Strip Club Tease Toy Ch. 02

Strip Club Tease Toy: Dan Falls Into A Trap

Chapter 2: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

Dan immediately tried to stand up and even started to cry out, outtraged. but the hand against his chest suddenly became incredibly firm, pushing him back and holding him in place. Sarah nuzzled up closer against him, and Dan felt her hot breath pulsing against his neck and the liquid warmth of the immense breasts resting against his bicep. As she pulled closer to him, Dan was suddenly aware that Sarah probably outweighted him by more than 30 pounds, and that his left arm was firmly pinned beneath her. That was when he had finally noticed that the deadbolt was latched.

“Wow…” Sarah breathed against him, as if she hadn’t noticed his attempt to escape. She lay her head against his chest and looked up at him innocently with those piercing blue eyes. “So…no one has done this to you in over seven years?” Her fingertips deftly separated the button of his blue jeans, and slowly slip the zipper ofhis pants down in an exaggerated fashion, revealing (to Dan’s shame) a now fully ragging hard on to compete with the best of them. Sarah pulled closer still, crossing her outer leg so that it lay lightly over Dan’s left thigh. He watched as the maneuver stretched the tight material of her skirt and slowly slide it up her chubby creamy thighs, higher and higher. “Or…this?” She cooed, as she slide the tip of her index finger slowly and lightly up the base of his throbbing member. As she reached the head, she ended the stroke with a little flick that sent an involuntary shudder through Dan’s body.

Sarah giggled and shimmied a little, and Dan let out a light moan as he realized that she was now essentially sitting in the open palm of his pinned left hand. As her skirt continued to slowly slide up her soft thighs, he felt the fabric tug past his palm, and then his fingers pressed against soft flesh. Almost unconsciously, the pad of his middle finger slowly grazed the soft indentation wHere her thigh met the slight fold of her ass cheek, and he thought feverishly to himself, “Oh god, that’s her ass. Her asscheek is in the palm of my hand.” His hand reactively tightened and he began to squeeze, feeling his fingers sink into the soft curves of her.

Then his eyes widened. “No! This is wrong!” he yelled. He was a man of God! And he wasn’t going to let this…this harlot overpower him, or distract him from his mission! He surged forward again, and this time managed to wiggle free. He silly he looked with his bouncing erection spilling out of the front of his unzipped pants, and he fumbled densely at the lock as his head spun. This was like some bizarre dream, one of those dreams he had sometimes that washed away in the morning laundry and that he tried to express the next day. Although her heels, Sarah moved like lightening, lithely (but calmly) strolling across the room with purpose as his fingers fumbled, panicking, with the latch.

Dan felt strong, firm hands grap his shoulders and spin him around. Then, before he even realized what was happening, those same hands grabbed each of his wrists and pulled them forcedly over his head. Sarah never broke eye contact, pressing up against him again, and pinning him against the door with her weight as she grinned. That smile, like those eyes, was beautiful and terrifying. To his dismay, Dan felt pressure against his wrists and heard a click, and looked up to see that she had handcuffed him using a furry pink set of cuffs that had hung from the clothesline, and which now appeared to be fastened to a securely anchored hook that Dan had not previously noticed, directly over the door frame. Then she began to methodically unbutton the rest of his shirt. He moaned, feeling actual fear for the first time. Unsurprisingly, Dan refused to accept this fear, and transformed it into rage. He began to shout in a judgemental, formal, scandalized tone, “You bitch, you slut…why are you doing this? I know it’s in women’s nature to tempt men, but you must resist! I’m infertile, and therefore cannot orgasm, as that is a sin! You can’t do this to me! Don’t give in to your lust!”

Sarah giggled again, and stepped back to examine her new toy. Dan was trusted up and still erect, so his righteous “man of God” fury did not come off as Impressively as he was hoping. “Awww, baby! Don’t worry! Unlike you, the dancers here at “The Tease” respect all beliefs and cultures. If you don’t want to cum, I won’t make you cum.” She adopted an air of grave solemnity, and held up her right hand. “In fact, I will swear you an oath. I will never ever, ever, EVER gives you an orgasm unless at least two things are happening.” Her demeanor changed and she stepped back towards him, she spoke slowly now, elongating each word, and her eyes flashed again with that silent laughter (Dan was quickly learning to recognize that that look in her eyes meant he was in troublee). She slide her hand down his chest, lightly grazing his skin as she continued past his belly button, and Dan gasped helpedlessly as her soft fingers slowly encircled his vulnerable and helpless erection. “One…,” she whispered, her face now inches from his, “you are literally BEGGING me to cum…” Her hand began to slide lightly up and down his shake, radically, faster and faster. “And two…” she Continued, and nuzzled up against his neck, now literally breathing in his ear, her panting breath hot against him, “if I feel like it.” Dan felt a soft wet tongue creep between Sarah’s lips and lightly circle the inner edge of his earlobe. Hot breath continued to blast his ear as she lightly tongued him, and the soft palm of her hand was moving faster now. Again, Dan’s breath grew ragged and his cries of outrage died in his throat.

Suddenly, so suddenly that Dan almost didn’t know what happened, Sarah’s hand left his throbbing, aching member, and her mouth left his ear. Like a mancoming out of a dream, Dan opened his eyes to see Sarah walking away from him and his cock bouncing essentially against thin air. His jeans had now slip down his spindly legs and pooled on the floor around his ankles, his belt buckle lightly clicking against the linoleum with his every twitch, trapping his legs together. Although himself, his eyes hungrily ate up his first real glimpse of her ass. Her cheeks were round and full, and her hips rolled with each step. Her skirt was still hiked up from their time on the couch, and he had never seen such firm, creamy thighs.

“Well Dan, I suppose you’re wondering why I invited you here.” Sarah’s demeanor was suddenly, bizarrely, entirely businesslike. She strolled deliberately over to her clothesline of outfits against the opposite wall and lightly slide her hands across the variety of fabrics. “You see…I think you have a little bit of a misunderstanding of what we do here. This is “The Tease” after all, Dan, not “The Spurt”. It’s notmy job to make men orgasm.” She smiled as she reached out, and plucked what looked like a small bottle of baby oil from the make up table, and walked back over to him, placing it on the shelf next to the door.

Then, while looking directly into Dan’s terrified eyes, she slide her hands against the skin of her soft pink belly and up, slowly up, sliding her fingertips between her skin and the tight white fabric of her shirt. Dan watched as the shirt pulled up around her tummy, and gulped as he watched the indentations of her fingers through the shirt’s fabric as they slide up to her chest, beginning to slowly massage and squeeze her massive breasts. He saw the outline of her thumb and index finger find the small nub of her left nipple beneath the fabric, and Sarah let out a small gasp of pleasure before continuing. “The job of a stripper, you see, is to Turn men on, to tease them, to get them riiiiiiight to the edge, and then to send them right back to that ATM to do it again.” She laughed again, and despite his circumstances, her laughter sounded to him like beautiful bells. “I mean…if I make a guy spurt in his pants, all I’ve done is lost a customer for the night! Or at least for the next 30 minutes! You know?”

Now smiling broadly, Sarah slide her hands back out from under the fabric, gripping the bottom of the front of the shirt in each hand, and pulled down firmly. The neckline stretched easily, pulling down from Sarah’s collar bone at least eight inches, and the motion revealed a canyon of cleavage, her soft creamy globes threatening to spill out. Sarah then stepped forward, and into Dan once more. Her skirt was still hiked up, and he felt her soft warm thighs brush lightly against each side of his throbbing cock as she did so, which caused him to moan, eliciting another giggle in His captor. Every time his hungry cock twitched, he could feel it lightly bounce off of the curve of her panty swaddled mound. Then she slide her hands up and around his neck,lightly fingering his earliest, in an almost loving gesture, and smiled at the expression on the man’s face.

Dan was staring down at the heaving globes of flesh inches from his chin, almost panting at this point, and it was difficult to tell if the look in his eyes was one of absolute terror or absolute desire. Suddenly her arms tightened, and her fingers slide up through the short hair on the back of Dan’s neck and head, and his face was pulled forcefully down into her cleavage. He resisted for an instant, but soon gave in as his face was pushed down into the soft crevasse of the stripper’s welcome tits. The skin was incredibly soft and warm, and Dan could feel a light pattern of gooseflesh break out across her chest as his reluctant lips made contact with her warm silent skin. Her soft chubby arms held firm against the sides of His head, and her strong fingertips held him in place. Sarah voted contentedly, moaning slightly at the sensing of his hot, panting breath against her, and she began slowly rubbing and mashing his face into the jiggling and bouncing mounds of flesh as she continued to explain his prediction.

“A lot of strippers don’t even like men, you know! There are plenty of girls here who would much rather go to town on each other in their free time then rub up against some man. I, on the other hand…I like the tease. Getting a guy hard, fucking with his head, seeing what You can get him to do…I’ve enjoyed the art of the cocktease since high school, and I still remember how blown away I was when I first walked into this place and learned that you could get paid pretty damn well to tease men aaall…niiiiight…looong.” As she spoke, Sarah continued to slowly rub Dan’s helpless face against her, but as she finished the sentence, she pulled his head back up, and lightly kissed the tip of his nose after each of the last three words. Her soft, pillowy lips left the smallest sensing of moisture on his nose, and each time she did this, she simultaneously squeezed her thighs together, causing them to deliciously press and rub against his cock. He gasped with each punctuation.

“But when I took this job a few months ago…I figured out that there was a LOT more that I still had to learn about the art of the cocktease. Sometimes, I would make men spurt on accident during lap dances, sometimes I struggled to find ways to keep them turned on enough to keep spending…but MOSTLY, I got sick of the entitlement that my customers have. You men, you think it’s all about you. Can you believe men started asking me to get them off in the back room for cash on my first day here? Men would offer me hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars, to slide their cocks down my throat, to pump them off in my hands, to fuck them.” Sarah face lit up in a scandalized expression. “I’m a dancer, not a prostitute! I couldn’t believe it! I was actually thinking about quitting this job, you know. I mean, if you don’t have all the power, what’sthe point of getting paid to tease?” She grinned at him.

“And then I saw you! You’ve been pacing up and down the sidewalk with that silly little sign all week, yelling to anyone who could hear that me and my friends are horrible sinners, and that’s when I realized! All I really need, is practice! If you get a guy hot and bothered enough, he’ll do anything you tell him. His ego, his money, his entitlement, it all falls away, when that helpless erection is becoming for relief, and the power goes back where it belongs. I just KNEW that if I could get you in here, I could get myself a cute…aching…throbbing erection to practice on! After all…it looked like you could stand to be brought down a peg or two before I go on at nine.” She looked at the clock on the wall and smiled. It was 6:24, and Dan realized in dismay that, despite if feeling like an eternity, he had been trapped in this room with this insane succubus for less than 30 minutes. Then, Sarah smiled again, and tightenedher fingers once more, pulling his face back down into her tits.

To Be Continued…


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