Strip Club Tease Toy: Dan Falls Into A Trap
Chapter 1: Rime of the Ancient Mariner
“Hey, can I help you?”
The young female voice punctuated the previous silence, and caused Dan Green to start in surprise, emitting a slight yelp. His picket sign, emblazoned with the words “Sexual sin will cast you into Damnation!!” in firey script, fell from his hands and cloutered to the concrete. Furiously, he spun around to learn what sort of uncivilized woman would dare startle him like that.
Dan was a slight man of around 40 years of age. His eyes were beady, and most who knew him would have said that those eyes hadn’t shined in anything except hate and anger in over 20 years. Always an ardent churchgoer, Dan had believed from an early age that sex was a sin outside of the need for procreation, and was the kind of man likely to accost a young woman on the street for “tempting men” with her attire, or yell horrible things at women seen near abortion clinics. After a decade of trying to have children, Dan was heartbroken to discover he couldn’t conceive when he was 33 years old, and began refusing to engage is intimate acts with his wife.
After a dividend in his mid 30’s, after she had walked out the door over his ongoing refusal to engage intimately with her, Dan swore to forego sex and sexual pleasure entirely, and after almost eight years of determined, zealot-like repression, His beliefs had mutated into full on misogyny, and his slightly weasel-y appearance had exaggerated itself to keep pace with his rage at the world of sex and debauchery he saw around him. In the last year, Dan had taken to protesting in front of the so called “Dens of Sin” that peppered his city, and couldn’t believe someone would try to interrupt him right in the middle of his incredibly important protest in front of a local strip club called “The Tease”, which had been the target of his ire for the previous several weeks
Dan was ready to dive into his prepared liTany of attacks, when his eyes fell on the woman who had started him, and his words caught in his throat. She appeared to be in her mid twenties, and while she certainly couldn’t be described as fat, she was a bit of what Dan had heard some heath millennials call “A thicker milkshake”. Curvaceous. Voluptuous. If Dan had been the kind of man to enjoy pornography, or even the work of models, he would have placed her Somewhere on the general physical spectrum between Instagram model Amy Elizabeth Jackson, pornstar Siri, or cam girl Cassie0pia. She wore a tight white t shirt with “The Tease” printed in red letters that were stretched across the largest breasts Dan had ever seen. The shirt was so tight across the front that, to Dan’s growing unease, he realized he could see a 3-4 inch wide band of the woman’s soft, slightly round tummy. A tight red skirt hugged the curves of her hips, highlighting her zaftig figure, and stopped about six inches higher on her thick thighs than he was comfortable with. A pair of black siletto heels completed the ensemble.
She had dyed blonde hair, cut into a short, punkish, pixie haircut, and a single streak of electric blue, like lightning, shook in a bright bolt across the front of her bangs, which encircled a soft round friendly face. Her eyes were an incredibly striking, diamond blue, and they were incredibly piercing. Her flashing, dancing eyes were encircled in dark, almost gothic eyeliner, with a light dusting of blue glitter around the outer corner of each lid. The striking make-up somehow made her incredible eyes seem like they shone even brighter. She had a very light dusting of freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her tiny button nose. She was perhaps the most attractive woman that Dan had ever seen. Her full, pouty, thick, pink lips were very serious but…those eyes appeared to be laughing.
“I said, can I help you?” The woman strutted towards him, casting her eyes down at the sign on the sidewalk and smirking a little. With each step, her siletto heels clicked against the concrete and her (at least double D, his sinful mind whispered) breasts jiggled slightly. Dan reluctantly noticed the tiny nubs of hard nipples pressed into the H in “The” and the A in “Tease” on the woman’s shirt: he was becoming increasingly confident (and scandalized) that this young woman likely wasn’t wearing a brassiere. The woman continued forward, breaking through Dan’s personal space bubble confidently and stopping less than a foot from him. She was tall, and looked to be about 5’9″ (Dan’s height as well), but in her four inch heels she towered over the man, and seemed to hold his eye contact through sheer force of will. Dan found himself backing up slightly, and he felt his ass bump up against a street light behind him.
She looked down at her watch, smiling. “I mean, I think you’re here a bit early sweetie. It’s like, what?…six o’clock! On a Monday? I WORK here, and I am only showing up now becausese I had some stuff to do…Although, I guess if you’re protesting strip clubs, you probably don’t know much about how they work. I’m Sarah”, she offered smiling, and stepping forward another few inches, until Dan was actually pressed firmly up against the street light. She looked back at the sign on the ground again, frowning this time. Then she looked back at him, again with those supernaturally piercing blue eyes. “Soo…do you really think I’m going to go to hell?”
Somehow, Dan found his voice. “Y-You work here?” He croaked weakly. His heart was racing. This is not how he had been expecting his evening to go, and he struggled to remember the talking points he and his work colleagues had developed for this occasion. “Well…The-the thing is that sex is, sex is wrong. And our world…you know, the secular world…it celebrates sex! The bible says that Eve tempted Adam, and everything went bad from there. So, you know, it’s obvious! It’s…it’s all in there! In, you know, the Bible. So i just…I just think young women like yourself should not be lowering yourself to this sort of work, and…” He trailed off, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. He had never felt so out of control in a social situation before, and didn’t like it. He decided he needed to gain the upper hand and get back onto familiar ground. He straightened up, tried to project an air of confidence, and pulled a business card from his wallet “I’m Dan Green, Director of Programming for the an organization called “Return to Family Values”. We-“
Sarah squealed, plucking up the business card in her left hand and grabbing his bare forearm with her right. Her skin was electric against his, and he could not believe how soft and warm it felt. “You ARE???! Oh my god, how impressive! Director of Programming, wow! I actually would LOVE to talk with you more about this, would you be able to come in and talk with me for a little bit? I don’t start for a few hours, so you could just talk to me whileI’m getting ready? And I would love to know more about why my job, that I’m… you know, good at… and use to support myself, is immoral and harmonious! Or why women are at fault for the sexual acts and desires of men! Maybe you can help me change my ways! What do you think?” Her eyes danced with laughter again, but any sarcasm or irony in her statements went right over Dan’s head. That all sounded just about right to him.
She took another step forward, this time literally stepping into him. He felt his breath leave his body as the soft curve of her breasts pressed up against him, resting against his chest through the fabric. The cent of her, an intoxicating combination of natural musk, fruity hair product, and the slight hint of candy flavored perfume filled his nostrils as she looked deeply into his eyes. “So? Dan? Wanna come in and talk for a while?” He felt a slight twinge in his crotch and desperately tried to ignore it, as he nodded slightly and managed a mumbled “yuh” sound.
Grinning, Sarah slide an arm around him and placed the palm of her hand firmly in the small of his back, guiding him slightly as they walked around the back of “The Tease”. She opened the door and pushed him through ahead of her into the back hallway. The muffled, distant sounds of pulsating music and women’s laughter permeated the space. Dan tried to look straight ahead, but mostly failed to ignore the posters of naked women plastered across every inch of the walls, as he listened to the echoing click of Sarah’s heels against the linoleum behind him. “Last door on the left”, she said in a slightly sing song-y voice, and he almost thought he could hear her laughing, just underneath the surface of her voice.
Sarah’s dressing room was a small undecorated room with a makeup table and mirror, a cushioned stool, a two seater couch, and a clothesline from which various bedazled bathing suits, styles of handcuffs, lacy lingerie, latex outfits, and other tricks of the trade hung.Dan was so relieved to see the lack of naked posters in the room that he absolutely failed to hear Sarah latch the door’s deadbolt behind him. As he looked around uncomfortable, she (gently) placed a hand against his chest and pushed him down onto the couch. Dan sunk into it more than he expected, (it was very deep and seemed to swallow him a bit) and Sarah almost crawled into the couch after him, snuggling up against him. Her hand had never left his chest, and was now absentmindedly rubbing against him slightly, so that the buttons of his shirt separate. His head spun as he felt the soft pads of her soft fingertips knead their way through the shirt and press lightly against the skin of his chest. She leaned forward, purring in his ear. “So…sex is wrong? Always?”
Dan nodded weakly. “Except…except as needed for procreation. You women, you…you just tempt men. You make us want to sin. To masturbate. To fornicate. You’re hurting people by doing this job.” His breath was growingng ragged now.
He looked at Sarah, who had an expression of pure wonder on her face. Her hand had not stopped moving against his chest, and he tried to hide a gasp of reaction as her fingertips found his right nipple, circled it lightly. “Wait…masturbating is wrong? You NEVER masturbate? But…I don’t see a wedding ring, you’re not married, are you? So how do you…”
Dan had never talked about this part of his life before, but for reasons that were beyond him in that moment, he began to tell Sarah about his marriage, and how, when he discovered he was infertile after several years of trying to conceive, he had begun to refuse to sleep with his wife, and would begin to chastise her for “tempting him”. Sarah gasped in horror (it did not occur to Dan that it was perhaps at his behavior, and not his ex-wife’s) as he had told her disapprovingly about the ways his wife had tried to seduce and manipulating him into sex, and then sadly about the day that his wife had walked outAlmost eight years ago. He told her about how sad he was that his wife couldn’t accept that she was a sinner, who needed to repent from sex. “In fact” Dan began, “I can proudly say that I have never once committed the sin of mastur- ahh!” He was mid sentence when he suddenly yelped in astonishment, as he felt an overwhelming and uncomfortable pleasant sensing against his crotch. Shocked, he looked down to see Sarah’s other hand lightly fondling the lap of his blue jeans. Looking back up, scandalized, Dan saw a grin begin to spread across Sarah’s soft features as she she she deliciously pressed her weight against his growing dick through the fabric of the blue jeans.
To be continued…
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