String! Ch. 01

I am sitting naked upon a toilet with a piece of string sticking out of my mouth.

In front of me is a puzzle table. My wrists are fastened securely to this table. The string dangles down, and lies coiled loosely on the table, and I am utterly under her control.

We’ve both shared an interest in BDSM for a long time, but I like it a lot harder than she does, and I didn’t feel she was being harsh enough. I wanted to be really dominated, and I told her so.

She’d pursued her lips thoughtfully at this, and looked at me intently.

“Are you sure?” she asked. “absolutely sure?, I mean, I can think of something really hardcore if that’s what you want.”

I nodded emphyatically.

“well ok then.” She said. “Give me a day or two to make a few arrangements.”

So now I’m sitting naked upon a toilet with a piece of string sticking out of my mouth.

Much earlier, she’d summoned me to help her drag the heavy table into the bathroom. She told me to undress and sit on the toilet. She put thick leather cuffs around my wrists, and tied each wrist off around a table leg. I was expecting her to ticket me or something, but she just left the room. I could hear her bumping around in the kitchen, and I felt a little knot of trepidation. Perhaps she was making something that I hate, and make me eat it? But soon she came back into the bathroom with a dish of pasta, a roll of duck tape, a piece of black fabric that turned out to be a blindfold, and a large ball of string.

Now she fastened the blindfold securely over my eyes, and started feeding me the pasta. It was swimming in olive oil. Not too unpleasant, but my mouth and throat felt great. When she had finished the bowl, she tipped out the remaining oil into my mouth and made me swallow it. Then I feel something quite small but hard in my mouth.

Mmmmmff??? I said in surprise.

“Just swallow it”, she ordered. “I have a drink here if that helps.”

Well, I tried, but something waswrong. I felt like I’d swallowed it, but there was still something in my mouth, attached to it. I nearly choked, but she poured the drink into my mouth and I instinctively swallowed. To my astonishment, it wasn’t water or milk or anything. It was more olive oil. Whatever I’d swallowed was now much further down, and yet I could feel something in my mouth. I grouped around with my tongue.

String???? WTF?

I tried yakking it all back up, but whatever the hard thing was that I’d swallowed, it was now too far down, and I couldn’t bring it back up. It felt horrible, and I struggled uselessly to free my hands. It took her a few minutes to get me to stop panicking, and as I relaxed and got used to the sensing, it did become easier to bear.

Time passed. She brought more food (always greasy and oily) and a drink of something that turned out to be a laxative. I started to need to shit, and she left me to it, coming in after about ten minutes. I heard her bend down next to me, asIf she was looking for something. She made a noise of announcement as she wiped me clean, then left me again. Thanks to the oily food and the laxative, I found myself emptying my bowels again shortly afterwards, and then again before I felt something quite small but hard drop from my behind. It dangled and swung but didn’t drop.

Now she came in again, and I heard a pleased exclamation. Then I felt something pulling.

She was pulling whatever was coming out of my ass, and whatever it was also pulling at my insides. Then she pulled at whatever was coming out of my mouth, and I feel that pulling too, on my throat and down into my body.

Now she took my blindfold off. I blinked in the light and tried to see what on earth she’d been up to. Yes. There was a piece of string coming from my mouth, cooling down onto the table. The other end lay dangling between the cheeses of my ass.

Now she was wearing latex gloves. She showed me what I can only describe as a flange. A ring of stainless steel with a wide collar. She took the bead from the end of the string and passed the string through the centre of the flange. Then she pushed the flange into my ass. The string was then fastened to this.

Now she attached a metal ring to the string, quite close to my mouth. Basically, four very short pieces that tied around the string, and then knotted around the ring. The ring hung there, just touching my lips.

“It’s very loose right now” she told me, “But as your intestinal muscles keep dragging the string through, it will get tighter.”

And so it proved. Over the next half hour, the ring was drawn gradually up into my mouth. She took care to make sure it jacked my mouth wide open but could not be pulled further in. It gradually pulled firmly. I tried to push it back out with my tongue, but apart from making it wobble slightly, I couldn’t make it budget.

No straps. No locks. But effectively ring gagged from the inside. The gag was now stopping the string from pulling through any further. The string means the gag stayed put. She pulled firmly on the gag, hooking her finger behind it, and managed to pull it out perhaps half an inch or so before it snapped back against my teeth. Then she pulled on the ass string and managed to get several inches of slack (that feel very strange I can tell you). She took up the slack and retreated it to the flange.

“The string is Actually a layer of nylon string over a core of something like kevlar. It has all the lightness and flexibility of string, but it far far stronger.” she told me, as she took the loose end of the string, and tied it around a table leg.

“Now”. She said, standing in front of me and leaning across the table on her forearms. She looked at me intently.

“Is this hardcore enough for you?”

She didn’t wait for an answer. She untied the string from the table, and stood up on the table. She reached up and fastened the string to a hook on the ceiling. She satdown facing me, on the string. This jerked my head forward into her denim covered crotch.

“Oops!” she said. Then she clasped a hand over my mouth, and farted. She let me struggle for a few moments, then she kicked her leg up, and swung it over my head. Sitting sidesaddle on the table, she made my hands into clenched balls of silver grey tape, then she freed my arms.

“See you later Stringboy” she said, and walked out of the room.

Chapter two.

Since then I’ve been the subject of her kinkiest whims. At least one end of the string is always secured to something, and although I can move around a small area freely, I can neither free myself, nor move outside this area. On occasion she will do something that needs her to do things at both ends. One these occasions, I’m usually satisfied on the toilet again with my hands tied before she releases the string.

She’s tied my ass to my mouth, leaving me in a back breaking pose. She’s lacened one of her boots with my string. She’s replaced the ring gag with a plastic tube that connected to the base of a bowl. Voila. Inescapable human toilet duty. She’s left me attached in some way to radiators, stairposts, toilets, couches and evening dresses. She’s put the string into a freezer, and frozen it into an ice cube,

She’s hung me up, outside, between two posts. Then she walked back into the house and came back out with a basket of wet laundry. She pegged out a row of lacy knickers and bras right upto my open-mouthed face, and left us both swinging gently in the breeze

She got a big needle, and threaded the string from my mouth through it. She took off her bra, then stitched my string to it before putting the bra back on, binding me to her cleavage, then after she’d unpicked me, she sewed me to a sock, which she then wore. Then, she held up a pair of silky white knickers. She sewed a neighbor heart pattern into the crotch. Dragging me to the floor, she stepped into them, and pulled them up as she sat down.She masturbated then, soaking the crotch of her knickers, and sending salty fluid into my wide open mouth.

She laid me on my back on the floor, and, croouching over me, tied the string to the string of her tampon. Once again, she rode my face until she came, then she straightened up, her tampon sliding easily from her lubricated vagina, and after resting briefly on the mouth ring, it plopped into my mouth. She’d found a bath plug that fitted the ring snugly and firmly, and she put that in for a few minutes before releasing me.

Once, I felt a tug, and found myself being pulled, slowly but unstoppably into a different room. To my surprise and horror, it wasn’t her sitting on the couch in front of me but a man.

“This is David” she told me. “I’ve given him control of your string. I hope you like what he’s going to do with it. I’ve told him that you’re really hardcore and up for anything. After seeing you, he believes me.”

I feel myself pulled even closer, and realised that he had some sort of winch or winding mechanism behind him. When he pressed a button, the win would reel in a little bit. Now as I got closer, the string forced my head down, and I had to knee, closer, and slowly closer, until my lips were just touching the head of his cock. There we stayed for a few minutes while he stroked himself vigorously. Then, just as he let out a monumental drawn out groan, he pressed the button, and pulled the string, and my mouth right deep down onto his shake.

And she’s never once given me the chance to say “Enough!”

And so that’s where I am right now. She says she’s got a few other things she’d like to do, before she lets me go. If she lets me go.

As for me? I think I found my limit.


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