Strawberry girl’s slave
I liked it as a delivery guy. Although the pay wasn’t that great unless I worked my ass off, but I did. It kept my mind at ease. Ride to the restaurant, take an order, deliver it to the customer. It was so straight forward, that I could dose off and work on autopilot. Basically I wasn’t there in my body. I was Wandering through different dimensions in my mind. One day I was flying through space between alien rocket ships frying each other with laser beams. The other I was diving in deep oceans looking for lost civilizations.
And while I was thinking such thoughts, suddenly, I felt a pebble on the sidewalk. I fell down and with my bike broke a window and ripped off a mirror of some expensive looking car. Just at my destination. Even though the alarm went crazy, nobody was around, so I parked my bike behind the trashcans and walked towards the apartment building not to raise any attention.
A woman’s voice at the door phone told me to use the stairs, because the elevator wasn’t working. She lived at 16th floor. Can’t convince me a tip wasn’t in order for such a hurdle. With this thought in mind I rang to her doors smiling from ear to ear ready to receive my reward, but reality turned out completely different.
In the doorway stood the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She looked cute but at the same time womanly. Her one–cheek smile revealed her confidence and maybe even bossiness. On top of it all she seemed roughly my age. I wanted to ask her out right away, even if it means putting my job on the line. I couldn’t care less. However I just stood there, dumbfounded and slightly blushing.
— I’ve seen what you did to my car.
Oh God, I’m done for.
— I’m terribly sorry, I was just about to call my boss and explain everything, but first I wanted to deliver the order.
— Couldn’t you also inform the owner?
— Well, of course I could, thoughit would be very time consuming to find them in such a huge apartment complex and since I’m on a tight schedule, I decided to tell my boss and resolve this problem with his help.
— You know the parking spots have numbers assigned to flats?
Holy shit, how could I miss that?
— Oh, well…
— You should also be aware that such cars are really expensive.
I’m aware, miss.
— Repaying that damage could take you years. That is if you find a new job, after you explain what your action to this boss of yours.
— I’m so sorry, miss, please don’t take it the wrong way, I just…
— Don’t explain yourself. We both know what you did. I can offer you two propositions. One is you losing your job and struggling to repay the damages for the next few years, or… You could get on your knees and beg me for forgiveness and then I could consider letting you go.
She couldn’t be serious. What if someone sees me? But I was really tight on money lately. The payments were increasing month to month.
— So, what do you say? — She asked.
— I’ll beg…
I couldn’t believe I said that, but there was no other choice. I swallowed my pride and humiliated myself in front of her.
— Please, Miss, forgive me for destroying your car. Can I stand up now?
— Of course not. You didn’t convince me in the slightest. You’ll have to do much more than that.
— Miss, I think it was humiliating enough, please let me go now.
— All right, give me the number to your boss.
I guess there was no room for negotiations here.
— Okay, okay. I’ll do whatever you want.
— Great, then come with me.
She closed the doors behind us. Her living room was huge. It was twice the size of my flat, but it was only the living room. Also everything was clean, not even a speck of dust!
— Take off your clothes.
— What?!
— You heard me. Either you obey each of my words or we can bid farewell, but you know what the consequences are.
My heart was pounding. This is not how I had imagined undressing for a girl. I didn’t even know her name and yet she wanted me to get rid of my clothes. I considered changing my mind and running away from her, but I couldn’t afford it… Also there was something else. My heart was pounding not only from fear, but I think from excitement too. I put my backpack on the floor and stood up to undress.
— Nuh, uh. I didn’t allow you back on your feet.
Gosh, she really wasn’t messing around. I kneeled again and took of my shirt. At once cold air enveloped my torso. It was cold here than outside, but I hadn’t really given it much thought until that moment. Then, leaning back, I took off my shoes. To get rid of my pants, I needed to put one palm on the floor and take them off with the other. It felt stupid. I dragged them off and quickly got back to my knees. That was when I realized she could see my erect cock through my panties. My face suddenly felt really hot. I was looking at the ground, but I could swear she was smiling.
— I said undress.
My heart started beating even faster.
— M-Mi-ss — I mumbled. — But I will be naked.
She let out a genuine, short laugh and smile widely.
— That’s why I told you that, silly.
When she called me that, I felt how the rests of my dignity shattered and faded away. My cock moved in my pants and I understand there was no going back. I took off my socks first, then my panties and put all my clothes in the backpack as she instructed me to.
— All right, we got rid of those rags, now we need to find you a proper dress.
She walked to a different room and after a while came back with some leafy stuff and a piece of paper hanging from her hands. She sat on a comfy armchair deeper in the room, put those things on the table and snapped her fingers whilst keeping her eyes on mine. My instinct told me to get there as quickly as possible. I started getting up to walk, but a sudden frown overcast her forehead, therefore I dropped again to my knees, aiming to please my captor. It worked, since a wide smile appeared on her beautiful, round face, while I crawled.
She had one dimpl. This realization made my knees weak, which caused me to fall. In the last second I supported myself not wanting to introduce my face to the floor and ended up right above her feet. They were covered in black stockings and high heels with open front, so that the tips of her toes were visible and although I wasn’t a feet guy, they looked gorgeous. I didn’t even know what was so alluring about them. Maybe it was their strawberry scent, maybe she was just perfect in every aspect. A thought occurred to me, that even if she spat on the floor and told me to lick that up, it would have still made me happy. It was ridiculous, but that was how I felt. All of a sudden a document slide down, covering her feet. Then a pen bounced of my head onto the floor.
— Read it. Then sign.
It was an authenticated deed, depriving me of all my rights as a human being, turning me into a private possession of Ms. Ann Hardwell. I would even renounce my name and assign her all of my belongings. Basically, signing this paper, made me not a slave, not a pet, but a thing, with which she was free to do anything.
Conflicting thoughts swiveled in my mind.
Of course money was the biggest problem. Decline, in essence, means years of barely scraping by, starving myself just to make it to the end of the month, selling my house and so on. With her I had a roof over my head at least. Also she probably didn’t want to kill me, judging by how much she enjoyed humiliation, so I could count on being fed too. Additionally I wouldn’t need to work my ass off for ungrateful bosses and on top of that she was more beautiful than any girl I’ve ever seen. After a short period my name became visible on the document.
— Perfect. In case you didn’t understand, you are my possession from now on. You are no longer a human being with rights, just an object like this pen or these stockings. Meaning, if you do everything to fulfill my expectations. If I need a foot massage in the middle of the night, you provide it in no time. If I go out and want my house clean, even the ceiling is supposed to be shining. Understood? Oh, I almost forgot. When you talk to me, you address me as your mistress. So do you understand?
— Yes, Mistress.
She smiled again and my cock moved. I was so embarrassed, that sweat appeared on my back.
— Great. Now listen. Even though legally you are nobody, I want you to become my pet. A dog to be precision. You’ll walk on all fours, pick up things with your mouth, eat from a bowl, sleep on a dog bed and bark whenever you want to say something.
Fuck. I didn’t think it would be this bad. Possibly I could overcome her and tear the contract, but where would I go with a broken bike and a car to pay off?
— Of course, if you were to be asked to answer normally, you are to do it, but only then… Or if I decide you become something else.
She took the leather things from the table and came closer to me. It was a literal dog collar and an anal tail with five little beads. Oh, God. Once more I started regretting my decision.
— Stand still, doggy.
My cock twitched again, making her obviously amused. She put the collar around my neck. It was kind of tight, but not constricting. Then she held the beads right by my lips, waiting for me to open them, but I didn’t want to.
— Come on, it will be easier for you. No matter what you choose, I’m still putting the tail inside. Don’t make a choice, that you would regret.
Fuck, was she cruel. She said it with a smile and I couldn’t even talk back. My lips started opening reluctantly. Right away, the beads came in and started swirling around my mouth. I tried to gather as much saliva as possible, because despite the viciousness, her words were true. She chuckled.
— You are a cutie. Frankly, that’s one of the reasons you are in this position right now.
My face got red and my cock started throbbing again. Regardless of the humiliation, a compliment from such a girl was still a rare pleasure. Suddenly I felt the wet beads inside my ass. They were going in one by one, slightly expanding my hole. It stung a little and my ass began to twitch similarly to my cock. The pain was nothing compared to the humiliation I was put through in that moment. It was literally the first time someone, beyond my family, had seen me naked and it had to be a crazy sadist. Then suddenly my ass felt empty. It took me by surprise. Did she change her mind? I wanted to say something but I remember having to bark.
Cringing on the inside I opened my mouth and let out a sound, but it quickly turned into an astounded moan, when in one swift move she put all of the beads inside again. She laughed and proceededto move the beads back and forth quicker each time. I couldn’t help myself but moan every time. It was stinging, but at the same time it felt kind of good. With each pull, my cock was getting closer to the edge.
I couldn’t keep my body straight from the mix of surprise, pain and pleasure, so I changed the position from staying on my palms to my elbows. It was only a few thrusts later, that I let my primary instincts take over and planted my face on the ground, while arching my back to stick my ass out as far as I could, because the beads just felt too good. She noticed and started going even faster, so in turn I began to moan even more. Gosh, a few more moves and I’d have exploded. That would’ve been so embarrassing.
I literally let a girl utterly destroy my pride and now I wanted to cum on the floor from getting fucked in the ass by an anal dog tail right beneath her feet? I had to endure, but it was so exciting and arousing and… and… God, I was cumming.
I felt like I could feel the semen slowly getting through my cock. Right as I was about to give in and let it all out, she stopped and waited. Then she put the tail in and pushed me on my back with her foot. I was still moaning from the pleasure and unexpectedly she shoved her foot in my mouth. It was cold and the stocking was rough on my tongue, but with a brain turned into a mushroom from all the pleasure, I started to suck it with one goal in mind – to warm it up.
I was still really close to going over the edge, but her sudden actions deconcentrated me enough not to spill the cum everywhere, yet at the same time I wanted to so bad. I began to move my hips and really leaned into caressing her foot with one hand. The other one went over to my cock, but she stopped me.
— Nuh, uh. No touching.
I put my hand beside me no less horny. Literally anything she’d says would be done in a moment, such was my state. I was wriggling and panting on the floor and realized, that within justa few minutes she managed to transform me from a man with pride and dignity into an obedient dog. I thought that I should feel ashamed and tell her to let me go or fight for my dignity, but these feelings were slowly fading and in their place came absolutely arousal and eagerness to follow my Mistress’ commands in hopes, she’d allow me to finally come.
— That’s enough, doggy. Get up.
Get up? Why? Please let me cum! Although that command was weird too. I was supposed to be a dog, yet she told me to stand, unless… I rolled over and got on all fours again, then looked at her expectedly. Her dimpled cheek rose again. She patted my head and I could barely keep my composition without falling down because of my weak knees.
— You probably noticed, that I took off my shoes — she said, While sitting on the armchair and crossing her legs slowly. — I could take off the other one too, but my hands got so tired from fucking your tiny hole, that I thought maybe you could do it. Remember though, dogs can’t use their hands.
Oh, my fucking God. I moved my head closer to her dangling foot and smelled strawberries once more. I wondered what it was. A shower gel? No, it was so strong. It pierced through her stockings and shoes. Was it a perfume? Or was she an angel that just smelled so good on her own?
My lips wrapped around the shoe strap, but it was buckled, so I had to pull the buckle up with using teeth and move the straw through it. The task was quite demanding, but to my own surprise the straw came off rather quickly. I moved it away from her foot and saw her shoe loosen. While repositioning to take it off entirely, it occurred to me how grogeous her foot was. As I said, this wasn’t my cup of tea, yet somehow my eyes just couldn’t move away. I could see through her stocking how smooth her skin looked. No wrinkles or red spots, no protruding veins. She cleared her throat and I felt like an idiot.
Earlier I was lying and trying to get out of ths situation by any means. Now she had to rush me, because I kept staring at her foot. And it wasn’t even bare! My lips covered the side of her high heel and with my teeth as softly as possible I gripped it and removed it slowly. It was impossible not to touch her foot with lips and nose, while doing it, so as they came into contact, my cock started twitching and I could barely hold back. Literally one touch would be enough to burst. I put it beside the other one and stared at her awaiting other command.
— Why were you staring for so long, doggy? I allow you to answer like a human.
Suddenly I didn’t want to talk like a human. Right as I thought I was getting used to being humiliated.
— Erm, I don’t know Mistress…
— Come on, doggy. You had to have a reason. Was my high heel dirty?
Thank God! She offered me an escape card.
— Yes, actually, Mistress. I think there was a spot.
— Oh, no! But you could barely see it, right? You were looking forso long.
— Yes, Mistress. It was just one tiny spot.
— But if it was so difficult to see, what if there are other spots, that you’ve missed?
— Well then, I think I should look for other ones too, Mistress.
— No, better play it safe. I’ll go prepare you some food and you clean my high heels. Don’t miss any spot. Even on the inside. Do it with your tongue obviously. You are a dog, aren’t you?
And just like that she went to the kitchen, while I could barely hold onto my senses. The shoes tasted bland, some like plastic, but I was really committed to the task. With one long lick the whole side of the shoes was done just like that. Although she said not to miss any spot, so just in case I did it again and again and again. Then my tongue moved around the back and to the other side. I sucked the strap and licked the toe cover a few times. It felt like something was wrong, like it should be shameful and to be honest it slightly was, but at the same time itwas so arousing, that stopping was out of the question.
I sucked on the heel, licked the bottom of it, then moved to the sole to give it some firm licks. The taste was bitter and it made me feel more humiliated, but weirdly more excited too. I realized, that I left the inside. I licked my hand to get rid off the dirtyness from my tongue, not to make a mess of the shoes and then I began.
The inside was warm and still smelled of strawberries. It was so hard to focus on my task. Swirling my tongue around and cleaning the sides from the inside along with the shoe insert, using my whole tongue, I really feel like a stupid dog, but to my surprise it wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling. I thought it suited me.
After all, I was serving someone my whole life. First were parents, that made me go to college and get some crappy job, which I hated. When I left it and began to work as a delivery man, the future seemed bright, but my boss quickly dissipated my hopes. He was assigning me the hardest tasks and generally was using me. I couldn’t say no, because of my situation. And now here I was. Licking the high heels of a random girl like an obedient dog. It made me realize, that although I thought I hated it, this was my destiny from the beginning. The other shoe was done in no time.
— Hey, doggy, your dinner.
She put two bowls at the entrance to the kitchen. One with water and the other luckyly with some chicken and fruit instead of real dog food. I crawled there and started eating. It was difficult not to use my hands, but it was even more difficult to focus, while she stood right next to the bowls and I could see her feet all the time. It began to feel like torture. To be so horny, yet unable to do anything about it. Then she did it again. My ass tightened as she started moving my tail. Fuck, I couldn’t focus at all, I stopped eating and just stood there, barely holding on.
— Keep going, you’ll be hungry.
I tried my best, but the feeling was so intense, that the food was falling out of my mouth back onto the plate. I had to keep trying to eat again and again, while she was continuing to make me feel like her little bitch. Moreover her feet were almost touching my bowl, which wasn’t helping either. Finally, after God knows how long, I took my last bite, yet she still didn’t stop. It took me by surprise that the pace got even faster.
I tried barking, Though only a few moans came out. She rolled me over to my back and looked me straight in the eyes, while still going. That was when I understand what it really means to be her private possession and that I really was nothing more than that. Her gaze seemed cheerful and amused, although firm and dominating at the same time. I don’t even wanna know how mine looked like. The pegging stopped. Thank God. Suddenly she put her foot on my lap and started sliding it around almost touching my throbbing cock.
— Don’t cum, doggy.
That sentence made it a whole lot harder. I started wriggling and tensing every muscle in my body. My mind was racing. Math equations, lying on a grassy field, spaceships — all that just to try and obey her command. It didn’t matter. The cum started flowing through my cock, despite the fact that it didn’t feel like an orgasm. I could sense how it oozed out dripping down onto my stomach, but I didn’t come. I was as horny as before.
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