I shuffled and prepared to deal as the tingling in my stomach told me that my luck would hold.
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