Strider's Day in the Sun

CAUTION: This is the second part of the story of Strider, the new ponygirl. In order to better understand what she is doing and what she is experiencing for the first time in her young life, please read “Strider Gets Her Tail” in the Exhibitionist and Voyeur category.


On the way back to the college dorm on Saturday evening, the four friends talked happily about what a great time they had that afternoon at The Pony Farm. Since it was her first time there, and all the experiences were new, Tara was the most loquacious of the group. She considered that afternoon to have been the most fabulous and exciting day of her life, besides resulting in her being more sexually satisfied than she had ever been before. The latter was not the case with Buffy and Kelli, or Lightning and Strutter, as they were known among the ponygirls and their masters. It had been fun for them too, up to a point, but they were both looking forward to sessions with their favorite vibrators. LikeStrider and probably all the other ponygirls, they had gotten sexually aroused during the afternoon’s events, but their masters had chosen to refrain from sex with them, leaving their needs unrelieved. Jenny, known by her ponygirl name of “Blondie”, had cum three times in her master’s van, and was as happy with that aspect of the day as Tara was, although the latter had almost passed up the adventure.

After Overcoming her early reluctance, Strider, which was the ponygirl name she had chosen, joined in whole-heartedly. Being decked out in her shiny red harness with its jingling bells, and her bridle, and even her bit had been more arousing than she could have ever imagined. Even the liberties took by the man who did her preparation was a turn-on. Under almost any other circumstances, Tara would have slapped or clawed his grinning face, but Strider saw nothing wrong with his actions. Being fondled and petted and otherwise affectionately touched by the man who was her master at thetime seemed reasonable to a ponygirl, and she actually enjoyed his attentions.

Acceptance of her tail was the most difficult part, but Strider’s desire to be on display with the others overcame Tara’s reticence. The new ponygirl wanted more than anything to strut out onto the field, be chosen by a master, and join her friends and others she hadn’t met. If it took having that thing with the attached tail inserted deeply in her ass, she was more than willing to accept it. Strider would have tolerated the expected pain, but she was very pleasantly surprised when there was almost none, and what there was quickly evolved into a strange, new sexual pleasure. Even as she high-stepped from the barn, she could feel her arousal rapidly growing.

Part of it was from her ass being crammed with the butt plug, although she didn’t know that was what the thing was called. She just thought of it as being the handle for her tail, and Strider was quite proud of the dark brown plume that protruded from her ass and swwayed from side to side. The way the handle stimulated her was a very welcome bonus. More of her arousal resulted from going out to be on display on the grassy field in front of a crowd, naked except for her harness made of no more than some leather straps around her torso. She was accustomed to that kind of sensitive thrill, having led cheeses or marched and twirled a baton at the head of parades many times before.

However, the warmest feeling of all those that Strider was sensing, and the one most responsible for the flow of her pussy juices that afternoon, was from something completely new to her. It seemed to be coming from the wearing of that harness and the matching bridle and bit, and from having her arms pinned against her sides. She had never been bound in that way, and had never experienced that kind of sexual excitement before, and didn’t really understand it, but she knew it was immensely enjoyable.

As he stood kicking the dirt, Ray Wilson wondered if he might have been wasting his time hanging out by the exit to the barn. The last ponygirl had left through that door almost ten minutes earlier and joined her usual master, who took her reins and directed her out to the field. After that hookup, all the other potential masters, disappointed that they would be relegated to being strictly spectators, left to watch from the stands or the rail by the field. However, Ray had seen a girl, extremely beautiful but dressed in ordinary street clothes, leave the barn and go back in through the exit a short time later, which was not the usual behavior of ponygirls. She was most likely an employee of The Pony Farm but, on the off chance this was not the case and she would be coming back out, he decided to wait a little longer. It was fun to watch the beautiful, virtually naked girls being directed by the lucky men who held their reins, but it was far more fun to be one of those men, so he would continue to wait a little longer.

Ashe stared idly at the exit from the ponygirl barn, his interest was piqued when the door swung outward again. It was more than piqued; it was totally captured when he saw the vision that emerged. She looked to him like the epitome of everything a ponygirl should be, with her beauty and her high strutting legs. He thought she might have been the same girl who had gone out and back in earlier, but he couldn’t be sure. Her hair looked to be the same color, but it was flowing about her head, exactly as the mane of a ponygirl should.

The unknown girl had been wearing jeans and a red blouse, but the body of the ponygirl approaching him, was clad in a harness of shiny red leather straps that emphasized rather than concealed her gorgeous nude body. Her breasts were large, and capped by pink nipples, and they jutted between two of the straps. A patch of public hair was visible, and it matched her mane, but seemed to glisten, as if wet. He hadn’t gotten a good look at the girl’s face, and even if he had, that of the ponygirl was partially concealed by her bridle and some distorted by the bit in her mouth. Ray interrupted his staring to anxious over so he could take a grip on the reins that extended over the ponygirl’s back, lest some other master should suddenly materialize. He wanted to lay his claim on the incredible young beauty before anybody else had a chance.

The gorgeous creation slowed down and Ray snatched her reins out of the air and tugged on them, bringing her to a halt, and causing her to toss her mane and whinny her acceptance. She could have refused his master, but that would have been unlikely. She was almost certainly the last ponygirl and he was the last master, and they actually needed each other. He looked at the name tag that was clipped to the chain around her neck, and saw her name was Strider, but that didn’t mean much. He would give his commands mainly through use of her reins, but sometimes he would speak soothingly to her, as one mightTalk to a high-strung thoroughbred. Holding her reins, he stepped behind her and observed how sexy her ass and legs were. She may well have been the most beautiful ponygirl he had ever seen. His friend, Max, thought and speak highly of his favorite, Blondie, with good reason, but Strider appeared to be at least her equal in every aspect of feminine beauty and the other qualities a man would look for in a ponygirl.

When Strider exited the barn, using the strut that she wanted to perfect, she saw there was only one master waiting, which was alright, because she was the last ponygirl. The waiting man was a substantial looking gentleman, with a gray Stetson hat, freshly ironed red and white plaid western style shirt, new looking blue jeans and poisoned cowboy boots. He was smiling, and his face looked friendly and pleasant. Strider was glad of that. Had he looked mean or hostile, for some reason, she might have sped up to anxious past him, although she didn’t know what she would havedone then. He quickly stepped up to her and took her reins in his hands. Strider nodded her head strongly up and down, shaking her mane, and whinnied loudly, letting the man know she was his to command.

She stopped, but continued to strut in place while he got behind her with her reins in his hands. Seconds later, she felt them flicked against her shoulders and back while her master made a clicking sound with his tongue and teeth. From Tara having spent considerable time on her uncle’s ranch, Strider knew this was the signal for a properly trained pony to start forward, and she obediently followed the first of many orders she expected to be given that afternoon. Even as she strode forward, she enjoyed the jingling of the bells on her harness.

With her back, ramrod-straight, and her breasts jutting through her harness straps, Strider raised her legs until her thighs were parallel with the ground and brought her feet firmly down with every step. As ordered, she strutted in astraight line, until she felt her bit pulled against her right cheek, and she turned in the direction indicated. A sudden and suprising rush of pleasure shot through her body at following the simple order that had just been given to her through her reins. The feeling was definitely sexual in nature, and akin to the feelings generated from the tack she was wearing, but much stronger. It was different from any of the other carnal Feelings of her experience on any previous day.

They started towards a large group of other ponygirls and their masters, who seemed to be getting into some kind of formation. Strider hoped they wouldn’t join them right away, because she wanted to strut past the crowd sitting in the grandstand and standing by the rail, showing off her body to them, and letting everybody see how good a ponygirl she was. When Tara stood and looked over the field earlier, she saw the others parade past, and Strider hoped she wouldn’t be cheated out of her opportunity to emulate them, so people would be able to admire her also. Of course, if her master wanted her to go directly to join the rest of the masters with their ponygirls, she wouldn’t even consider not obeying his order. That last thought surprised her as it passed through her mind, because of its absolute certainty and because she had never thought of being obedient to anybody before.

Ray wanted to join the others, but Before doing that, he wanted to steer his beautiful, young ponygirl past the audience. Most definitely, he wanted the people there, many of whom were friends, and some of whom were not so friendly, to envy him after seeing him commanding the young beauty. He tugged on the rein to direct Strider towards the edge of the field, so they could show off to the crowd.

She responded gladly, and once more felt the same, unfamiliar burst of sexual pleasure at following the command being passed to her through her reins. Strider lifted her legs even higher as her master paraded her past the crowd, and squared her shoulders even more, straightening her back and thrusting out her bare breasts. She swung her hips slightly, wanting her tail to swway from side to side as she strutted. The audience showed their appreciation, loudly applauding, cheering and whistling at the sexy ponygirl and the lucky man who was her master. Strider felt a glow of pleasure spread through her body, but this was a more familiar kind. She had felt the same way when marching as a drum major at the head of a parade or turning cartwheels in front of grandstands filled with sports fans. It was the same sensing, but much stronger, and she could feel herself becoming even more sexually aroused at the aboration she was receiving.

Her master thought she might have been becoming aroused too. He could see moisture trickling down her thighs, and had noticed Earlier that her pubic hair seemed to be wet. Ray was aware that some ponygirls would get sexually aroused from being as good as nude and the center of attention, such as Strider certainly was. Being bound by the harness and bridle and having a bit in her mouth were often big turn-ons for a ponygirl too, especially when she was being directed by a master handling her reins. At the same time, he was aware it might have been no more than profuse perspiration, because it was a warm day, and Strider’s movements were quite strong. Unfortunately, he was still too far away to smell the drops that were trickling down her thighs.

He certainly hoped that it was a matter of the beautiful ponygirl being sexually aroused. Ray was fully aware that Max usually took Blondie to his van for some hot and mutually pleasant sex after the event was over, and had mentioned his intention to do so that day. He and his friend had the same kind of vehicle, and Ray thought about the possibility that Strider would be willing to join him in his van for the same reason. Although he was already enjoying the afternoon, he began to wish itwould end, so he would have a chance to fuck and do whatever else he wanted with the sexiest ponygirl he had ever been involved with or even seen.

Whatever was to happen at the end of the day would be determined later. For now, he would have to steer her to the center of the field to join the other master-ponygirl teams who were waiting for him. Nobody would object to his taking Strider past the stands to show her off, but they would object to his spending too long doing it. She had already strutted her stuff past all the spectators, who had been almost as happy to see her as he was, so Ray pulled on her rein to signal her to start in the direction of the others.

When Strider felt the tug against her bit, she turned in the direction ordered, once again feeling a surge of the unfamiliar arousal. Although she didn’t know exactly what it was, she knew it was extremely enjoyable. Apparently her master wanted to steer her towards the other ponygirls and their masters, who had gotten into some kind of formation. She didn’t question his command or make any attempt to justify it; she only obeyed it, but it appeared that was where they were going. As she strutted onward, he once more made the clicking noise with his tongue, and flicked her shoulders with the reins, telling her to step along faster. Strider whinnied once and obediently picked up the pace.

As she approached the formation, Strider noted there were four rows of ponygirl and master teams, about ten abreast, and she and her master were approaching from the rear. They would be in the last row, which didn’t mean anything to her. She did see the striking mane of her friend, Blondie, in the same row, and it appeared her master wanted to steer to a position next to her. He was tugging on the reins, mini-guiding her to a narrow space between Blondie’s master and another, and Strider obeyed his commands as well as she could. She strutted between the two men, who commanded their ponygirls to step aside, and up beside Blondie, until she felt a firm pull on her reins and heard her master’s voice ordering “Whoa!”

Her last two steps were in place, and she stopped next to her friend, who glanced her way. They tried to smile at one another, but couldn’t, because of the bits in their mouths, so they tossed their manes and whinnied a greeting. Strider’s master greeted the other man also, but she made no effort to hear him or understand what he said. Like a good ponygirl, she would stay quietly where she was until her master ordered her to move, and Blondie would do the same.

It was not a long wait. Somebody in charge of the group, probably an owner or manager of The Pony Farm, blew a whistle and, seconds later, the front row of ponygirls started forward. The second row began what Strider recognized as marching in place, raising their legs high and stamping their bare feet down on the ground, but not advancing. The whistle blew again and the second row started forward while the third row started to march in place. Strider knew what to do the next time the whistle sounded. She raised her legs so her tights were straight across and thumbed her feet into the grass, as did Blondie and all the other ponygirls in their row. She also anticipated the next command from her master and, when he clicked his tongue and flicked her shoulders with the reins, Strider stepped out in unison with the others, while feeling the same surge of Sexually arousing pleasure she had felt for the first time a few minutes earlier, when her master took her reins and began using them to command her.

Strider and Blondie and the others in their row had only advanced a few paces when all the ponygirls in the first row began swinging to the left. She had seen this maneuver many times in parades. Those on the left end of the line would take shorter paces or stride more slowly, while Those on the right end would speed up, keeping the row approximately even. The strutting ponygirls were not evenClose to being as well trained as a marching band or drill team, but it was a fairly simple process and, apparently, nobody was concerned if they failed to keep the lines perfectly straight. When Strider reached the point where the three ponygirls directly in front of her had turned, her master directed her to do the same by a tug on her left rein, which she obeyed. She was near the right end, and he ordered her to speed up in the usual way. As she had done with all the others, Strider obeyed his commands and became more sexually aroused while doing it.

After that, she and the others marched directly forward. Strider kept her back straight, although she did peek out of the corners of her eyes at those on either side of her. Blondie was doing the same, as was the ponygirl to her right, so she emulated them, except for keeping her back even straighter, raising her legs higher, thrusting her breasts out farther and twitching her ass so her tail would swway from side to side. Striderenjoyed the friendly sound of the bells on her harness, and that on some of the others. Other tack was decorated with shiny disks or colorful ribbons, either flowing or in bows. Occasionally, one of the ponygirls would whinny, and Strider did the same, besides tossing her head to let her mane flow in the light breeze. While marching through the field, she did the best she could to out-ponygirl everybody around her.

The whole group made another left turn, and another, so they were all strutting in the direction of the grandstand. Another whistle blasted, and Strider’s master tugged both her reins and shouted “Whoa,” so she stopped, once again making her last two steps in place. Everybody else did the same, and as close to extremely as could be expected.

Less than a minute later, all the ponygirls on the right ends of the rows started forward. When they had all passed, the next ones in line imitated them. Strider followed in her turn and, as all those in front of her did, strutted past the stands, raising her legs even higher and thumbing her feet down even harder. Although she kept her eyes straight ahead, out of the corner of her eye, she could see there were people, mostly men, with cameras, and she once again put on her best show. Everybody in the stands cheered and applauded and whistled, and Strider believed they were noisier while she was strutting in front of the spectators than they were for anybody else.

Once past the crowd, her master ordered her back out towards the center of the field, and she obeyed. He commanded her to join the other ponygirls who were starting to form another group, similar to the first one, except that Strider and her master would be in the front row. On the way there, she decided her arms had too much freedom of movement, so she thrust them more tightly into the restraints fastened to her belt, feeling a strange satisfaction after doing so.

Once the new formation was ready, with Strider in the front row,the whole group repeated what they had done earlier. Once again, all four rows strutted through a series of left turns and ended up at a right angle to the grandstand. She wondered what would come next. The crowd seemed to be anticipating something, but Strider didn’t know what. Another whistle blasted, and the master on the right end of the first row ordered his ponygirl forward. As the audience cheered, she strutted forward, back as straight as she could manage, and two men came out to meet her. When her master ordered her to stop, she did, and stood absolutely still while the two men appeared to be inspecting her, touching and looking over her almost naked body and making notations on clipboards. The men stepped away and her master ordered the ponygirl back out to where the formations had begun.


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