Stray Cat: Part One
Naoka slipped through the narrow, crowded back streets of Grayburn. She’d been a street urchin in the city for as long as she could remember and know the streets better than the back of her hand. Her life on the streets had been a tough one where she’d had to fight, lie, and steal to stay alive, with no one other than herself caring if survived to the next night.
Those of her age who had grown up on the streets with her should have been her compatriots and allies, but they never had been. They’d often complained that her life was easier than theirs because of her race. Most of them were Humans, while she was a Kittaran.
“You’re cute,” they’d grumble. “Those furry cat ears and tail! People give you scraps and pet you like you’re a straight cat. You’re NEVER as hungry as us if you’re willing to debase yourself a little and act the kitten.” After that they had all mockingly called her “Stray Cat”. Even thoughshe always tried to correct them no one seemed to care that her real name was Naoka.
Life had been tough growing up on the streets and she’d known it would only get tough once she came of age. She’d seen her fellow street urchins change as they got older, watched them slowly grow into the physical urges and needs that came with growing up. She’d struggled to understand the changes she saw in them, knowing she wouldn’t understand till the change came for her.
As a Kittaran it would happen differently, she knew that thanks to a few brief interactions she’d had with older Kittarans throughout her life. Her race didn’t hit puzzle like most others did, allowing them to ease turbulently into their sexuality. Once of age she’d be able to go into heat, although what caused that to happen was a mystery to her. She Just know while NOT in heat anything sexual would remain a mystery to her, leaving her biologically unable to understand such feelings while seeing them expressed in others would just confuse her. But once she entered heat… THEN she’d understand. And from the ominous things other Kittarans had told her she knew it would be all she’d be able to think of.
The day she’d both dreaded and looked forward to had finally arrived. She was of age now even though she still looked much like the rag-covered street urchin she’d been up till that point. But now she was a “woman grown” as was often said, with her sexual needs exploding and overtaking her as she entered heat for the first time.
It had been a week since it started. She’d been struggling to deal with these new, powerful urges alone so far. She’d not liked the others she’d grown up with and they’d not liked her, so Naoka avoided them more than normal, not wanting to give in to her urges with one of THEM.
Besides, most of them were boys and she’d quickly discovered that she had no sexual interest in males. It was girls that interested her. It was the women she watched from hiding places that made her purr with excitement.
That purring was something else she was having to get used to. Before she went into heat she’d always acted and felt like any other person. Sure, she had furry cat ears and a long tail that sometimes betrayed her emotions, but she never acted like the animal most expected her to act.
But the blossoming of her sexuality had brought Other changes. When happy or excited she pursued like a cat. Her ears and tail were more expressive. She often found herself wanting to run or crawl on all fours, something that had felt odd at first but had become more natural as the days passed.
She’d becomes more agile as well, finding it easier to leap and climb farther. The Kittaran had also discovered that her nails were claws that could be extended. That had surprised her most of all as she’d not known that Kittarans could do that.
The discovery had left her wondering what else she didn’t know about her race. She’d only met a few other members and only interacted with each for a brief conversation or two.
Even as being a Kittaran seemed to become more of a boon Naoka strove to keep her race hidden. Over her rags she wore a thick, tattered cloak with the hood pulled up over her head. The outfit hidden her race, allowing her to blend into the background of the city. With her furry cat ears obscured and her tail tucked away she was just one of the countless street urchins or paupers that filled the streets and alleys, filter in the background of the lives of the city’s more affluent members.
The city had taught Naoka a lot of hard lessons, one of which was that it was always best to be as unobtrusive in the wealthy citizens’ lives as possible. That was why she stuck to the back alleys and side streets as much as she could when traversing the city. If the poor got in the way of the rich, or even just dirtied up their streets, there would be consequences.
It wasn’t always possiblele for Naoka to get where she needed to go without having to pass through the main roadways that ran through the heart of the city. Normally she was good at doing so quickly, ensuring her presence was barely noticed. She knew that if she WAS noticed there would be a good chance one of the town’s guards would havesle her.
But on that day Naoka was distracted. Her mind was flitting between Thoughts and feelings she was struggling to deal with. Flashes of women she’d passed on the streets that had left her flustered with desire.
Many women in the city wore outfits that accented and showed off their most feminine curves. Those tantalizing displays of softness had helped the Kittaran discover she had a lustful weakness for large breasts. When her mind dwelt on mounds of jiggling soft flesh pushed up by corsets and almost overflowing out of dresses she would find her mouth watering.
She wasn’t sure exactly WHAT she’d do with another woman’s breasts should she have access to them. Her own breasts were rather small, just barely enough to feel. When frustration and arousal had overtaken her and she’d been in a private enough place she’d spent many, MANY hours recently toying with her small breasts as she tried to imagine all the indecent things she’d do to a more well-endowed woman.
One particular memory was stuck in her mind as Naoka left a back alley and moved out onto a main road. She’d been perched atop a building, watching the outdoor dining tables in front of a tavern. From her hidden spot she’d watched a plump serving wench with prominent breasts bending over to place two tankards of ale on a table. The black void between her cleavage had sucked in all of Naoka’s attention and heated her insides in a way she found enjoyable but alarming.
As the vivid memory played through her mind she had intended to cross the road once there was a space between the carriages and horses filling it. But the distracting memory had only allowed her to see the road ahead of her and NOT the busy walkway full of pedestrians on the side of the road she walked distractedly into.
The young Kittaran ran right into someone, slamming into them hard enough to knock them over onto their back. Caught off guard, Naoka tumbled down on top of them, landing on them and pinning them to the ground. Her focus was pulled instantly away from the lewd memory running through her head and back to her immediate surroundings.
As she landed on top of the woman she took in the fine clothes she was wearing. It was a noblewoman. She’d just knocked a noblewoman down! Naoka felt a flash of panic knowing that if the woman interpreted the accidental impact as some kind of intentional assault things could grow dire for her. Even if the woman recognized the impact as an accident she could Still call the guards and have Naoka punished!
I have to get off her. I have to get up and apologize. Grovel. Debase myself and beg for her mercy.
Before she could do any of that she realized how she’d landed on the woman as they’d fallen to the ground. The woman was lying on her back, with Naoka on top of her. The Kittaran loosed over her, hands braced on her chest. On her breasts.
Naoka blinked, staring at the overlarge mounds of density, soft, breast flesh she was leaning into. To her horror she realized she was purring loudly and massaging the woman’s over-large breasts, almost like she was kneeling them.
The Kittaran was horrified by what she was doing but found herself unable to stop. She couldn’t even pull her eyes away from the woman’s cleavage which, if not for the way Naoka was grabbing and kneeling them, might have spilled out of her corset thanks to the way she was pinned on the ground.
“I think you’ve got something on your chest, Madelynn,” a woman looming above the two on the ground said with an amused chuckle.
Naoka glancedat the woman who had spoken and saw she was dressed similarly to the woman she was on top of.
“It seems I do, Selwyn,” the woman Naoka was on top of said with an equally amused laugh. “A horny little kitty who seems quite taken with my bosom.”
The word “kitty” brought Naoka back to herself. She’d always HATED being referred to as “kitty”, “cat”, or “feline”. She was a person, NOT a cat. She did all she could to hide she was a Kittaran most of the time, keeping her long tail tucked uncomfortable into her raggedy pants and hiding her furry ears under the hood of her tattered cloak.
Naoka realized that when she’d bumped into the woman and knocked her over her tail had slipped out of her pants and her hood had fallen off. She was now painfully aware of her tail lashing and vibrating behind her in an open display of agitated excitement for anyone who know how to read such feline body language.
“I’m so sorry,” Naoka muttered, finallyReleasing her hold on the woman’s breasts. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and-“
“Hush,” the woman standing beside them said, kindly but firmly grabbing hold of Naoka’s upper arm and helping the Kittaran off her friend. “It was an accident, nothing more.”
“And perhaps it was I, not you, who was not watching where she was going,” the other woman said as she got up from the ground.
Naoka’s eyes darted between the two women, barely noticing that the one who had helped her up had NOT released her grip on her arm.
They were the most stunning, beautiful, and sexually arousing women the young Kittaran had ever seen. Both were tall Humans with curvaceous builds. Wide hips. Thick, meaty asses revealed by tight pants. Over-large breasts pressed up and displayed prominently by tight corsets.
After a moment of ogling both women’s mouthwatering curves Naoka forced herself to turn her attention to their faces. They looked “older” to her, perhaps at most intheir early forties. The one she’d knocked over, Madelynn, was a pale-skinned woman with long black hair that hung down past her shoulders. The other, Selwyn, was dusky-skinned with short dark brown hair and spoke with a hint of an exotic accent the Kittaran couldn’t place.
“Look at you,” Madelynn said, picking distastefully at the ratty cloak Naoka had on. “Poor thing… grow up on the streets, didn’t you?”
“Yes, Lady,” Naoka replied, averting her eyes and hating how her ears turned down to reveal her emotional response to the simple statement of fact.
“Barely any meat on her fragile little bones,” Selwyn added, giving a squeeze to the upper arm she still had a firm grip on.
“Tell us, are you of age?” Madelynn asked.
“Yes,” Naoka replied. “Just barely.
“Just barely,” Selwyn said, flashing a grin at her friend that, if Naoka had been less distracted by the women’s bodies, might have left her wanting to wriggle out of the woman’s grap.
“You poor thing,” Madelynn said, struggling the side of Naoka’s cheese with the back of her hand.
The Kittaran’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment as she leaned into the gentle touch, purring softly. She’d yet to feel the soft care of a woman since entering heat and this simple touch was enough to make her weak at the knees.
“And such a pretty little thing,” Selwyn added. “Perhaps a little malnourished… but a few weeks of good food and there will be some pleasant meat on these dainty bones. I’ve always wanted to add a sexy little Kittaran to our collection. And this one is clearly in heat! We both know it wouldn’t be hard to ensure she stays that way.”
Madelynn had continued to stroke the girl’s cheek, slipping a finger into her tangled, messy hair. “She’ll need a LOT of cleaning up. Her hair is filthy. But these ears…” She trailed off as she stroked one of Naoka’s furry ears, lighting up with joy at how loud the girl’s purring became. “Yes… Ithink we could have a LOT of fun with this one.”
“We just need to bring her back to the estate and clean her up,” Selwyn agreed.
“Would you like that, pretty little kitty?” Madelynn asked. When it was clear the girl was too lost in the pleasure of having her ears stroked Madelynn stopped petting her. She cupped the girl’s face in both hands and made her look up to meet her gaze, forcing her to stop staring at her cleavage. “Would you like to come home with us? We’ll clean you up and feed you. You’ll be able to stay for as long as you like.”
“And for as long as you are a good girl,” Selwyn added.
“Yes,” Naoka pursued. “I think I’d like that very much.”
The girl was overcome with the intensity pleasure of the simple, tender touch of the woman looming over her. She was barely thinking and had barely understood anything they had been saying. Everything she’d learned over her short life about NOT trusting the rich of the city wasforgotten. She just wanted the woman to keep touching her…
“And you’ll be a good girl and do as you’re told?” Selwyn asked, voice firm and commanding in a way the Kittaran found confusingly arousing.
“Will you keep touching me?” Naoka asked Madelynn. Her eyes darted to Selwyn. “Will YOU touch me as well?”
“Yes, pretty little kitty,” Selwyn told her as she stepped closer to cares one of her furry ears. “We’ll touch you all you want and then some, but only if you promise to be a good girl.”
“Will you be a good girl for us?” Madelynn asked, caressing and struggling the girl’s cheats.
“Yes,” Naoka showed lustfully. “I’ll be a VERY good girl.”
“Well then,” Selwyn said, “let’s get our new pet back to the estate.”
* * * *
Naoka looked around the room awed by it. My bedroom, she thought. This is my bedroom for as long as I choose to remain here with these two women.
To her eyesThe place was something fit for royalty, full of comforts and riches beyond her imagination. She suspected the room was one of the simpler ones in the mansion she was temporarily residing in but had no frame of reference to compare it to. Her experiences of “residing” in anything beyond what was little more than a hole in the walls of the city were nonexistent.
She’d had little time to marvel at the room or inspect the many treasures it seemed to hold till now. When she’d first been brought to the room it had been not by Madelynn and Selwyn, but by what they assured her were only two of their MANY servants.
The two girls, who she thought were only a little older than her, had been as much of a distraction as the two older women had been. Both were scantily clad in matching service’s outfits, similar to the black and white maids’ uniforms that were fashionable for the rich to put their female house servants in. Only these uniforms were much changed from what was tradThe tops of the maid’s outfits were cut low enough to make the Kittaran short of breath. Both girls were small things, with trim bodies and only small chests. Still, ogling their little breasts made Naoka aware of how attractive she found ANY breasts, no matter their size.
When they led her to her bedroom there was a large tub waiting, already filled with water that had been heated to a perfect temperature. The two had undressed Naoka, something that had left her nervous. She’d struggled to suppress her purrs but found herself unable to. Now that she was in heat it was a reaction to the world she had little control over.
Once undressed they helped Naoka into the tub. While they bathed her they barely spoke, only occasionally giving her commands so they couldbetter clean her up. Naoka hadn’t minded, she’d been too focused on the feel of their dainty hands all over her naked body.
What had started out seeming like the beginning of a sensitive encounter with the two sexy young girls quickly became something else. Naoka was covered in years’ worth of filter that had to be scrubbed off.
Her hair was particularly a struggle for the two girls. Filthy and matted with dirt and knots, it had needed multiple washings along with a painful brushing out that had for a time left Naoka hissing in pain as she dug her claws into the tub.
After cleaning her up the best they could they’d drunk her off then dressed her in a soft robe so white she was afraid she’d end up staining it even though she’d just been thoroughly cleaned.
“The Mistresses will send for you When they are ready to receive you next,” one of the service girls told her.
“Till then you are to stay here,” the other added before they left the room.
Naoka had barely noticed them locking the door from the outside after they left. She’d been too distracted by everything in the bedroom. A bed so big and inviting looking she struggled to believe it was intended for just one person. Dressers and wardrobes, many hanging open to reveal they were full of clothing. Tables full of jewelry boxes and displays of pretty trinkets, along with an entire bookcase filled with more books than she’d Thought existed in the world.
But the thing that drew her most was a standing full-body mirror in the back of the room directly across from the huge four-poster bed. As she walked to the mirror, like a moth drawn to a flame, she glanced at the fine details carved into its frame. Swords and armor and a long-haired, nubile young Human woman along with drops of what she thought was rain. She made a mental note to inspect the fine workmanship at a later point, but at that moment it was the sight in the mirror itself that drew her forward.
She’d seen herself many times in mirrors throughout her life. The face that had stared back at her had been one she’d never much wanted to look at for very long. It always looked too thin and too dirty to her, with hair that was always too soiled.
As she stood staring at the young woman in the mirror she struggled to believe it was her. The Kittaran she saw was still too thin but cleaned up she looked more like a woman grown and less like the “Stray Cat” she’d been till that point.
And the hair! Staring at herself, at the long thick hair and her furry ears, and even her tail she was anxiously holding and stroking, she saw it wasn’t the color she’d always thought it was. It had always seemed to be brown, but now she saw that after a thorough washing it was dirty blond.
Had it changed colors at one point in my life, or has it always been so dirty I’ve never seen the real color? She didn’t know nor did she care. What mattered was that she thought it was beautiful and adored it.
After a time she decided it wasn’t proper to stare so adoringly at herself for any longer. She turned from the mirror, hugging the robe she wore to herself. It was so soft and felt so good against her naked body…
Her eyes darted to the huge four-poster bed. She’d slept on piles of filtered blankets, over-used hay, and even a few ratty discarded mattresses. But never a proper bed.
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