Strip Club Tease Toy Ch. 04

Strip Club Tease Toy: Dan Falls Into A Trap

Chapter 4: Won’t Get Fooled Again

Sarah pushed a button, and suddenly power chords began to blast throughout the room. Looking incredibly pleased with herself, she stood back up quickly, causing her breasts to bounce, jiggle slightly, and then settle back into place, and she exceled in a cheery voice, “Alright, now let’s work on some of those finer points!” Dan watched helpedly as the insane woman (in fact, he was starting to wonder if she hadn’t actually been possessed by some kind of sex demon) strutted towards him with a hungry look in her eyes, her heels clicking against the floor in time with the percussive baseline of the first of many classic rock ballads. As she reached him, she suddenly spun dramatically, and fell back against him, lifting her left arm up, placing it lightly against the nape of his neck, and pulling his head forward. Sarah arched her back, mashing the globes of her ass up against Dan’s erection, sothat his throbbing cock was nuzzled gently between her warm, soft, and satin-like cheeses and his own stomach. Then she lifted her face and turned towards him. As she looked deeply into his beady terrified eyes with her laughing blue ones, she began to gyrate slightly against him, her ass rubbing deliciously up and down his aching dick in time to the song. “Remember,” she said in little more than a breathy whisper, “No touching the girls. You stay still, pervert. If you don’t stop losing control, I’m going to have to punish you.”

Before Dan could worry about what she could mean by “punish”, or try to point out that he wasn’t sure how he would be able to touch her with his hands bound over his head, Sarah leaned forward, moving her mouth against his. He thought he had been enveloped in her scent When she had thrust his face between her tits, but now he TASTED her breath, and he was overcome with the chemical intoxication of her. She tasted warm, wet, inviting, and sweet, almost fruity, and as he breathed her in, he felt her teeth began to lightly nibble at his lower lip. He instinctively moved to meet her kiss, but the hand against the back of his head suddenly tightened, pulling him forcedly back by the short hair at the nape of his neck. Her shining blue eyes met his. “Hey!” She exclaimed, much more sternly now. “What did I just say???” She softened her grip again, and moved slowly back in. She licked her lips, and they glistened in the florescent light, soft and inviting. “You don’t get to touch the girls. Now…Don’t. Move.” she whispered, and punctuated each of the last two words with a soft, wet kiss against either side of his now, obediently, slack mouth.

As Dan hung there helped, Sarah slowly pressed her wet mouth against his gasping lips again and again. Every time he moved his mouth in reaction, her hand would tighten against his scalp again, tugging painfully until he stopped moving, before she resumed her oral invasion anew. With each delicious rotation of her hips, she moaned into his mouth, and lightly tongued the edge of his lips. Dan was drunk on her, and found his eyes drifting to the massive naked tits that he lived to the music before him, bouncing and jiggling as Sarah rolled her curvaceous hips against him in time with the beat. They swayed, shifting and rolling lightly against her ribcage as she gyrated. He almost failed as he realized for the first time that, while Sarah was holding his head firmly in her right hand, she was lightly rubbing, pinching and flicking her nipple with her left.

She stopped her light kissing for a moment, saw where he was looking, and giggled, lifting her left hand to his face and extending her index finger. She pressed it lightly between his lips, and breathed “Go ahead, Dan. Lick it. Lick my finger and make it wet for me. So I can make myself feel good. So I can knee your saliva lightly into my hard nipple while you watch. It’s ok. You can do it, Dan. It’s ok if the dancers says so.” Dan obeyed, parting his lips, and swirled his tongue around her finger until it was glistening, wishing in spite of himself that he was kissing those perfect tits himself instead. Then his eyes watched hungrily as she slowly slide her finger back down her ample chest, and towards the hard nubbin of her left breast, leaving a light trail of his saliva down her collarbone.

As she squeezed her nipple between thumb and wet forefinger, she squealed, literally squealed, and hungrily slide her face up his cheek and towardss his ear, licking and tingthing lightly at the lobe, and panting/moaning hot breath into his ear as he struggled to stay calm. And during all of this, never stopping, like some unholy machine, Sarah methodically slide her massive ass against the shake of his swollen member in perfect rhythm with the music. Dan was trying Not to think about how much he wished she would move just a little bit higher, as the sensitive head of his cock bounced against his belly button, untouched, inches above the warm soft globes of her ass.

His deeply held religious beliefs about sex and procreation were beginning to feel a little silly to him, and he was suddenly wishing for the first time in his life that he had tried a different tact with his wife all those years ago. It took every ounce of his willpower not to move, knowing that any movement would make these sensings, these wonderful, intotoxicating sensings, stop. He was beginning to moan auditory now, and he felt like nothing in the world existed except the hot, wet tongue in his ear, the massive, bouncing tits directly in his line of sight, and the incredible sensing of this woman’s ass against his dick. Dan’s breath picked up, and Sarah’s movements matched in time, faster and faster and faster…

Suddenly, silence. Sarah stepped away from the captive man’s quivering body and spun around expertly on her heels (she truly was extraordinarily talented at moving in them), and with big, innocenteyes and a playful shrug, exclaimed “Song’s done!” Dan was having trouble making sense of what was happening. All he knew is that this beautiful, mesmerizing, insane woman had taken him to the blink of something he hadn’t experienced in years, and then suddenly stopped. She giggled a little at his betrayed and wounded expression. “Awww you poor thing! You look so confused. Let me explain! See, in stripping, guys pay us to dance for them right? Well, rather than charge by the minute, or by the hour, strip clubs charge by the song. That way, after the song’s done, we can charge them for another one! So I need to practice at keeping you riiiiiiiiight on the edge up to the end of the song with my ass, so that I can make sure my customers will want to go running for their wallets the second the track is up! Make sense?”

She started to walked back over to the speaker, bouncing and jiggling with every step, and then paused, looking back at him with a playful grin. “Soooooo I figured, you could help me out tonight through the ten songs on Side B? So that I can get really good at keeping guys right on the edge?” She looked at him with those intotoxicating, dancing eyes, evidently expecting an answer, but Dan could only get back in horror. Nine more of these? And hadn’t she mentioned something about “Freebird” being the final track? His heart sank. He didn’t know if he would Survive much more of this. He found himself wanting to abandon his every principal for some release.

Sarah laughed at his expression, “Awww sweetie! Why do you look so sad? I’m doing exactly what I promised! I have absolutely no intention of making you spurt that filthy, FILTHY, sinful seed. Unless…” A comically exaggerated expression of realization spread across Sarah’s face, and Dan had a vague blurry sense that he was being made fun of. “Unless…you don’t…no, that couldn’t be. You don’t WANT to orgasm…Do you, Dan?” She looked at him sweetly, those almost unnaturally blue eyes dancingagain. Although it had been seemingly defeated, Dan’s rage rose to the surface in one final dying wave of resistance.

“No!” He sputtered weakly. Even HE could hear the lack of conviction in his voice, but his pride forced him to barrel past this. “It’s…it’s a sin! You’re tempting me to be a sinner like you! To drag me down into the pits of hell with you! You’re just a sex crashed slut like all the rest of them! All of you women! Stay…stay away from me!” Sarah looked at him almost sadly for a moment, although certainly not with surprise, and then smiled and nodded, as if making some final decision. “Oh good! I’m soooo glad you feel that way sweetie! I guess I was right! You ARE the perfect practice tool I was looking for.” She stretched, pulling her arms far back behind Her head, and arched her back with a low grunt, pulling her tantalizing breasts taut against her, and stretching her soft, smooth tummy flat. “Well, I guess we have a lot of work to do before I start my set forthe night!” Then, with a light press of the speaker, hair metal power chords filled the room once more. “Let’s got started!” She exclaimed happily, and bounced back over to him.


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