Strip Club Tease Toy Ch. 07

Strip Club Tease Toy: Dan Falls Into A Trap

Chapter 7: Station to Station

Sarah Shook her head, as if in empathy of his position “Wow…That was too little too late, I guess, huh? Aww poor baby cakes, are you upset? Next time you just need to try to start convincing me a little sooner in the song!” She looked at him sardonicly and laughed, “Oh and if I’m being honest, beg a little bit better than that next time, too, actually. I mean really, I think you can do a lot better than that if you really want to convince me that you are okay with abandoning the fundamental principals upon which you built your adult life.” Suddenly, her browser furrowed and she excered in a scolding voice, “Hey! Wait a minute! That means that you were either lying when you said that my hands were your favorite, OR you’re going to be lying when you say anything else is! I can’t believe you would lie to me like this! And just to trick me into spurting that icky goo out of that filter cock?” Ridiculously, she placed her oily hands against the soft curve of her hips in a gesture of authoritative disappointment as she looked up at him on her knees. “Well, now i’m just scandalized! Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

She glared at him expectedly, and he began to babble again, “Oh god Sarah I’m so sorry, I would never lie to you, please I respect you so much…But…but, you told me to…” but she suddenly rolled her eyes, and waved him away with a dismissive hand,. “Well…alright. But you better really make it up to me with the begging…sorry, I mean compliments, heh, next time. You’re gonna have to really butter me up here if you want me to forget that you would lie to me just to get off…” She told and rolled her eyes again, but then the sound of drums began to fill the room and her expression brightened. “Hey, you hear that Dan? You know what that means, don’t you??? It’s time for song number six!” She placed the palms of her hands firmly against the floor oneither side of him, and then she almost lunged forward as the opening chords of the next damned song began to play.

Less than an inch from the bouncing, oozing tip of his dick, Sarah stopped her forward lunge as quickly as it had begun. Then with a slight moan, she leaned forward much, much more slowly, so that his dick dragged lightly along her left cheek. He felt his breath leave him again as he saw a small shining strand of precum wipe across a patch of soft, freckled skin less than an inch from her laughing, blue eye. Then he felt her slide her left hand slowly up his bare right leg, tickling the exposed skin of his ankle, his calm, his knee, up, up, up, until it grazed lightly against the front of Dan’s thigh and grasped the base of his dick. Still looking right at him, licking her lips and pursing them at him in erotic pleasure, Sarah began to lightly slap his dick against her cheek, causing it to bounce lightly against her face. Dan let out a sound that Sarah had never heard uttered by a human man as his face twisted between ecstasy and agoy. She cooed and moaned at his reactions, and then switching to the other side. Each light slap sent a jolt through him that shook his body so hard that his belt buckle clanged loudly against the linoleum, and Sarah laughed “Well, Dan? I’m waiting? You haven’t even started trying to convince me to put it in my mouth, much less get you off! Don’t forget, time’s running out!”

Dan’s dazed eyes flew wide open again as Sarah’s “rules” came crashing back to him. Oh god, how much time had he already wasted? “Oh my God Sarah, you…you are so beautiful! You’re lips…” His brain searched desperately, “They’re like soft, velvety pillows, and it would be such an honor to have them touch me. I don’t…I don’t deserve it, but if you could find it within your beautiful heart to touch me with those beautiful lips…Oh! Oh, GOD!” Dan babbled deliciously, and then moaned the last words as Sarah slide his cock slowly back againt her freckled cheek and towards her sensitively parted lips, holding eye contact all the while.

Then she lightly, gently, kissed the head of his dick, pursing her soft full lips against the oozing and throbbing head of his cock so that they slightly parted around it. As she pulled back slowly, he saw a thin strand of precum dangle between the head of his cock and her unbelievably pump lower lip. Sarah then smiled, and slowly slide her tongue across her lips, revealing in the taste of him in such a cartoonishly erotic manner that Dan’s voice heard cracked as he began to babble his desperate worship again. Then she began to speak and although it was barely a whisper, Dan fell silent in an instant. Men are so easy to train, Sarah thought with a smile. “Mmmmmmmm…god it makes me so hot that you’re oozing and leaking like this. You must reeeeeally like me, huh Dan? God, I could just lick droplets of precum off this helpless little cock all night long!”

She leaned forward as she spoke, so that her lips lightly brushed against the head of his dick with every sylable, each one, a puff through her full lips so that the hot ticket of her breath warmed the tip of his cock, and the softness of her lips pushed lightly against it. She batted her eyes innocently up at him, and then began to rub his dick along her slightly open mouth, lightly pressing it into an extended and wet lower lip and dragging it slowly across like she was applying lipstick, continuing to speak as she did so. “But, all you want is my lips, Dan? You don’t want me to lick your aching, swollen cock? You don’t want me to swirl it around my mouth, and slide it down my throat? You don’t want me to suck and slurp on it? What do you think Dan? I mean, you’re in charge here…right? I’m not going to know what you want unless you tell me. You need to guide me. I’m just a helpless, sinful girl…right Dan?”

Dan had raised his voice before, but now he began to scream every word, and he shook violenttly as he did so, “Oh jesus…Oh jesus fucking christ. Sarah PLEASE. You’re not sinful, I don’t think that, I swear. Y-you can be in charge, that-that’s ok…It’s good for women to be in charge t-too…I think you have such a gorgeous mouth, and I would be so honored if you would lick me or suck me or…do any of the wonderful things you just said. Please take me in your mouth, PLEASE! I”ll do anything! Sarah, I was wrong to protest here, I’ve learned my lesson, Oh God, I can’t think straight anymore, and every inch of me feels like it’s on fire, I can’t take this anymore please, Sarah, please lick me, please use your tongue, I-” She grinned, immensely satisfied with how quickly and thoroughly she had broken this asshole.

Then she slowly parted her lips, extended the curved tip of her tongue along the underside of his quivering and dribbling cock head, and then began to lightly flick it back and forth, so that the slippery, wet tip rubbed maddeningly against the ridge of his frenulum. This action causes his voice to raise another octave, and he began to be even louder. After playing with the sensitive ridge of his cock head for about 30 seconds this way and absolutely relishing his desperate worship of her, Sarah held up a hand and Dan immediately fell silent again.

He then struggled not to buck in place as Sarah slowly extended her tongue again, this time so he could see the wet pink flat surface of it, and with a guttural moan, performed licked up from his scrotum to the tip of his head, her soft tongue curving around his shake as it glided upwards. Again, she never broke eye contact as she did so, and she ended with a little swirling flourish at the tip that sent Dan into spasms. Her ability to manipulate his cock so expertly while holding his eye contact was almost superhuman. Then she repeated the motion again, This time twisting her head slightly as she traveled up his throbbing shake, allowing her juicy wet lips to glide against the sensitivityve skin, and creating soft, wet, slurping sounds that echoed through Dan’s mind. After each of these movements, she ended with another slow, soft, pornographic kiss to the head of his dick, and her lips were now literally glistening with Dan’s precum.

Then her gaze caught his, hardened for just an instant, and she whispered three words. “Remember. Don’t. Move.” Her full, plump lips parted, and her tongue extended to cup the underside of his frenulum again, but this time she slide forward, allowing his dick to slide down her tongue and towards the back of her throat. Her thick, pink, glistening lips pursued and quivered around his shake, contracting and expanding slightly, and she let out a guttural moan that rose up from deep within her. Dan shook as if struck by lightning as he felt the purring violations of her deep moaning envelop his desperate member, and the sight of this gorgeous woman so expertly deep throwing him sent him into another fit of babbling, desperate begging. Dan could feel the wet soft walls of her mouth and throat hugging and pressing against the entirety his sensitive shake, and whenever he wasn’t begging, he was moaning quietly.

She sucked, and licked, and slurped and kissed, but slowly, soooo maddeningly slowly, and Dan was trying with all his might to remember how many verses had already passed in the song as he desperately begged and pleaded. If only he had have been allowed to thrust, to push forward, to take control, he knew he would be able to cum. He had been screaming his worship of the buxom blonde for several minutes, and there was a light hoarseness to his voice now that went beyond his animal desperation. He was starting to get noticeably, physically, tired. Unlike the previous song, Sarah hadn’t said a single word since she’d taken his dick down her throat, and now she began to slide his cock sloppily in and out of her mouth, turning her head slightly back and forth with loose lips, her tongue swirling around his head likea maddening probing, wet tentacle, causing it to bounce against the wet, inviting flesh of her wet mouth.

Dan’s eyes were bugging out of his head as he watched this incredible display. After ten or fifteen seconds of this, his dick slide slowly out of her soft, loose lips with a light wet “plop” and then she slowly moved her head, and use her tongue to position the throbbing member directly in front of her lips again, staring into his pleading eyes as she did, before sliding forward and slowly gliding the meaty shaft down her wet throat once more. Then she slurped, slowly, back up to the tip, loosened her grip, began to lightly move him around with a swirling tongue, loose wet lips, and a slow teasing turn of her head, back and forth, and the process began again. And again. And again. Her eyes looked directly into his constantly, soulfully, maddeningly, as if expecting something, as if to say, “Keep begging Dan. Convince me. I don’t look very convinced yet, do I? Go ahead. Keep begging.”

Suddenly, as his screams reached their peak, to his absolute horror, the room filled with the final drum beats of the classic rock standard, and the song’s feedback ended, plunging the room into silence once more. Dan stared at her silently, desperately, his eyes begging. Sarah slowly, sensitively, slide forward one final time, sliding his cock all the way down her throat, and then slowly slide back, finally Letting her lips curve and hug his aching head loosely before letting it fall free with a soft, wet, final “plop”. Her saliva dripped lightly from his shake and balls, and he continued to ooze precum like a leaky facet. She stood up, cupped his cheats in her slippery, oily hands, and whispered with mock sympathy. “Sorry honey bunny….Song’s done.”

To Be Continued…


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